/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ /* This file contains things relevant to window grouping. */ //#define QT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE #include "group.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "client.h" #include namespace KWinInternal { //******************************************** // Group //******************************************** Group::Group( Window leader_P, Workspace* workspace_P ) : leader_client( workspace_P->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( leader_P ))), leader_wid( leader_P ), workspace_( workspace_P ) { workspace()->addGroup( this, Allowed ); } QPixmap Group::icon() const { if( leader_client != NULL ) return leader_client->icon(); else { QPixmap ic; Client::readIcons( leader_wid, &ic, NULL ); return ic; } } QPixmap Group::miniIcon() const { if( leader_client != NULL ) return leader_client->miniIcon(); else { QPixmap ic; Client::readIcons( leader_wid, NULL, &ic ); return ic; } } void Group::addMember( Client* member_P ) { _members.append( member_P ); // kdDebug() << "GROUPADD:" << this << ":" << member_P << endl; // kdDebug() << kdBacktrace() << endl; } void Group::removeMember( Client* member_P ) { // kdDebug() << "GROUPREMOVE:" << this << ":" << member_P << endl; // kdDebug() << kdBacktrace() << endl; Q_ASSERT( _members.contains( member_P )); _members.remove( member_P ); if( _members.isEmpty()) { workspace()->removeGroup( this, Allowed ); delete this; } } void Group::gotLeader( Client* leader_P ) { assert( leader_P->window() == leader_wid ); leader_client = leader_P; } void Group::lostLeader() { assert( !_members.contains( leader_client )); leader_client = NULL; if( _members.isEmpty()) { workspace()->removeGroup( this, Allowed ); delete this; } } //*************************************** // Workspace //*************************************** Group* Workspace::findGroup( Window leader ) { assert( leader != None ); for( GroupList::ConstIterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it ) if( (*it)->leader() == leader ) return *it; return NULL; } void Workspace::updateMinimizedOfTransients( Client* c ) { // if mainwindow is minimized or shaded, minimize transients too if ( c->isMinimized() || c->isShade() ) { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = c->transients().begin(); it != c->transients().end(); ++it ) { if( !(*it)->isMinimized() && !(*it)->isShade() && !(*it)->isTopMenu() ) // topmenus are not minimized, they're hidden { (*it)->minimize(); updateMinimizedOfTransients( (*it) ); } } } else { // else unmiminize the transients for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = c->transients().begin(); it != c->transients().end(); ++it ) { if( (*it)->isMinimized() && !(*it)->isTopMenu()) { (*it)->unminimize(); updateMinimizedOfTransients( (*it) ); } } } } /*! Sets the client \a c's transient windows' on_all_desktops property to \a on_all_desktops. */ void Workspace::updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients( Client* c ) { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = c->transients().begin(); it != c->transients().end(); ++it) { if( (*it)->isOnAllDesktops() != c->isOnAllDesktops()) (*it)->setOnAllDesktops( c->isOnAllDesktops()); } } // A new window has been mapped. Check if it's not a mainwindow for some already existing transient window. void Workspace::checkTransients( Window w ) { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it ) (*it)->checkTransient( w ); } //**************************************** // Client //**************************************** // hacks for broken apps here bool Client::resourceMatch( const Client* c1, const Client* c2 ) { // xv has "xv" as resource name, and different strings starting with "XV" as resource class if( qstrncmp( c1->resourceClass(), "XV", 2 ) == 0 && c1->resourceName() == "xv" ) return qstrncmp( c2->resourceClass(), "XV", 2 ) == 0 && c2->resourceName() == "xv"; // Mozilla has "Mozilla" as resource name, and different strings as resource class if( c1->resourceName() == "Mozilla" ) return c2->resourceName() == "Mozilla"; return c1->resourceClass() == c2->resourceClass(); } bool Client::belongToSameApplication( const Client* c1, const Client* c2, bool active_hack ) { bool same_app = false; if( c1->isTransient() && c2->hasTransient( c1, true )) same_app = true; // c1 has c2 as mainwindow else if( c2->isTransient() && c1->hasTransient( c2, true )) same_app = true; // c2 has c1 as mainwindow else if( c1->pid() != c2->pid() || c1->wmClientMachine() != c2->wmClientMachine()) ; // different processes else if( c1->wmClientLeader() != c2->wmClientLeader() && c1->wmClientLeader() != c1->window() // if WM_CLIENT_LEADER is not set, it returns window(), && c2->wmClientLeader() != c2->window()) // don't use in this test then ; // different client leader else if( !resourceMatch( c1, c2 )) ; // different apps else if( !sameAppWindowRoleMatch( c1, c2, active_hack )) ; // "different" apps else if( c1->pid() == 0 || c2->pid() == 0 ) ; // old apps that don't have _NET_WM_PID, consider them different else same_app = true; // looks like it's the same app return same_app; } // Non-transient windows with window role containing '#' are always // considered belonging to different applications (unless // the window role is exactly the same). KMainWindow sets // window role this way by default, and different KMainWindow // usually "are" different application from user's point of view. // This help with no-focus-stealing for e.g. konqy reusing. // On the other hand, if one of the windows is active, they are // considered belonging to the same application. This is for // the cases when opening new mainwindow directly from the application, // e.g. 