/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org> Based on glcompmgr code by Felix Bellaby. Using code from Compiz and Beryl. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ // TODO: cmake magic #ifndef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES // own #include "glxbackend.h" // kwin #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" #include "overlaywindow.h" // kwin libs #include <kwinglplatform.h> // KDE #include <KDE/KDebug> #include <KDE/KXErrorHandler> namespace KWin { GlxBackend::GlxBackend() : OpenGLBackend() , window(None) , fbconfig(NULL) , glxWindow(None) , ctx(None) , haveSwapInterval(false) { init(); } GlxBackend::~GlxBackend() { // TODO: cleanup in error case // do cleanup after initBuffer() cleanupGL(); glXMakeCurrent(display(), None, NULL); if (ctx) glXDestroyContext(display(), ctx); if (glxWindow) glXDestroyWindow(display(), glxWindow); if (window) XDestroyWindow(display(), window); overlayWindow()->destroy(); checkGLError("Cleanup"); } static bool gs_tripleBufferUndetected = true; static bool gs_tripleBufferNeedsDetection = false; void GlxBackend::init() { initGLX(); // require at least GLX 1.3 if (!hasGLXVersion(1, 3)) { setFailed("Requires at least GLX 1.3"); return; } if (!initDrawableConfigs()) { setFailed("Could not initialize the drawable configs"); return; } if (!initBuffer()) { setFailed("Could not initialize the buffer"); return; } if (!initRenderingContext()) { setFailed("Could not initialize rendering context"); return; } // Initialize OpenGL GLPlatform *glPlatform = GLPlatform::instance(); glPlatform->detect(GlxPlatformInterface); if (GLPlatform::instance()->driver() == Driver_Intel) options->setUnredirectFullscreen(false); // bug #252817 options->setGlPreferBufferSwap(options->glPreferBufferSwap()); // resolve autosetting if (options->glPreferBufferSwap() == Options::AutoSwapStrategy) options->setGlPreferBufferSwap('e'); // for unknown drivers - should not happen glPlatform->printResults(); initGL(GlxPlatformInterface); // Check whether certain features are supported haveSwapInterval = glXSwapIntervalMESA || glXSwapIntervalEXT || glXSwapIntervalSGI; setSyncsToVBlank(false); setBlocksForRetrace(false); haveWaitSync = false; gs_tripleBufferNeedsDetection = false; m_swapProfiler.init(); const bool wantSync = options->glPreferBufferSwap() != Options::NoSwapEncourage; if (wantSync && glXIsDirect(display(), ctx)) { if (haveSwapInterval) { // glXSwapInterval is preferred being more reliable setSwapInterval(1); setSyncsToVBlank(true); const QByteArray tripleBuffer = qgetenv("KWIN_TRIPLE_BUFFER"); if (!tripleBuffer.isEmpty()) { setBlocksForRetrace(qstrcmp(tripleBuffer, "0") == 0); gs_tripleBufferUndetected = false; } gs_tripleBufferNeedsDetection = gs_tripleBufferUndetected; } else if (glXGetVideoSync) { unsigned int sync; if (glXGetVideoSync(&sync) == 0 && glXWaitVideoSync(1, 0, &sync) == 0) { setSyncsToVBlank(true); setBlocksForRetrace(true); haveWaitSync = true; } else qWarning() << "NO VSYNC! glXSwapInterval is not supported, glXWaitVideoSync is supported but broken"; } else qWarning() << "NO VSYNC! neither glSwapInterval nor glXWaitVideoSync are supported"; } else { // disable v-sync (if possible) setSwapInterval(0); } if (glPlatform->isVirtualBox()) { // VirtualBox does not support glxQueryDrawable // this should actually be in kwinglutils_funcs, but QueryDrawable seems not to be provided by an extension // and the GLPlatform has not been initialized at the moment when initGLX() is called. glXQueryDrawable = NULL; } setIsDirectRendering(bool(glXIsDirect(display(), ctx))); kDebug(1212) << "Direct rendering:" << isDirectRendering() << endl; } bool GlxBackend::initRenderingContext() { bool direct = options->isGlDirect(); // Use glXCreateContextAttribsARB() when it's available if (glXCreateContextAttribsARB) { const int attribs_31_core_robustness[] = { GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 1, GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, GLX_CONTEXT_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB, GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB, GLX_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB, 0 }; const int attribs_31_core[] = { GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 1, 0 }; const int attribs_legacy_robustness[] = { GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, GLX_CONTEXT_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB, GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB, GLX_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB, 0 }; const int attribs_legacy[] = { GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 1, GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 2, 0 }; const bool have_robustness = hasGLExtension("GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness"); // Try to create a 3.1 context first if (options->glCoreProfile()) { if (have_robustness) ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(display(), fbconfig, 0, direct, attribs_31_core_robustness); if (!ctx) ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(display(), fbconfig, 0, direct, attribs_31_core); } if (!ctx && have_robustness) ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(display(), fbconfig, 0, direct, attribs_legacy_robustness); if (!ctx) ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(display(), fbconfig, 0, direct, attribs_legacy); } if (!ctx) ctx = glXCreateNewContext(display(), fbconfig, GLX_RGBA_TYPE, NULL, direct); if (!ctx) { kDebug(1212) << "Failed to create an OpenGL context."; return false; } if (!glXMakeCurrent(display(), glxWindow, ctx)) { kDebug(1212) << "Failed to make the OpenGL context current."; glXDestroyContext(display(), ctx); ctx = 0; return false; } return true; } bool GlxBackend::initBuffer() { if (!initFbConfig()) return false; if (overlayWindow()->create()) { // Try to create double-buffered window in the overlay XVisualInfo* visual = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(display(), fbconfig); XSetWindowAttributes attrs; attrs.colormap = XCreateColormap(display(), rootWindow(), visual->visual, AllocNone); window = XCreateWindow(display(), overlayWindow()->window(), 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight(), 0, visual->depth, InputOutput, visual->visual, CWColormap, &attrs); glxWindow = glXCreateWindow(display(), fbconfig, window, NULL); overlayWindow()->setup(window); XFree(visual); } else { kError(1212) << "Failed to create overlay window"; return false; } int vis_buffer; glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), fbconfig, GLX_VISUAL_ID, &vis_buffer); XVisualInfo* visinfo_buffer = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(display(), fbconfig); kDebug(1212) << "Buffer visual (depth " << visinfo_buffer->depth << "): 0x" << QString::number(vis_buffer, 16); XFree(visinfo_buffer); return true; } bool GlxBackend::initFbConfig() { const int attribs[] = { GLX_RENDER_TYPE, GLX_RGBA_BIT, GLX_RED_SIZE, 1, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 1, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 1, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 0, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 0, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 0, GLX_CONFIG_CAVEAT, GLX_NONE, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, true, 0 }; // Try to find a double buffered configuration int count = 0; GLXFBConfig *configs = glXChooseFBConfig(display(), DefaultScreen(display()), attribs, &count); if (count > 0) { fbconfig = configs[0]; XFree(configs); } if (fbconfig == NULL) { kError(1212) << "Failed to find a usable framebuffer configuration"; return false; } return true; } bool GlxBackend::initDrawableConfigs() { const int attribs[] = { GLX_RENDER_TYPE, GLX_RGBA_BIT, GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE, GLX_WINDOW_BIT | GLX_PIXMAP_BIT, GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE, GLX_TRUE_COLOR, GLX_X_RENDERABLE, True, GLX_CONFIG_CAVEAT, int(GLX_DONT_CARE), // The ARGB32 visual is marked non-conformant in Catalyst GLX_RED_SIZE, 5, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 5, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 5, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 0, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 0, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 0, 0 }; int count = 0; GLXFBConfig *configs = glXChooseFBConfig(display(), DefaultScreen(display()), attribs, &count); if (count < 1) { kError(1212) << "Could not find any usable framebuffer configurations."; return false; } for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++) { fbcdrawableinfo[i].fbconfig = NULL; fbcdrawableinfo[i].bind_texture_format = 0; fbcdrawableinfo[i].texture_targets = 0; fbcdrawableinfo[i].y_inverted = 0; fbcdrawableinfo[i].mipmap = 0; } // Find the first usable framebuffer configuration for each depth. // Single-buffered ones will appear first in the list. const int depths[] = { 15, 16, 24, 30, 32 }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(depths) / sizeof(depths[0]); i++) { const int depth = depths[i]; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { int alpha_size, buffer_size; glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), configs[j], GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, &alpha_size); glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), configs[j], GLX_BUFFER_SIZE, &buffer_size); if (buffer_size != depth && (buffer_size - alpha_size) != depth) continue; if (depth == 32 && alpha_size != 8) continue; XVisualInfo *vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(display(), configs[j]); if (vi == NULL) continue; int visual_depth = vi->depth; XFree(vi); if (visual_depth != depth) continue; int bind_rgb, bind_rgba; glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), configs[j], GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA_EXT, &bind_rgba); glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), configs[j], GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB_EXT, &bind_rgb); // Skip