/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Gräßlin Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "screenshot.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { bool ScreenShotEffect::supported() { return effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing || (effects->isOpenGLCompositing() && GLRenderTarget::supported()); } ScreenShotEffect::ScreenShotEffect() : m_scheduledScreenshot(0) , m_replyConnection(QDBusConnection::sessionBus()) { connect ( effects, SIGNAL(windowClosed(KWin::EffectWindow*)), SLOT(windowClosed(KWin::EffectWindow*)) ); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(QStringLiteral("/Screenshot"), this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableContents); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwin.Screenshot")); } ScreenShotEffect::~ScreenShotEffect() { QDBusConnection::sessionBus().unregisterObject(QStringLiteral("/Screenshot")); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().unregisterService(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwin.Screenshot")); } #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING static QImage xPictureToImage(xcb_render_picture_t srcPic, const QRect &geometry, xcb_image_t **xImage) { xcb_connection_t *c = effects->xcbConnection(); xcb_pixmap_t xpix = xcb_generate_id(c); xcb_create_pixmap(c, 32, xpix, effects->x11RootWindow(), geometry.width(), geometry.height()); XRenderPicture pic(xpix, 32); xcb_render_composite(c, XCB_RENDER_PICT_OP_SRC, srcPic, XCB_RENDER_PICTURE_NONE, pic, geometry.x(), geometry.y(), 0, 0, 0, 0, geometry.width(), geometry.height()); xcb_flush(c); *xImage = xcb_image_get(c, xpix, 0, 0, geometry.width(), geometry.height(), ~0, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP); QImage img((*xImage)->data, (*xImage)->width, (*xImage)->height, (*xImage)->stride, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); // TODO: byte order might need swapping xcb_free_pixmap(c, xpix); return img.copy(); } #endif void ScreenShotEffect::paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData &data) { m_cachedOutputGeometry = data.outputGeometry(); effects->paintScreen(mask, region, data); } void ScreenShotEffect::postPaintScreen() { effects->postPaintScreen(); if (m_scheduledScreenshot) { WindowPaintData d(m_scheduledScreenshot); double left = 0; double top = 0; double right = m_scheduledScreenshot->width(); double bottom = m_scheduledScreenshot->height(); if (m_scheduledScreenshot->hasDecoration() && m_type & INCLUDE_DECORATION) { foreach (const WindowQuad & quad, d.quads) { // we need this loop to include the decoration padding left = qMin(left, quad.left()); top = qMin(top, quad.top()); right = qMax(right, quad.right()); bottom = qMax(bottom, quad.bottom()); } } else if (m_scheduledScreenshot->hasDecoration()) { WindowQuadList newQuads; left = m_scheduledScreenshot->width(); top = m_scheduledScreenshot->height(); right = 0; bottom = 0; foreach (const WindowQuad & quad, d.quads) { if (quad.type() == WindowQuadContents) { newQuads << quad; left = qMin(left, quad.left()); top = qMin(top, quad.top()); right = qMax(right, quad.right()); bottom = qMax(bottom, quad.bottom()); } } d.quads = newQuads; } const int width = right - left; const int height = bottom - top; bool validTarget = true; QScopedPointer offscreenTexture; QScopedPointer target; if (effects->isOpenGLCompositing()) { offscreenTexture.reset(new GLTexture(GL_RGBA8, width, height)); offscreenTexture->setFilter(GL_LINEAR); offscreenTexture->setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); target.reset(new GLRenderTarget(*offscreenTexture)); validTarget = target->valid(); } if (validTarget) { d.setXTranslation(-m_scheduledScreenshot->x() - left); d.setYTranslation(-m_scheduledScreenshot->y() - top); // render window into offscreen texture int mask = PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED | PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSLUCENT; QImage img; if (effects->isOpenGLCompositing()) { GLRenderTarget::pushRenderTarget(target.data()); glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); QMatrix4x4 projection; projection.ortho(QRect(0, 0, offscreenTexture->width(), offscreenTexture->height())); d.setProjectionMatrix(projection); effects->drawWindow(m_scheduledScreenshot, mask, infiniteRegion(), d); // copy