/* Plastik KWin window decoration Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Sandro Giessl <sandro@giessl.com> based on the window decoration "Web": Copyright (C) 2001 Rik Hemsley (rikkus) <rik@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "plastikbutton.h" // #include <kwin/options.h> #include <QAbstractButton> #include <QStyle> #include <QBitmap> #include <QPainter> #include <QPixmap> #include <QTimer> #include "plastikbutton.moc" #include "plastikclient.h" #include "misc.h" namespace KWinPlastik { static const uint TIMERINTERVAL = 50; // msec static const uint ANIMATIONSTEPS = 4; PlastikButton::PlastikButton(ButtonType type, PlastikClient *parent) : KCommonDecorationButton(type, parent), m_client(parent), m_iconType(NumButtonIcons), hover(false) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); // no need to reset here as the button will be reseted on first resize. animTmr = new QTimer(this); animTmr->setSingleShot(true); // single-shot connect(animTmr, SIGNAL(timeout() ), this, SLOT(animate() ) ); animProgress = 0; } PlastikButton::~PlastikButton() { } void PlastikButton::reset(unsigned long changed) { if (changed&DecorationReset || changed&ManualReset || changed&SizeChange || changed&StateChange) { switch (type() ) { case CloseButton: m_iconType = CloseIcon; break; case HelpButton: m_iconType = HelpIcon; break; case MinButton: m_iconType = MinIcon; break; case MaxButton: if (isChecked()) { m_iconType = MaxRestoreIcon; } else { m_iconType = MaxIcon; } break; case OnAllDesktopsButton: if (isChecked()) { m_iconType = NotOnAllDesktopsIcon; } else { m_iconType = OnAllDesktopsIcon; } break; case ShadeButton: if (isChecked()) { m_iconType = UnShadeIcon; } else { m_iconType = ShadeIcon; } break; case AboveButton: if (isChecked()) { m_iconType = NoKeepAboveIcon; } else { m_iconType = KeepAboveIcon; } break; case BelowButton: if (isChecked()) { m_iconType = NoKeepBelowIcon; } else { m_iconType = KeepBelowIcon; } break; default: m_iconType = NumButtonIcons; // empty... break; } this->update(); } } void PlastikButton::animate() { animTmr->stop(); if(hover) { if(animProgress < ANIMATIONSTEPS) { if (Handler()->animateButtons() ) { animProgress++; } else { animProgress = ANIMATIONSTEPS; } animTmr->start(TIMERINTERVAL); // single-shot timer } } else { if(animProgress > 0) { if (Handler()->animateButtons() ) { animProgress--; } else { animProgress = 0; } animTmr->start(TIMERINTERVAL); // single-shot timer } } repaint(); } void PlastikButton::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { QAbstractButton::enterEvent(e); hover = true; animate(); } void PlastikButton::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { QAbstractButton::leaveEvent(e); hover = false; animate(); } void PlastikButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); drawButton(&p); } void PlastikButton::drawButton(QPainter *painter) { QRect r(0,0,width(),height()); bool active = m_client->isActive(); QPixmap tempPixmap; QColor highlightColor; if(type() == CloseButton) { highlightColor = QColor(255,64,0); } else { highlightColor = Qt::white; } QColor contourTop = alphaBlendColors(Handler()->getColor(TitleGradient2, active), Qt::black, 215); QColor contourBottom = alphaBlendColors(Handler()->getColor(TitleGradient3, active), Qt::black, 215); QColor sourfaceTop = alphaBlendColors(Handler()->getColor(TitleGradient2, active), Qt::white, 210); QColor sourfaceBottom = alphaBlendColors(Handler()->getColor(TitleGradient3, active), Qt::white, 210); int highlightAlpha = static_cast<int>(255-((60/static_cast<double>(ANIMATIONSTEPS))* static_cast<double>(animProgress) ) ); contourTop = alphaBlendColors(contourTop, highlightColor, highlightAlpha ); contourBottom = alphaBlendColors(contourBottom, highlightColor, highlightAlpha); sourfaceTop = alphaBlendColors(sourfaceTop, highlightColor, highlightAlpha); sourfaceBottom = alphaBlendColors(sourfaceBottom, highlightColor, highlightAlpha); if (isDown() ) { contourTop = alphaBlendColors(contourTop, Qt::black, 200); contourBottom = alphaBlendColors(contourBottom, Qt::black, 200); sourfaceTop = alphaBlendColors(sourfaceTop, Qt::black, 200); sourfaceBottom = alphaBlendColors(sourfaceBottom, Qt::black, 200); } QPixmap buffer(width(), height()); QPainter bP(&buffer); // fake the titlebar background bP.