/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2009 Lucas Murray <lmurray@undefinedfire.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_WORKSPACE_H #define KWIN_WORKSPACE_H // kwin #include "sm.h" #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" // Qt #include <QTimer> #include <QVector> // std #include <functional> // TODO: Cleanup the order of things in this .h file class QStringList; class KConfig; class KConfigGroup; class KStartupInfo; class KStartupInfoId; class KStartupInfoData; namespace KWin { namespace Xcb { class Window; } class AbstractClient; class Client; class KillWindow; class ShortcutDialog; class UserActionsMenu; class Compositor; class X11EventFilter; enum class Predicate; class KWIN_EXPORT Workspace : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Workspace(const QString &sessionKey = QString()); virtual ~Workspace(); static Workspace* self() { return _self; } bool workspaceEvent(xcb_generic_event_t*); bool workspaceEvent(QEvent*); bool hasClient(const Client*); bool hasClient(const AbstractClient*); /** * @brief Finds the first Client matching the condition expressed by passed in @p func. * * Internally findClient uses the std::find_if algorithm and that determines how the function * needs to be implemented. An example usage for finding a Client with a matching windowId * @code * xcb_window_t w; // our test window * Client *client = findClient([w](const Client *c) -> bool { * return c->window() == w; * }); * @endcode * * For the standard cases of matching the window id with one of the Client's windows use * the simplified overload method findClient(Predicate, xcb_window_t). Above example * can be simplified to: * @code * xcb_window_t w; // our test window * Client *client = findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, w); * @endcode * * @param func Unary function that accepts a Client* as argument and * returns a value convertible to bool. The value returned indicates whether the * Client* is considered a match in the context of this function. * The function shall not modify its argument. * This can either be a function pointer or a function object. * @return KWin::Client* The found Client or @c null * @see findClient(Predicate, xcb_window_t) */ Client *findClient(std::function<bool (const Client*)> func) const; /** * @brief Finds the Client matching the given match @p predicate for the given window. * * @param predicate Which window should be compared * @param w The window id to test against * @return KWin::Client* The found Client or @c null * @see findClient(std::function<bool (const Client*)>) */ Client *findClient(Predicate predicate, xcb_window_t w) const; void forEachClient(std::function<void (Client*)> func); Unmanaged *findUnmanaged(std::function<bool (const Unmanaged*)> func) const; /** * @brief Finds the Unmanaged with the given window id. * * @param w The window id to search for * @return KWin::Unmanaged* Found Unmanaged or @c null if there is no Unmanaged with given Id. */ Unmanaged *findUnmanaged(xcb_window_t w) const; void forEachUnmanaged(std::function<void (Unmanaged*)> func); Toplevel *findToplevel(std::function<bool (const Toplevel*)> func) const; QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const QPoint& p, int desktop) const; QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const AbstractClient* c) const; QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, int screen, int desktop) const; QRegion restrictedMoveArea(int desktop, StrutAreas areas = StrutAreaAll) const; bool initializing() const; /** * Returns the active client, i.e. the client that has the focus (or None * if no client has the focus) */ AbstractClient* activeClient() const; /** * Client that was activated, but it's not yet really activeClient(), because * we didn't process yet the matching FocusIn event. Used mostly in focus * stealing prevention code. */ AbstractClient* mostRecentlyActivatedClient() const; Client* clientUnderMouse(int screen) const; void activateClient(AbstractClient*, bool force = false); void requestFocus(AbstractClient* c, bool force = false); enum ActivityFlag { ActivityFocus = 1 << 0, // focus the window ActivityFocusForce = 1 << 1 | ActivityFocus, // focus even if Dock etc. ActivityRaise = 1 << 2 // raise the window }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ActivityFlags, ActivityFlag) void