content from framebuffer into image img = QImage(QSize(width, height), QImage::Format_ARGB32); glReadnPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.byteCount(), (GLvoid*)img.bits()); GLRenderTarget::popRenderTarget(); ScreenShotEffect::convertFromGLImage(img, width, height); } #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING xcb_image_t *xImage = NULL; if (effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing) { setXRenderOffscreen(true); effects->drawWindow(m_scheduledScreenshot, mask, QRegion(0, 0, width, height), d); if (xRenderOffscreenTarget()) { img = xPictureToImage(xRenderOffscreenTarget(), QRect(0, 0, width, height), &xImage); } setXRenderOffscreen(false); } #endif if (m_type & INCLUDE_CURSOR) { grabPointerImage(img, m_scheduledScreenshot->x() + left, m_scheduledScreenshot->y() + top); } const int depth = img.depth(); xcb_pixmap_t xpix = xcb_generate_id(xcbConnection()); xcb_create_pixmap(xcbConnection(), depth, xpix, x11RootWindow(), img.width(), img.height()); xcb_gcontext_t cid = xcb_generate_id(xcbConnection()); xcb_create_gc(xcbConnection(), cid, xpix, 0, NULL); xcb_put_image(xcbConnection(), XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, xpix, cid, img.width(), img.height(), 0, 0, 0, depth, img.byteCount(), img.constBits()); xcb_free_gc(xcbConnection(), cid); xcb_flush(xcbConnection()); emit screenshotCreated(xpix); #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING if (xImage) { xcb_image_destroy(xImage); } #endif } m_scheduledScreenshot = NULL; } if (!m_scheduledGeometry.isNull()) { if (!m_cachedOutputGeometry.isNull()) { // special handling for per-output geometry rendering const QRect intersection = m_scheduledGeometry.intersected(m_cachedOutputGeometry); if (intersection.isEmpty()) { // doesn't intersect, not going onto this screenshot return; } const QImage img = blitScreenshot(intersection); if (img.size() == m_scheduledGeometry.size()) { // we are done sendReplyImage(img); return; } if (m_multipleOutputsImage.isNull()) { m_multipleOutputsImage = QImage(m_scheduledGeometry.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); m_multipleOutputsImage.fill(Qt::transparent); } QPainter p; p.begin(&m_multipleOutputsImage); p.drawImage(intersection.topLeft() - m_scheduledGeometry.topLeft(), img); p.end(); m_multipleOutputsRendered = m_multipleOutputsRendered.united(intersection); if (m_multipleOutputsRendered.boundingRect() == m_scheduledGeometry) { sendReplyImage(m_multipleOutputsImage); } } else { const QImage img = blitScreenshot(m_scheduledGeometry); sendReplyImage(img); } } } void ScreenShotEffect::sendReplyImage(const QImage &img) { m_replyConnection.send(m_replyMessage.createReply(saveTempImage(img))); m_scheduledGeometry = QRect(); m_multipleOutputsImage = QImage(); m_multipleOutputsRendered = QRegion(); m_captureCursor = false; } QString ScreenShotEffect::saveTempImage(const QImage &img) { if (img.isNull()) { return QString(); } QTemporaryFile temp(QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("kwin_screenshot_XXXXXX.png")); temp.setAutoRemove(false); if (!temp.open()) { return QString(); } img.save(&temp); temp.close(); return temp.fileName(); } void ScreenShotEffect::screenshotWindowUnderCursor(int mask) { m_type = (ScreenShotType)mask; const QPoint cursor = effects->cursorPos(); EffectWindowList order = effects->stackingOrder(); EffectWindowList::const_iterator it = order.constEnd(), first = order.constBegin(); while( it != first ) { m_scheduledScreenshot = *(--it); if (m_scheduledScreenshot->isOnCurrentDesktop() && !m_scheduledScreenshot->isMinimized() && !m_scheduledScreenshot->isDeleted() && m_scheduledScreenshot->geometry().contains(cursor)) break; m_scheduledScreenshot = 0; } if (m_scheduledScreenshot) { m_scheduledScreenshot->addRepaintFull(); } } void ScreenShotEffect::screenshotForWindow(qulonglong winid, int mask) { m_type = (ScreenShotType) mask; EffectWindow* w = effects->findWindow(winid); if(w && !w->isMinimized() && !w->isDeleted()) { m_scheduledScreenshot = w; m_scheduledScreenshot->addRepaintFull(); } } QString ScreenShotEffect::screenshotFullscreen(bool captureCursor) { if (!calledFromDBus()) { return QString(); } if (!m_scheduledGeometry.isNull()) { sendErrorReply(QDBusError::Failed, "A