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, width(), width(), m_client->getTitleBarTile(active) ); if (type() != MenuButton || hover || animProgress != 0) { int rx = 200/width(); int ry = 200/height(); bP.setPen(Qt::NoPen); bP.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); // contour QLinearGradient outlineGradient(0, 0, 0, r.height()); outlineGradient.setColorAt(0.0, contourTop); outlineGradient.setColorAt(1.0, contourBottom); bP.setBrush(outlineGradient); bP.drawRoundRect(r, rx, ry); // surface QLinearGradient surfaceGradient(0, 0, 0, r.height()); surfaceGradient.setColorAt(0.0, sourfaceTop); surfaceGradient.setColorAt(1.0, sourfaceBottom); bP.setBrush(surfaceGradient); bP.drawRoundRect(r.adjusted(1,1,-1,-1), rx, ry); } if (type() == MenuButton) { QPixmap menuIcon(m_client->icon().pixmap( style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize ) )); if (width() < menuIcon.width() || height() < menuIcon.height() ) { menuIcon = menuIcon.scaled(width(), height()); } bP.drawPixmap((width()-menuIcon.width())/2, (height()-menuIcon.height())/2, menuIcon); } else { int dX,dY; const QBitmap &icon = Handler()->buttonBitmap(m_iconType, size(), decoration()->isToolWindow() ); dX = r.x()+(r.width()-icon.width())/2; dY = r.y()+(r.height()-icon.height())/2; if (isDown() ) { dY++; } if(!isDown() && Handler()->titleShadow() ) { QColor shadowColor; if (qGray(Handler()->getColor(TitleFont,active).rgb()) < 100) shadowColor = QColor(255, 255, 255, 75); else shadowColor = QColor(0,0,0,75); bP.setPen(shadowColor); bP.drawPixmap(dX+1, dY+1, icon); } bP.setPen(Handler()->getColor(TitleFont,active) ); bP.drawPixmap(dX, dY, icon); } bP.end(); painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, buffer); } QBitmap IconEngine::icon(ButtonIcon icon, int size) { if (size%2 == 0) --size; QBitmap bitmap(size,size); bitmap.fill(Qt::color0); QPainter p(&bitmap); p.setPen(Qt::color1); QRect r = bitmap.rect(); // line widths int lwTitleBar = 1; if (r.width() > 16) { lwTitleBar = 4; } else if (r.width() > 4) { lwTitleBar = 2; } int lwArrow = 1; if (r.width() > 16) { lwArrow = 4; } else if (r.width() > 7) { lwArrow = 2; } switch(icon) { case CloseIcon: { int lineWidth = 1; if (r.width() > 16) { lineWidth = 3; } else if (r.width() > 4) { lineWidth = 2; } drawObject(p, DiagonalLine, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), lineWidth); drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, r.x(), r.bottom(), r.width(), lineWidth); break; } case MaxIcon: { int lineWidth2 = 1; // frame if (r.width() > 16) { lineWidth2 = 2; } else if (r.width() > 4) { lineWidth2 = 1; } drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.top(), r.width(), lwTitleBar); drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.bottom()-(lineWidth2-1), r.width(), lineWidth2); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.x(), r.top(), r.height(), lineWidth2); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.right()-(lineWidth2-1), r.top(), r.height(), lineWidth2); break; } case MaxRestoreIcon: { int lineWidth2 = 1; // frame if (r.width() > 16) { lineWidth2 = 2; } else if (r.width() > 4) { lineWidth2 = 1; } int margin1, margin2; margin1 = margin2 = lineWidth2*2; if (r.width() < 8) margin1 = 1; // background window drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x()+margin1, r.top(), r.width()-margin1, lineWidth2); drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.right()-margin2, r.bottom()-(lineWidth2-1)-margin1, margin2, lineWidth2); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.x()+margin1, r.top(), margin2, lineWidth2); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.right()-(lineWidth2-1), r.top(), r.height()-margin1, lineWidth2); // foreground window drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.top()+margin2, r.width()-margin2, lwTitleBar); drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.bottom()-(lineWidth2-1), r.width()-margin2, lineWidth2); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.x(), r.top()+margin2, r.height(), lineWidth2); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.right()-(lineWidth2-1)-margin2, r.top()+margin2, r.height(), lineWidth2); break; } case MinIcon: { drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.bottom()-(lwTitleBar-1), r.width(), lwTitleBar); break; } case HelpIcon: { int center = r.x()+r.width()/2 -1; int side = r.width()/4; // paint a question mark... code is quite messy, to be cleaned up later...! :o if (r.width() > 16) { int lineWidth = 3; // top bar drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center-side+3, r.y(), 2*side-3-1, lineWidth); // top bar rounding drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, center-side-1, r.y()+5, 6, lineWidth); drawObject(p, DiagonalLine, center+side-3, r.y(), 5, lineWidth); // right bar drawObject(p, VerticalLine, center+side+2-lineWidth, r.y()+3, r.height()-(2*lineWidth+side+2+1), lineWidth); // bottom bar drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, center, r.bottom()-2*lineWidth, side+2, lineWidth); drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center, r.bottom()-3*lineWidth+2, lineWidth, lineWidth); // the dot drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center, r.bottom()-(lineWidth-1), lineWidth, lineWidth); } else if (r.width() > 8) { int lineWidth = 2; // top bar drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center-(side-1), r.y(), 2*side-1, lineWidth); // top bar rounding if (r.width() > 9) { drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, center-side-1, r.y()+3, 3, lineWidth); } else { drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, center-side-1, r.y()+2, 3, lineWidth); } drawObject(p, DiagonalLine, center+side-1, r.y(), 3, lineWidth); // right bar drawObject(p, VerticalLine, center+side+2-lineWidth, r.y()+2, r.height()-(2*lineWidth+side+1), lineWidth); // bottom bar drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, center, r.bottom()-2*lineWidth+1, side+2, lineWidth); // the dot drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center, r.bottom()-(lineWidth-1), lineWidth, lineWidth); } else { int lineWidth = 1; // top bar drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center-(side-1), r.y(), 2*side, lineWidth); // top bar rounding drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, center-side-1, r.y()+1, 2, lineWidth); // right bar drawObject(p, VerticalLine, center+side+1, r.y(), r.height()-(side+2+1), lineWidth); // bottom bar drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, center, r.bottom()-2, side+2, lineWidth); // the dot drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center, r.bottom(), 1, 1); } break; } case NotOnAllDesktopsIcon: { int lwMark = r.width()-lwTitleBar*2-2; if (lwMark < 1) lwMark = 3; drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x()+(r.width()-lwMark)/2, r.y()+(r.height()-lwMark)/2, lwMark, lwMark); // Fall through to OnAllDesktopsIcon intended! } case OnAllDesktopsIcon: { // horizontal bars drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x()+lwTitleBar, r.y(), r.width()-2*lwTitleBar, lwTitleBar); drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x()+lwTitleBar, r.bottom()-(lwTitleBar-1), r.width()-2*lwTitleBar, lwTitleBar); // vertical bars drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.x(), r.y()+lwTitleBar, r.height()-2*lwTitleBar, lwTitleBar); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.right()-(lwTitleBar-1), r.y()+lwTitleBar, r.height()-2*lwTitleBar, lwTitleBar); break; } case