/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org> Based on glcompmgr code by Felix Bellaby. Using code from Compiz and Beryl. Explicit command stream synchronization based on the sample implementation by James Jones <jajones@nvidia.com>, Copyright © 2011 NVIDIA Corporation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ #include "scene_opengl.h" #include "eglonxbackend.h" #if HAVE_EPOXY_GLX #include "glxbackend.h" #endif #include "abstract_backend.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include <kwinglcolorcorrection.h> #include <kwinglplatform.h> #include "utils.h" #include "client.h" #include "composite.h" #include "deleted.h" #include "effects.h" #include "lanczosfilter.h" #include "main.h" #include "overlaywindow.h" #include "screens.h" #include "decorations/decoratedclient.h" #include <array> #include <cmath> #include <unistd.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <QDBusConnection> #include <QDBusConnectionInterface> #include <QDBusInterface> #include <QGraphicsScale> #include <QStringList> #include <QVector2D> #include <QVector4D> #include <QMatrix4x4> #include <KLocalizedString> #include <KNotification> #include <KProcess> // HACK: workaround for libepoxy < 1.3 #ifndef GL_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET #define GL_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET 0x8253 #endif #ifndef GL_INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET #define GL_INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET 0x8254 #endif #ifndef GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET #define GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET 0x8255 #endif namespace KWin { extern int currentRefreshRate(); /** * SyncObject represents a fence used to synchronize operations in * the kwin command stream with operations in the X command stream. */ class SyncObject { public: enum State { Ready, TriggerSent, Waiting, Done, Resetting }; SyncObject(); ~SyncObject(); State state() const { return m_state; } void trigger(); void wait(); bool finish(); void reset(); void finishResetting(); private: State m_state; GLsync m_sync; xcb_sync_fence_t m_fence; xcb_get_input_focus_cookie_t m_reset_cookie; }; SyncObject::SyncObject() { m_state = Ready; xcb_connection_t * const c = connection(); m_fence = xcb_generate_id(c); xcb_sync_create_fence(c, rootWindow(), m_fence, false); xcb_flush(c); m_sync = glImportSyncEXT(GL_SYNC_X11_FENCE_EXT, m_fence, 0); } SyncObject::~SyncObject() { // If glDeleteSync is called before the xcb fence is signalled // the nvidia driver (the only one to implement GL_SYNC_X11_FENCE_EXT) // deadlocks waiting for the fence to be signalled. // To avoid this, make sure the fence is signalled before // deleting the sync. if (m_state == Resetting || m_state == Ready){ trigger(); // The flush is necessary! // The trigger command needs to be sent to the X server. xcb_flush(connection()); } xcb_sync_destroy_fence(connection(), m_fence); glDeleteSync(m_sync); if (m_state == Resetting) xcb_discard_reply(connection(), m_reset_cookie.sequence); } void SyncObject::trigger() { assert(m_state == Ready || m_state == Resetting); // Finish resetting the fence if necessary if (m_state == Resetting) finishResetting(); xcb_sync_trigger_fence(connection(), m_fence); m_state = TriggerSent; } void SyncObject::wait() { if (m_state != TriggerSent) return; glWaitSync(m_sync, 0, GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED); m_state = Waiting; } bool SyncObject::finish() { if (m_state == Done) return true; // Note: It is possible that we never inserted a wait for the fence. // This can happen if we ended up not rendering the damaged // window because it is fully occluded. assert(m_state == TriggerSent || m_state == Waiting); // Check if the fence is signaled GLint value; glGetSynciv(m_sync, GL_SYNC_STATUS, 1, nullptr, &value); if (value != GL_SIGNALED) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Waiting for X fence to finish"; // Wait for the fence to become signaled with a one second timeout const GLenum result = glClientWaitSync(m_sync, 0, 1000000000); switch (result) { case GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED: qCWarning(KWIN_CORE) << "Timeout while waiting for X fence"; return false; case GL_WAIT_FAILED: qCWarning(KWIN_CORE) << "glClientWaitSync() failed"; return false; } } m_state = Done; return true; } void SyncObject::reset() { assert(m_state == Done); xcb_connection_t * const c = connection(); // Send the reset request along with a sync request. // We use the cookie to ensure that the server has processed the reset // request before we trigger the fence and call glWaitSync(). // Otherwise there is a race condition between the reset finishing and // the glWaitSync() call. xcb_sync_reset_fence(c, m_fence); m_reset_cookie = xcb_get_input_focus(c); xcb_flush(c); m_state = Resetting; } void SyncObject::finishResetting() { assert(m_state == Resetting); free(xcb_get_input_focus_reply(connection(), m_reset_cookie, nullptr)); m_state = Ready; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * SyncManager manages a set of fences used for explicit synchronization * with the X command stream. */ class SyncManager { public: enum { MaxFences = 4 }; SyncManager(); ~SyncManager(); SyncObject *nextFence(); bool updateFences(); private: std::array<SyncObject, MaxFences> m_fences; int m_next; }; SyncManager::SyncManager() : m_next(0) { } SyncManager::~SyncManager() { } SyncObject *SyncManager::nextFence() { SyncObject *fence = &m_fences[m_next]; m_next = (m_next + 1) % MaxFences; return fence; } bool SyncManager::updateFences() { for (int i = 0; i < qMin(2, MaxFences - 1); i++) { const int index = (m_next + i) % MaxFences; SyncObject &fence = m_fences[index]; switch (fence.state()) { case SyncObject::Ready: break; case SyncObject::TriggerSent: case SyncObject::Waiting: if (!fence.finish()) return false; fence.reset(); break; // Should not happen in practice since we always reset the fence // after finishing it case SyncObject::Done: fence.reset(); break; case SyncObject::Resetting: fence.finishResetting(); break; } } return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //**************************************** // SceneOpenGL //**************************************** OpenGLBackend::OpenGLBackend() : m_syncsToVBlank(false) , m_blocksForRetrace(false) , m_directRendering(false) , m_haveBufferAge(false) , m_failed(false) { } OpenGLBackend::~OpenGLBackend() { } void OpenGLBackend::setFailed(const QString &reason) { qCWarning(KWIN_CORE) << "Creating the OpenGL rendering failed: " << reason; m_failed = true; } void OpenGLBackend::idle() { if (hasPendingFlush()) { effects->makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); present(); } } void OpenGLBackend::addToDamageHistory(const QRegion ®ion) { if (m_damageHistory.count() > 10) m_damageHistory.removeLast(); m_damageHistory.prepend(region); } QRegion OpenGLBackend::accumulatedDamageHistory(int bufferAge) const { QRegion region; // Note: An age of zero means the buffer contents are undefined if (bufferAge > 0 && bufferAge <= m_damageHistory.count()) { for (int i = 0; i < bufferAge - 1; i++) region |= m_damageHistory[i]; } else { const QSize &s = screens()->size(); region = QRegion(0, 0, s.width(), s.height()); } return region; } OverlayWindow* OpenGLBackend::overlayWindow() { return NULL; } QRegion OpenGLBackend::prepareRenderingForScreen(int screenId) { // fallback to repaint complete screen return screens()->geometry(screenId); } void OpenGLBackend::endRenderingFrameForScreen(int screenId, const QRegion &damage, const QRegion &damagedRegion) { Q_UNUSED(screenId) Q_UNUSED(damage) Q_UNUSED(damagedRegion) } bool OpenGLBackend::perScreenRendering() const { return false; } /************************************************ * SceneOpenGL ***********************************************/ SceneOpenGL::SceneOpenGL(OpenGLBackend *backend, QObject *parent) : Scene(parent) , init_ok(true) , m_backend(backend) , m_syncManager(nullptr) , m_currentFence(nullptr) { if (m_backend->isFailed()) { init_ok = false; return; } if (!viewportLimitsMatched(screens()->size())) return; // perform Scene specific checks GLPlatform *glPlatform = GLPlatform::instance(); if (!glPlatform->isGLES() && !hasGLExtension(QByteArrayLiteral("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two")) && !hasGLExtension(QByteArrayLiteral("GL_ARB_texture_rectangle"))) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two and GL_ARB_texture_rectangle missing"; init_ok = false; return; // error } if (glPlatform->isMesaDriver() && glPlatform->mesaVersion() < kVersionNumber(8, 0)) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "KWin requires at least Mesa 8.0 for OpenGL compositing."; init_ok = false; return; } if (!glPlatform->isGLES() && !m_backend->isSurfaceLessContext()) { glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } m_debug = qstrcmp(qgetenv("KWIN_GL_DEBUG"), "1") == 0; initDebugOutput(); // set strict binding if (options->isGlStrictBindingFollowsDriver()) { options->setGlStrictBinding(!glPlatform->supports(LooseBinding)); } bool haveSyncObjects = glPlatform->isGLES() ? hasGLVersion(3, 0) : hasGLVersion(3, 2) || hasGLExtension("GL_ARB_sync"); if (hasGLExtension("GL_EXT_x11_sync_object") && haveSyncObjects) { const QByteArray useExplicitSync = qgetenv("KWIN_EXPLICIT_SYNC"); if (useExplicitSync != "0") { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Initializing fences for synchronization with the X command stream"; m_syncManager = new