#include "b2client.h" #include <qapplication.h> #include <qcursor.h> #include <qabstractlayout.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qdrawutil.h> #include <kpixmapeffect.h> #include <kdrawutil.h> #include <qbitmap.h> #include "../../workspace.h" #include "../../options.h" #include "bitmaps.h" using namespace KWinInternal; // TODO: stick all these in an array static KPixmap *aClosePix, *aClosePixDown; static KPixmap *iClosePix, *iClosePixDown; static KPixmap *aMaxPix, *aMaxPixDown; static KPixmap *iMaxPix, *iMaxPixDown; static KPixmap *aNormalizePix, *aNormalizePixDown; static KPixmap *iNormalizePix, *iNormalizePixDown; static KPixmap *aIconifyPix, *aIconifyPixDown; static KPixmap *iIconifyPix, *iIconifyPixDown; static KPixmap *aPinupPix, *aPinupPixDown; static KPixmap *iPinupPix, *iPinupPixDown; static KPixmap *aMenuPix, *aMenuPixDown; static KPixmap *iMenuPix, *iMenuPixDown; static KPixmap *aHelpPix, *aHelpPixDown; static KPixmap *iHelpPix, *iHelpPixDown; static bool pixmaps_created = false; static void drawB2Rect(KPixmap *pix, const QColor &primary, bool down) { QPainter p; QColor hColor = primary.light(150); QColor lColor = primary.dark(150); if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8){ if(down) KPixmapEffect::gradient(*pix, lColor, hColor, KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); else KPixmapEffect::gradient(*pix, hColor, lColor, KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); } else pix->fill(primary); int x2 = pix->width()-1; int y2 = pix->height()-1; p.begin(pix); p.setPen(down ? hColor : lColor); p.drawLine(0, 0, x2, 0); p.drawLine(0, 0, 0, y2); p.drawLine(1, x2-1, y2-1, x2-1); p.drawLine(x2-1, 1, x2-1, y2-1); p.setPen(down ? lColor : hColor); p.drawRect(1, 1, x2, y2); p.end(); } static void create_pixmaps(); static void redraw_pixmaps(); QPixmap* kwin_get_menu_pix_hack() { //return menu_pix; FIXME return aMenuPix; } static void create_pixmaps() { if ( pixmaps_created ) return; pixmaps_created = true; // TODO: Stick all these in an array aClosePix = new KPixmap; aClosePix->resize(16, 16); aClosePixDown = new KPixmap; aClosePixDown->resize(16, 16); iClosePix = new KPixmap; iClosePix->resize(16, 16); iClosePixDown = new KPixmap; iClosePixDown->resize(16, 16); aMaxPix = new KPixmap; aMaxPixDown = new KPixmap; iMaxPix = new KPixmap; iMaxPixDown = new KPixmap; aNormalizePix = new KPixmap(); aNormalizePix->resize(16, 16); aNormalizePixDown = new KPixmap(); aNormalizePixDown->resize(16, 16); aIconifyPix = new KPixmap; aIconifyPix->resize(10, 10); aIconifyPixDown = new KPixmap; aIconifyPixDown->resize(10, 10); iNormalizePix = new KPixmap(); iNormalizePix->resize(16, 16); iNormalizePixDown = new KPixmap(); iNormalizePixDown->resize(16, 16); iIconifyPix = new KPixmap; iIconifyPix->resize(10, 10); iIconifyPixDown = new KPixmap; iIconifyPixDown->resize(10, 10); aPinupPix = new KPixmap; aPinupPix->resize(16, 16); aPinupPixDown = new KPixmap; aPinupPixDown->resize(16, 16); iPinupPix = new KPixmap; iPinupPix->resize(16, 16); iPinupPixDown = new KPixmap; iPinupPixDown->resize(16, 16); aMenuPix = new KPixmap; aMenuPix->resize(16, 16); aMenuPixDown = new KPixmap; aMenuPixDown->resize(16, 16); iMenuPix = new KPixmap; iMenuPix->resize(16, 16); iMenuPixDown = new KPixmap; iMenuPixDown->resize(16, 16); aHelpPix = new KPixmap; aHelpPix->resize(16, 16); aHelpPixDown = new KPixmap; aHelpPixDown->resize(16, 16); iHelpPix = new KPixmap; iHelpPix->resize(16, 16); iHelpPixDown = new KPixmap; iHelpPixDown->resize(16, 16); // there seems to be no way to load X bitmaps from data properly, so // we need to create new ones for each mask :P QBitmap pinupMask(16, 16, pinup_mask_bits, true); aPinupPix->setMask(pinupMask); iPinupPix->setMask(pinupMask); QBitmap pindownMask(16, 16, pindown_mask_bits, true); aPinupPixDown->setMask(pindownMask); iPinupPixDown->setMask(pindownMask); QBitmap