/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2009 Lucas Murray <lmurray@undefinedfire.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ #include "highlightwindow.h" namespace KWin { HighlightWindowEffect::HighlightWindowEffect() : m_finishing(false) , m_fadeDuration(float(animationTime(150))) , m_monitorWindow(NULL) { m_atom = effects->announceSupportProperty("_KDE_WINDOW_HIGHLIGHT", this); connect(effects, SIGNAL(windowAdded(KWin::EffectWindow*)), this, SLOT(slotWindowAdded(KWin::EffectWindow*))); connect(effects, SIGNAL(windowClosed(KWin::EffectWindow*)), this, SLOT(slotWindowClosed(KWin::EffectWindow*))); connect(effects, SIGNAL(windowDeleted(KWin::EffectWindow*)), this, SLOT(slotWindowDeleted(KWin::EffectWindow*))); connect(effects, SIGNAL(propertyNotify(KWin::EffectWindow*,long)), this, SLOT(slotPropertyNotify(KWin::EffectWindow*,long))); } HighlightWindowEffect::~HighlightWindowEffect() { } static bool isInitiallyHidden(EffectWindow* w) { // Is the window initially hidden until it is highlighted? return w->isMinimized() || !w->isCurrentTab() || !w->isOnCurrentDesktop(); } void HighlightWindowEffect::prePaintWindow(EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time) { // Calculate window opacities QHash<EffectWindow*, float>::iterator opacity = m_windowOpacity.find(w); if (!m_highlightedWindows.isEmpty()) { // Initial fade out and changing highlight animation if (opacity == m_windowOpacity.end()) opacity = m_windowOpacity.insertMulti(w, 0.0f); float oldOpacity = *opacity; if (m_highlightedWindows.contains(w)) *opacity = qMin(1.0f, oldOpacity + time / m_fadeDuration); else if (w->isNormalWindow() || w->isDialog()) // Only fade out windows *opacity = qMax(isInitiallyHidden(w) ? 0.0f : 0.15f, oldOpacity - time / m_fadeDuration); if (*opacity < 0.98f) data.setTranslucent(); if (oldOpacity != *opacity) effects->addRepaint(w->geometry().adjusted(-16,-16,16,32)); // add some padding. w->addRepaintFull() is wrong for at least isInitiallyHidden ... } else if (m_finishing && m_windowOpacity.contains(w)) { // Final fading back in animation if (opacity == m_windowOpacity.end()) opacity = m_windowOpacity.insert(w, 0.0f); float oldOpacity = *opacity; if (isInitiallyHidden(w)) *opacity = qMax(0.0f, oldOpacity - time / m_fadeDuration); else *opacity = qMin(1.0f, oldOpacity + time / m_fadeDuration); if (*opacity < 0.98f) data.setTranslucent(); if (oldOpacity != *opacity) effects->addRepaint(w->geometry().adjusted(-16,-16,16,32)); // ... see above ... because the window is pot. gone in the last pass if (*opacity > 0.98f || *opacity < 0.02f) m_windowOpacity.remove(w); // We default to 1.0 } // Show tabbed windows and windows on other desktops if highlighted if (opacity != m_windowOpacity.end() && *opacity > 0.01) { if (w->isMinimized()) w->enablePainting(EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_MINIMIZE); if (!w->isCurrentTab()) w->enablePainting(EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_TAB_GROUP); if (!w->isOnCurrentDesktop()) w->enablePainting(EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_DESKTOP); } effects->prePaintWindow(w, data, time); } void HighlightWindowEffect::paintWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) { data.multiplyOpacity(m_windowOpacity.value(w, 1.0f)); effects->paintWindow(w, mask, region, data); } void HighlightWindowEffect::slotWindowAdded(EffectWindow* w) { if (!m_highlightedWindows.isEmpty()) { // The effect is activated thus we need to add it to the opacity hash foreach (const WId id, m_highlightedIds) { if (w == effects->findWindow(id)) { m_windowOpacity[w] = 1.0; // this window was demanded to be highlighted before it appeared return; } } m_windowOpacity[w] = 0.15; // this window is not currently highlighted } slotPropertyNotify(w, m_atom, w); // Check initial value } void HighlightWindowEffect::slotWindowClosed(EffectWindow* w) { if (m_monitorWindow == w) // The monitoring window was destroyed finishHighlighting(); } void HighlightWindowEffect::slotWindowDeleted(EffectWindow* w) { m_windowOpacity.remove(w); } void HighlightWindowEffect::slotPropertyNotify(EffectWindow* w, long a, EffectWindow *addedWindow) { if (a != m_atom) return; // Not our atom // if the window is null, the property was set on the root window - see events.cpp QByteArray byteData = w ? w->readProperty(m_atom, m_atom, 32) : effects->readRootProperty(m_atom, m_atom, 32); if (byteData.length() < 1) { // Property was removed, clearing highlight if (!addedWindow || w != addedWindow) finishHighlighting(); return; } auto* data = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(byteData.data()); if (!data[0]) { // Purposely clearing highlight by issuing a NULL target finishHighlighting(); return; } m_monitorWindow = w; bool found = false; int length = byteData.length() / sizeof(data[0]); //foreach ( EffectWindow* e, m_highlightedWindows ) // effects->setElevatedWindow( e, false ); m_highlightedWindows.clear(); m_highlightedIds.