 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// This file contains things relevant to handling incoming events.

#include "client.h"

#include <kstartupinfo.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>

#include "notifications.h"
#include <QX11Info>
#include "rules.h"
#include "group.h"

#include "scripting/workspaceproxy.h"

namespace KWin

 * Manages the clients. This means handling the very first maprequest:
 * reparenting, initial geometry, initial state, placement, etc.
 * Returns false if KWin is not going to manage this window.
bool Client::manage(Window w, bool isMapped)
    StackingUpdatesBlocker stacking_blocker(workspace());

    //Scripting call. Does not use a signal/slot mechanism
    //as ensuring connections was a bit difficult between
    //so many clients and the workspace
    SWrapper::WorkspaceProxy* ws_wrap = SWrapper::WorkspaceProxy::instance();
    if (ws_wrap != 0) {


    XWindowAttributes attr;
    if (!XGetWindowAttributes(display(), w, &attr)) {
        return false;

    // From this place on, manage() must not return false
    block_geometry_updates = 1;
    pending_geometry_update = PendingGeometryForced; // Force update when finishing with geometry changes

    embedClient(w, attr);

    vis = attr.visual;
    bit_depth = attr.depth;

    // SELI TODO: Order all these things in some sane manner

    bool init_minimize = false;
    XWMHints* hints = XGetWMHints(display(), w);
    if (hints && (hints->flags & StateHint) && hints->initial_state == IconicState)
        init_minimize = true;
    if (hints)
    if (isMapped)
        init_minimize = false; // If it's already mapped, ignore hint

    unsigned long properties[2];
    properties[WinInfo::PROTOCOLS] =
        NET::WMDesktop |
        NET::WMState |
        NET::WMWindowType |
        NET::WMStrut |
        NET::WMName |
        NET::WMIconGeometry |
        NET::WMIcon |
        NET::WMPid |
        NET::WMIconName |
    properties[WinInfo::PROTOCOLS2] =
        NET::WM2UserTime |
        NET::WM2StartupId |
        NET::WM2ExtendedStrut |
        NET::WM2Opacity |
        NET::WM2FullscreenMonitors |
        NET::WM2FrameOverlap |

    info = new WinInfo(this, display(), client, rootWindow(), properties, 2);

    cmap = attr.colormap;

    // First only read the caption text, so that setupWindowRules() can use it for matching,
    // and only then really set the caption using setCaption(), which checks for duplicates etc.
    // and also relies on rules already existing
    cap_normal = readName();
    ignore_focus_stealing = options->checkIgnoreFocusStealing(this);   // TODO: Change to rules
    setCaption(cap_normal, true);

    if (Extensions::shapeAvailable())
        XShapeSelectInput(display(), window(), ShapeNotifyMask);
    getWMHints(); // Needs to be done before readTransient() because of reading the group
    modal = (info->state() & NET::Modal) != 0;   // Needs to be valid before handling groups
    getWmNormalHints(); // Get xSizeHint

    // TODO: Try to obey all state information from info->state()

    original_skip_taskbar = skip_taskbar = (info->state() & NET::SkipTaskbar) != 0;
    skip_pager = (info->state() & NET::SkipPager) != 0;


    KStartupInfoId asn_id;
    KStartupInfoData asn_data;
    bool asn_valid = workspace()->checkStartupNotification(window(), asn_id, asn_data);


    SessionInfo* session = workspace()->takeSessionInfo(this);
    if (session) {
        init_minimize = session->minimized;
        noborder = session->noBorder;

    setShortcut(rules()->checkShortcut(session ? session->shortcut : QString(), true));

    init_minimize = rules()->checkMinimize(init_minimize, !isMapped);
    noborder = rules()->checkNoBorder(noborder, !isMapped);


