/***************************************************************** kwin - the KDE window manager Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich ******************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_WORKSPACE_H #define KWIN_WORKSPACE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "options.h" #include "KWinInterface.h" #include #include #include #include class KConfig; class KGlobalAccel; namespace KWinInternal { const int SUPPORTED_WINDOW_TYPES_MASK = NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask | NET::DockMask | NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask | NET::OverrideMask | NET::TopMenuMask; class Client; class TabBox; class PopupInfo; class RootInfo; class PluginMgr; typedef QValueList ClientList; class SystemTrayWindow { public: SystemTrayWindow() : win(0),winFor(0) {} SystemTrayWindow( WId w ) : win(w),winFor(0) {} SystemTrayWindow( WId w, WId wf ) : win(w),winFor(wf) {} bool operator==( const SystemTrayWindow& other ) { return win == other.win; } WId win; WId winFor; }; typedef QValueList SystemTrayWindowList; struct SessionInfo { QCString sessionId; QCString windowRole; QCString wmCommand; QCString wmClientMachine; QCString resourceName; QCString resourceClass; QRect geometry; QRect restore; int maximize; int desktop; bool iconified; bool sticky; bool shaded; bool staysOnTop; bool skipTaskbar; bool skipPager; NET::WindowType windowType; }; class Shape { public: static bool hasShape( WId w); static int shapeEvent(); }; class Motif { public: static bool noBorder( WId w ); static bool funcFlags( WId w, bool& resize, bool& move, bool& minimize, bool& maximize, bool& close ); struct MwmHints { ulong flags; ulong functions; ulong decorations; long input_mode; ulong status; }; enum { MWM_HINTS_FUNCTIONS = (1L << 0), MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS = (1L << 1), MWM_FUNC_ALL = (1L << 0), MWM_FUNC_RESIZE = (1L << 1), MWM_FUNC_MOVE = (1L << 2), MWM_FUNC_MINIMIZE = (1L << 3), MWM_FUNC_MAXIMIZE = (1L << 4), MWM_FUNC_CLOSE = (1L << 5) }; }; class WorkspacePrivate; // NOTE: this class has to keep binary compatibility, just like other // KWin classes accessible from the plugins class Workspace : public QObject, virtual public KWinInterface { Q_OBJECT public: Workspace( bool restore = FALSE ); virtual ~Workspace(); static Workspace * self() { return _self; } virtual bool workspaceEvent( XEvent * ); bool hasClient(Client *); // ### make const in KDE 4 Client* findClient( WId w ) const; QRect geometry() const; enum clientAreaOption { PlacementArea, MovementArea, MaximizeArea }; // default is MaximizeArea QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const QPoint& p, int desktop); QRect clientArea(const QPoint& p, int desktop); // KDE4 remove the following 3 methods inline QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption opt) { return clientArea(opt, QCursor::pos()); } QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const QPoint& p); QRect clientArea(const QPoint& p); void removeClient( Client* ); bool destroyClient( Client* ); /** * @internal * @obsolete */ void killWindowAtPosition(int x, int y); /** * @internal */ void killWindowId( Window window); void killWindow() { slotKillWindow(); } WId rootWin() const; /** * Returns the active client, i.e. the client that has the focus (or None * if no client has the focus) */ Client* activeClient() const; void setActiveClient( Client* ); void activateClient( Client*, bool force = FALSE ); void requestFocus( Client* c, bool force = FALSE ); void updateColormap(); void setFocusChangeEnabled(bool b) { focus_change = b; } // KDE 3.0: No longer used bool focusChangeEnabled() { return focus_change; } // KDE 3.0: No longer used /** * Indicates that the client c is being moved around by the user. */ void setClientIsMoving( Client *c ); void place(Client *c); void doPlacement(Client* c ); // obsolete KDE4 remove QPoint adjustClientPosition( Client* c, QPoint pos ); void raiseClient( Client* c ); void lowerClient( Client* c ); void stackClientUnderActive( Client* ); void raiseOrLowerClient( Client * ); void reconfigure(); void clientHidden( Client* ); void