'Open New Window' in konqy ( active_hack == true ). bool Client::sameAppWindowRoleMatch( const Client* c1, const Client* c2, bool active_hack ) { if( c1->isTransient()) { while( c1->transientFor() != NULL ) c1 = c1->transientFor(); if( c1->groupTransient()) return c1->group() == c2->group() // if a group transient is in its own group, it didn't possibly have a group, // and therefore should be considered belonging to the same app like // all other windows from the same app || c1->group()->leaderClient() == c1 || c2->group()->leaderClient() == c2; } if( c2->isTransient()) { while( c2->transientFor() != NULL ) c2 = c2->transientFor(); if( c2->groupTransient()) return c1->group() == c2->group() || c1->group()->leaderClient() == c1 || c2->group()->leaderClient() == c2; } int pos1 = c1->windowRole().find( '#' ); int pos2 = c2->windowRole().find( '#' ); if(( pos1 >= 0 && pos2 >= 0 ) || // hacks here // Mozilla has resourceName() and resourceClass() swapped c1->resourceName() == "Mozilla" && c2->resourceName() == "Mozilla" ) { if( !active_hack ) // without the active hack for focus stealing prevention, return c1 == c2; // different mainwindows are always different apps if( !c1->isActive() && !c2->isActive()) return c1 == c2; else return true; } return true; } /* Transiency stuff: ICCCM, NETWM 7.3 WM_TRANSIENT_FOR is basically means "this is my mainwindow". For NET::Unknown windows, transient windows are considered to be NET::Dialog windows, for compatibility with non-NETWM clients. KWin may adjust the value of this property in some cases (window pointing to itself or creating a loop, keeping NET::Splash windows above other windows from the same app, etc.). Client::transient_for_id is the value of the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property, after possibly being adjusted by KWin. Client::transient_for points to the Client this Client is transient for, or is NULL. If Client::transient_for_id is poiting to the root window, the window is considered to be transient for the whole window group, as suggested in NETWM 7.3. In the case of group transient window, Client::transient_for is NULL, and Client::groupTransient() returns true. Such window is treated as if it were transient for every window in its window group, with the exception of the windows that are (even indirectly) transient for it (quite nasty, loops must be avoided). Client::original_transient_for_id is the value of the property, which may be different if Client::transient_for_id if e.g. forcing NET::Splash to be kept on top of its window group, or when the mainwindow is not mapped yet, in which case the window is temporarily made group transient, and when the mainwindow is mapped, transiency is re-evaluated. This can get a bit complicated with with e.g. two Konqueror windows created by the same process. They should ideally appear like two independent applications to the user. This should be accomplished by all windows in the same process having the same window group (needs to be changed in Qt at the moment), and using non-group transients poiting to their relevant mainwindow for toolwindows etc. KWin should handle both group and non-group transient dialogs well. In other words: - non-transient windows : isTransient() == false - normal transients : transientFor() != NULL - group transients : groupTransient() == true - list of mainwindows : mainClients() (call once and loop over the result) - list of transients : transients() - every window in the group : group()->members() */ void Client::readTransient() { Window new_transient_for_id; if( XGetTransientForHint( qt_xdisplay(), window(), &new_transient_for_id )) { original_transient_for_id = new_transient_for_id; new_transient_for_id = verifyTransientFor( new_transient_for_id, true ); } else { original_transient_for_id = None; new_transient_for_id = verifyTransientFor( None, false ); } setTransient( new_transient_for_id ); } void Client::setTransient( Window new_transient_for_id ) { if( new_transient_for_id != transient_for_id ) { removeFromMainClients(); transient_for = NULL; transient_for_id = new_transient_for_id; if( groupTransient()) { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); it != group()->members().end(); ++it ) if( !