this config if it cannot be bound to a texture if (!bind_rgb && !bind_rgba) continue; int texture_format; if (depth == 32) texture_format = bind_rgba ? GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA_EXT : GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB_EXT; else texture_format = bind_rgb ? GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB_EXT : GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA_EXT; int y_inverted, texture_targets; glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), configs[j], GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_TARGETS_EXT, &texture_targets); glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), configs[j], GLX_Y_INVERTED_EXT, &y_inverted); fbcdrawableinfo[depth].fbconfig = configs[j]; fbcdrawableinfo[depth].bind_texture_format = texture_format; fbcdrawableinfo[depth].texture_targets = texture_targets; fbcdrawableinfo[depth].y_inverted = y_inverted; fbcdrawableinfo[depth].mipmap = 0; break; } } if (count) XFree(configs); if (fbcdrawableinfo[DefaultDepth(display(), DefaultScreen(display()))].fbconfig == NULL) { kError(1212) << "Could not find a framebuffer configuration for the default depth."; return false; } if (fbcdrawableinfo[32].fbconfig == NULL) { kError(1212) << "Could not find a framebuffer configuration for depth 32."; return false; } for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++) { if (fbcdrawableinfo[i].fbconfig == NULL) continue; int vis_drawable = 0; glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display(), fbcdrawableinfo[i].fbconfig, GLX_VISUAL_ID, &vis_drawable); kDebug(1212) << "Drawable visual (depth " << i << "): 0x" << QString::number(vis_drawable, 16); } return true; } void GlxBackend::setSwapInterval(int interval) { if (glXSwapIntervalEXT) glXSwapIntervalEXT(display(), glxWindow, interval); else if (glXSwapIntervalMESA) glXSwapIntervalMESA(interval); else if (glXSwapIntervalSGI) glXSwapIntervalSGI(interval); } void GlxBackend::waitSync() { // NOTE that vsync has no effect with indirect rendering if (haveWaitSync) { uint sync; #if 0 // TODO: why precisely is this important? // the sync counter /can/ perform multiple steps during glXGetVideoSync & glXWaitVideoSync // but this only leads to waiting for two frames??!? glXGetVideoSync(&sync); glXWaitVideoSync(2, (sync + 1) % 2, &sync); #else glXWaitVideoSync(1, 0, &sync); #endif } } void GlxBackend::present() { if (lastDamage().isEmpty()) return; const QRegion displayRegion(0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight()); const bool fullRepaint = (lastDamage() == displayRegion); if (fullRepaint) { if (haveSwapInterval) { if (gs_tripleBufferNeedsDetection) { glXWaitGL(); m_swapProfiler.begin(); } glXSwapBuffers(display(), glxWindow); if (gs_tripleBufferNeedsDetection) { glXWaitGL(); if (char result = m_swapProfiler.end()) { gs_tripleBufferUndetected = gs_tripleBufferNeedsDetection = false; if (result == 'd' && GLPlatform::instance()->driver() == Driver_NVidia) { // TODO this is a workaround, we should get __GL_YIELD set before libGL checks it if (qstrcmp(qgetenv("__GL_YIELD"), "USLEEP")) { options->setGlPreferBufferSwap(0); setSwapInterval(0); kWarning(1212) << "\nIt seems you are using the nvidia driver without triple buffering\n" "You must export __GL_YIELD=\"USLEEP\" to prevent large CPU overhead on synced swaps\n" "Preferably, enable the TripleBuffer Option in the xorg.conf Device\n" "For this reason, the tearing prevention has been disabled.\n" "See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322060\n"; } } setBlocksForRetrace(result == 'd'); } } } else { waitSync(); glXSwapBuffers(display(), glxWindow); } } else if (glXCopySubBuffer) { foreach (const QRect & r, lastDamage().rects()) { // convert to OpenGL coordinates int y = displayHeight() - r.y() - r.height(); glXCopySubBuffer(display(), glxWindow, r.x(), y, r.width(), r.height()); } } else { // Copy Pixels (horribly slow on Mesa) glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); SceneOpenGL::copyPixels(lastDamage()); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } glXWaitGL(); setLastDamage(QRegion()); XFlush(display()); } void GlxBackend::screenGeometryChanged(const QSize &size) { glXMakeCurrent(display(), None, NULL); XMoveResizeWindow(display(), window, 0, 0, size.width(), size.height()); overlayWindow()->setup(window); XSync(display(), false); glXMakeCurrent(display(), glxWindow, ctx); glViewport(0, 0, size.width(), size.height()); } SceneOpenGL::TexturePrivate *GlxBackend::createBackendTexture(SceneOpenGL::Texture *texture) { return new GlxTexture(texture, this); } void GlxBackend::prepareRenderingFrame() { present(); startRenderTimer(); glXWaitX(); } void GlxBackend::endRenderingFrame(const QRegion &damage) { setLastDamage(damage); glFlush(); if (!blocksForRetrace()) { present(); // this sets lastDamage emtpy and prevents execution from prepareRenderingFrame() } if (overlayWindow()->window()) // show the window only after the