 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 2007 Philip Falkner <philip.falkner@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "fade.h"

#include <kconfiggroup.h>

namespace KWin

KWIN_EFFECT( fade, FadeEffect )

    reconfigure( ReconfigureAll );

void FadeEffect::reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags )
    KConfigGroup conf = effects->effectConfig( "Fade" );
    fadeInTime = animationTime( conf, "FadeInTime", 150 );
    fadeOutTime = animationTime( conf, "FadeOutTime", 150 );
    fadeWindows = conf.readEntry( "FadeWindows", true );

void FadeEffect::prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time )
    if( !windows.isEmpty())
        fadeInStep = time / double( fadeInTime );
        fadeOutStep = time / double( fadeOutTime );
    effects->prePaintScreen( data, time );

void FadeEffect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time )
    if( windows.contains( w ))
        windows[ w ].fadeInStep += fadeInStep;
        windows[ w ].fadeOutStep += fadeOutStep;
        if( windows[ w ].opacity < 1.0 )
        if( windows[ w ].deleted )
            if( windows[ w ].opacity <= 0.0 )
                windows.remove( w );
                w->enablePainting( EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_DELETE );
    effects->prePaintWindow( w, data, time );
    if( windows.contains( w ) && !w->isPaintingEnabled())
        { // if the window isn't to be painted, then let's make sure
          // to track its progress
        if( windows[ w ].fadeInStep < 1.0
            || windows[ w ].fadeOutStep < 1.0 )
            { // but only if the total change is less than the
              // maximum possible change

void FadeEffect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
    if( windows.contains( w ))
        if( windows[ w ].deleted
            || windows[ w ].opacity != data.opacity
            || windows[ w ].saturation != data.saturation
            || windows[ w ].brightness != data.brightness )
            WindowPaintData new_data = data;

            if( windows[ w ].deleted )
                new_data.opacity = 0.0;

            if( new_data.opacity > windows[ w ].opacity )
                windows[ w ].opacity = qMin( new_data.opacity,
                    windows[ w ].opacity + windows[ w ].fadeInStep );
            else if( new_data.opacity < windows[ w ].opacity )
                windows[ w ].opacity = qMax( new_data.opacity,
                    windows[ w ].opacity - windows[ w ].fadeOutStep );

            if( new_data.saturation > windows[ w ].saturation )
                windows[ w ].saturation = qMin( new_data.saturation,
                    windows[ w ].saturation + windows[ w ].fadeInStep );
            else if( new_data.saturation < windows[ w ].saturation )
                windows[ w ].saturation = qMax( new_data.saturation,
                    windows[ w ].saturation - windows[ w ].fadeOutStep );

            if( new_data.brightness > windows[ w ].brightness )
                windows[ w ].brightness = qMin( new_data.brightness,
                    windows[ w ].brightness + windows[ w ].fadeInStep );
            else if( new_data.brightness < windows[ w ].brightness )
                windows[ w ].brightness = qMax( new_data.brightness,
                    windows[ w ].brightness - windows[ w ].fadeOutStep );

            windows[ w ].opacity = qBound( 0.0, windows[ w ].opacity, 1.0 );
            windows[ w ].saturation = qBound( 0.0, windows[ w ].saturation, 1.0 );
            windows[ w ].brightness = qBound( 0.0, windows[ w ].brightness, 1.0 );
            windows[ w ].fadeInStep = 0.0;
            windows[ w ].fadeOutStep = 0.0;

            new_data.opacity = windows[ w ].opacity;
            new_data.saturation = windows[ w ].saturation;
            new_data.brightness = windows[ w ].brightness;
            effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, new_data );
            if( windows[ w ].opacity != data.opacity
                || windows[ w ].saturation != data.saturation
                || windows[ w ].brightness != data.brightness )
        windows[ w ].fadeInStep = 0.0;
        windows[ w ].fadeOutStep = 0.0;
    effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data );

void FadeEffect::windowOpacityChanged( EffectWindow* w, double old_opacity )
    if( !windows.contains( w ))
        windows[ w ].opacity = old_opacity;
    if( windows[ w ].opacity == 1.0 )
        windows[ w ].opacity -= 0.1 / fadeOutTime;

void FadeEffect::windowAdded( EffectWindow* w )
    if( !fadeWindows || !isFadeWindow( w ))
    windows[ w ].opacity = 0.0;

void FadeEffect::windowClosed( EffectWindow* w )
    if( !fadeWindows || !isFadeWindow( w ))
    if( !windows.contains( w ))
        windows[ w ].opacity = w->opacity();
    if( windows[ w ].opacity == 1.0 )
        windows[ w ].opacity -= 0.1 / fadeOutTime;
    windows[ w ].deleted = true;

void FadeEffect::windowDeleted( EffectWindow* w )
    windows.remove( w );

bool FadeEffect::isFadeWindow( EffectWindow* w )
    if( w->windowClass() == "ksplashx ksplashx"
        || w->windowClass() == "ksplashsimple ksplashsimple" )
        { // see login effect
        return false;
    return ( !w->isDesktop() && !w->isUtility() );

} // namespace