SyncManager; } else { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Explicit synchronization with the X command stream disabled by environment variable"; } } } static SceneOpenGL *gs_debuggedScene = nullptr; SceneOpenGL::~SceneOpenGL() { // do cleanup after initBuffer() gs_debuggedScene = nullptr; SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::cleanup(); if (init_ok) { delete m_syncManager; // backend might be still needed for a different scene delete m_backend; } } static void scheduleVboReInit() { if (!gs_debuggedScene) return; static QPointer<QTimer> timer; if (!timer) { delete timer; timer = new QTimer(gs_debuggedScene); timer->setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(timer.data(), &QTimer::timeout, gs_debuggedScene, []() { GLVertexBuffer::cleanup(); GLVertexBuffer::initStatic(); }); } timer->start(250); } void SceneOpenGL::initDebugOutput() { const bool have_KHR_debug = hasGLExtension(QByteArrayLiteral("GL_KHR_debug")); const bool have_ARB_debug = hasGLExtension(QByteArrayLiteral("GL_ARB_debug_output")); if (!have_KHR_debug && !have_ARB_debug) return; if (!have_ARB_debug) { // if we don't have ARB debug, but only KHR debug we need to verify whether the context is a debug context // it should work without as well, but empirical tests show: no it doesn't if (GLPlatform::instance()->isGLES()) { if (!hasGLVersion(3, 2)) { // empirical data shows extension doesn't work return; } } else if (!hasGLVersion(3, 0)) { return; } // can only be queried with either OpenGL >= 3.0 or OpenGL ES of at least 3.1 GLint value = 0; glGetIntegerv(GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, &value); if (!(value & GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT)) { return; } } gs_debuggedScene = this; // Set the callback function auto callback = [](GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, const GLvoid *userParam) { Q_UNUSED(source) Q_UNUSED(severity) Q_UNUSED(userParam) while (message[length] == '\n' || message[length] == '\r') --length; switch (type) { case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR: case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR: qCWarning(KWIN_CORE, "%#x: %.*s", id, length, message); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER: // at least the nvidia driver seems prone to end up with invalid VBOs after // transferring them between system heap and VRAM // so we re-init them whenever this happens (typically when switching VT, resuming // from STR and XRandR events - #344326 if (strstr(message, "Buffer detailed info:") && strstr(message, "has been updated")) scheduleVboReInit(); // fall through! for general message printing case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR: case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY: case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE: default: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE, "%#x: %.*s", id, length, message); break; } }; glDebugMessageCallback(callback, nullptr); // This state exists only in GL_KHR_debug if (have_KHR_debug) glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); #ifndef NDEBUG // Enable all debug messages glDebugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, nullptr, GL_TRUE); #else // Enable error messages glDebugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, nullptr, GL_TRUE); glDebugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, nullptr, GL_TRUE); #endif // Insert a test message const QByteArray message = QByteArrayLiteral("OpenGL debug output initialized"); glDebugMessageInsert(GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION, GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER, 0, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW, message.length(), message.constData()); } SceneOpenGL *SceneOpenGL::createScene(QObject *parent) { OpenGLBackend *backend = NULL; OpenGLPlatformInterface platformInterface = options->glPlatformInterface(); switch (platformInterface) { case GlxPlatformInterface: #if HAVE_EPOXY_GLX backend = new GlxBackend(); #endif break; case EglPlatformInterface: if (kwinApp()->shouldUseWaylandForCompositing()) { backend = waylandServer()->backend()->createOpenGLBackend(); } else { backend = new EglOnXBackend(); } break; default: // no backend available return NULL; } if (!backend || backend->isFailed()) { delete backend; return NULL; } SceneOpenGL *scene = NULL; // first let's try an OpenGL 2 scene if (SceneOpenGL2::supported(backend)) { scene = new SceneOpenGL2(backend, parent); if (scene->initFailed()) { delete scene; scene = NULL; } else { return scene; } } if (!scene) { if (GLPlatform::instance()->recommendedCompositor() == XRenderCompositing) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "OpenGL driver recommends XRender based compositing. Falling back to XRender."; qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "To overwrite the detection use the environment variable KWIN_COMPOSE"; qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "For more information see http://community.kde.org/KWin/Environment_Variables#KWIN_COMPOSE"; QTimer::singleShot(0, Compositor::self(), SLOT(fallbackToXRenderCompositing())); } delete backend; } return scene; } OverlayWindow *SceneOpenGL::overlayWindow() { return m_backend->overlayWindow(); } bool SceneOpenGL::syncsToVBlank() const { return m_backend->syncsToVBlank(); } bool SceneOpenGL::blocksForRetrace() const { return m_backend->blocksForRetrace(); } void SceneOpenGL::idle() { m_backend->idle(); Scene::idle(); } bool SceneOpenGL::initFailed() const { return !init_ok; } void SceneOpenGL::copyPixels(const QRegion ®ion) { const int height = screens()->size().height(); foreach (const QRect &r, region.rects()) { const int x0 = r.x(); const int y0 = height - r.y() - r.height(); const int x1 = r.x() + r.width(); const int y1 = height - r.y(); glBlitFramebuffer(x0, y0, x1, y1, x0, y0, x1, y1, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); } } void SceneOpenGL::handleGraphicsReset(GLenum status) { switch (status) { case GL_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "A graphics reset attributable to the current GL context occurred."; break; case GL_INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "A graphics reset not attributable to the current GL context occurred."; break; case GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "A graphics reset of an unknown cause occurred."; break; default: break; } QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); // Wait until the reset is completed or max 10 seconds while (timer.elapsed() < 10000 && glGetGraphicsResetStatus() != GL_NO_ERROR) usleep(50); qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Attempting to reset compositing."; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "resetCompositing", Qt::QueuedConnection); KNotification::event(QStringLiteral("graphicsreset"), i18n("Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset")); } void SceneOpenGL::triggerFence() { if (m_syncManager) { m_currentFence = m_syncManager->nextFence(); m_currentFence->trigger(); } } void SceneOpenGL::insertWait() { if (m_currentFence && m_currentFence->state() != SyncObject::Waiting) { m_currentFence->wait(); } } qint64 SceneOpenGL::paint(QRegion damage, ToplevelList toplevels) { // actually paint the frame, flushed with the NEXT frame createStackingOrder(toplevels); // After this call, updateRegion will contain the damaged region in the // back buffer. This is the region that needs to be posted to repair // the front buffer. It doesn't include the additional damage returned // by prepareRenderingFrame(). validRegion is the region that has been // repainted, and may be larger than updateRegion. QRegion updateRegion, validRegion; if (m_backend->perScreenRendering()) { // trigger start render timer m_backend->prepareRenderingFrame(); for (int i = 0; i < screens()->count(); ++i) { const QRect &geo = screens()->geometry(i); QRegion update; QRegion valid; // prepare rendering makes context current on the output QRegion repaint = m_backend->prepareRenderingForScreen(i); const GLenum status = glGetGraphicsResetStatus(); if (status != GL_NO_ERROR) { handleGraphicsReset(status); return 0; } int mask = 0; paintScreen(&mask, damage.intersected(geo), repaint, &update, &valid); // call generic implementation GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer()->endOfFrame(); m_backend->endRenderingFrameForScreen(i, valid, update); GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer()->framePosted(); } } else { m_backend->makeCurrent(); QRegion repaint = m_backend->prepareRenderingFrame(); const GLenum status = glGetGraphicsResetStatus(); if (status != GL_NO_ERROR) { handleGraphicsReset(status); return 0; } int mask = 0; paintScreen(&mask, damage, repaint, &updateRegion, &validRegion); // call generic implementation if (!GLPlatform::instance()->isGLES()) { const QSize &screenSize = screens()->size(); const QRegion displayRegion(0, 0, screenSize.width(), screenSize.height()); // copy dirty parts from front to backbuffer if (!m_backend->supportsBufferAge() && options->glPreferBufferSwap() == Options::CopyFrontBuffer && validRegion != displayRegion) { glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); copyPixels(displayRegion - validRegion); glReadBuffer(GL_BACK); validRegion = displayRegion; } } GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer()->endOfFrame(); m_backend->endRenderingFrame(validRegion, updateRegion); GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer()->framePosted(); } if (m_currentFence) { if (!m_syncManager->updateFences()) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Aborting explicit synchronization with the X command stream."; qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Future frames will be rendered unsynchronized."; delete m_syncManager; m_syncManager = nullptr; } m_currentFence = nullptr; } // do cleanup clearStackingOrder(); return m_backend->renderTime(); } QMatrix4x4 SceneOpenGL::transformation(int mask, const ScreenPaintData &data) const { QMatrix4x4 matrix; if (!