takeActivity(AbstractClient* c, ActivityFlags flags); bool allowClientActivation(const AbstractClient* c, xcb_timestamp_t time = -1U, bool focus_in = false, bool ignore_desktop = false); void restoreFocus(); void gotFocusIn(const AbstractClient*); void setShouldGetFocus(AbstractClient*); bool activateNextClient(AbstractClient* c); bool focusChangeEnabled() { return block_focus == 0; } /** * Indicates that the client c is being moved around by the user. */ void setClientIsMoving(AbstractClient* c); QPoint adjustClientPosition(AbstractClient* c, QPoint pos, bool unrestricted, double snapAdjust = 1.0); QRect adjustClientSize(AbstractClient* c, QRect moveResizeGeom, int mode); void raiseClient(AbstractClient* c, bool nogroup = false); void lowerClient(AbstractClient* c, bool nogroup = false); void raiseClientRequest(AbstractClient* c, NET::RequestSource src = NET::FromApplication, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp = 0); void lowerClientRequest(Client* c, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp); void lowerClientRequest(AbstractClient* c); void restackClientUnderActive(AbstractClient*); void restack(AbstractClient *c, AbstractClient *under, bool force = false); void updateClientLayer(AbstractClient* c); void raiseOrLowerClient(AbstractClient*); void resetUpdateToolWindowsTimer(); void restoreSessionStackingOrder(Client* c); void updateStackingOrder(bool propagate_new_clients = false); void forceRestacking(); void clientHidden(AbstractClient*); void clientAttentionChanged(AbstractClient* c, bool set); /** * @return List of clients currently managed by Workspace **/ const ClientList &clientList() const { return clients; } /** * @return List of unmanaged "clients" currently registered in Workspace **/ const UnmanagedList &unmanagedList() const { return unmanaged; } /** * @return List of desktop "clients" currently managed by Workspace **/ const ClientList &desktopList() const { return desktops; } /** * @return List of deleted "clients" currently managed by Workspace **/ const DeletedList &deletedList() const { return deleted; } /** * @returns List of all clients (either X11 or Wayland) currently managed by Workspace **/ const QList<AbstractClient*> allClientList() const { return m_allClients; } void stackScreenEdgesUnderOverrideRedirect(); public: QPoint cascadeOffset(const AbstractClient *c) const; private: Compositor *m_compositor; //------------------------------------------------- // Unsorted public: bool isOnCurrentHead(); // True when performing Workspace::updateClientArea(). // The calls below are valid only in that case. bool inUpdateClientArea() const; QRegion previousRestrictedMoveArea(int desktop, StrutAreas areas = StrutAreaAll) const; QVector< QRect > previousScreenSizes() const; int oldDisplayWidth() const; int oldDisplayHeight() const; /** * Returns the list of clients sorted in stacking order, with topmost client * at the last position */ const ToplevelList& stackingOrder() const; ToplevelList xStackingOrder() const; ClientList ensureStackingOrder(const ClientList& clients) const; QList<AbstractClient*> ensureStackingOrder(const QList<AbstractClient*> &clients) const; AbstractClient* topClientOnDesktop(int desktop, int screen, bool unconstrained = false, bool only_normal = true) const; AbstractClient* findDesktop(bool topmost, int desktop) const; void sendClientToDesktop(AbstractClient* c, int desktop, bool dont_activate); void windowToPreviousDesktop(AbstractClient* c); void windowToNextDesktop(AbstractClient* c); void sendClientToScreen(AbstractClient* c, int screen); /** * Shows the menu operations menu for the client and makes it active if * it's not already. */ void showWindowMenu(const QRect& pos, AbstractClient* cl); const UserActionsMenu *userActionsMenu() const { return m_userActionsMenu; } void updateMinimizedOfTransients(AbstractClient*); void updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients(AbstractClient*); void checkTransients(xcb_window_t w); void storeSession(KConfig* config, SMSavePhase phase); void storeClient(KConfigGroup &cg, int num, Client *c); void storeSubSession(const QString &name, QSet<QByteArray> sessionIds); void loadSubSessionInfo(const QString &name); SessionInfo* takeSessionInfo(Client*); // D-Bus interface bool waitForCompositingSetup(); QString supportInformation() const; void