(*it)->groupTransient()) (*it)->addTransient( this ); } else if( transient_for_id != None ) { transient_for = workspace()->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( transient_for_id )); assert( transient_for != NULL ); // verifyTransient() had to check this if( transient_for->groupTransient()) removeTransient( transient_for ); transient_for->addTransient( this ); } checkGroup(); checkGroupTransients(); workspace()->updateClientLayer( this ); } } void Client::removeFromMainClients() { if( transientFor() != NULL ) transientFor()->removeTransient( this ); if( groupTransient()) { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); it != group()->members().end(); ++it ) (*it)->removeTransient( this ); } } // *sigh* this transiency handling is madness :( // This one is called when destroying/releasing a window. // It makes sure this client is removed from all grouping // related lists. void Client::cleanGrouping() { // kdDebug() << "CLEANGROUPING:" << this << endl; // for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); // it != group()->members().end(); // ++it ) // kdDebug() << "CL:" << *it << endl; // ClientList mains; // mains = mainClients(); // for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = mains.begin(); // it != mains.end(); // ++it ) // kdDebug() << "MN:" << *it << endl; removeFromMainClients(); // kdDebug() << "CLEANGROUPING2:" << this << endl; // for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); // it != group()->members().end(); // ++it ) // kdDebug() << "CL2:" << *it << endl; // mains = mainClients(); // for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = mains.begin(); // it != mains.end(); // ++it ) // kdDebug() << "MN2:" << *it << endl; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = transients_list.begin(); it != transients_list.end(); ) { if( (*it)->transientFor() == this ) { ClientList::ConstIterator it2 = it++; removeTransient( *it2 ); } else ++it; } // kdDebug() << "CLEANGROUPING3:" << this << endl; // for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); // it != group()->members().end(); // ++it ) // kdDebug() << "CL3:" << *it << endl; // mains = mainClients(); // for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = mains.begin(); // it != mains.end(); // ++it ) // kdDebug() << "MN3:" << *it << endl; // HACK // removeFromMainClients() did remove 'this' from transient // lists of all group members, but then made windows that // were transient for 'this' group transient, which again // added 'this' to those transient lists :( ClientList group_members = group()->members(); group()->removeMember( this ); in_group = NULL; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group_members.begin(); it != group_members.end(); ++it ) (*it)->removeTransient( this ); // kdDebug() << "CLEANGROUPING4:" << this << endl; // for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group_members.begin(); // it != group_members.end(); // ++it ) // kdDebug() << "CL4:" << *it << endl; } // Make sure that no group transient is considered transient // for a window that is (directly or indirectly) transient for it. // Group transients not being transient for each other is already // handled before calling addTransient(). void Client::checkGroupTransients() { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it1 = group()->members().begin(); it1 != group()->members().end(); ++it1 ) { if( !(*it1)->groupTransient()) continue; for( ClientList::Iterator it2 = (*it1)->transients_list.begin(); it2 != (*it1)->transients_list.end(); ) { Client* cl = (*it2)->transientFor(); if( cl != NULL ) cl = cl->transientFor(); if( cl == *it1 ) { it2 = (*it1)->transients_list.remove( it2 ); continue; } ++it2; } } } /*! Check that the window is not transient for itself, and similar nonsense. */ Window Client::verifyTransientFor( Window new_transient_for, bool defined ) { Window new_property_value = new_transient_for; // make sure splashscreens are shown above all their app's windows, even though // they're in Normal layer if( isSplash() && new_transient_for == None ) new_transient_for = workspace()->rootWin(); if( new_transient_for == None ) if( defined ) // sometimes WM_TRANSIENT_FOR is set to None, instead of root window new_property_value = new_transient_for = workspace()->rootWin(); else return None; if( new_transient_for == window()) // pointing to self { // also fix the property itself kdWarning( 1216 ) << "Client " << this << " has WM_TRANSIENT_FOR poiting to itself." << endl; new_property_value = new_transient_for = workspace()->rootWin(); } // The transient_for window may be embedded in another application, // so kwin cannot see it. Try to find the managed client for the // window and fix the transient_for property if possible. WId before_search = new_transient_for; while( new_transient_for != None && new_transient_for != workspace()->rootWin() && !workspace()->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( new_transient_for ))) { Window root_return, parent_return; Window* wins = NULL; unsigned int nwins; int r = XQueryTree(qt_xdisplay(), new_transient_for, &root_return, &parent_return, &wins, &nwins); if ( wins ) XFree((void *) wins); if ( r == 0) break; new_transient_for = parent_return; } if( Client* new_transient_for_client = workspace()->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( new_transient_for ))) { if( new_transient_for != before_search ) { kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Client " << this << " has WM_TRANSIENT_FOR poiting to non-toplevel window " << before_search << ", child of " << new_transient_for_client << ", adjusting." << endl; new_property_value = new_transient_for; // also fix the property } } else new_transient_for = before_search; // nice try // loop detection // group transients cannot cause loops, because they're considered transient only for non-transient // windows