menuMask(16, 16, menu_mask_bits, true); aMenuPix->setMask(menuMask); iMenuPix->setMask(menuMask); aMenuPixDown->setMask(menuMask); iMenuPixDown->setMask(menuMask); QBitmap helpMask(16, 16, help_mask_bits, true); aHelpPix->setMask(helpMask); iHelpPix->setMask(helpMask); aHelpPixDown->setMask(helpMask); iHelpPixDown->setMask(helpMask); redraw_pixmaps(); } static void delete_pixmaps() { delete aClosePix; delete aClosePixDown; delete iClosePix; delete iClosePixDown; delete aMaxPix; delete aMaxPixDown; delete iMaxPix; delete iMaxPixDown; delete aNormalizePix; delete aNormalizePixDown; delete iNormalizePix; delete iNormalizePixDown; delete aIconifyPix; delete aIconifyPixDown; delete iIconifyPix; delete iIconifyPixDown; delete aPinupPix; delete aPinupPixDown; delete iPinupPix; delete iPinupPixDown; delete aMenuPix; delete aMenuPixDown; delete iMenuPix; delete iMenuPixDown; delete aHelpPix; delete aHelpPixDown; delete iHelpPix; delete iHelpPixDown; pixmaps_created = false; } B2Button::B2Button(KPixmap *pix, KPixmap *pixDown, KPixmap *iPix, KPixmap *iPixDown, Client *_client, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QButton(parent, name) { client = _client; pNorm = pix; pDown = pixDown; iNorm = iPix; iDown = iPixDown; setFixedSize(16, 16); setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); resize(16, 16); } QSize B2Button::sizeHint() const { return(QSize(16, 16)); } QSizePolicy B2Button::sizePolicy() const { return(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); } void B2Button::drawButton(QPainter *p) { p->fillRect(rect(), bg); if(useMiniIcon && !client->miniIcon().isNull()){ QPixmap miniIcon = client->miniIcon(); p->drawPixmap((width()-miniIcon.width())/2, (height()-miniIcon.height())/2, miniIcon); } else{ if(client->isActive()){ if(isOn() || isDown()) p->drawPixmap((width()-pDown->width())/2, (height()-pDown->height())/2, *pDown); else p->drawPixmap((width()-pNorm->width())/2, (height()-pNorm->height())/2, *pNorm); } else{ if(isOn() || isDown()) p->drawPixmap((width()-pDown->width())/2, (height()-pDown->height())/2, *iDown); else p->drawPixmap((width()-pNorm->width())/2, (height()-pNorm->height())/2, *iNorm); } } } void B2Button::setPixmaps(KPixmap *pix, KPixmap *pixDown, KPixmap *iPix, KPixmap *iPixDown) { pNorm = pix; pDown = pixDown; iNorm = iPix; iDown = iPixDown; repaint(false); } void B2Button::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { last_button = e->button(); QMouseEvent me ( e->type(), e->pos(), e->globalPos(), LeftButton, e->state() ); QButton::mousePressEvent( &me ); } void B2Button::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { QMouseEvent me ( e->type(), e->pos(), e->globalPos(), LeftButton, e->state() ); QButton::mouseReleaseEvent( &me ); } B2Titlebar::B2Titlebar(B2Client *parent) : QWidget(parent) { set_x11mask = false; isfullyobscured = false; shift_move = false; client = parent; } bool B2Titlebar::x11Event(XEvent *e) { if (!set_x11mask) { set_x11mask = true; XSelectInput(qt_xdisplay(), winId(), KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeymapStateMask | ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | FocusChangeMask | ExposureMask | PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | VisibilityChangeMask); } switch( e->type ) { case VisibilityNotify: isfullyobscured = false; if (e->xvisibility.state == VisibilityFullyObscured) { isfullyobscured = true; client->unobscureTitlebar(); } break; default: break; } return QWidget::x11Event(e); } void B2Titlebar::recalcBuffer() { QFontMetrics fm(options->font(true)); titleBuffer.resize(width(), height()); QPainter p; p.begin(&titleBuffer); QRect t=rect(); // black titlebar frame p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(0, 0, 0, t.bottom() ); p.drawLine(0, 0, t.right(), 