NoKeepAboveIcon: { int center = r.x()+r.width()/2; // arrow drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, r.x(), center+2*lwArrow, center-r.x(), lwArrow); drawObject(p, DiagonalLine, r.x()+center, r.y()+1+2*lwArrow, center-r.x(), lwArrow); if (lwArrow>1) drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center-(lwArrow-2), r.y()+2*lwArrow, (lwArrow-2)*2, lwArrow); // Fall through to KeepAboveIcon intended! } case KeepAboveIcon: { int center = r.x()+r.width()/2; // arrow drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, r.x(), center, center-r.x(), lwArrow); drawObject(p, DiagonalLine, r.x()+center, r.y()+1, center-r.x(), lwArrow); if (lwArrow>1) drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center-(lwArrow-2), r.y(), (lwArrow-2)*2, lwArrow); break; } case NoKeepBelowIcon: { int center = r.x()+r.width()/2; // arrow drawObject(p, DiagonalLine, r.x(), center-2*lwArrow, center-r.x(), lwArrow); drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, r.x()+center, r.bottom()-1-2*lwArrow, center-r.x(), lwArrow); if (lwArrow>1) drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center-(lwArrow-2), r.bottom()-(lwArrow-1)-2*lwArrow, (lwArrow-2)*2, lwArrow); // Fall through to KeepBelowIcon intended! } case KeepBelowIcon: { int center = r.x()+r.width()/2; // arrow drawObject(p, DiagonalLine, r.x(), center, center-r.x(), lwArrow); drawObject(p, CrossDiagonalLine, r.x()+center, r.bottom()-1, center-r.x(), lwArrow); if (lwArrow>1) drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, center-(lwArrow-2), r.bottom()-(lwArrow-1), (lwArrow-2)*2, lwArrow); break; } case ShadeIcon: { drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), lwTitleBar); break; } case UnShadeIcon: { int lw1 = 1; int lw2 = 1; if (r.width() > 16) { lw1 = 4; lw2 = 2; } else if (r.width() > 7) { lw1 = 2; lw2 = 1; } int h = qMax( (r.width()/2), (lw1+2*lw2) ); // horizontal bars drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), lw1); drawObject(p, HorizontalLine, r.x(), r.x()+h-(lw2-1), r.width(), lw2); // vertical bars drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.x(), r.y(), h, lw2); drawObject(p, VerticalLine, r.right()-(lw2-1), r.y(), h, lw2); break; } default: break; } p.end(); bitmap.setMask(bitmap); return bitmap; } void IconEngine::drawObject(QPainter &p, Object object, int x, int y, int length, int lineWidth) { switch(object) { case DiagonalLine: if (lineWidth <= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+i,y+i); } } else if (lineWidth <= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+i,y+i); } for (int i = 0; i < (length-1); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+1+i,y+i); p.drawPoint(x+i,y+1+i); } } else { for (int i = 1; i < (length-1); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+i,y+i); } for (int i = 0; i < (length-1); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+1+i,y+i); p.drawPoint(x+i,y+1+i); } for (int i = 0; i < (length-2); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+2+i,y+i); p.drawPoint(x+i,y+2+i); } } break; case CrossDiagonalLine: if (lineWidth <= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+i,y-i); } } else if (lineWidth <= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+i,y-i); } for (int i = 0; i < (length-1); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+1+i,y-i); p.drawPoint(x+i,y-1-i); } } else { for (int i = 1; i < (length-1); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+i,y-i); } for (int i = 0; i < (length-1); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+1+i,y-i); p.drawPoint(x+i,y-1-i); } for (int i = 0; i < (length-2); ++i) { p.drawPoint(x+2+i,y-i); p.drawPoint(x+i,y-2-i); } } break; case HorizontalLine: for (int i = 0; i < lineWidth; ++i) { p.drawLine(x,y+i, x+length-1, y+i); } break; case VerticalLine: for (int i = 0; i < lineWidth; ++i) { p.drawLine(x+i,y, x+i, y+length-1); } break; default: break; } } } // KWinPlastik