(mask & PAINT_SCREEN_TRANSFORMED)) return matrix; matrix.translate(data.translation()); data.scale().applyTo(&matrix); if (data.rotationAngle() == 0.0) return matrix; // Apply the rotation // cannot use data.rotation->applyTo(&matrix) as QGraphicsRotation uses projectedRotate to map back to 2D matrix.translate(data.rotationOrigin()); const QVector3D axis = data.rotationAxis(); matrix.rotate(data.rotationAngle(), axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z()); matrix.translate(-data.rotationOrigin()); return matrix; } void SceneOpenGL::paintBackground(QRegion region) { PaintClipper pc(region); if (!PaintClipper::clip()) { glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); return; } if (pc.clip() && pc.paintArea().isEmpty()) return; // no background to paint QVector<float> verts; for (PaintClipper::Iterator iterator; !iterator.isDone(); iterator.next()) { QRect r = iterator.boundingRect(); verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y(); verts << r.x() << r.y(); verts << r.x() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y(); } doPaintBackground(verts); } void SceneOpenGL::extendPaintRegion(QRegion ®ion, bool opaqueFullscreen) { if (m_backend->supportsBufferAge()) return; const QSize &screenSize = screens()->size(); if (options->glPreferBufferSwap() == Options::ExtendDamage) { // only Extend "large" repaints const QRegion displayRegion(0, 0, screenSize.width(), screenSize.height()); uint damagedPixels = 0; const uint fullRepaintLimit = (opaqueFullscreen?0.49f:0.748f)*screenSize.width()*screenSize.height(); // 16:9 is 75% of 4:3 and 2.55:1 is 49.01% of 5:4 // (5:4 is the most square format and 2.55:1 is Cinemascope55 - the widest ever shot // movie aspect - two times ;-) It's a Fox format, though, so maybe we want to restrict // to 2.20:1 - Panavision - which has actually been used for interesting movies ...) // would be 57% of 5/4 foreach (const QRect &r, region.rects()) { // damagedPixels += r.width() * r.height(); // combined window damage test damagedPixels = r.width() * r.height(); // experimental single window damage testing if (damagedPixels > fullRepaintLimit) { region = displayRegion; return; } } } else if (options->glPreferBufferSwap() == Options::PaintFullScreen) { // forced full rePaint region = QRegion(0, 0, screenSize.width(), screenSize.height()); } } SceneOpenGL::Texture *SceneOpenGL::createTexture() { return new Texture(m_backend); } bool SceneOpenGL::viewportLimitsMatched(const QSize &size) const { GLint limit[2]; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS, limit); if (limit[0] < size.width() || limit[1] < size.height()) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(Compositor::self(), "suspend", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(Compositor::SuspendReason, Compositor::AllReasonSuspend)); const QString message = i18n("<h1>OpenGL desktop effects not possible</h1>" "Your system cannot perform OpenGL Desktop Effects at the " "current resolution<br><br>" "You can try to select the XRender backend, but it " "might be very slow for this resolution as well.<br>" "Alternatively, lower the combined resolution of all screens " "to %1x%2 ", limit[0], limit[1]); const QString details = i18n("The demanded resolution exceeds the GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS " "limitation of your GPU and is therefore not compatible " "with the OpenGL compositor.<br>" "XRender does not know such limitation, but the performance " "will usually be impacted by the hardware limitations that " "restrict the OpenGL viewport size."); const int oldTimeout = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->timeout(); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->setTimeout(500); if (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwinCompositingDialog")).value()) { QDBusInterface dialog( QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwinCompositingDialog"), QStringLiteral("/CompositorSettings"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwinCompositingDialog") ); dialog.asyncCall(QStringLiteral("warn"), message, details, QString()); } else { const QString args = QLatin1String("warn ") + QString::fromUtf8(message.toLocal8Bit().toBase64()) + QLatin1String(" details ") + QString::fromUtf8(details.toLocal8Bit().toBase64()); KProcess::startDetached(QStringLiteral("kcmshell5"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("kwincompositing") << QStringLiteral("--args") << args); } QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->setTimeout(oldTimeout); return false; } glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, limit); if (limit[0] < size.width() || limit[0] < size.height()) { KConfig cfg(QStringLiteral("kwin_dialogsrc")); if (!KConfigGroup(&cfg, "Notification Messages").readEntry("max_tex_warning", true)) return true; const QString message = i18n("<h1>OpenGL desktop effects might be unusable</h1>" "OpenGL Desktop Effects at the current resolution are supported " "but might be exceptionally slow.<br>" "Also large windows will turn entirely black.<br><br>" "Consider to suspend compositing, switch to the XRender backend " "or lower the resolution to %1x%1." , limit[0]); const QString details = i18n("The demanded resolution exceeds the GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE " "limitation of your GPU, thus windows of that size cannot be " "assigned to textures and will be entirely black.<br>" "Also this limit will often be a performance level barrier despite " "below GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS, because the driver might fall back to " "software rendering in this case."); const int oldTimeout = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->timeout(); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->setTimeout(500); if (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwinCompositingDialog")).value()) { QDBusInterface dialog( QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwinCompositingDialog"), QStringLiteral("/CompositorSettings"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwinCompositingDialog") ); dialog.asyncCall(QStringLiteral("warn"), message, details, QStringLiteral("kwin_dialogsrc:max_tex_warning")); } else { const QString args = QLatin1String("warn ") + QString::fromUtf8(message.toLocal8Bit().toBase64()) + QLatin1String(" details ") + QString::fromUtf8(details.toLocal8Bit().toBase64()) + QLatin1String(" dontagain kwin_dialogsrc:max_tex_warning"); KProcess::startDetached(QStringLiteral("kcmshell5"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("kwincompositing") << QStringLiteral("--args") << args); } QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->setTimeout(oldTimeout); } return true; } void SceneOpenGL::screenGeometryChanged(const QSize &size) { if (!viewportLimitsMatched(size)) return; Scene::screenGeometryChanged(size); glViewport(0,0, size.width(), size.height()); m_backend->screenGeometryChanged(size); ShaderManager::setVirtualScreenSize(size); GLRenderTarget::setVirtualScreenSize(size); GLVertexBuffer::setVirtualScreenSize(size); ShaderManager::instance()->resetAllShaders(); } void SceneOpenGL::paintDesktop(int desktop, int mask, const QRegion ®ion, ScreenPaintData &data) { const QRect r = region.boundingRect(); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glScissor(r.x(), screens()->size().height() - r.y() - r.height(), r.width(), r.height()); KWin::Scene::paintDesktop(desktop, mask, region, data); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } bool SceneOpenGL::makeOpenGLContextCurrent() { return m_backend->makeCurrent(); } void SceneOpenGL::doneOpenGLContextCurrent() { m_backend->doneCurrent(); } Scene::EffectFrame *SceneOpenGL::createEffectFrame(EffectFrameImpl *frame) { return new SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame(frame, this); } Shadow *SceneOpenGL::createShadow(Toplevel *toplevel) { return new SceneOpenGLShadow(toplevel); } Decoration::Renderer *SceneOpenGL::createDecorationRenderer(Decoration::DecoratedClientImpl *impl) { return new SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer(impl); } //**************************************** // SceneOpenGL2 //**************************************** bool SceneOpenGL2::supported(OpenGLBackend *backend) { const QByteArray forceEnv = qgetenv("KWIN_COMPOSE"); if (!forceEnv.isEmpty()) { if (qstrcmp(forceEnv, "O2") == 0 || qstrcmp(forceEnv, "O2ES") == 0) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "OpenGL 2 compositing enforced by environment variable"; return true; } else { // OpenGL 2 disabled by environment variable return false; } } if (!backend->isDirectRendering()) { return false; } if (GLPlatform::instance()->recommendedCompositor() < OpenGL2Compositing) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Driver does not recommend OpenGL 2 compositing"; return false; } return true; } SceneOpenGL2::SceneOpenGL2(OpenGLBackend *backend, QObject *parent) : SceneOpenGL(backend, parent) , m_lanczosFilter(NULL) , m_colorCorrection() { if (!init_ok) { // base ctor already failed return; } // We only support the OpenGL 2+ shader API, not GL_ARB_shader_objects if (!hasGLVersion(2, 0)) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "OpenGL 2.0 is not supported"; init_ok = false; return; } // Initialize color correction before the shaders slotColorCorrectedChanged(false); connect(options, SIGNAL(colorCorrectedChanged()), this, SLOT(slotColorCorrectedChanged()), Qt::QueuedConnection); const QSize &s = screens()->size(); ShaderManager::setVirtualScreenSize(s); GLRenderTarget::setVirtualScreenSize(s); GLVertexBuffer::setVirtualScreenSize(s); if (!ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "No Scene Shaders available"; init_ok = false; return; } // push one shader on the stack so that one is always bound ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderTrait::MapTexture); if (checkGLError("Init")) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "OpenGL 2 compositing setup failed"; init_ok = false; return; // error } // It is not legal to not have a vertex array object bound in a core context if (!GLPlatform::instance()->isGLES() && hasGLExtension(QByteArrayLiteral("GL_ARB_vertex_array_object"))) { glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao); glBindVertexArray(vao); } if (!ShaderManager::instance()->selfTest()) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "ShaderManager self test failed"; init_ok = false; return; } qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "OpenGL 2 compositing successfully initialized"; init_ok = true; } SceneOpenGL2::~SceneOpenGL2() { } QMatrix4x4 SceneOpenGL2::createProjectionMatrix() const { // Create a perspective projection with a 60° field-of-view, // and an aspect ratio of 1.0. const float fovY = 60.0f; const float aspect = 1.0f; const float zNear = 0.1f; const float zFar = 100.0f; const float yMax = zNear * std::tan(fovY * M_PI / 360.0f); const float yMin = -yMax; const float xMin = yMin * aspect; const float xMax = yMax * aspect; QMatrix4x4 projection; projection.frustum(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zNear, zFar); // Create a second matrix that transforms screen coordinates // to world coordinates. const float scaleFactor = 1.1 * std::tan(fovY * M_PI / 360.0f) / yMax; const QSize size = screens()->size(); QMatrix4x4 matrix; matrix.translate(xMin * scaleFactor, yMax * scaleFactor, -1.1); matrix.scale( (xMax - xMin) * scaleFactor / size.width(), -(yMax - yMin) * scaleFactor / size.height(), 0.001); // Combine the matrices return projection * matrix; } void SceneOpenGL2::paintSimpleScreen(int mask, QRegion region) { m_projectionMatrix = createProjectionMatrix(); m_screenProjectionMatrix = m_projectionMatrix; Scene::paintSimpleScreen(mask, region); } void SceneOpenGL2::paintGenericScreen(int mask, ScreenPaintData data) { const QMatrix4x4 screenMatrix = transformation(mask, data); const QMatrix4x4 pMatrix = createProjectionMatrix(); m_projectionMatrix = pMatrix; m_screenProjectionMatrix = pMatrix * screenMatrix; // ### Remove the following two lines when there are no more users of the old shader API ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::GenericShader); binder.shader()->setUniform(GLShader::ScreenTransformation, screenMatrix); Scene::paintGenericScreen(mask, data); } void SceneOpenGL2::paintDesktop(int desktop, int mask, const QRegion ®ion, ScreenPaintData &data) { ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::GenericShader); GLShader *shader = binder.shader(); QMatrix4x4 screenTransformation = shader->getUniformMatrix4x4("screenTransformation"); KWin::SceneOpenGL::paintDesktop(desktop, mask, region, data); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ScreenTransformation, screenTransformation); } void SceneOpenGL2::doPaintBackground(const QVector< float >& vertices) { GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setUseColor(true); vbo->setData(vertices.count() / 2, 2, vertices.data(), NULL); ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::ColorShader); binder.shader()->setUniform(GLShader::Offset, QVector2D(0, 0)); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); } Scene::Window *SceneOpenGL2::createWindow(Toplevel *t) { SceneOpenGL2Window *w = new SceneOpenGL2Window(t); w->setScene(this); return w; } void SceneOpenGL2::finalDrawWindow(EffectWindowImpl* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) { if (!m_colorCorrection.isNull() && m_colorCorrection->isEnabled()) { // Split the painting for separate screens const int numScreens = screens()->count(); for (int screen = 0; screen < numScreens; ++ screen) { QRegion regionForScreen(region); if (numScreens > 1) regionForScreen = region.intersected(screens()->geometry(screen)); data.setScreen(screen); performPaintWindow(w, mask, regionForScreen, data); } } else { performPaintWindow(w, mask, region, data); } } void SceneOpenGL2::performPaintWindow(EffectWindowImpl* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) { if (mask & PAINT_WINDOW_LANCZOS) { if (!m_lanczosFilter) { m_lanczosFilter = new LanczosFilter(this); // recreate the lanczos filter when the screen gets resized connect(screens(), SIGNAL(changed()), SLOT(resetLanczosFilter())); } m_lanczosFilter->performPaint(w, mask, region, data); } else w->sceneWindow()->performPaint(mask, region, data); } void SceneOpenGL2::resetLanczosFilter() { // TODO: Qt5 - replace by a lambda slot delete m_lanczosFilter; m_lanczosFilter = NULL; } ColorCorrection *SceneOpenGL2::colorCorrection() { return m_colorCorrection.data(); } void SceneOpenGL2::slotColorCorrectedChanged(bool recreateShaders) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Color correction:" << options->isColorCorrected(); if (options->isColorCorrected() && m_colorCorrection.isNull()) { m_colorCorrection.reset(new ColorCorrection(this)); if (!m_colorCorrection->setEnabled(true)) { m_colorCorrection.reset(); return; } connect(m_colorCorrection.data(), SIGNAL(changed()), Compositor::self(), SLOT(addRepaintFull())); connect(m_colorCorrection.data(), SIGNAL(errorOccured()), options, SLOT(setColorCorrected()), Qt::QueuedConnection); if (recreateShaders) { // Reload all shaders ShaderManager::cleanup(); ShaderManager::instance(); } } else { m_colorCorrection.reset(); } Compositor::self()->addRepaintFull(); } //**************************************** // SceneOpenGL::Texture //**************************************** SceneOpenGL::Texture::Texture(OpenGLBackend *backend) : GLTexture(*backend->createBackendTexture(this)) { } SceneOpenGL::Texture::~Texture() { } SceneOpenGL::Texture& SceneOpenGL::Texture::operator = (const SceneOpenGL::Texture& tex) { d_ptr = tex.d_ptr; return *this; } void SceneOpenGL::Texture::discard() { d_ptr = d_func()->backend()->createBackendTexture(this); } bool SceneOpenGL::Texture::load(WindowPixmap *pixmap) { if (!pixmap->isValid()) { return false; } // decrease the reference counter for the old texture d_ptr = d_func()->backend()->createBackendTexture(this); //new TexturePrivate(); Q_D(Texture); return d->loadTexture(pixmap); } void SceneOpenGL::Texture::updateFromPixmap(WindowPixmap *pixmap) { Q_D(Texture); d->updateTexture(pixmap); } //**************************************** // SceneOpenGL::Texture //**************************************** SceneOpenGL::TexturePrivate::TexturePrivate() { } SceneOpenGL::TexturePrivate::~TexturePrivate() { } void SceneOpenGL::TexturePrivate::updateTexture(WindowPixmap *pixmap) { Q_UNUSED(pixmap) } //**************************************** // SceneOpenGL::Window //**************************************** SceneOpenGL::Window::Window(Toplevel* c) : Scene::Window(c) , m_scene(NULL) { } SceneOpenGL::Window::~Window() { } static SceneOpenGL::Texture *s_frameTexture = NULL; // Bind the window pixmap to an OpenGL texture. bool SceneOpenGL::Window::bindTexture() { s_frameTexture = NULL; OpenGLWindowPixmap *pixmap = windowPixmap<OpenGLWindowPixmap>(); if (!pixmap) { return false; } s_frameTexture = pixmap->texture(); if (pixmap->isDiscarded()) { return !pixmap->texture()->isNull(); } if (!window()->damage().isEmpty()) m_scene->insertWait(); return pixmap->bind(); } QMatrix4x4 SceneOpenGL::Window::transformation(int mask, const WindowPaintData &data) const { QMatrix4x4 matrix; matrix.translate(x(), y()); if (!(mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED)) return matrix; matrix.translate(data.translation()); data.scale().applyTo(&matrix); if (data.rotationAngle() == 0.0) return matrix; // Apply the rotation // cannot use data.rotation.applyTo(&matrix) as QGraphicsRotation uses projectedRotate to map back to 2D matrix.translate(data.rotationOrigin()); const QVector3D axis = data.rotationAxis(); matrix.rotate(data.rotationAngle(), axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z()); matrix.translate(-data.rotationOrigin()); return matrix; } bool SceneOpenGL::Window::beginRenderWindow(int mask, const QRegion ®ion, WindowPaintData &data) { if (region.isEmpty()) return false; m_hardwareClipping = region != infiniteRegion() && (mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED) && !