/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Aleix Pol Gonzalez SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #pragma once #include "kwin_export.h" #include #include #include namespace KWaylandServer { class ClientConnection; class Display; class SeatInterface; class SurfaceInterface; class TabletCursorV2; class TabletCursorV2Private; class TabletManagerV2InterfacePrivate; class TabletSeatV2Interface; class TabletSeatV2InterfacePrivate; class TabletToolV2InterfacePrivate; class TabletV2Interface; class TabletV2InterfacePrivate; class TabletPadV2Interface; class TabletPadV2InterfacePrivate; class TabletPadRingV2Interface; class TabletPadRingV2InterfacePrivate; class TabletPadStripV2Interface; class TabletPadStripV2InterfacePrivate; class TabletPadGroupV2Interface; class TabletPadGroupV2InterfacePrivate; /** * This is an implementation of wayland-protocols/unstable/tablet/tablet-unstable-v2.xml * * This class is just the means to get a @class TabletSeatInterface, which is * the class that will have all of the information we need. */ class KWIN_EXPORT TabletManagerV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit TabletManagerV2Interface(Display *d, QObject *parent); virtual ~TabletManagerV2Interface(); TabletSeatV2Interface *seat(SeatInterface *seat) const; private: std::unique_ptr d; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletToolV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~TabletToolV2Interface(); enum Type { Pen = 0x140, ///< Pen Eraser = 0x141, ///< Eraser Brush = 0x142, ///< Brush Pencil = 0x143, ///< Pencil Airbrush = 0x144, ///< Airbrush Finger = 0x145, ///< Finger Mouse = 0x146, ///< Mouse Lens = 0x147, ///< Lens Totem }; Q_ENUM(Type) enum Capability { Tilt = 1, ///< Tilt axeis Pressure = 2, ///< Pressure axis Distance = 3, ///< Distance axis Rotation = 4, ///< Z-rotation axis Slider = 5, ///< Slider axis Wheel = 6, ///< Wheel axis }; Q_ENUM(Capability) /** * Sets the surface the events will be sent to. * * Make sure the surface supports being sent events to. * * @see TabletV2Interface::isSurfaceSupported */ void setCurrentSurface(SurfaceInterface *surface); bool isClientSupported() const; void sendProximityIn(TabletV2Interface *tablet); void sendProximityOut(); void sendUp(); void sendDown(); void sendPressure(quint32 pressure); void sendDistance(quint32 distance); void sendTilt(qreal degreesX, qreal degreesY); void sendRotation(qreal degrees); void sendSlider(qint32 position); void sendWheel(qint32 degrees, qint32 clicks); void sendButton(quint32 button, bool pressed); void sendFrame(quint32 time); void sendMotion(const QPointF &pos); Q_SIGNALS: void cursorChanged(TabletCursorV2 *cursor) const; private: friend class TabletSeatV2InterfacePrivate; friend class TabletSeatV2Interface; explicit TabletToolV2Interface(Display *display, Type type, quint32 hsh, quint32 hsl, quint32 hih, quint32 hil, const QVector &capability, QObject *parent); std::unique_ptr d; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletCursorV2 : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: ~TabletCursorV2() override; QPoint hotspot() const; quint32 enteredSerial() const; SurfaceInterface *surface() const; Q_SIGNALS: void changed(); private: TabletCursorV2(); const std::unique_ptr d; friend class TabletToolV2InterfacePrivate; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletPadV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~TabletPadV2Interface(); TabletPadRingV2Interface *ring(uint at) const; TabletPadStripV2Interface *strip(uint at) const; void sendButton(quint32 time, quint32 button, bool pressed); void setCurrentSurface(SurfaceInterface *surface, TabletV2Interface *tablet); SurfaceInterface *currentSurface() const; Q_SIGNALS: void feedback(KWaylandServer::ClientConnection *client, quint32 button, const QString &description, quint32 serial); private: friend class TabletSeatV2Interface; friend class TabletSeatV2InterfacePrivate; explicit TabletPadV2Interface(const QString &path, quint32 buttons, quint32 rings, quint32 strips, quint32 modes, quint32 currentMode, Display *display, TabletSeatV2Interface *parent); std::unique_ptr d; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletPadRingV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~TabletPadRingV2Interface(); enum Source { SourceFinger = 1, // finger }; Q_ENUM(Source) void sendSource(Source source); void sendAngle(qreal angle); void sendStop(); void sendFrame(quint32 time); private: friend class TabletPadGroupV2Interface; friend class TabletPadV2InterfacePrivate; friend class TabletSeatV2InterfacePrivate; explicit TabletPadRingV2Interface(TabletPadV2Interface *parent); std::unique_ptr d; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletPadStripV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~TabletPadStripV2Interface(); enum Source { SourceFinger = 1, // finger }; void sendSource(Source source); void sendPosition(quint32 position); void sendFrame(quint32 time); void sendStop(); private: friend class TabletPadGroupV2Interface; friend class TabletPadV2InterfacePrivate; friend class TabletSeatV2InterfacePrivate; explicit TabletPadStripV2Interface(TabletPadV2Interface *parent); std::unique_ptr d; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletPadGroupV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~TabletPadGroupV2Interface(); void sendModeSwitch(quint32 time, quint32 serial, quint32 mode); private: friend class TabletPadV2Interface; friend class TabletPadV2InterfacePrivate; friend class TabletSeatV2InterfacePrivate; explicit TabletPadGroupV2Interface(quint32 currentMode, TabletPadV2Interface *parent); std::unique_ptr d; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~TabletV2Interface(); /** * @returns true if the surface has been bound to the tablet. */ bool isSurfaceSupported(SurfaceInterface *surface) const; TabletPadV2Interface *pad() const; private: friend class TabletSeatV2Interface; friend class TabletSeatV2InterfacePrivate; friend class TabletPadV2Interface; friend class TabletToolV2Interface; explicit TabletV2Interface(quint32 vendorId, quint32 productId, const QString &name, const QStringList &paths, QObject *parent); std::unique_ptr d; }; class KWIN_EXPORT TabletSeatV2Interface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~TabletSeatV2Interface(); TabletV2Interface *addTablet(quint32 vendorId, quint32 productId, const QString &sysname, const QString &name, const QStringList &paths); TabletPadV2Interface *addTabletPad(const QString &sysname, const QString &name, const QStringList &paths, quint32 buttons, quint32 rings, quint32 strips, quint32 modes, quint32 currentMode, TabletV2Interface *tablet); TabletToolV2Interface * addTool(TabletToolV2Interface::Type type, quint64 hardwareSerial, quint64 hardwareId, const QVector &capabilities); TabletToolV2Interface *toolByHardwareId(quint64 hardwareId) const; TabletToolV2Interface *toolByHardwareSerial(quint64 hardwareSerial, TabletToolV2Interface::Type type) const; TabletPadV2Interface *padByName(const QString &sysname) const; void removeDevice(const QString &sysname); bool isClientSupported(ClientConnection *client) const; private: friend class TabletManagerV2InterfacePrivate; explicit TabletSeatV2Interface(Display *display, QObject *parent); std::unique_ptr d; }; } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWaylandServer::TabletSeatV2Interface *)