/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Martin Gräßlin SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vlad Zahorodnii SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "kwin_wayland_test.h" #include "core/platform.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "effectloader.h" #include "main.h" #include "screenedge.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include "window.h" #include "workspace.h" #include #include Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWin::ElectricBorder) namespace KWin { static const QString s_socketName = QStringLiteral("wayland_test_kwin_screen-edges-0"); class TestObject : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public Q_SLOTS: bool callback(ElectricBorder border) { Q_EMIT gotCallback(border); return true; } Q_SIGNALS: void gotCallback(KWin::ElectricBorder); }; class ScreenEdgesTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void initTestCase(); void init(); void cleanup(); void testTouchCallback_data(); void testTouchCallback(); void testPushBack_data(); void testPushBack(); void testClientEdge_data(); void testClientEdge(); void testObjectEdge_data(); void testObjectEdge(); }; void ScreenEdgesTest::initTestCase() { qRegisterMetaType(); qRegisterMetaType("ElectricBorder"); QSignalSpy applicationStartedSpy(kwinApp(), &Application::started); kwinApp()->platform()->setInitialWindowSize(QSize(1280, 1024)); QVERIFY(waylandServer()->init(s_socketName)); // Disable effects, in particular present windows, which reserves a screen edge. auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup plugins(config, QStringLiteral("Plugins")); const auto builtinNames = EffectLoader().listOfKnownEffects(); for (const QString &name : builtinNames) { plugins.writeEntry(name + QStringLiteral("Enabled"), false); } config->sync(); kwinApp()->setConfig(config); kwinApp()->start(); QVERIFY(applicationStartedSpy.wait()); } void ScreenEdgesTest::init() { workspace()->screenEdges()->recreateEdges(); Workspace::self()->setActiveOutput(QPoint(640, 512)); KWin::Cursors::self()->mouse()->setPos(QPoint(640, 512)); QVERIFY(Test::setupWaylandConnection()); } void ScreenEdgesTest::cleanup() { Test::destroyWaylandConnection(); } void ScreenEdgesTest::testTouchCallback_data() { QTest::addColumn("border"); QTest::addColumn("startPos"); QTest::addColumn("delta"); QTest::newRow("left") << ElectricLeft << QPointF(0, 50) << QPointF(256, 20); QTest::newRow("top") << ElectricTop << QPointF(50, 0) << QPointF(20, 250); QTest::newRow("right") << ElectricRight << QPointF(1279, 50) << QPointF(-256, 0); QTest::newRow("bottom") << ElectricBottom << QPointF(50, 1023) << QPointF(0, -205); } void ScreenEdgesTest::testTouchCallback() { // This test verifies that touch screen edges trigger associated callbacks. auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); auto group = config->group("TouchEdges"); group.writeEntry("Top", "none"); group.writeEntry("Left", "none"); group.writeEntry("Bottom", "none"); group.writeEntry("Right", "none"); config->sync(); auto s = workspace()->screenEdges(); s->setConfig(config); s->reconfigure(); // none of our actions should be reserved const QList edges = s->findChildren(QString(), Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); QCOMPARE(edges.size(), 8); for (auto edge : edges) { QCOMPARE(edge->isReserved(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForPointer(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForTouchGesture(), false); } // let's reserve an action QAction action; QSignalSpy actionTriggeredSpy(&action, &QAction::triggered); // reserve on edge QFETCH(KWin::ElectricBorder, border); s->reserveTouch(border, &action); for (auto edge : edges) { QCOMPARE(edge->isReserved(), edge->border() == border); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForPointer(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForTouchGesture(), edge->border() == border); } quint32 timestamp = 0; // press the finger QFETCH(QPointF, startPos); Test::touchDown(1, startPos, timestamp++); QVERIFY(actionTriggeredSpy.isEmpty()); // move the finger QFETCH(QPointF, delta); Test::touchMotion(1, startPos + delta, timestamp++); QVERIFY(actionTriggeredSpy.isEmpty()); // release the finger Test::touchUp(1, timestamp++); QVERIFY(actionTriggeredSpy.wait()); QCOMPARE(actionTriggeredSpy.count(), 1); // unreserve again s->unreserveTouch(border, &action); for (auto edge : edges) { QCOMPARE(edge->isReserved(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForPointer(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForTouchGesture(), false); } // reserve another action std::unique_ptr action2(new QAction); s->reserveTouch(border, action2.get()); for (auto edge : edges) { QCOMPARE(edge->isReserved(), edge->border() == border); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForPointer(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForTouchGesture(), edge->border() == border); } // and unreserve by destroying action2.reset(); for (auto edge : edges) { QCOMPARE(edge->isReserved(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForPointer(), false); QCOMPARE(edge->activatesForTouchGesture(), false); } } void