setCurrentScreen(int new_screen); void setShowingDesktop(bool showing); bool showingDesktop() const; void sendPingToWindow(xcb_window_t w, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp); // Called from Client::pingWindow() void removeClient(Client*); // Only called from Client::destroyClient() or Client::releaseWindow() void setActiveClient(AbstractClient*); Group* findGroup(xcb_window_t leader) const; void addGroup(Group* group); void removeGroup(Group* group); Group* findClientLeaderGroup(const Client* c) const; void removeUnmanaged(Unmanaged*); // Only called from Unmanaged::release() void removeDeleted(Deleted*); void addDeleted(Deleted*, Toplevel*); bool checkStartupNotification(xcb_window_t w, KStartupInfoId& id, KStartupInfoData& data); void focusToNull(); // SELI TODO: Public? void clientShortcutUpdated(Client* c); bool shortcutAvailable(const QKeySequence &cut, Client* ignore = NULL) const; bool globalShortcutsDisabled() const; void disableGlobalShortcutsForClient(bool disable); void sessionSaveStarted(); void sessionSaveDone(); void setWasUserInteraction(); bool wasUserInteraction() const; bool sessionSaving() const; int packPositionLeft(const AbstractClient* cl, int oldx, bool left_edge) const; int packPositionRight(const AbstractClient* cl, int oldx, bool right_edge) const; int packPositionUp(const AbstractClient* cl, int oldy, bool top_edge) const; int packPositionDown(const AbstractClient* cl, int oldy, bool bottom_edge) const; void cancelDelayFocus(); void requestDelayFocus(Client*); /** * updates the mouse position to track whether a focus follow mouse focus change was caused by * an actual mouse move * is esp. called on enter/motion events of inactive windows * since an active window doesn't receive mouse events, it must also be invoked if a (potentially) * active window might be moved/resize away from the cursor (causing a leave event) */ void updateFocusMousePosition(const QPoint& pos); QPoint focusMousePosition() const; AbstractClient* getMovingClient() { return movingClient; } /** * @returns Whether we have a Compositor and it is active (Scene created) **/ bool compositing() const; void registerEventFilter(X11EventFilter *filter); void unregisterEventFilter(X11EventFilter *filter); public Q_SLOTS: void performWindowOperation(KWin::AbstractClient* c, Options::WindowOperation op); // Keybindings //void slotSwitchToWindow( int ); void slotWindowToDesktop(); //void slotWindowToListPosition( int ); void slotSwitchToScreen(); void slotWindowToScreen(); void slotSwitchToNextScreen(); void slotWindowToNextScreen(); void slotSwitchToPrevScreen(); void slotWindowToPrevScreen(); void slotToggleShowDesktop(); void slotWindowMaximize(); void slotWindowMaximizeVertical(); void slotWindowMaximizeHorizontal(); void slotWindowMinimize(); void slotWindowShade(); void slotWindowRaise(); void slotWindowLower(); void slotWindowRaiseOrLower(); void slotActivateAttentionWindow(); void slotWindowPackLeft(); void slotWindowPackRight(); void slotWindowPackUp(); void slotWindowPackDown(); void slotWindowGrowHorizontal(); void slotWindowGrowVertical(); void slotWindowShrinkHorizontal(); void slotWindowShrinkVertical(); void slotWindowQuickTileLeft(); void slotWindowQuickTileRight(); void slotWindowQuickTileTop(); void slotWindowQuickTileBottom(); void slotWindowQuickTileTopLeft(); void slotWindowQuickTileTopRight(); void slotWindowQuickTileBottomLeft(); void slotWindowQuickTileBottomRight(); void slotSwitchWindowUp(); void slotSwitchWindowDown(); void slotSwitchWindowRight(); void slotSwitchWindowLeft(); void slotIncreaseWindowOpacity(); void slotLowerWindowOpacity(); void slotWindowOperations(); void slotWindowClose(); void slotWindowMove(); void slotWindowResize(); void slotWindowAbove(); void slotWindowBelow(); void slotWindowOnAllDesktops(); void slotWindowFullScreen(); void slotWindowNoBorder(); void slotWindowToNextDesktop(); void slotWindowToPreviousDesktop(); void slotWindowToDesktopRight(); void slotWindowToDesktopLeft(); void slotWindowToDesktopUp(); void slotWindowToDesktopDown(); void reconfigure(); void slotReconfigure(); void slotKillWindow(); void slotSetupWindowShortcut(); void setupWindowShortcutDone(bool); void slotToggleCompositing(); void slotInvertScreen(); void updateClientArea(); void slotActivateNextTab(); // Slot to move left the active