0); p.drawLine(t.right(), 0, t.right(), t.bottom()); // titlebar fill qDrawShadeRect(&p, 1, 1, t.right()-1, t.height()-1, options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, true), false, 1, 0, &options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, true). brush(QColorGroup::Background)); // and the caption p.setPen(options->color(Options::Font, true)); p.setFont(options->font(true)); QLayoutIterator it=layout()->iterator(); ++it; ++it; ++it; t=(++it)->geometry(); p.drawText(t, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter, client->caption()); p.end(); oldTitle = caption(); } void B2Titlebar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { recalcBuffer(); repaint(false); } void B2Titlebar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /*e*/) { if(client->isActive()) bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &titleBuffer, 0, 0, titleBuffer.width(), titleBuffer.height(), Qt::CopyROP, true); else{ QPainter p(this); QRect t=rect(); // black titlebar frame p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawLine(0, 0, 0, t.bottom() ); p.drawLine(0, 0, t.right(), 0); p.drawLine(t.right(), 0, t.right(), t.bottom()); // titlebar fill qDrawShadeRect(&p, 1, 1, t.right()-1, t.height()-1, options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, false), false, 1, 0, &options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, false). brush(QColorGroup::Button)); // and the caption p.setPen(options->color(Options::Font, false)); p.setFont(options->font(false)); QLayoutIterator it=layout()->iterator(); ++it; ++it; ++it; t=(++it)->geometry(); p.drawText(t, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter, client->caption()); } } void B2Titlebar::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { client->workspace()->performWindowOperation( client, options->operationTitlebarDblClick() ); client->workspace()->requestFocus( client ); } void B2Titlebar::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { shift_move = e->state() & ShiftButton; if (shift_move ) { moveOffset = e->globalPos(); } QMouseEvent _e(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, mapToParent(e->pos()), e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state()); //QWidget::mousePressEvent( e ); client->mousePressEvent( &_e); } void B2Titlebar::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { shift_move = false; QMouseEvent _e(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, mapToParent(e->pos()), e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state()); //QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( e ); client->mouseReleaseEvent( &_e); } void B2Titlebar::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { if (shift_move) { int oldx = mapFromGlobal(moveOffset).x(); int xdiff = e->globalPos().x() - moveOffset.x(); moveOffset = e->globalPos(); if (oldx >= 0 && oldx <= rect().right()) { client->titleMoveRel(xdiff); } } else { QMouseEvent _e(QEvent::MouseMove, mapToParent(e->pos()), e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state()); client->mouseMoveEvent( &_e); } } void B2Client::maxButtonClicked( ) { switch ( button[BtnMax]->last_button ) { case MidButton: maximize( MaximizeVertical ); break; case RightButton: maximize( MaximizeHorizontal ); break; default: //LeftButton: maximize( MaximizeFull ); break; } } B2Client::B2Client( Workspace *ws, WId w, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : Client( ws, w, parent, name, WResizeNoErase ) { bar_x_ofs = 0; in_unobs = 0; g = new QGridLayout( this, 0, 0); g->addMultiCellWidget(windowWrapper(), 1, 1, 1, 2); g->addColSpacing(0, 4); g->addColSpacing(1, 16); g->setColStretch(2, 1); g->setRowStretch(1, 1); g->addColSpacing(3, 4); g->addRowSpacing(2, 8); // titlebar g->addRowSpacing(0, 20); titlebar = new