    // Initial desktop placement
    if (session) {
        desk = session->desktop;
        if (session->onAllDesktops)
            desk = NET::OnAllDesktops;
    } else {
        // If this window is transient, ensure that it is opened on the
        // same window as its parent.  this is necessary when an application
        // starts up on a different desktop than is currently displayed
        if (isTransient()) {
            ClientList mainclients = mainClients();
            bool on_current = false;
            bool on_all = false;
            Client* maincl = NULL;
            // This is slightly duplicated from Placement::placeOnMainWindow()
            for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.constBegin();
                    it != mainclients.constEnd();
                    ++it) {
                if (mainclients.count() > 1 && (*it)->isSpecialWindow())
                    continue; // Don't consider toolbars etc when placing
                maincl = *it;
                if ((*it)->isOnCurrentDesktop())
                    on_current = true;
                if ((*it)->isOnAllDesktops())
                    on_all = true;
            if (on_all)
                desk = NET::OnAllDesktops;
            else if (on_current)
                desk = workspace()->currentDesktop();
            else if (maincl != NULL)
                desk = maincl->desktop();

            if (maincl)
        if (info->desktop())
            desk = info->desktop(); // Window had the initial desktop property, force it
        if (desktop() == 0 && asn_valid && asn_data.desktop() != 0)
            desk = asn_data.desktop();
        if (!isMapped && !noborder && isNormalWindow() && !activitiesDefined) {
            //a new, regular window, when we're not recovering from a crash,
            //and it hasn't got an activity. let's try giving it the current one.
            //TODO: decide whether to keep this before the 4.6 release
            //TODO: if we are keeping it (at least as an option), replace noborder checking
            //with a public API for setting windows to be on all activities.
            //something like KWindowSystem::setOnAllActivities or
            setOnActivity(Workspace::self()->currentActivity(), true);
    if (desk == 0)   // Assume window wants to be visible on the current desktop
        desk = workspace()->currentDesktop();
    desk = rules()->checkDesktop(desk, !isMapped);
    if (desk != NET::OnAllDesktops)   // Do range check
        desk = qMax(1, qMin(workspace()->numberOfDesktops(), desk));
    workspace()->updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients(this);   // SELI TODO
    //onAllDesktopsChange(); // Decoration doesn't exist here yet

    QRect geom(attr.x, attr.y, attr.width, attr.height);
    bool placementDone = false;

    if (session)
        geom = session->geometry;

    QRect area;
    bool partial_keep_in_area = isMapped || session;
    if (isMapped || session)
        area = workspace()->clientArea(FullArea, geom.center(), desktop());
    else if (options->xineramaPlacementEnabled) {
        int screen = options->xineramaPlacementScreen;
        if (screen == -1)   // Active screen
            screen = asn_data.xinerama() == -1 ? workspace()->activeScreen() : asn_data.xinerama();
        area = workspace()->clientArea(PlacementArea, workspace()->screenGeometry(screen).center(), desktop());
    } else
        area = workspace()->clientArea(PlacementArea, cursorPos(), desktop());

    if (int type = checkFullScreenHack(geom)) {
        fullscreen_mode = FullScreenHack;
        if (rules()->checkStrictGeometry(false)) {
            geom = type == 2 // 1 = It's xinerama-aware fullscreen hack, 2 = It's full area
                   ? workspace()->clientArea(FullArea, geom.center(), desktop())
                   : workspace()->clientArea(ScreenArea, geom.center(), desktop());
        } else
            geom = workspace()->clientArea(FullScreenArea, geom.center(), desktop());
        placementDone = true;

    if (isDesktop())
        // KWin doesn't manage desktop windows
        placementDone = true;

    bool usePosition = false;
    if (isMapped || session || placementDone)
        placementDone = true; // Use geometry
    else if (isTransient() && !isUtility() && !isDialog() && !isSplash())
        usePosition = true;
    else if (isTransient() && !hasNETSupport())
        usePosition = true;
    else if (isDialog() && hasNETSupport()) {
        // If the dialog is actually non-NETWM transient window, don't try to apply placement to it,
        // it breaks with too many things (xmms, display)
        if (mainClients().count() >= 1) {
#if 1
            // #78082 - Ok, it seems there are after all some cases when an application has a good
            // reason to specify a position for its dialog. Too bad other WMs have never bothered
            // with placement for dialogs, so apps always specify positions for their dialogs,
            // including such silly positions like always centered on the screen or under mouse.
            // Using ignoring requested position in window-specific settings helps, and now
            // there's also _NET_WM_FULL_PLACEMENT.
            usePosition = true;
            ; // Force using placement policy
        } else
            usePosition = true;
    } else if (isSplash())
        ; // Force using placement policy
        usePosition = true;
    if (!rules()->checkIgnoreGeometry(!usePosition)) {
        bool ignorePPosition = options->ignorePositionClasses.contains(