Client. void slotActivatePrevTab(); // Slot to move right the active Client. void slotUntab(); // Slot to remove the active client from its group. private Q_SLOTS: void desktopResized(); void selectWmInputEventMask(); void slotUpdateToolWindows(); void delayFocus(); void slotReloadConfig(); void updateCurrentActivity(const QString &new_activity); // virtual desktop handling void moveClientsFromRemovedDesktops(); void slotDesktopCountChanged(uint previousCount, uint newCount); void slotCurrentDesktopChanged(uint oldDesktop, uint newDesktop); // session management void saveState(QSessionManager &sm); void commitData(QSessionManager &sm); Q_SIGNALS: /** * Emitted after the Workspace has setup the complete initialization process. * This can be used to connect to for performing post-workspace initialization. **/ void workspaceInitialized(); //Signals required for the scripting interface void desktopPresenceChanged(KWin::AbstractClient*, int); void currentDesktopChanged(int, KWin::AbstractClient*); void clientAdded(KWin::Client*); void clientRemoved(KWin::AbstractClient*); void clientActivated(KWin::AbstractClient*); void clientDemandsAttentionChanged(KWin::AbstractClient*, bool); void groupAdded(KWin::Group*); void unmanagedAdded(KWin::Unmanaged*); void unmanagedRemoved(KWin::Unmanaged*); void deletedRemoved(KWin::Deleted*); void propertyNotify(long a); void configChanged(); void reinitializeCompositing(); void showingDesktopChanged(bool showing); /** * This signels is emitted when ever the stacking order is change, ie. a window is risen * or lowered */ void stackingOrderChanged(); private: void init(); void initShortcuts(); template <typename Slot> void initShortcut(const QString &actionName, const QString &description, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Slot slot, const QVariant &data = QVariant()); void setupWindowShortcut(AbstractClient* c); enum Direction { DirectionNorth, DirectionEast, DirectionSouth, DirectionWest }; void switchWindow(Direction direction); void propagateClients(bool propagate_new_clients); // Called only from updateStackingOrder ToplevelList constrainedStackingOrder(); void raiseClientWithinApplication(AbstractClient* c); void lowerClientWithinApplication(AbstractClient* c); bool allowFullClientRaising(const AbstractClient* c, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp); bool keepTransientAbove(const AbstractClient* mainwindow, const AbstractClient* transient); void blockStackingUpdates(bool block); void updateToolWindows(bool also_hide); void fixPositionAfterCrash(xcb_window_t w, const xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geom); void saveOldScreenSizes(); /// This is the right way to create a new client Client* createClient(xcb_window_t w, bool is_mapped); void addClient(Client* c); Unmanaged* createUnmanaged(xcb_window_t w); void addUnmanaged(Unmanaged* c); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void closeActivePopup(); void updateClientArea(bool force); void resetClientAreas(uint desktopCount); void updateClientVisibilityOnDesktopChange(uint oldDesktop, uint newDesktop); void activateClientOnNewDesktop(uint desktop); AbstractClient *findClientToActivateOnDesktop(uint desktop); QWidget* active_popup; AbstractClient* active_popup_client; int m_initialDesktop; void loadSessionInfo(const QString &key); void addSessionInfo(KConfigGroup &cg); QList<SessionInfo*> session; static const char* windowTypeToTxt(NET::WindowType type); static NET::WindowType txtToWindowType(const char* txt); static bool sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch(Client* c, SessionInfo* info); AbstractClient* active_client; AbstractClient* last_active_client; AbstractClient* most_recently_raised; // Used ONLY by raiseOrLowerClient() AbstractClient* movingClient; // Delay(ed) window focus timer and client QTimer* delayFocusTimer; Client* delayfocus_client; QPoint focusMousePos; ClientList clients; QList<AbstractClient*> m_allClients; ClientList desktops; UnmanagedList unmanaged; DeletedList deleted; ToplevelList unconstrained_stacking_order; // Topmost last ToplevelList stacking_order; // Topmost last bool force_restacking; mutable ToplevelList x_stacking; // From XQueryTree() mutable bool x_stacking_dirty; QList<AbstractClient*> should_get_focus; // Last is most recent QList<AbstractClient*> attention_chain; bool