/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Antonis Tsiapaliokas SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Vlad Zahorodnii SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { class KWIN_EXPORT EffectsModel : public QAbstractItemModel { Q_OBJECT public: /** * This enum type is used to specify data roles. */ enum AdditionalRoles { /** * The user-friendly name of the effect. */ NameRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, /** * The description of the effect. */ DescriptionRole, /** * The name of the effect's author. If there are several authors, they * will be comma separated. */ AuthorNameRole, /** * The email of the effect's author. If there are several authors, the * emails will be comma separated. */ AuthorEmailRole, /** * The license of the effect. */ LicenseRole, /** * The version of the effect. */ VersionRole, /** * The category of the effect. */ CategoryRole, /** * The service name(plugin name) of the effect. */ ServiceNameRole, /** * The icon name of the effect. */ IconNameRole, /** * Whether the effect is enabled or disabled. */ StatusRole, /** * Link to a video demonstration of the effect. */ VideoRole, /** * Link to the home page of the effect. */ WebsiteRole, /** * Whether the effect is supported. */ SupportedRole, /** * The exclusive group of the effect. */ ExclusiveRole, /** * Whether the effect is internal. */ InternalRole, /** * Whether the effect has a KCM. */ ConfigurableRole, /** * Whether this is a scripted effect. */ ScriptedRole, /** * Whether the effect is enabled by default. */ EnabledByDefaultRole, /** * Id of the effect's config module, empty if the effect has no config. */ ConfigModuleRole, /** * Whether the effect has a function to determine if the effect is enabled by default. */ EnabledByDefaultFunctionRole, }; /** * This enum type is used to specify the status of a given effect. */ enum class Status { /** * The effect is disabled. */ Disabled = Qt::Unchecked, /** * An enable function is used to determine whether the effect is enabled. * For example, such function can be useful to disable the blur effect * when running in a virtual machine. */ EnabledUndeterminded = Qt::PartiallyChecked, /** * The effect is enabled. */ Enabled = Qt::Checked }; explicit EffectsModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); // Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel. QHash roleNames() const override; QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = {}) const override; QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const override; int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = {}) const override; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = {}) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override; /** * Changes the status of a given effect. * * @param rowIndex An effect represented by the given index. * @param effectState The new state. * @note In order to actually apply the change, you have to call save(). */ void updateEffectStatus(const QModelIndex &rowIndex, Status effectState); /** * This enum type is used to specify load options. */ enum class LoadOptions { None, /** * Do not discard unsaved changes when reloading the model. */ KeepDirty }; /** * Loads effects. * * You have to call this method in order to populate the model. */ void load(LoadOptions options = LoadOptions::None); /** * Saves status of each modified effect. */ void save(); /** * Resets the status of each effect to the default state. * * @note In order to actually apply the change, you have to call save(). */ void defaults(); /** * Whether the status of each effect is its default state. */ bool isDefaults() const; /** * Whether the model has unsaved changes. */ bool needsSave() const; /** * Finds an effect with the given plugin id. */ QModelIndex findByPluginId(const QString &pluginId) const; /** * Shows a configuration dialog for a given effect. * * @param index An effect represented by the given index. * @param transientParent The transient parent of the configuration dialog. */ void requestConfigure(const QModelIndex &index, QWindow *transientParent); Q_SIGNALS: /** * This signal is emitted when the model is loaded or reloaded. * * @see load */ void loaded(); protected: enum class Kind { BuiltIn, Binary, Scripted }; struct EffectData { QString name; QString description; QString authorName; QString authorEmail; QString license; QString version; QString untranslatedCategory; QString category; QString serviceName; QString iconName; Status status; Status originalStatus; bool enabledByDefault; bool enabledByDefaultFunction; QUrl video; QUrl website; bool supported; QString exclusiveGroup; bool internal; bool configurable; Kind kind; bool changed = false; QString configModule; }; /** * Returns whether the given effect should be stored in the model. * * @param data The effect. * @returns @c true if the effect should be stored, otherwise @c false. */ virtual bool shouldStore(const EffectData &data) const; private: void loadBuiltInEffects(const KConfigGroup &kwinConfig); void loadJavascriptEffects(const KConfigGroup &kwinConfig); void loadPluginEffects(const KConfigGroup &kwinConfig); QVector m_effects; QVector m_pendingEffects; int m_lastSerial = -1; Q_DISABLE_COPY(EffectsModel) }; }