ScreenEdgesTest::testPushBack_data() { QTest::addColumn("border"); QTest::addColumn("pushback"); QTest::addColumn("trigger"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::newRow("top-left-3") << ElectricTopLeft << 3 << QPoint(0, 0) << QPoint(3, 3); QTest::newRow("top-5") << ElectricTop << 5 << QPoint(50, 0) << QPoint(50, 5); QTest::newRow("top-right-2") << ElectricTopRight << 2 << QPoint(1279, 0) << QPoint(1277, 2); QTest::newRow("right-10") << ElectricRight << 10 << QPoint(1279, 50) << QPoint(1269, 50); QTest::newRow("bottom-right-5") << ElectricBottomRight << 5 << QPoint(1279, 1023) << QPoint(1274, 1018); QTest::newRow("bottom-10") << ElectricBottom << 10 << QPoint(50, 1023) << QPoint(50, 1013); QTest::newRow("bottom-left-3") << ElectricBottomLeft << 3 << QPoint(0, 1023) << QPoint(3, 1020); QTest::newRow("left-10") << ElectricLeft << 10 << QPoint(0, 50) << QPoint(10, 50); QTest::newRow("invalid") << ElectricLeft << 10 << QPoint(50, 0) << QPoint(50, 0); } void ScreenEdgesTest::testPushBack() { // This test verifies that the pointer will be pushed back if it approached a screen edge. QFETCH(int, pushback); auto config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QString(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); config->group("Windows").writeEntry("ElectricBorderPushbackPixels", pushback); config->sync(); auto s = workspace()->screenEdges(); s->setConfig(config); s->reconfigure(); TestObject callback; QSignalSpy spy(&callback, &TestObject::gotCallback); QFETCH(ElectricBorder, border); s->reserve(border, &callback, "callback"); QFETCH(QPoint, trigger); Test::pointerMotion(trigger, 0); QVERIFY(spy.isEmpty()); QTEST(Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos(), "expected"); } void ScreenEdgesTest::testClientEdge_data() { QTest::addColumn("border"); QTest::addColumn("geometry"); QTest::addColumn("triggerPoint"); QTest::newRow("top") << ElectricTop << QRect(540, 0, 200, 5) << QPointF(640, 0); QTest::newRow("right") << ElectricRight << QRect(1275, 412, 5, 200) << QPointF(1279, 512); QTest::newRow("bottom") << ElectricBottom << QRect(540, 1019, 200, 5) << QPointF(640, 1023); QTest::newRow("left") << ElectricLeft << QRect(0, 412, 5, 200) << QPointF(0, 512); } void ScreenEdgesTest::testClientEdge() { // This test verifies that a window will be shown when its screen edge is activated. QFETCH(QRect, geometry); std::unique_ptr surface(Test::createSurface()); std::unique_ptr shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get())); Window *window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), geometry.size(), Qt::red); QVERIFY(window); QVERIFY(window->isActive()); window->move(geometry.topLeft()); // Reserve an electric border. QFETCH(ElectricBorder, border); workspace()->screenEdges()->reserve(window, border); // Hide the window. window->hideClient(); QVERIFY(window->isHiddenInternal()); // Trigger the screen edge. QFETCH(QPointF, triggerPoint); quint32 timestamp = 0; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QVERIFY(window->isHiddenInternal()); timestamp += 150 + 1; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QTRY_VERIFY(!window->isHiddenInternal()); } void ScreenEdgesTest::testObjectEdge_data() { QTest::addColumn("border"); QTest::addColumn("triggerPoint"); QTest::addColumn("delta"); QTest::newRow("top") << ElectricTop << QPointF(640, 0) << QPointF(0, 50); QTest::newRow("right") << ElectricRight << QPointF(1279, 512) << QPointF(-50, 0); QTest::newRow("bottom") << ElectricBottom << QPointF(640, 1023) << QPointF(0, -50); QTest::newRow("left") << ElectricLeft << QPointF(0, 512) << QPointF(50, 0); } void ScreenEdgesTest::testObjectEdge() { // This test verifies that a screen edge reserved by a script or any QObject is activated. TestObject callback; QSignalSpy spy(&callback, &TestObject::gotCallback); // Reserve a screen edge border. QFETCH(ElectricBorder, border); workspace()->screenEdges()->reserve(border, &callback, "callback"); QFETCH(QPointF, triggerPoint); QFETCH(QPointF, delta); // doesn't trigger as the edge was not triggered yet qint64 timestamp = 0; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint + delta, timestamp); QVERIFY(spy.isEmpty()); // test doesn't trigger due to too much offset timestamp += 160; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QVERIFY(spy.isEmpty()); // doesn't activate as we are waiting too short timestamp += 50; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QVERIFY(spy.isEmpty()); // and this one triggers timestamp += 110; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QVERIFY(!spy.isEmpty()); // now let's try to trigger again timestamp += 351; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); // it's still under the reactivation timestamp += 50; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); // now it should trigger again timestamp += 250; Test::pointerMotion(triggerPoint, timestamp); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2); } } // namespace KWin WAYLANDTEST_MAIN(KWin::ScreenEdgesTest) #include "screenedges_test.moc"