/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "connection.h" #include "context.h" #include "device.h" #include "events.h" #include "../logind.h" #include "../udev.h" #include "libinput_logging.h" #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { namespace LibInput { Connection *Connection::s_self = nullptr; QThread *Connection::s_thread = nullptr; static Context *s_context = nullptr; Connection::Connection(QObject *parent) : Connection(nullptr, parent) { // only here to fix build, using will crash, BUG 343529 } Connection *Connection::create(QObject *parent) { Q_ASSERT(!s_self); static Udev s_udev; if (!s_udev.isValid()) { qCWarning(KWIN_LIBINPUT) << "Failed to initialize udev"; return nullptr; } if (!s_context) { s_context = new Context(s_udev); if (!s_context->isValid()) { qCWarning(KWIN_LIBINPUT) << "Failed to create context from udev"; delete s_context; s_context = nullptr; return nullptr; } // TODO: don't hardcode seat name if (!s_context->assignSeat("seat0")) { qCWarning(KWIN_LIBINPUT) << "Failed to assign seat seat0"; delete s_context; s_context = nullptr; return nullptr; } } s_thread = new QThread(); s_self = new Connection(s_context); s_self->moveToThread(s_thread); s_thread->start(); QObject::connect(s_thread, &QThread::finished, s_self, &QObject::deleteLater); QObject::connect(s_thread, &QThread::finished, s_thread, &QObject::deleteLater); QObject::connect(parent, &QObject::destroyed, s_thread, &QThread::quit); return s_self; } Connection::Connection(Context *input, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_input(input) , m_notifier(nullptr) , m_mutex(QMutex::Recursive) { Q_ASSERT(m_input); } Connection::~Connection() { s_self = nullptr; delete s_context; s_context = nullptr; } void Connection::setup() { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "doSetup", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void Connection::doSetup() { Q_ASSERT(!m_notifier); m_notifier = new QSocketNotifier(m_input->fileDescriptor(), QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(m_notifier, &QSocketNotifier::activated, this, &Connection::handleEvent); LogindIntegration *logind = LogindIntegration::self(); connect(logind, &LogindIntegration::sessionActiveChanged, this, [this](bool active) { if (active) { if (!m_input->isSuspended()) { return; } m_input->resume(); wasSuspended = true; } else { deactivate(); } } ); handleEvent(); } void Connection::deactivate() { if (m_input->isSuspended()) { return; } m_keyboardBeforeSuspend = hasKeyboard(); m_pointerBeforeSuspend = hasPointer(); m_touchBeforeSuspend = hasTouch(); m_input->suspend(); handleEvent(); } void Connection::handleEvent() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); const bool wasEmpty = m_eventQueue.isEmpty(); do { m_input->dispatch(); Event *event = m_input->event(); if (!event) { break; } m_eventQueue << event; } while (true); if (wasEmpty && !m_eventQueue.isEmpty()) { emit eventsRead(); } } void Connection::processEvents() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); while (!m_eventQueue.isEmpty()) { QScopedPointer event(m_eventQueue.takeFirst()); switch (event->type()) { case LIBINPUT_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED: { auto device = new Device(event->device(), this); m_devices << device; if (device->isKeyboard()) { m_keyboard++; if (m_keyboard == 1) { emit hasKeyboardChanged(true); } } if (device->isPointer()) { m_pointer++; if (m_pointer == 1) { emit hasPointerChanged(true); } } if (device->isTouch()) { m_touch++; if (m_touch == 1) { emit hasTouchChanged(true); } } emit deviceAdded(device); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED: { auto it = std::find_if(m_devices.begin(), m_devices.end(), [&event] (Device *d) { return event->device() == d->device(); } ); if (it == m_devices.end()) { // we don't know this device break; } auto device = *it; m_devices.erase(it); emit deviceRemoved(device); if (device->isKeyboard()) { m_keyboard--; if (m_keyboard == 0) { emit hasKeyboardChanged(false); } } if (device->isPointer()) { m_pointer--; if (m_pointer == 0) { emit hasPointerChanged(false); } } if (device->isTouch()) { m_touch--; if (m_touch == 0) { emit hasTouchChanged(false); } } delete device; break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY: { KeyEvent *ke = static_cast(event.data()); emit keyChanged(ke->key(), ke->state(), ke->time()); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS: { PointerEvent *pe = static_cast(event.data()); struct Axis { qreal delta = 0.0; quint32 time = 0; }; QMap deltas; auto update = [&deltas] (PointerEvent *pe) { const auto axis = pe->axis(); for (auto it = axis.begin(); it != axis.end(); ++it) { deltas[*it].delta += pe->axisValue(*it); deltas[*it].time = pe->time(); } }; update(pe); auto it = m_eventQueue.begin(); while (it != m_eventQueue.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS) { QScopedPointer p(static_cast(*it)); update(p.data()); it = m_eventQueue.erase(it); } else { break; } } for (auto it = deltas.constBegin(); it != deltas.constEnd(); ++it) { emit pointerAxisChanged(it.key(), it.value().delta, it.value().time); } break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_BUTTON: { PointerEvent *pe = static_cast(event.data()); emit pointerButtonChanged(pe->button(), pe->buttonState(), pe->time()); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION: { PointerEvent *pe = static_cast(event.data()); QPointF delta = pe->delta(); quint32 latestTime = pe->time(); auto it = m_eventQueue.begin(); while (it != m_eventQueue.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION) { QScopedPointer p(static_cast(*it)); delta += p->delta(); latestTime = p->time(); it = m_eventQueue.erase(it); } else { break; } } emit pointerMotion(delta, latestTime); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION_ABSOLUTE: { PointerEvent *pe = static_cast(event.data()); emit pointerMotionAbsolute(pe->absolutePos(), pe->absolutePos(m_size), pe->time()); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN: { TouchEvent *te = static_cast(event.data()); emit touchDown(te->id(), te->absolutePos(m_size), te->time()); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_UP: { TouchEvent *te = static_cast(event.data()); emit touchUp(te->id(), te->time()); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_MOTION: { TouchEvent *te = static_cast(event.data()); emit touchMotion(te->id(), te->absolutePos(m_size), te->time()); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL: { emit touchCanceled(); break; } case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_FRAME: { emit touchFrame(); break; } default: // nothing break; } } if (wasSuspended) { if (m_keyboardBeforeSuspend && !m_keyboard) { emit hasKeyboardChanged(false); } if (m_pointerBeforeSuspend && !m_pointer) { emit hasPointerChanged(false); } if (m_touchBeforeSuspend && !m_touch) { emit hasTouchChanged(false); } wasSuspended = false; } } void Connection::setScreenSize(const QSize &size) { m_size = size; } bool Connection::isSuspended() const { if (!s_context) { return false; } return s_context->isSuspended(); } } }