(mask & PAINT_SCREEN_TRANSFORMED); if (region != infiniteRegion() && !m_hardwareClipping) { WindowQuadList quads; quads.reserve(data.quads.count()); const QRegion filterRegion = region.translated(-x(), -y()); // split all quads in bounding rect with the actual rects in the region foreach (const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads) { foreach (const QRect &r, filterRegion.rects()) { const QRectF rf(r); const QRectF quadRect(QPointF(quad.left(), quad.top()), QPointF(quad.right(), quad.bottom())); const QRectF &intersected = rf.intersected(quadRect); if (intersected.isValid()) { if (quadRect == intersected) { // case 1: completely contains, include and do not check other rects quads << quad; break; } // case 2: intersection quads << quad.makeSubQuad(intersected.left(), intersected.top(), intersected.right(), intersected.bottom()); } } } data.quads = quads; } if (data.quads.isEmpty()) return false; if (!bindTexture() || !s_frameTexture) { return false; } if (m_hardwareClipping) { glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } // Update the texture filter if (options->glSmoothScale() != 0 && (mask & (PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED | PAINT_SCREEN_TRANSFORMED))) filter = ImageFilterGood; else filter = ImageFilterFast; s_frameTexture->setFilter(filter == ImageFilterGood ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST); const GLVertexAttrib attribs[] = { { VA_Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, offsetof(GLVertex2D, position) }, { VA_TexCoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, offsetof(GLVertex2D, texcoord) }, }; GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setAttribLayout(attribs, 2, sizeof(GLVertex2D)); return true; } void SceneOpenGL::Window::endRenderWindow() { if (m_hardwareClipping) { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } } GLTexture *SceneOpenGL::Window::getDecorationTexture() const { if (Client *client = dynamic_cast<Client *>(toplevel)) { if (client->noBorder()) { return nullptr; } if (!client->isDecorated()) { return nullptr; } if (SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer *renderer = static_cast<SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer*>(client->decoratedClient()->renderer())) { renderer->render(); return renderer->texture(); } } else if (toplevel->isDeleted()) { Deleted *deleted = static_cast<Deleted *>(toplevel); if (!deleted->wasClient() || deleted->noBorder()) { return nullptr; } if (const SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer *renderer = static_cast<const SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer*>(deleted->decorationRenderer())) { return renderer->texture(); } } return nullptr; } WindowPixmap* SceneOpenGL::Window::createWindowPixmap() { return new OpenGLWindowPixmap(this, m_scene); } //*************************************** // SceneOpenGL2Window //*************************************** SceneOpenGL2Window::SceneOpenGL2Window(Toplevel *c) : SceneOpenGL::Window(c) , m_blendingEnabled(false) { } SceneOpenGL2Window::~SceneOpenGL2Window() { } QVector4D SceneOpenGL2Window::modulate(float opacity, float brightness) const { const float a = opacity; const float rgb = opacity * brightness; return QVector4D(rgb, rgb, rgb, a); } void SceneOpenGL2Window::setBlendEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled && !m_blendingEnabled) glEnable(GL_BLEND); else if (!enabled && m_blendingEnabled) glDisable(GL_BLEND); m_blendingEnabled = enabled; } void SceneOpenGL2Window::setupLeafNodes(LeafNode *nodes, const WindowQuadList *quads, const WindowPaintData &data) { if (!quads[ShadowLeaf].isEmpty()) { nodes[ShadowLeaf].texture = static_cast<SceneOpenGLShadow *>(m_shadow)->shadowTexture(); nodes[ShadowLeaf].opacity = data.opacity(); nodes[ShadowLeaf].hasAlpha = true; nodes[ShadowLeaf].coordinateType = NormalizedCoordinates; } if (!quads[DecorationLeaf].isEmpty()) { nodes[DecorationLeaf].texture = getDecorationTexture(); nodes[DecorationLeaf].opacity = data.opacity(); nodes[DecorationLeaf].hasAlpha = true; nodes[DecorationLeaf].coordinateType = UnnormalizedCoordinates; } nodes[ContentLeaf].texture = s_frameTexture; nodes[ContentLeaf].hasAlpha = !isOpaque(); // TODO: ARGB crsoofading is atm. a hack, playing on opacities for two dumb SrcOver operations // Should be a shader if (data.crossFadeProgress() != 1.0 && (data.opacity() < 0.95 || toplevel->hasAlpha())) { const float opacity = 1.0 - data.crossFadeProgress(); nodes[ContentLeaf].opacity = data.opacity() * (1 - pow(opacity, 1.0f + 2.0f * data.opacity())); } else { nodes[ContentLeaf].opacity = data.opacity(); } nodes[ContentLeaf].coordinateType = UnnormalizedCoordinates; if (data.crossFadeProgress() != 1.0) { OpenGLWindowPixmap *previous = previousWindowPixmap<OpenGLWindowPixmap>(); nodes[PreviousContentLeaf].texture = previous ? previous->texture() : NULL; nodes[PreviousContentLeaf].hasAlpha = !isOpaque(); nodes[PreviousContentLeaf].opacity = data.opacity() * (1.0 - data.crossFadeProgress()); nodes[PreviousContentLeaf].coordinateType = NormalizedCoordinates; } } QMatrix4x4 SceneOpenGL2Window::modelViewProjectionMatrix(int mask, const WindowPaintData &data) const { SceneOpenGL2 *scene = static_cast<SceneOpenGL2 *>(m_scene); const QMatrix4x4 pMatrix = data.projectionMatrix(); const QMatrix4x4 mvMatrix = data.modelViewMatrix(); // An effect may want to override the default projection matrix in some cases, // such as when it is rendering a window on a render target that doesn't have // the same dimensions as the default framebuffer. // // Note that the screen transformation is not applied here. if (!pMatrix.isIdentity()) return pMatrix * mvMatrix; // If an effect has specified a model-view matrix, we multiply that matrix // with the default projection matrix. If the effect hasn't specified a // model-view matrix, mvMatrix will be the identity matrix. if (mask & Scene::PAINT_SCREEN_TRANSFORMED) return scene->screenProjectionMatrix() * mvMatrix; return scene->projectionMatrix() * mvMatrix; } void SceneOpenGL2Window::performPaint(int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData data) { if (!beginRenderWindow(mask, region, data)) return; SceneOpenGL2 *scene = static_cast<SceneOpenGL2 *>(m_scene); const QMatrix4x4 windowMatrix = transformation(mask, data); const QMatrix4x4 mvpMatrix = modelViewProjectionMatrix(mask, data) * windowMatrix; GLShader *shader = data.shader; if (!shader) { ShaderTraits traits = ShaderTrait::MapTexture; if (data.opacity() != 1.0 || data.brightness() != 1.0 || data.crossFadeProgress() != 1.0) traits |= ShaderTrait::Modulate; if (data.saturation() != 1.0) traits |= ShaderTrait::AdjustSaturation; shader = ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(traits); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModelViewProjectionMatrix, mvpMatrix); } if (ColorCorrection *cc = scene->colorCorrection()) { cc->setupForOutput(data.screen()); } // ### Remove the following line when there are no more users of the old shader API shader->setUniform(GLShader::WindowTransformation, windowMatrix); shader->setUniform(GLShader::Saturation, data.saturation()); const GLenum filter = (mask & (Effect::PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED | Effect::PAINT_SCREEN_TRANSFORMED)) && options->glSmoothScale() != 0 ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST; WindowQuadList quads[LeafCount]; // Split the quads into separate lists for each type foreach (const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads) { switch (quad.type()) { case WindowQuadDecoration: quads[DecorationLeaf].append(quad); continue; case WindowQuadContents: quads[ContentLeaf].append(quad); continue; case WindowQuadShadow: quads[ShadowLeaf].append(quad); continue; default: continue; } } if (data.crossFadeProgress() != 1.0) { OpenGLWindowPixmap *previous = previousWindowPixmap<OpenGLWindowPixmap>(); if (previous) { const QRect &oldGeometry = previous->contentsRect(); for (const WindowQuad &quad : quads[ContentLeaf]) { // we need to create new window quads with normalize texture coordinates // normal quads divide the x/y position by width/height. This would not work as the texture // is larger than the visible content in case of a decorated Client resulting in garbage being shown. // So we calculate the normalized texture coordinate in the Client's new content space and map it to // the previous Client's content space. WindowQuad newQuad(WindowQuadContents); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { const qreal xFactor = qreal(quad[i].textureX() - toplevel->clientPos().x())/qreal(toplevel->clientSize().width()); const qreal yFactor = qreal(quad[i].textureY() - toplevel->clientPos().y())/qreal(toplevel->clientSize().height()); WindowVertex vertex(quad[i].x(), quad[i].y(), (xFactor * oldGeometry.width() + oldGeometry.x())/qreal(previous->size().width()), (yFactor * oldGeometry.height() + oldGeometry.y())/qreal(previous->size().height())); newQuad[i] = vertex; } quads[PreviousContentLeaf].append(newQuad); } } } const bool indexedQuads = GLVertexBuffer::supportsIndexedQuads(); const GLenum primitiveType = indexedQuads ? GL_QUADS : GL_TRIANGLES; const int verticesPerQuad = indexedQuads ? 