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { m_highlightedIds << data[i]; EffectWindow* foundWin = effects->findWindow(data[i]); if (!foundWin) { qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Invalid window targetted for highlight. Requested:" << data[i]; continue; // might come in later. } m_highlightedWindows.append(foundWin); // TODO: We cannot just simply elevate the window as this will elevate it over // Plasma tooltips and other such windows as well //effects->setElevatedWindow( foundWin, true ); found = true; } if (!found) { finishHighlighting(); return; } prepareHighlighting(); if (w) m_windowOpacity[w] = 1.0; // Because it's not in stackingOrder() yet /* TODO: Finish thumbnails of offscreen windows, not sure if it's worth it though if ( !m_highlightedWindow->isOnCurrentDesktop() ) { // Window is offscreen, determine thumbnail position QRect screenArea = effects->clientArea( MaximizeArea ); // Workable area of the active screen QRect outerArea = outerArea.adjusted( outerArea.width() / 10, outerArea.height() / 10, -outerArea.width() / 10, -outerArea.height() / 10 ); // Add 10% margin around the edge QRect innerArea = outerArea.adjusted( outerArea.width() / 40, outerArea.height() / 40, -outerArea.width() / 40, -outerArea.height() / 40 ); // Outer edge of the thumbnail border (2.5%) QRect thumbArea = outerArea.adjusted( 20, 20, -20, -20 ); // Outer edge of the thumbnail (20px) // Determine the maximum size that we can make the thumbnail within the innerArea double areaAspect = double( thumbArea.width() ) / double( thumbArea.height() ); double windowAspect = aspectRatio( m_highlightedWindow ); QRect thumbRect; // Position doesn't matter right now, but it will later if ( windowAspect > areaAspect ) // Top/bottom will touch first thumbRect = QRect( 0, 0, widthForHeight( thumbArea.height() ), thumbArea.height() ); else // Left/right will touch first thumbRect = QRect( 0, 0, thumbArea.width(), heightForWidth( thumbArea.width() )); if ( thumbRect.width() >= m_highlightedWindow->width() ) // Area is larger than the window, just use the window's size thumbRect = m_highlightedWindow->geometry(); // Determine position of desktop relative to the current one QPoint direction = effects->desktopGridCoords( m_highlightedWindow->desktop() ) - effects->desktopGridCoords( effects->currentDesktop() ); // Draw a line from the center of the current desktop to the center of the target desktop. QPointF desktopLine( 0, 0, direction.x() * screenArea.width(), direction.y() * screenArea.height() ); desktopLeft.translate( screenArea.width() / 2, screenArea.height() / 2 ); // Move to the screen center // Take the point where the line crosses the outerArea, this will be the tip of our arrow QPointF arrowTip; QLineF testLine( // Top outerArea.x(), outerArea.y(), outerArea.x() + outerArea.width(), outerArea.y() ); if ( desktopLine.intersect( testLine, &arrowTip ) != QLineF::BoundedIntersection ) { testLine = QLineF( // Right outerArea.x() + outerArea.width(), outerArea.y(), outerArea.x() + outerArea.width(), outerArea.y() + outerArea.height() ); if ( desktopLine.intersect( testLine, &arrowTip ) != QLineF::BoundedIntersection ) { testLine = QLineF( // Bottom outerArea.x() + outerArea.width(), outerArea.y() + outerArea.height(), outerArea.x(), outerArea.y() + outerArea.height() ); if ( desktopLine.intersect( testLine, &arrowTip ) != QLineF::BoundedIntersection ) { testLine = QLineF( // Left outerArea.x(), outerArea.y() + outerArea.height(), outerArea.x(), outerArea.y() ); desktopLine.intersect( testLine, &arrowTip ); // Should never fail } } } m_arrowTip = arrowTip.toPoint(); } */ } void HighlightWindowEffect::prepareHighlighting() { // Create window data for every window. Just calling [w] creates it. m_finishing = false; foreach (EffectWindow * w, effects->stackingOrder()) { if (!m_windowOpacity.contains(w)) // Just in case we are still finishing from last time m_windowOpacity.insertMulti(w, isInitiallyHidden(w) ? 0.0 : 1.0); if (!m_highlightedWindows.isEmpty()) m_highlightedWindows.at(0)->addRepaintFull(); } } void HighlightWindowEffect::finishHighlighting() { m_finishing = true; m_monitorWindow = NULL; m_highlightedWindows.clear(); if (!m_windowOpacity.isEmpty()) m_windowOpacity.constBegin().key()->addRepaintFull(); } bool HighlightWindowEffect::isActive() const { return !(m_windowOpacity.isEmpty() || effects->isScreenLocked()); } } // namespace