screenshot is already been taken"); return QString(); } m_replyConnection = connection(); m_replyMessage = message(); setDelayedReply(true); m_scheduledGeometry = effects->virtualScreenGeometry(); m_captureCursor = captureCursor; effects->addRepaintFull(); return QString(); } QString ScreenShotEffect::screenshotScreen(int screen, bool captureCursor) { if (!calledFromDBus()) { return QString(); } if (!m_scheduledGeometry.isNull()) { sendErrorReply(QDBusError::Failed, "A screenshot is already been taken"); return QString(); } m_scheduledGeometry = effects->clientArea(FullScreenArea, screen, 0); if (m_scheduledGeometry.isNull()) { sendErrorReply(QDBusError::Failed, "Invalid screen requested"); return QString(); } m_captureCursor = captureCursor; m_replyConnection = connection(); m_replyMessage = message(); setDelayedReply(true); effects->addRepaint(m_scheduledGeometry); return QString(); } QString ScreenShotEffect::screenshotArea(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool captureCursor) { if (!calledFromDBus()) { return QString(); } if (!m_scheduledGeometry.isNull()) { sendErrorReply(QDBusError::Failed, "A screenshot is already been taken"); return QString(); } m_scheduledGeometry = QRect(x, y, width, height); if (m_scheduledGeometry.isNull() || m_scheduledGeometry.isEmpty()) { m_scheduledGeometry = QRect(); sendErrorReply(QDBusError::Failed, "Invalid area requested"); return QString(); } m_captureCursor = captureCursor; m_replyConnection = connection(); m_replyMessage = message(); setDelayedReply(true); effects->addRepaint(m_scheduledGeometry); return QString(); } QImage ScreenShotEffect::blitScreenshot(const QRect &geometry) { QImage img; if (effects->isOpenGLCompositing()) { if (!GLRenderTarget::blitSupported()) { qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Framebuffer Blit not supported"; return img; } GLTexture tex(GL_RGBA8, geometry.width(), geometry.height()); GLRenderTarget target(tex); target.blitFromFramebuffer(geometry); // copy content from framebuffer into image tex.bind(); img = QImage(geometry.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); if (GLPlatform::instance()->isGLES()) { glReadPixels(0, 0, img.width(), img.height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid*)img.bits()); } else { glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid*)img.bits()); } tex.unbind(); ScreenShotEffect::convertFromGLImage(img, geometry.width(), geometry.height()); } #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING if (effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing) { xcb_image_t *xImage = NULL; img = xPictureToImage(effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), geometry, &xImage); if (xImage) { xcb_image_destroy(xImage); } } #endif if (m_captureCursor) { grabPointerImage(img, geometry.x(), geometry.y()); } return img; } void ScreenShotEffect::grabPointerImage(QImage& snapshot, int offsetx, int offsety) { const auto cursor = effects->cursorImage(); if (cursor.image().isNull()) return; QPainter painter(&snapshot); painter.drawImage(effects->cursorPos() - cursor.hotSpot() - QPoint(offsetx, offsety), cursor.image()); } void ScreenShotEffect::convertFromGLImage(QImage &img, int w, int h) { // from QtOpenGL/qgl.cpp // Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) // see http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/master/src/opengl/qgl.cpp if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian) { // OpenGL gives RGBA; Qt wants ARGB uint *p = (uint*)img.bits(); uint *end = p + w * h; while (p < end) { uint a = *p << 24; *p = (*p >> 8) | a; p++; } } else { // OpenGL gives ABGR (i.e. RGBA backwards); Qt wants ARGB for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { uint *q = (uint*)img.scanLine(y); for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { const uint pixel = *q; *q = ((pixel << 16) & 0xff0000) | ((pixel >> 16) & 0xff) | (pixel & 0xff00ff00); q++; } } } img = img.mirrored(); } bool ScreenShotEffect::isActive() const { return (m_scheduledScreenshot != NULL || !m_scheduledGeometry.isNull()) && !effects->isScreenLocked(); } void ScreenShotEffect::windowClosed( EffectWindow* w ) { if (w == m_scheduledScreenshot) { m_scheduledScreenshot = NULL; screenshotWindowUnderCursor(m_type); } } } // namespace