
 LD_PRELOAD library that gives statistic on number of roundtrips in an application.

 $XREPLY_BACKTRACE defines whether and how backtraces will be printed for every
 roundtrip. If not set, only total number of roundtrips is printed after the process
 exits. If set to a number, backtrace for every roundtrip will be printed, and the
 backtraces will be as deep as the given number. If set to C<number> (e.g. C10),
 the backtraces will be "compressed" - every backtrace will be printed only once
 after the process exits, together with number of times it occurred.


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <X11/Xlibint.h>

/* Since these symbols are weak, the apps can provide their own, and therefore
   e.g. temporarily suspend counting of roundtrips. At least theoretically,
   I haven't really tried it.
__attribute((weak)) long ___xreply_reply_count = 0;
__attribute((weak)) int ___xreply_reply_enabled = 1;

#define MAX_BACKTRACES 1024

extern long ___xreply_reply_count;
extern int ___xreply_reply_enabled;

typedef Status(*xreply_ptr_t)(Display*, xReply*, int, Bool);

static xreply_ptr_t xreply_ptr = NULL;
static int xreply_backtrace_set = 0;
static int xreply_backtrace_type = 0;

struct xreply_struct {
    char* key;
    char* text;
    int count;
static struct xreply_struct backtraces[ MAX_BACKTRACES ];
static int backtraces_size = 0;

static int xreply_compare(const void* left, const void* right)
    int left_count = ((struct xreply_struct*)left)->count;
    int right_count = ((struct xreply_struct*)right)->count;
    return right_count - left_count;

static void xreply_print(void)
    char tmp[ 1024 ];
    int fd;
    fd = open("/proc/self/cmdline", O_RDONLY);
    if(fd >= 0) {
        read(fd, tmp, 1024);
        tmp[ 1023 ] = '\0';
    fprintf(stderr, "XREPLY (%d : %s): %ld\n", getpid(), tmp, ___xreply_reply_count);
    if(xreply_backtrace_type < 0) {
        int i;
        qsort(backtraces, backtraces_size, sizeof(struct xreply_struct), xreply_compare);
        for(i = 0;
                i < backtraces_size;
            fprintf(stderr, "%d:%s\n\n", backtraces[ i ].count, backtraces[ i ].text);

static void xreply_backtrace()
    void* trace[256];
    int n = backtrace(trace, 256);
    char** strings = backtrace_symbols(trace, n);

    if(xreply_backtrace_type > 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%ld [\n", ___xreply_reply_count);
        if(n > xreply_backtrace_type)
            n = xreply_backtrace_type;
        int i;
        for(i = 0;
                i < n;
            fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", i, strings[ i ]);
        fprintf(stderr, "]\n");
    } else {
        char stack[ 256 * 20 ];
        int pos = 0;
        int i;
        stack[ 0 ] = '\0';
        if(n > -xreply_backtrace_type)
            n = -xreply_backtrace_type;
        for(i = 0;
                i < n;
                ++i) {
            const char* start = strrchr(strings[ i ], '[');
            if(start == NULL)
                assert(!"No [ in address.");
            long addr;
            if(sscanf(start + 1, "0x%lx", &addr) != 1)
                assert(!"Failed to parse address.");
            if(sizeof(void*) == 4) {
                sprintf(stack + pos, "0x%8lx", addr);
                pos += 10;
            } else if(sizeof(void*) == 8) {
                sprintf(stack + pos, "0x%16lx", addr);
                pos += 18;
            } else
                assert(!"Unknown sizeof( void* ).");
        for(i = 0;
                i < backtraces_size;
            if(strcmp(backtraces[ i ].key, stack) == 0) {
                ++backtraces[ i ].count;
        if(i == backtraces_size) {
            int stack_text_size = 10;
            char* stack_text;
            char* stack_text_pos;
            for(i = 0;
                    i < n;
                stack_text_size += strlen(strings[ i ]) + 5;
            stack_text = stack_text_pos = malloc(stack_text_size);
            for(i = 0;
                    i < n;
                    ++i) {
                stack_text_pos = stpcpy(stack_text_pos, "\n");
                stack_text_pos = stpcpy(stack_text_pos, strings[ i ]);
            backtraces[ backtraces_size ].key = strdup(stack);
            backtraces[ backtraces_size ].text = stack_text;
            backtraces[ backtraces_size ].count = 1;
            if(backtraces_size >= MAX_BACKTRACES)
                assert(!"MAX_BACKTRACES reached.");

_XReply(dpy, rep, extra, discard)
register Display *dpy;
register xReply *rep;
int extra;      /* number of 32-bit words expected after the reply */
Bool discard;   /* should I discard data following "extra" words? */
    if(xreply_backtrace_set == 0) {
        if(getenv("XREPLY_BACKTRACE") != NULL) {
            // C<number> - compress backtraces, saved as negative value in xreply_backtrace_type
            if(getenv("XREPLY_BACKTRACE")[ 0 ] == 'C')
                xreply_backtrace_type = -atoi(getenv("XREPLY_BACKTRACE") + 1);
            else // <number> - print the backtrace every time
                xreply_backtrace_type = atoi(getenv("XREPLY_BACKTRACE"));
        } else
            xreply_backtrace_type = 0;
    if(xreply_backtrace_type != 0)
    if(xreply_ptr == NULL) {
        xreply_ptr = (xreply_ptr_t)dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "_XReply");
        if(xreply_ptr == NULL)
            assert(!"dlsym() failed.");
    return xreply_ptr(dpy, rep, extra, discard);