clientReady( Client* ); void clientMoved(const QPoint &pos, unsigned long time); /** * Returns the current virtual desktop of this workspace */ int currentDesktop() const; int nextDesktop( int iDesktop ) const; int previousDesktop( int iDesktop ) const; /** * Returns the number of virtual desktops of this workspace */ int numberOfDesktops() const; void setNumberOfDesktops( int n ); QWidget* desktopWidget(); // ### make const in KDE 4 Client* nextClient(Client*) const; Client* previousClient(Client*) const; Client* nextStaticClient(Client*) const; Client* previousStaticClient(Client*) const; /** * Returns the list of clients sorted in stacking order, with topmost client * at the last position */ const ClientList& stackingOrder() const; Client* topClientOnDesktop() const; void sendClientToDesktop( Client* c, int desktop ); /** * @deprecated Use showWindowMenu() */ QPopupMenu* clientPopup( Client* ); /** * @deprecated Use showWindowMenu() */ // KDE4 remove me - and it's also in the DCOP interface :( void showWindowMenuAt( unsigned long id, int x, int y ); /** * Shows the menu operations menu for the client * and makes it active if it's not already. */ void showWindowMenu( int x, int y, Client* cl ); void showWindowMenu( QPoint pos, Client* cl ); void iconifyOrDeiconifyTransientsOf( Client* ); void setStickyTransientsOf( Client*, bool sticky ); bool hasCaption( const QString& caption ); // ### make const in KDE 4 void performWindowOperation( Client* c, Options::WindowOperation op ); #define NO_LEGACY_SESSION_MANAGEMENT // moved to ksmserver #ifndef NO_LEGACY_SESSION_MANAGEMENT void restoreLegacySession( KConfig* config ); void storeLegacySession( KConfig* config ); #endif void storeSession( KConfig* config ); SessionInfo* takeSessionInfo( Client* ); virtual void updateClientArea(); // dcop interface void cascadeDesktop(); void unclutterDesktop(); void doNotManage(QString); void setCurrentDesktop( int new_desktop ); void nextDesktop(); void previousDesktop(); void circulateDesktopApplications(); QString desktopName( int desk ); // ### make const in KDE 4 void setDesktopLayout(int o, int x, int y); bool isNotManaged( const QString& title ); // ### setter or getter ? public slots: void refresh(); // keybindings void slotSwitchDesktopNext(); void slotSwitchDesktopPrevious(); void slotSwitchDesktopRight(); void slotSwitchDesktopLeft(); void slotSwitchDesktopUp(); void slotSwitchDesktopDown(); void slotSwitchToDesktop( int ); //void slotSwitchToWindow( int ); void slotWindowToDesktop( int ); //void slotWindowToListPosition( int ); void slotWindowMaximize(); void slotWindowMaximizeVertical(); void slotWindowMaximizeHorizontal(); void slotWindowIconify(); void slotWindowIconifyAll(); void slotWindowShade(); void slotWindowRaise(); void slotWindowLower(); void slotWindowRaiseOrLower(); void slotWalkThroughDesktops(); void slotWalkBackThroughDesktops(); void slotWalkThroughDesktopList(); void slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList(); void slotWalkThroughWindows(); void slotWalkBackThroughWindows(); void slotWindowOperations(); void slotWindowClose(); void slotWindowMove(); void slotWindowResize(); void slotWindowStaysOnTop(); void slotWindowSticky(); void slotWindowToNextDesktop(); void slotWindowToPreviousDesktop(); void slotMouseEmulation(); void slotResetAllClientsDelayed(); void slotResetAllClients(); void slotSettingsChanged( int category ); void slotReconfigure(); void slotKillWindow(); void slotGrabWindow(); void slotGrabDesktop(); void desktopResized(); private slots: void desktopPopupAboutToShow(); void clientPopupAboutToShow(); void sendToDesktop( int ); void clientPopupActivated( int ); void configureWM(); void focusEnsurance(); protected: bool keyPress( XKeyEvent& ev ); bool keyRelease( XKeyEvent& ev ); bool keyPressMouseEmulation( XKeyEvent& ev ); bool netCheck( XEvent* e ); void checkStartOnDesktop( WId w ); private: void init(); void initShortcuts(); void readShortcuts(); void initDesktopPopup(); bool startKDEWalkThroughWindows(); bool startWalkThroughDesktops( int mode ); // TabBox::Mode::DesktopMode | DesktopListMode bool