/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Eike Hein * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Marco Martin * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef DESKTOPSMODEL_H #define DESKTOPSMODEL_H #include #include "../virtualdesktopsdbustypes.h" class QDBusArgument; class QDBusMessage; class QDBusServiceWatcher; namespace KWin { /** * @short An item model around KWin's D-Bus API for virtual desktops. * * The model initially gets the state from KWin and populates. * * As long as the user makes no changes, KWin-side changes are directly * exposed in the model. * * If the user makes changes (see the `userModified` property), it stops * exposing KWin-side changes live, but it keeps track of the KWin-side * changes, so it can figure out and apply the delta when `syncWithServer` * is called. * * When KWin-side changes happen while the model is user-modified, the * model signals this via the `serverModified` property. A call to * `syncWithServer` will overwrite the KWin-side changes. * * After synchronization, the model tracks Kwin-side changes again, * until the user makes further changes. * * @author Eike Hein */ class DesktopsModel : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool ready READ ready NOTIFY readyChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString error READ error NOTIFY errorChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool userModified READ userModified NOTIFY userModifiedChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool serverModified READ serverModified NOTIFY serverModifiedChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int rows READ rows WRITE setRows NOTIFY rowsChanged) public: enum AdditionalRoles { Id = Qt::UserRole + 1, DesktopRow }; Q_ENUM(AdditionalRoles) explicit DesktopsModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~DesktopsModel() override; QHash roleNames() const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = {}) const override; bool ready() const; QString error() const; bool userModified() const; bool serverModified() const; int rows() const; void setRows(int rows); Q_INVOKABLE void createDesktop(const QString &name); Q_INVOKABLE void removeDesktop(const QString &id); Q_INVOKABLE void setDesktopName(const QString &id, const QString &name); Q_INVOKABLE void syncWithServer(); bool needsSave() const; void load(); void defaults(); bool isDefaults() const; Q_SIGNALS: void readyChanged() const; void errorChanged() const; void userModifiedChanged() const; void serverModifiedChanged() const; void rowsChanged() const; protected Q_SLOTS: void reset(); void getAllAndConnect(const QDBusMessage &msg); void desktopCreated(const QString &id, const KWin::DBusDesktopDataStruct &data); void desktopRemoved(const QString &id); void desktopDataChanged(const QString &id, const KWin::DBusDesktopDataStruct &data); void desktopRowsChanged(uint rows); void updateModifiedState(bool server = false); void handleCallError(); private: QDBusServiceWatcher *m_serviceWatcher; QString m_error; bool m_userModified; bool m_serverModified; QStringList m_serverSideDesktops; QHash m_serverSideNames; int m_serverSideRows; QStringList m_desktops; QHash m_names; int m_rows; bool m_synchronizing; }; } #endif