4 : 6; const size_t size = verticesPerQuad * (quads[0].count() + quads[1].count() + quads[2].count() + quads[3].count()) * sizeof(GLVertex2D); GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); GLVertex2D *map = (GLVertex2D *) vbo->map(size); LeafNode nodes[LeafCount]; setupLeafNodes(nodes, quads, data); for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < LeafCount; i++) { if (quads[i].isEmpty() || !nodes[i].texture) continue; nodes[i].firstVertex = v; nodes[i].vertexCount = quads[i].count() * verticesPerQuad; const QMatrix4x4 matrix = nodes[i].texture->matrix(nodes[i].coordinateType); quads[i].makeInterleavedArrays(primitiveType, &map[v], matrix); v += quads[i].count() * verticesPerQuad; } vbo->unmap(); vbo->bindArrays(); // Make sure the blend function is set up correctly in case we will be doing blending glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); float opacity = -1.0; for (int i = 0; i < LeafCount; i++) { if (nodes[i].vertexCount == 0) continue; setBlendEnabled(nodes[i].hasAlpha || nodes[i].opacity < 1.0); if (opacity != nodes[i].opacity) { shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, modulate(nodes[i].opacity, data.brightness())); opacity = nodes[i].opacity; } nodes[i].texture->setFilter(filter); nodes[i].texture->setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); nodes[i].texture->bind(); vbo->draw(region, primitiveType, nodes[i].firstVertex, nodes[i].vertexCount, m_hardwareClipping); } vbo->unbindArrays(); setBlendEnabled(false); if (!data.shader) ShaderManager::instance()->popShader(); endRenderWindow(); } //**************************************** // OpenGLWindowPixmap //**************************************** OpenGLWindowPixmap::OpenGLWindowPixmap(Scene::Window *window, SceneOpenGL* scene) : WindowPixmap(window) , m_texture(scene->createTexture()) { } OpenGLWindowPixmap::~OpenGLWindowPixmap() { } bool OpenGLWindowPixmap::bind() { if (!m_texture->isNull()) { if (!toplevel()->damage().isEmpty()) { updateBuffer(); m_texture->updateFromPixmap(this); // mipmaps need to be updated m_texture->setDirty(); toplevel()->resetDamage(); } return true; } if (!isValid()) { return false; } bool success = m_texture->load(this); if (success) toplevel()->resetDamage(); else qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Failed to bind window"; return success; } //**************************************** // SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame //**************************************** GLTexture* SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::m_unstyledTexture = NULL; QPixmap* SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::m_unstyledPixmap = NULL; SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::EffectFrame(EffectFrameImpl* frame, SceneOpenGL *scene) : Scene::EffectFrame(frame) , m_texture(NULL) , m_textTexture(NULL) , m_oldTextTexture(NULL) , m_textPixmap(NULL) , m_iconTexture(NULL) , m_oldIconTexture(NULL) , m_selectionTexture(NULL) , m_unstyledVBO(NULL) , m_scene(scene) { if (m_effectFrame->style() == EffectFrameUnstyled && !m_unstyledTexture) { updateUnstyledTexture(); } } SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::~EffectFrame() { delete m_texture; delete m_textTexture; delete m_textPixmap; delete m_oldTextTexture; delete m_iconTexture; delete m_oldIconTexture; delete m_selectionTexture; delete m_unstyledVBO; } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::free() { glFlush(); delete m_texture; m_texture = NULL; delete m_textTexture; m_textTexture = NULL; delete m_textPixmap; m_textPixmap = NULL; delete m_iconTexture; m_iconTexture = NULL; delete m_selectionTexture; m_selectionTexture = NULL; delete m_unstyledVBO; m_unstyledVBO = NULL; delete m_oldIconTexture; m_oldIconTexture = NULL; delete m_oldTextTexture; m_oldTextTexture = NULL; } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::freeIconFrame() { delete m_iconTexture; m_iconTexture = NULL; } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::freeTextFrame() { delete m_textTexture; m_textTexture = NULL; delete m_textPixmap; m_textPixmap = NULL; } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::freeSelection() { delete m_selectionTexture; m_selectionTexture = NULL; } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::crossFadeIcon() { delete m_oldIconTexture; m_oldIconTexture = m_iconTexture; m_iconTexture = NULL; } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::crossFadeText() { delete m_oldTextTexture; m_oldTextTexture = m_textTexture; m_textTexture = NULL; } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::render(QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) { if (m_effectFrame->geometry().isEmpty()) return; // Nothing to display region = infiniteRegion(); // TODO: Old region doesn't seem to work with OpenGL GLShader* shader = m_effectFrame->shader(); bool sceneShader = false; if (!shader) { shader = ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderManager::SimpleShader); sceneShader = true; } else if (shader) { ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(shader); } if (shader) { if (sceneShader) shader->setUniform(GLShader::Offset, QVector2D(0, 0)); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); shader->setUniform(GLShader::Saturation, 1.0f); } glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Render the actual frame if (m_effectFrame->style() == EffectFrameUnstyled) { if (!m_unstyledVBO) { m_unstyledVBO = new GLVertexBuffer(GLVertexBuffer::Static); QRect area = m_effectFrame->geometry(); area.moveTo(0, 0); area.adjust(-5, -5, 5, 5); const int roundness = 5; QVector<float> verts, texCoords; verts.reserve(84); texCoords.reserve(84); // top left verts << area.left() << area.top(); texCoords << 0.0f << 0.0f; verts << area.left() << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.top(); texCoords << 0.5f << 0.0f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.top(); texCoords << 0.5f << 0.0f; // top verts << area.left() + roundness << area.top(); texCoords << 0.5f << 0.0f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.top(); texCoords << 0.5f << 0.0f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.top(); texCoords << 0.5f << 0.0f; // top right verts << area.right() - roundness << area.top(); texCoords << 0.5f << 0.0f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() << area.top(); texCoords << 1.0f << 0.0f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 1.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() << area.top(); texCoords << 1.0f << 0.0f; // bottom left verts << area.left() << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.0f << 1.0f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.5f << 1.0f; verts << area.left() << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.0f << 1.0f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; // bottom verts << area.left() + roundness << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.5f << 1.0f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() + roundness << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.5f << 1.0f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.5f << 1.0f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; // bottom right verts << area.right() - roundness << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.5f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.5f << 1.0f; verts << area.right() << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 1.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() - roundness << area.bottom(); texCoords << 0.5f << 1.0f; verts << area.right() << area.bottom(); texCoords << 1.0f << 1.0f; verts << area.right() << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 1.0f << 0.5f; // center verts << area.left() << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 0.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 1.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.left() << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 0.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() << area.bottom() - roundness; texCoords << 1.0f << 0.5f; verts << area.right() << area.top() + roundness; texCoords << 1.0f << 0.5f; m_unstyledVBO->setData(verts.count() / 2, 2, verts.data(), texCoords.data()); } if (shader) { const float a = opacity * frameOpacity; shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(a, a, a, a)); } m_unstyledTexture->bind(); const QPoint pt = m_effectFrame->geometry().topLeft(); if (sceneShader) { shader->setUniform(GLShader::Offset, QVector2D(pt.x(), pt.y())); } else { QMatrix4x4 translation; translation.translate(pt.x(), pt.y()); if (shader) { shader->setUniform(GLShader::WindowTransformation, translation); } } m_unstyledVBO->render(region, GL_TRIANGLES); if (!sceneShader) { if (shader) { shader->setUniform(GLShader::WindowTransformation, QMatrix4x4()); } } m_unstyledTexture->unbind(); } else if (m_effectFrame->style() == EffectFrameStyled) { if (!m_texture) // Lazy creation updateTexture(); if (shader) { const float a = opacity * frameOpacity; shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(a, a, a, a)); } m_texture->bind(); qreal left, top, right, bottom; m_effectFrame->frame().getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); // m_geometry is the inner geometry m_texture->render(region, m_effectFrame->geometry().adjusted(-left, -top, right, bottom)); m_texture->unbind(); } if (!m_effectFrame->selection().isNull()) { if (!m_selectionTexture) { // Lazy creation QPixmap pixmap = m_effectFrame->selectionFrame().framePixmap(); if (!pixmap.isNull()) m_selectionTexture = new GLTexture(pixmap); } if (m_selectionTexture) { if (shader) { const float a = opacity * frameOpacity; shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(a, a, a, a)); } glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); m_selectionTexture->bind(); m_selectionTexture->render(region, m_effectFrame->selection()); m_selectionTexture->unbind(); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } } // Render icon if (!m_effectFrame->icon().isNull() && !m_effectFrame->iconSize().isEmpty()) { QPoint topLeft(m_effectFrame->geometry().x(), m_effectFrame->geometry().center().y() - m_effectFrame->iconSize().height() / 2); if (m_effectFrame->isCrossFade() && m_oldIconTexture) { if (shader) { const float