startWalkThroughDesktops(); bool startWalkThroughDesktopList(); void KDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward ); void CDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward ); void walkThroughDesktops( bool forward ); void KDEOneStepThroughWindows( bool forward ); void oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward, int mode ); // TabBox::Mode::DesktopMode | DesktopListMode void oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward ); void oneStepThroughDesktopList( bool forward ); ClientList constrainedStackingOrder( const ClientList& list ); Client* clientFactory(WId w); void raiseTransientsOf( ClientList& safeset, Client* c ); void lowerTransientsOf( ClientList& safeset, Client* c ); void randomPlacement(Client* c); void smartPlacement(Client* c); void cascadePlacement(Client* c, bool re_init = false); void focusToNull(); Client* findClientWithId( WId w ) const; void propagateClients( bool onlyStacking, bool alsoXRestack ); bool addSystemTrayWin( WId w ); bool removeSystemTrayWin( WId w ); void propagateSystemTrayWins(); SystemTrayWindow findSystemTrayWin( WId w ); // desktop names and number of desktops void loadDesktopSettings(); void saveDesktopSettings(); // mouse emulation WId getMouseEmulationWindow(); enum MouseEmulation { EmuPress, EmuRelease, EmuMove }; unsigned int sendFakedMouseEvent( QPoint pos, WId win, MouseEmulation type, int button, unsigned int state ); // returns the new state // electric borders void createBorderWindows(); void destroyBorderWindows(); void electricBorder(XEvent * e); void raiseElectricBorders(); // ------------------ void calcDesktopLayout(int &x, int &y); QPopupMenu* clientPopup(); void updateClientArea( bool force ); SystemTrayWindowList systemTrayWins; int current_desktop; int number_of_desktops; QMemArray desktop_focus_chain; Client* popup_client; void loadSessionInfo(); QWidget* desktop_widget; QPtrList session; QPtrList fakeSession; void loadFakeSessionInfo(); void storeFakeSessionInfo( Client* c ); void writeFakeSessionInfo(); static const char* windowTypeToTxt( NET::WindowType type ); static NET::WindowType txtToWindowType( const char* txt ); static bool sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch( Client* c, SessionInfo* info ); Client* active_client; Client* last_active_client; Client* should_get_focus; Client* most_recently_raised; ClientList clients; ClientList desktops; ClientList stacking_order; ClientList focus_chain; bool control_grab; bool tab_grab; //KKeyNative walkThroughDesktopsKeycode, walkBackThroughDesktopsKeycode; //KKeyNative walkThroughDesktopListKeycode, walkBackThroughDesktopListKeycode; //KKeyNative walkThroughWindowsKeycode, walkBackThroughWindowsKeycode; KShortcut cutWalkThroughDesktops, cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse; KShortcut cutWalkThroughDesktopList, cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse; KShortcut cutWalkThroughWindows, cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse; bool mouse_emulation; unsigned int mouse_emulation_state; WId mouse_emulation_window; bool focus_change; TabBox* tab_box; PopupInfo* popupinfo; QPopupMenu *popup; QPopupMenu *desk_popup; KGlobalAccel *keys; WId root; PluginMgr *mgr; RootInfo *rootInfo; QWidget* supportWindow; QRect area_; // KDE4 remove me, unused // swallowing QStringList doNotManageList; // colormap handling Colormap default_colormap; Colormap installed_colormap; // Timer to collect requests for 'ResetAllClients' QTimer resetTimer; // Timer to collect requests for 'reconfigure' QTimer reconfigureTimer; QTimer focusEnsuranceTimer; WorkspacePrivate* d; static Workspace *_self; void addClient( Client* c ); }; inline WId Workspace::rootWin() const { return root; } inline Client* Workspace::activeClient() const { return active_client; } inline int Workspace::currentDesktop() const { return current_desktop; } inline int Workspace::numberOfDesktops() const { return number_of_desktops; } inline const ClientList& Workspace::stackingOrder() const { return stacking_order; } inline void Workspace::showWindowMenu(QPoint pos, Client* cl) { showWindowMenu(pos.x(), pos.y(), cl); } }; #endif