in the group int count = 20; Window loop_pos = new_transient_for; while( loop_pos != None && loop_pos != workspace()->rootWin()) { Client* pos = workspace()->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( loop_pos )); if( pos == NULL ) break; loop_pos = pos->transient_for_id; if( --count == 0 ) { kdWarning( 1216 ) << "Client " << this << " caused WM_TRANSIENT_FOR loop." << endl; new_transient_for = workspace()->rootWin(); } } if( new_transient_for != workspace()->rootWin() && workspace()->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( new_transient_for )) == NULL ) { // it's transient for a specific window, but that window is not mapped new_transient_for = workspace()->rootWin(); } if( new_property_value != original_transient_for_id ) XSetTransientForHint( qt_xdisplay(), window(), new_property_value ); return new_transient_for; } void Client::addTransient( Client* cl ) { assert( !transients_list.contains( cl )); assert( !cl->transients_list.contains( this )); assert( cl != this ); transients_list.append( cl ); // kdDebug() << "ADDTRANS:" << this << ":" << cl << endl; // kdDebug() << kdBacktrace() << endl; } void Client::removeTransient( Client* cl ) { // kdDebug() << "REMOVETRANS:" << this << ":" << cl << endl; // kdDebug() << kdBacktrace() << endl; transients_list.remove( cl ); // cl is transient for this, but this is going away // make cl group transient if( cl->transientFor() == this ) { cl->transient_for_id = None; cl->transient_for = NULL; // SELI // SELI cl->setTransient( workspace()->rootWin()); cl->setTransient( None ); } } // A new window has been mapped. Check if it's not a mainwindow for this already existing window. void Client::checkTransient( Window w ) { if( original_transient_for_id != w ) return; w = verifyTransientFor( w, true ); setTransient( w ); } // returns true if cl is the transient_for window for this client, // or recursively the transient_for window bool Client::hasTransient( const Client* cl, bool indirect ) const { if( cl->transientFor() != NULL ) { if( cl->transientFor() == this ) return true; if( !indirect ) return false; return hasTransient( cl->transientFor(), indirect ); } if( !cl->isTransient()) return false; if( group() != cl->group()) return false; // cl is group transient, search from top if( transients().contains( const_cast< Client* >( cl ))) return true; if( !indirect ) return false; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = transients().begin(); it != transients().end(); ++it ) if( (*it)->hasTransient( cl, indirect )) return true; return false; } ClientList Client::mainClients() const { if( !isTransient()) return ClientList(); if( transientFor() != NULL ) return ClientList() << const_cast< Client* >( transientFor()); ClientList result; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); it != group()->members().end(); ++it ) if( !(*it)->groupTransient() && (*it)->hasTransient( this, false )) result.append( *it ); return result; } Client* Client::findModal() { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = transients().begin(); it != transients().end(); ++it ) if( Client* ret = (*it)->findModal()) return ret; if( isModal()) return this; return NULL; } // Client::window_group only holds the contents of the hint, // but it should be used only to find the group, not for anything else void Client::checkGroup() { Group* old_group = in_group; if( window_group != None ) { Group* new_group = workspace()->findGroup( window_group ); if( transientFor() != NULL && transientFor()->group() != new_group ) { // move the window to the right group (e.g. a dialog provided // by different app, but transient for this one, so make it part of that group) new_group = transientFor()->group(); } if( new_group == NULL ) // doesn't exist yet new_group = new Group( window_group, workspace()); if( new_group != in_group ) { if( in_group != NULL ) in_group->removeMember( this ); in_group = new_group; in_group->addMember( this ); } } else { if( transientFor() != NULL ) { // doesn't have window group set, but is transient for something // so make it part of that group Group* new_group = transientFor()->group(); if( new_group != in_group ) { if( in_group != NULL ) in_group->removeMember( this ); in_group = transientFor()->group(); in_group->addMember( this ); } } else // not transient without a group, put it in its own group { // (can be also group transient which actually doesn't have a group :( ) if( in_group != NULL && in_group->leader() != window()) { in_group->removeMember( this ); in_group = NULL; } if( in_group == NULL ) { in_group = new Group( window(), workspace()); in_group->addMember( this ); in_group->gotLeader( this ); } } } if( in_group != old_group ) { for( ClientList::Iterator it = transients_list.begin(); it != transients_list.end(); ) { // it's no longer transient for group transients in the old group if( (*it)->groupTransient() && (*it)->group() != group()) it = transients_list.remove( it ); else ++it; } for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); it != group()->members().end(); ++it ) { if( !(*it)->groupTransient()) // and its transient for group transients in the new group continue; if( !transients_list.contains( *it )) // unless it's the other way around addTransient( *it ); } } } } // namespace