a = opacity * (1.0 - m_effectFrame->crossFadeProgress()); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(a, a, a, a)); } m_oldIconTexture->bind(); m_oldIconTexture->render(region, QRect(topLeft, m_effectFrame->iconSize())); m_oldIconTexture->unbind(); if (shader) { const float a = opacity * m_effectFrame->crossFadeProgress(); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(a, a, a, a)); } } else { if (shader) { const QVector4D constant(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, constant); } } if (!m_iconTexture) { // lazy creation m_iconTexture = new GLTexture(m_effectFrame->icon().pixmap(m_effectFrame->iconSize())); } m_iconTexture->bind(); m_iconTexture->render(region, QRect(topLeft, m_effectFrame->iconSize())); m_iconTexture->unbind(); } // Render text if (!m_effectFrame->text().isEmpty()) { if (m_effectFrame->isCrossFade() && m_oldTextTexture) { if (shader) { const float a = opacity * (1.0 - m_effectFrame->crossFadeProgress()); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(a, a, a, a)); } m_oldTextTexture->bind(); m_oldTextTexture->render(region, m_effectFrame->geometry()); m_oldTextTexture->unbind(); if (shader) { const float a = opacity * m_effectFrame->crossFadeProgress(); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(a, a, a, a)); } } else { if (shader) { const QVector4D constant(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, constant); } } if (!m_textTexture) // Lazy creation updateTextTexture(); m_textTexture->bind(); m_textTexture->render(region, m_effectFrame->geometry()); m_textTexture->unbind(); } if (shader) { ShaderManager::instance()->popShader(); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::updateTexture() { delete m_texture; m_texture = 0L; if (m_effectFrame->style() == EffectFrameStyled) { QPixmap pixmap = m_effectFrame->frame().framePixmap(); m_texture = new GLTexture(pixmap); } } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::updateTextTexture() { delete m_textTexture; m_textTexture = 0L; delete m_textPixmap; m_textPixmap = 0L; if (m_effectFrame->text().isEmpty()) return; // Determine position on texture to paint text QRect rect(QPoint(0, 0), m_effectFrame->geometry().size()); if (!m_effectFrame->icon().isNull() && !m_effectFrame->iconSize().isEmpty()) rect.setLeft(m_effectFrame->iconSize().width()); // If static size elide text as required QString text = m_effectFrame->text(); if (m_effectFrame->isStatic()) { QFontMetrics metrics(m_effectFrame->font()); text = metrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width()); } m_textPixmap = new QPixmap(m_effectFrame->geometry().size()); m_textPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(m_textPixmap); p.setFont(m_effectFrame->font()); if (m_effectFrame->style() == EffectFrameStyled) p.setPen(m_effectFrame->styledTextColor()); else // TODO: What about no frame? Custom color setting required p.setPen(Qt::white); p.drawText(rect, m_effectFrame->alignment(), text); p.end(); m_textTexture = new GLTexture(*m_textPixmap); } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::updateUnstyledTexture() { delete m_unstyledTexture; m_unstyledTexture = 0L; delete m_unstyledPixmap; m_unstyledPixmap = 0L; // Based off circle() from kwinxrenderutils.cpp #define CS 8 m_unstyledPixmap = new QPixmap(2 * CS, 2 * CS); m_unstyledPixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(m_unstyledPixmap); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(Qt::black); p.drawEllipse(m_unstyledPixmap->rect()); p.end(); #undef CS m_unstyledTexture = new GLTexture(*m_unstyledPixmap); } void SceneOpenGL::EffectFrame::cleanup() { delete m_unstyledTexture; m_unstyledTexture = NULL; delete m_unstyledPixmap; m_unstyledPixmap = NULL; } //**************************************** // SceneOpenGL::Shadow //**************************************** class DecorationShadowTextureCache { public: ~DecorationShadowTextureCache(); DecorationShadowTextureCache(const DecorationShadowTextureCache&) = delete; static DecorationShadowTextureCache &instance(); void unregister(SceneOpenGLShadow *shadow); QSharedPointer<GLTexture> getTexture(SceneOpenGLShadow *shadow); private: DecorationShadowTextureCache() = default; struct Data { QSharedPointer<GLTexture> texture; QVector<SceneOpenGLShadow*> shadows; }; QHash<KDecoration2::DecorationShadow*, Data> m_cache; }; DecorationShadowTextureCache &DecorationShadowTextureCache::instance() { static DecorationShadowTextureCache s_instance; return s_instance; } DecorationShadowTextureCache::~DecorationShadowTextureCache() { Q_ASSERT(m_cache.isEmpty()); } void DecorationShadowTextureCache::unregister(SceneOpenGLShadow *shadow) { auto it = m_cache.begin(); while (it != m_cache.end()) { auto &d = it.value(); // check whether the Vector of Shadows contains our shadow and remove all of them auto glIt = d.shadows.begin(); while (glIt != d.shadows.end()) { if (*glIt == shadow) { glIt = d.shadows.erase(glIt); } else { glIt++; } } // if there are no shadows any more we can erase the cache entry if (d.shadows.isEmpty()) { it = m_cache.erase(it); } else { it++; } } } QSharedPointer<GLTexture> DecorationShadowTextureCache::getTexture(SceneOpenGLShadow *shadow) { Q_ASSERT(shadow->hasDecorationShadow()); unregister(shadow); const auto &decoShadow = shadow->decorationShadow(); Q_ASSERT(!decoShadow.isNull()); auto it = m_cache.find(decoShadow.data()); if (it != m_cache.end()) { Q_ASSERT(!it.value().shadows.contains(shadow)); it.value().shadows << shadow; return it.value().texture; } Data d; d.shadows << shadow; d.texture = QSharedPointer<GLTexture>::create(shadow->decorationShadowImage()); m_cache.insert(decoShadow.data(), d); return d.texture; } SceneOpenGLShadow::SceneOpenGLShadow(Toplevel *toplevel) : Shadow(toplevel) { } SceneOpenGLShadow::~SceneOpenGLShadow() { effects->makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); DecorationShadowTextureCache::instance().unregister(this); m_texture.reset(); } void SceneOpenGLShadow::buildQuads() { // prepare window quads m_shadowQuads.clear(); const QSizeF top(elementSize(ShadowElementTop)); const QSizeF topRight(elementSize(ShadowElementTopRight)); const QSizeF right(elementSize(ShadowElementRight)); const QSizeF bottomRight(elementSize(ShadowElementBottomRight)); const QSizeF bottom(elementSize(ShadowElementBottom)); const QSizeF bottomLeft(elementSize(ShadowElementBottomLeft)); const QSizeF left(elementSize(ShadowElementLeft)); const QSizeF topLeft(elementSize(ShadowElementTopLeft)); if ((left.width() - leftOffset() > topLevel()->width()) || (right.width() - rightOffset() > topLevel()->width()) || (top.height() - topOffset() > topLevel()->height()) || (bottom.height() - bottomOffset() > topLevel()->height())) { // if our shadow is bigger than the window, we don't render the shadow setShadowRegion(QRegion()); return; } const QRectF outerRect(QPointF(-leftOffset(), -topOffset()), QPointF(topLevel()->width() + rightOffset(), topLevel()->height() + bottomOffset())); const qreal width = topLeft.width() + top.width() + topRight.width(); const qreal height = topLeft.height() + left.height() + bottomLeft.height(); qreal tx1(0.0), tx2(0.0), ty1(0.0), ty2(0.0); tx2 = topLeft.width()/width; ty2 = topLeft.height()/height; WindowQuad topLeftQuad(WindowQuadShadow); topLeftQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x(), outerRect.y(), tx1, ty1); topLeftQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + topLeft.width(), outerRect.y(), tx2, ty1); topLeftQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + topLeft.width(), outerRect.y() + topLeft.height(), tx2, ty2); topLeftQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x(), outerRect.y() + topLeft.height(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(topLeftQuad); tx1 = tx2; tx2 = (topLeft.width() + top.width())/width; ty2 = top.height()/height; WindowQuad topQuad(WindowQuadShadow); topQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + topLeft.width(), outerRect.y(), tx1, ty1); topQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - topRight.width(), outerRect.y(), tx2, ty1); topQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - topRight.width(), outerRect.y() + top.height(),tx2, ty2); topQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + topLeft.width(), outerRect.y() + top.height(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(topQuad); tx1 = tx2; tx2 = 1.0; ty2 = topRight.height()/height; WindowQuad topRightQuad(WindowQuadShadow); topRightQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - topRight.width(), outerRect.y(), tx1, ty1); topRightQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right(), outerRect.y(), tx2, ty1); topRightQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right(), outerRect.y() + topRight.height(), tx2, ty2); topRightQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - topRight.width(), outerRect.y() + topRight.height(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(topRightQuad); tx1 = (width - right.width())/width; ty1 = topRight.height()/height; ty2 = (topRight.height() + right.height())/height; WindowQuad rightQuad(WindowQuadShadow); rightQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - right.width(), outerRect.y() + topRight.height(), tx1, ty1); rightQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right(), outerRect.y() + topRight.height(), tx2, ty1); rightQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomRight.height(), tx2, ty2); rightQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - right.width(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomRight.height(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(rightQuad); tx1 = (width - bottomRight.width())/width; ty1 = ty2; ty2 = 1.0; WindowQuad bottomRightQuad(WindowQuadShadow); bottomRightQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - bottomRight.width(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomRight.height(), tx1, ty1); bottomRightQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomRight.height(), tx2, ty1); bottomRightQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right(), outerRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2); bottomRightQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - bottomRight.width(), outerRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(bottomRightQuad); tx2 = tx1; tx1 = bottomLeft.width()/width; ty1 = (height - bottom.height())/height; WindowQuad bottomQuad(WindowQuadShadow); bottomQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + bottomLeft.width(), outerRect.bottom() - bottom.height(), tx1, ty1); bottomQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - bottomRight.width(), outerRect.bottom() - bottom.height(), tx2, ty1); bottomQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.right() - bottomRight.width(), outerRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2); bottomQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + bottomLeft.width(), outerRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(bottomQuad); tx1 = 0.0; tx2 = bottomLeft.width()/width; ty1 = (height - bottomLeft.height())/height; WindowQuad bottomLeftQuad(WindowQuadShadow); bottomLeftQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height(), tx1, ty1); bottomLeftQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + bottomLeft.width(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height(), tx2, ty1); bottomLeftQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + bottomLeft.width(), outerRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2); bottomLeftQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x(), outerRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(bottomLeftQuad); tx2 = left.width()/width; ty2 = ty1; ty1 = topLeft.height()/height; WindowQuad leftQuad(WindowQuadShadow); leftQuad[ 0 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x(), outerRect.y() + topLeft.height(), tx1, ty1); leftQuad[ 1 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + left.width(), outerRect.y() + topLeft.height(), tx2, ty1); leftQuad[ 2 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x() + left.width(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height(), tx2, ty2); leftQuad[ 3 ] = WindowVertex(outerRect.x(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height(), tx1, ty2); m_shadowQuads.append(leftQuad); } bool SceneOpenGLShadow::prepareBackend() { if (hasDecorationShadow()) { // simplifies a lot by going directly to effects->makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); m_texture = DecorationShadowTextureCache::instance().getTexture(this); return true; } const QSize top(shadowPixmap(ShadowElementTop).size()); const QSize topRight(shadowPixmap(ShadowElementTopRight).size()); const QSize right(shadowPixmap(ShadowElementRight).size()); const QSize bottom(shadowPixmap(ShadowElementBottom).size()); const QSize bottomLeft(shadowPixmap(ShadowElementBottomLeft).size()); const QSize left(shadowPixmap(ShadowElementLeft).size()); const QSize topLeft(shadowPixmap(ShadowElementTopLeft).size()); const int width = topLeft.width() + top.width() + topRight.width(); const int height = topLeft.height() + left.height() + bottomLeft.height(); QImage image(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32); image.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p; p.begin(&image); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, shadowPixmap(ShadowElementTopLeft)); p.drawPixmap(topLeft.width(), 0, shadowPixmap(ShadowElementTop)); p.drawPixmap(topLeft.width() + top.width(), 0, shadowPixmap(ShadowElementTopRight)); p.drawPixmap(0, topLeft.height(), shadowPixmap(ShadowElementLeft)); p.drawPixmap(width - right.width(), topRight.height(), shadowPixmap(ShadowElementRight)); p.drawPixmap(0, topLeft.height() + left.height(), shadowPixmap(ShadowElementBottomLeft)); p.drawPixmap(bottomLeft.width(), height - bottom.height(), shadowPixmap(ShadowElementBottom)); p.drawPixmap(bottomLeft.width() + bottom.width(), topRight.height() + right.height(), shadowPixmap(ShadowElementBottomRight)); p.end(); // Check if the image is alpha-only in practice, and if so convert it to an 8-bpp format if (!GLPlatform::instance()->isGLES() && GLTexture::supportsSwizzle() && GLTexture::supportsFormatRG()) { QImage alphaImage(image.size(), QImage::Format_Indexed8); // Change to Format_Alpha8 w/ Qt 5.5 bool alphaOnly = true; for (ptrdiff_t y = 0; alphaOnly && y < image.height(); y++) { const uint32_t * const src = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(image.scanLine(y)); uint8_t * const dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(alphaImage.scanLine(y)); for (ptrdiff_t x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) { if (src[x] & 0x00ffffff) alphaOnly = false; dst[x] = qAlpha(src[x]); } } if (alphaOnly) { image = alphaImage; } } effects->makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); m_texture = QSharedPointer<GLTexture>::create(image); if (m_texture->internalFormat() == GL_R8) { // Swizzle red to alpha and all other channels to zero m_texture->bind(); m_texture->setSwizzle(GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_RED); } return true; } SwapProfiler::SwapProfiler() { init(); } void SwapProfiler::init() { m_time = 2 * 1000*1000; // we start with a long time mean of 2ms ... m_counter = 0; } void SwapProfiler::begin() { m_timer.start(); } char SwapProfiler::end() { // .. and blend in actual values. // this way we prevent extremes from killing our long time mean m_time = (10*m_time + m_timer.nsecsElapsed())/11; if (++m_counter > 500) { const bool blocks = m_time > 1000 * 1000; // 1ms, i get ~250µs and ~7ms w/o triple buffering... qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Triple buffering detection:" << QString(blocks ? QStringLiteral("NOT available") : QStringLiteral("Available")) << " - Mean block time:" << m_time/(1000.0*1000.0) << "ms"; return blocks ? 'd' : 't'; } return 0; } SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer::SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer(Decoration::DecoratedClientImpl *client) : Renderer(client) , m_texture() { connect(this, &Renderer::renderScheduled, client->client(), static_cast<void (Client::*)(const QRect&)>(&Client::addRepaint)); } SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer::~SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer() = default; // Rotates the given source rect 90° counter-clockwise, // and flips it vertically static QImage rotate(const QImage &srcImage, const QRect &srcRect) { QImage image(srcRect.height(), srcRect.width(), srcImage.format()); const uint32_t *src = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(srcImage.bits()); uint32_t *dst = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(image.bits()); for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) { const uint32_t *s = src + (srcRect.y() + x) * srcImage.width() + srcRect.x(); uint32_t *d = dst + x; for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++) { *d = s[y]; d += image.width(); } } return image; } void SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer::render() { const QRegion scheduled = getScheduled(); if (scheduled.isEmpty()) { return; } if (areImageSizesDirty()) { resizeTexture(); resetImageSizesDirty(); } QRect left, top, right, bottom; client()->client()->layoutDecorationRects(left, top, right, bottom); const QRect geometry = scheduled.boundingRect(); auto renderPart = [this](const QRect &geo, const QRect &partRect, const QPoint &offset, bool rotated = false) { if (geo.isNull()) { return; } QImage image = renderToImage(geo); if (rotated) { // TODO: get this done directly when rendering to the image image = rotate(image, QRect(geo.topLeft() - partRect.topLeft(), geo.size())); } m_texture->update(image, geo.topLeft() - partRect.topLeft() + offset); }; renderPart(left.intersected(geometry), left, QPoint(0, top.height() + bottom.height() + 2), true); renderPart(top.intersected(geometry), top, QPoint(0, 0)); renderPart(right.intersected(geometry), right, QPoint(0, top.height() + bottom.height() + left.width() + 3), true); renderPart(bottom.intersected(geometry), bottom, QPoint(0, top.height() + 1)); } static int align(int value, int align) { return (value + align - 1) & ~(align - 1); } void SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer::resizeTexture() { QRect left, top, right, bottom; client()->client()->layoutDecorationRects(left, top, right, bottom); QSize size; size.rwidth() = qMax(qMax(top.width(), bottom.width()), qMax(left.height(), right.height())); size.rheight() = top.height() + bottom.height() + left.width() + right.width() + 3; size.rwidth() = align(size.width(), 128); if (m_texture && m_texture->size() == size) return; if (!size.isEmpty()) { m_texture.reset(new GLTexture(GL_RGBA8, size.width(), size.height())); m_texture->setYInverted(true); m_texture->setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); m_texture->clear(); } else { m_texture.reset(); } } void SceneOpenGLDecorationRenderer::reparent(Deleted *deleted) { render(); Renderer::reparent(deleted); } } // namespace