        if (((xSizeHint.flags & PPosition) && !ignorePPosition) ||
                (xSizeHint.flags & USPosition)) {
            placementDone = true;
            // Disobey xinerama placement option for now (#70943)
            area = workspace()->clientArea(PlacementArea, geom.center(), desktop());
    //if ( true ) // Size is always obeyed for now, only with constraints applied
    //    if (( xSizeHint.flags & USSize ) || ( xSizeHint.flags & PSize ))
    //        {
    //        // Keep in mind that we now actually have a size :-)
    //        }

    if (xSizeHint.flags & PMaxSize)
                         rules()->checkMaxSize(QSize(xSizeHint.max_width, xSizeHint.max_height))));
    if (xSizeHint.flags & PMinSize)
                         rules()->checkMinSize(QSize(xSizeHint.min_width, xSizeHint.min_height))));

    if (isMovable() && (geom.x() > area.right() || geom.y() > area.bottom()))
        placementDone = false; // Weird, do not trust.

    if (placementDone)
        move(geom.x(), geom.y());   // Before gravitating

    // Create client group if the window will have a decoration
    bool dontKeepInArea = false;
    if (!noBorder()) {
        client_group = NULL;
        // Automatically add to previous groups on session restore
        if (session && session->clientGroupClient && session->clientGroupClient != this)
            session->clientGroupClient->clientGroup()->add(this, -1, true);
        else if (isMapped)
            // If the window is already mapped (Restarted KWin) add any windows that already have the
            // same geometry to the same client group. (May incorrectly handle maximized windows)
            foreach (ClientGroup * group, workspace()->clientGroups)
            if (geom == QRect(group->visible()->pos(), group->visible()->clientSize()) &&
                    desk == group->visible()->desktop() &&
                    activities() == group->visible()->activities() &&
                    group->visible()->maximizeMode() != MaximizeFull) {
                group->add(this, -1, true);
        if (!client_group && !isMapped && !session) {
            // Attempt to automatically group similar windows
            const Client* similar = workspace()->findSimilarClient(this);
            if (similar && similar->clientGroup() && !similar->noBorder()) {
                geom = QRect(similar->pos() + similar->clientPos(), similar->clientSize());
                similar->clientGroup()->add(this, -1,
                // Don't move entire group
                geom = QRect(similar->pos() + similar->clientPos(), similar->clientSize());
                placementDone = true;
                dontKeepInArea = true;
        if (!client_group)
            client_group = new ClientGroup(this);

    updateDecoration(false);   // Also gravitates
    // TODO: Is CentralGravity right here, when resizing is done after gravitating?
    plainResize(rules()->checkSize(sizeForClientSize(geom.size()), !isMapped));

    QPoint forced_pos = rules()->checkPosition(invalidPoint, !isMapped);
    if (forced_pos != invalidPoint) {
        placementDone = true;
        // Don't keep inside workarea if the window has specially configured position
        partial_keep_in_area = true;
        area = workspace()->clientArea(FullArea, geom.center(), desktop());
    if (!placementDone) {
        // Placement needs to be after setting size
        workspace()->place(this, area);
        placementDone = true;

    if ((!isSpecialWindow() || isToolbar()) && isMovable() && !dontKeepInArea)
        keepInArea(area, partial_keep_in_area);


    // CT: Extra check for stupid jdk 1.3.1. But should make sense in general
    // if client has initial state set to Iconic and is transient with a parent
    // window that is not Iconic, set init_state to Normal
    if (init_minimize && isTransient()) {
        ClientList mainclients = mainClients();
        for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.constBegin();
                it != mainclients.constEnd();
            if ((*it)->isShown(true))
                init_minimize = false; // SELI TODO: Even e.g. for NET::Utility?
    // If a dialog is shown for minimized window, minimize it too
    if (!init_minimize && isTransient() && mainClients().count() > 0) {
        bool visible_parent = false;
        // Use allMainClients(), to include also main clients of group transients
        // that have been optimized out in Client::checkGroupTransients()
        ClientList mainclients = allMainClients();
        for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.constBegin();
                it != mainclients.constEnd();
            if ((*it)->isShown(true))
                visible_parent = true;
        if (!visible_parent) {
            init_minimize = true;

    if (init_minimize)
        minimize(true);   // No animation

    // SELI TODO: This seems to be mainly for kstart and ksystraycmd
    // probably should be replaced by something better
    bool doNotShow = false;
    if (workspace()->isNotManaged(caption()))
        doNotShow = true;