first pass, overlayWindow()->show(); // since that pass may take long } /******************************************************** * GlxTexture *******************************************************/ GlxTexture::GlxTexture(SceneOpenGL::Texture *texture, GlxBackend *backend) : SceneOpenGL::TexturePrivate() , q(texture) , m_backend(backend) , m_glxpixmap(None) { } GlxTexture::~GlxTexture() { if (m_glxpixmap != None) { if (!options->isGlStrictBinding()) { glXReleaseTexImageEXT(display(), m_glxpixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT); } glXDestroyPixmap(display(), m_glxpixmap); m_glxpixmap = None; } } void GlxTexture::onDamage() { if (options->isGlStrictBinding() && m_glxpixmap) { glXReleaseTexImageEXT(display(), m_glxpixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT); glXBindTexImageEXT(display(), m_glxpixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT, NULL); } GLTexturePrivate::onDamage(); } void GlxTexture::findTarget() { unsigned int new_target = 0; if (glXQueryDrawable && m_glxpixmap != None) glXQueryDrawable(display(), m_glxpixmap, GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT, &new_target); // HACK: this used to be a hack for Xgl. // without this hack the NVIDIA blob aborts when trying to bind a texture from // a pixmap icon if (new_target == 0) { if (GLTexture::NPOTTextureSupported() || (isPowerOfTwo(m_size.width()) && isPowerOfTwo(m_size.height()))) { new_target = GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT; } else { new_target = GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT; } } switch(new_target) { case GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT: m_target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; m_scale.setWidth(1.0f / m_size.width()); m_scale.setHeight(1.0f / m_size.height()); break; case GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT: m_target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB; m_scale.setWidth(1.0f); m_scale.setHeight(1.0f); break; default: abort(); } } bool GlxTexture::loadTexture(const Pixmap& pix, const QSize& size, int depth) { #ifdef CHECK_GL_ERROR checkGLError("TextureLoad1"); #endif if (pix == None || size.isEmpty() || depth < 1) return false; if (m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].fbconfig == NULL) { kDebug(1212) << "No framebuffer configuration for depth " << depth << "; not binding pixmap" << endl; return false; } m_size = size; // new texture, or texture contents changed; mipmaps now invalid q->setDirty(); #ifdef CHECK_GL_ERROR checkGLError("TextureLoad2"); #endif // tfp mode, simply bind the pixmap to texture glGenTextures(1, &m_texture); // The GLX pixmap references the contents of the original pixmap, so it doesn't // need to be recreated when the contents change. // The texture may or may not use the same storage depending on the EXT_tfp // implementation. When options->glStrictBinding is true, the texture uses // a different storage and needs to be updated with a call to // glXBindTexImageEXT() when the contents of the pixmap has changed. int attrs[] = { GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_EXT, m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].bind_texture_format, GLX_MIPMAP_TEXTURE_EXT, m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].mipmap > 0, None, None, None }; // Specifying the texture target explicitly is reported to cause a performance // regression with R300G (see bug #256654). if (GLPlatform::instance()->driver() != Driver_R300G) { if ((m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].texture_targets & GLX_TEXTURE_2D_BIT_EXT) && (GLTexture::NPOTTextureSupported() || (isPowerOfTwo(size.width()) && isPowerOfTwo(size.height())))) { attrs[ 4 ] = GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT; attrs[ 5 ] = GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT; } else if (m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].texture_targets & GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_BIT_EXT) { attrs[ 4 ] = GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT; attrs[ 5 ] = GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT; } } m_glxpixmap = glXCreatePixmap(display(), m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].fbconfig, pix, attrs); #ifdef CHECK_GL_ERROR checkGLError("TextureLoadTFP1"); #endif findTarget(); m_yInverted = m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].y_inverted ? true : false; m_canUseMipmaps = m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].mipmap > 0; q->setFilter(m_backend->fbcdrawableinfo[ depth ].mipmap > 0 ? GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST); glBindTexture(m_target, m_texture); #ifdef CHECK_GL_ERROR checkGLError("TextureLoadTFP2"); #endif glXBindTexImageEXT(display(), m_glxpixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT, NULL); #ifdef CHECK_GL_ERROR checkGLError("TextureLoad0"); #endif updateMatrix(); unbind(); return true; } OpenGLBackend *GlxTexture::backend() { return m_backend; } } // namespace #endif