showing_desktop; GroupList groups; bool was_user_interaction; bool session_saving; int session_active_client; int session_desktop; int block_focus; /** * Holds the menu containing the user actions which is shown * on e.g. right click the window decoration. **/ UserActionsMenu *m_userActionsMenu; void modalActionsSwitch(bool enabled); ShortcutDialog* client_keys_dialog; AbstractClient* client_keys_client; bool global_shortcuts_disabled_for_client; // Timer to collect requests for 'reconfigure' QTimer reconfigureTimer; QTimer updateToolWindowsTimer; static Workspace* _self; bool workspaceInit; KStartupInfo* startup; QVector<QRect> workarea; // Array of workareas for virtual desktops // Array of restricted areas that window cannot be moved into QVector<StrutRects> restrictedmovearea; // Array of the previous restricted areas that window cannot be moved into QVector<StrutRects> oldrestrictedmovearea; QVector< QVector<QRect> > screenarea; // Array of workareas per xinerama screen for all virtual desktops QVector< QRect > oldscreensizes; // array of previous sizes of xinerama screens QSize olddisplaysize; // previous sizes od displayWidth()/displayHeight() int set_active_client_recursion; int block_stacking_updates; // When > 0, stacking updates are temporarily disabled bool blocked_propagating_new_clients; // Propagate also new clients after enabling stacking updates? QScopedPointer<Xcb::Window> m_nullFocus; friend class StackingUpdatesBlocker; QScopedPointer<KillWindow> m_windowKiller; QList<X11EventFilter *> m_eventFilters; QList<X11EventFilter *> m_genericEventFilters; private: friend bool performTransiencyCheck(); friend Workspace *workspace(); }; /** * Helper for Workspace::blockStackingUpdates() being called in pairs (True/false) */ class StackingUpdatesBlocker { public: explicit StackingUpdatesBlocker(Workspace* w) : ws(w) { ws->blockStackingUpdates(true); } ~StackingUpdatesBlocker() { ws->blockStackingUpdates(false); } private: Workspace* ws; }; class ColorMapper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: ColorMapper(QObject *parent); virtual ~ColorMapper(); public Q_SLOTS: void update(); private: xcb_colormap_t m_default; xcb_colormap_t m_installed; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Unsorted inline bool Workspace::initializing() const { return workspaceInit; } inline AbstractClient *Workspace::activeClient() const { return active_client; } inline AbstractClient *Workspace::mostRecentlyActivatedClient() const { return should_get_focus.count() > 0 ? should_get_focus.last() : active_client; } inline void Workspace::addGroup(Group* group) { emit groupAdded(group); groups.append(group); } inline void Workspace::removeGroup(Group* group) { groups.removeAll(group); } inline const ToplevelList& Workspace::stackingOrder() const { // TODO: Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 ); return stacking_order; } inline void Workspace::setWasUserInteraction() { was_user_interaction = true; } inline bool Workspace::wasUserInteraction() const { return was_user_interaction; } inline void Workspace::sessionSaveStarted() { session_saving = true; } inline bool Workspace::sessionSaving() const { return session_saving; } inline bool Workspace::showingDesktop() const { return showing_desktop; } inline bool Workspace::globalShortcutsDisabled() const { return global_shortcuts_disabled_for_client; } inline void Workspace::forceRestacking() { force_restacking = true; StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); // Do restacking if not blocked } inline void Workspace::updateFocusMousePosition(const QPoint& pos) { focusMousePos = pos; } inline QPoint Workspace::focusMousePosition() const { return focusMousePos; } inline void Workspace::forEachClient(std::function< void (Client*) > func) { std::for_each(clients.constBegin(), clients.constEnd(), func); std::for_each(desktops.constBegin(), desktops.constEnd(), func); } inline void Workspace::forEachUnmanaged(std::function< void (Unmanaged*) > func) { std::for_each(unmanaged.constBegin(), unmanaged.constEnd(), func); } inline bool Workspace::hasClient(const Client* c) { return findClient([c](const Client *test) { return test == c; }); } inline Workspace *workspace() { return Workspace::_self; } } // namespace Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KWin::Workspace::ActivityFlags) #endif