    // Other settings from the previous session
    if (session) {
        // Session restored windows are not considered to be new windows WRT rules,
        // I.e. obey only forcing rules
        setSkipTaskbar(session->skipTaskbar, true);
        setShade(session->shaded ? ShadeNormal : ShadeNone);
        if (session->maximized != MaximizeRestore) {
            geom_restore = session->restore;
        if (session->fullscreen == FullScreenHack)
            ; // Nothing, this should be already set again above
        else if (session->fullscreen != FullScreenNone) {
            setFullScreen(true, false);
            geom_fs_restore = session->fsrestore;
    } else {
        geom_restore = geometry(); // Remember restore geometry
        if (isMaximizable() && (width() >= area.width() || height() >= area.height())) {
            // Window is too large for the screen, maximize in the
            // directions necessary
            if (width() >= area.width() && height() >= area.height()) {
                geom_restore = QRect(); // Use placement when unmaximizing
            } else if (width() >= area.width()) {
                geom_restore = QRect(); // Use placement when unmaximizing
                geom_restore.setY(y());   // But only for horizontal direction
            } else if (height() >= area.height()) {
                geom_restore = QRect(); // Use placement when unmaximizing
                geom_restore.setX(x());   // But only for vertical direction

        // Window may want to be maximized
        // done after checking that the window isn't larger than the workarea, so that
        // the restore geometry from the checks above takes precedence, and window
        // isn't restored larger than the workarea
        MaximizeMode maxmode = static_cast<MaximizeMode>(
                                   ((info->state() & NET::MaxVert) ? MaximizeVertical : 0) |
                                   ((info->state() & NET::MaxHoriz) ? MaximizeHorizontal : 0));
        MaximizeMode forced_maxmode = rules()->checkMaximize(maxmode, !isMapped);

        // Either hints were set to maximize, or is forced to maximize,
        // or is forced to non-maximize and hints were set to maximize
        if (forced_maxmode != MaximizeRestore || maxmode != MaximizeRestore)

        // Read other initial states
        setShade(rules()->checkShade(info->state() & NET::Shaded ? ShadeNormal : ShadeNone, !isMapped));
        setKeepAbove(rules()->checkKeepAbove(info->state() & NET::KeepAbove, !isMapped));
        setKeepBelow(rules()->checkKeepBelow(info->state() & NET::KeepBelow, !isMapped));
        setSkipTaskbar(rules()->checkSkipTaskbar(info->state() & NET::SkipTaskbar, !isMapped), true);
        setSkipPager(rules()->checkSkipPager(info->state() & NET::SkipPager, !isMapped));
        setSkipSwitcher(rules()->checkSkipSwitcher(false, !isMapped));
        if (info->state() & NET::DemandsAttention)
        if (info->state() & NET::Modal)
        if (fullscreen_mode != FullScreenHack && isFullScreenable())
            setFullScreen(rules()->checkFullScreen(info->state() & NET::FullScreen, !isMapped), false);


    // Set initial user time directly
    user_time = readUserTimeMapTimestamp(asn_valid ? &asn_id : NULL, asn_valid ? &asn_data : NULL, session);
    group()->updateUserTime(user_time);   // And do what Client::updateUserTime() does

    if (isTopMenu())  // They're shown in Workspace::addClient() if their mainwindow
        hideClient(true);   // Is the active one

    // This should avoid flicker, because real restacking is done
    // only after manage() finishes because of blocking, but the window is shown sooner
    XLowerWindow(display(), frameId());
    if (session && session->stackingOrder != -1) {
        sm_stacking_order = session->stackingOrder;

    if (compositing())
        // Sending ConfigureNotify is done when setting mapping state below,
        // Getting the first sync response means window is ready for compositing

    if (isShown(true) && !doNotShow) {
        if (isDialog())
        if (isNormalWindow())

        bool allow;
        if (session)
            allow = session->active &&
                    (!workspace()->wasUserInteraction() || workspace()->activeClient() == NULL ||
            allow = workspace()->allowClientActivation(this, userTime(), false);

        if (!(isMapped || session)) {
            if (workspace()->sessionSaving()) {
                 * If we get a new window during session saving, we assume it's some 'save file?' dialog
                 * which the user really needs to see (to know why logout's stalled).
                 * Given the current session management protocol, I can't see a nicer way of doing this.
                 * Someday I'd like to see a protocol that tells the windowmanager who's doing SessionInteract.
                needsSessionInteract = true;
                //show the parent too
                ClientList mainclients = mainClients();
                for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.constBegin();
                        it != mainclients.constEnd(); ++it) {
            } else if (allow) {
                // also force if activation is allowed
                if (!isOnCurrentDesktop()) {
                /*if (!isOnCurrentActivity()) {
                    workspace()->setCurrentActivity( activities().first() );
                } FIXME no such method*/

        bool belongs_to_desktop = false;
        for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().constBegin();
                it != group()->members().constEnd();
            if ((*it)->isDesktop()) {
                belongs_to_desktop = true;
        if (!belongs_to_desktop && workspace()->showingDesktop())

        if (isOnCurrentDesktop() && !isMapped && !allow && (!session || session->stackingOrder < 0))


        if (!isMapped) {
            if (allow && isOnCurrentDesktop()) {
                if (!isSpecialWindow())
                    if (options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() && wantsTabFocus())
            } else if (!session && !isSpecialWindow())
    } else if (!doNotShow) // if ( !isShown( true ) && !doNotShow )
    else // doNotShow
        hideClient(true);   // SELI HACK !!!
    assert(mapping_state != Withdrawn);

    if (user_time == CurrentTime || user_time == -1U) {
        // No known user time, set something old
        user_time = xTime() - 1000000;
        if (user_time == CurrentTime || user_time == -1U)   // Let's be paranoid
            user_time = xTime() - 1000000 + 10;

    //sendSyntheticConfigureNotify(); // Done when setting mapping state

    delete session;


    applyWindowRules(); // Just in case
    workspace()->discardUsedWindowRules(this, false);   // Remove ApplyNow rules
    updateWindowRules(); // Was blocked while !isManaged()


    // TODO: there's a small problem here - isManaged() depends on the mapping state,
    // but this client is not yet in Workspace's client list at this point, will
    // be only done in addClient()
    return true;

// Called only from manage()
void Client::embedClient(Window w, const XWindowAttributes& attr)
    assert(client == None);
    assert(frameId() == None);
    assert(wrapper == None);
    client = w;

    // We don't want the window to be destroyed when we are destroyed
    XAddToSaveSet(display(), client);
    XSelectInput(display(), client, NoEventMask);
    XUnmapWindow(display(), client);
    XWindowChanges wc; // Set the border width to 0
    wc.border_width = 0; // TODO: Possibly save this, and also use it for initial configuring of the window
    XConfigureWindow(display(), client, CWBorderWidth, &wc);

    XSetWindowAttributes swa;
    swa.colormap = attr.colormap;
    swa.background_pixmap = None;
    swa.border_pixel = 0;

    Window frame = XCreateWindow(display(), rootWindow(), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
                                 attr.depth, InputOutput, attr.visual, CWColormap | CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixel, &swa);
    setWindowHandles(client, frame);
    wrapper = XCreateWindow(display(), frame, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
                            attr.depth, InputOutput, attr.visual, CWColormap | CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixel, &swa);

    XDefineCursor(display(), frame, QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor).handle());
    // Some apps are stupid and don't define their own cursor - set the arrow one for them
    XDefineCursor(display(), wrapper, QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor).handle());
    XReparentWindow(display(), client, wrapper, 0, 0);
    XSelectInput(display(), frame,
                 KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
                 ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
                 KeymapStateMask |
                 ButtonMotionMask |
                 PointerMotionMask |
                 EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
                 FocusChangeMask |
                 ExposureMask |
                 PropertyChangeMask |
                 StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask);
    XSelectInput(display(), wrapper, ClientWinMask | SubstructureNotifyMask);
    XSelectInput(display(), client,
                 FocusChangeMask |
                 PropertyChangeMask |
                 ColormapChangeMask |
                 EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
                 KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask


} // namespace