B2Titlebar(this); titlebar->setMinimumWidth(16); titlebar->setFixedHeight(20); int i; for(i=0; i < 6; ++i){ button[i] = new B2Button(this, titlebar/*this*/); button[i]->setFixedSize(16, 16); } QHBoxLayout *titleLayout=new QHBoxLayout(titlebar); titleLayout->setSpacing(1); titleLayout->addSpacing(3); titleLayout->addWidget(button[BtnMenu]); titleLayout->addWidget(button[BtnSticky]); titleLayout->addWidget(button[BtnHelp]); titleLayout->addStretch(1); titleLayout->addWidget(button[BtnIconify]); titleLayout->addWidget(button[BtnMax]); titleLayout->addWidget(button[BtnClose]); titleLayout->addSpacing(3); button[BtnSticky]->setToggle(); button[BtnSticky]->setDown(isSticky()); button[BtnMenu]->setUseMiniIcon(); if(!providesContextHelp()) button[BtnHelp]->hide(); button[BtnMenu]->setPixmaps(aMenuPix, aMenuPixDown, iMenuPix, iMenuPixDown); button[BtnSticky]->setPixmaps(aPinupPix, aPinupPixDown, iPinupPix, iPinupPixDown); button[BtnIconify]->setPixmaps(aIconifyPix, aIconifyPixDown, iIconifyPix, iIconifyPixDown); button[BtnClose]->setPixmaps(aClosePix, aClosePixDown, iClosePix, iClosePixDown); button[BtnHelp]->setPixmaps(aHelpPix, aHelpPixDown, iHelpPix, iHelpPixDown); if(isMaximized()) button[BtnMax]->setPixmaps(aNormalizePix, aNormalizePixDown, iNormalizePix, iNormalizePixDown); else button[BtnMax]->setPixmaps(aMaxPix, aMaxPixDown, iMaxPix, iMaxPixDown); QColor c = options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, isActive()). color(QColorGroup::Button); titlebar->setBackgroundColor(c); titlebar->recalcBuffer(); for(i=0; i < 6; ++i) button[i]->setBg(c); positionButtons(); connect(button[BtnMenu], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menuButtonPressed())); connect(button[BtnSticky], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleSticky())); connect(button[BtnIconify], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(iconify())); connect(button[BtnMax], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( maxButtonClicked())); connect(button[BtnClose], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeWindow())); connect(button[BtnHelp], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(contextHelp())); connect(options, SIGNAL(resetClients()), this, SLOT(slotReset())); } void B2Client::iconChange() { button[BtnMenu]->repaint( false ); } void B2Client::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e) { Client::resizeEvent( e ); int sizeProblem = 0; if (width() < 45) sizeProblem = 3; else if (width() < 70) sizeProblem = 2; else if (width() < 120) sizeProblem = 1; switch (sizeProblem) { case 1: button[BtnMenu] ->show(); button[BtnClose] ->show(); button[BtnSticky] ->hide(); button[BtnIconify] ->show(); button[BtnMax] ->hide(); button[BtnHelp] ->hide(); break; case 2: button[BtnMenu] ->show(); button[BtnClose] ->show(); button[BtnSticky] ->hide(); button[BtnIconify] ->hide(); button[BtnMax] ->hide(); button[BtnHelp] ->hide(); break; case 3: button[BtnMenu] ->hide(); button[BtnClose] ->hide(); button[BtnSticky] ->hide(); button[BtnIconify] ->hide(); button[BtnMax] ->hide(); button[BtnHelp] ->hide(); break; case 0: default: button[BtnMenu] ->show(); button[BtnClose] ->show(); button[BtnSticky] ->show(); button[BtnIconify] ->show(); button[BtnMax] ->show(); if(providesContextHelp()) button[BtnHelp]->show(); break; } titlebar->layout()->activate(); positionButtons(); /* may be the resize cuted off some space occupied by titlebar, which was moved, so instead of reducing it, we first try to move it */ titleMoveAbs(bar_x_ofs); doShape(); /* What does this? (MM) if ( isVisibleToTLW() && !testWFlags( WNorthWestGravity )) { QPainter p( this ); QRect t = titlebar->geometry(); QRegion r = rect(); r = r.subtract( t ); p.setClipRegion( r ); p.eraseRect( rect() ); } */ repaint(); //there is some strange wrong repaint of the frame without } void B2Client::captionChange( const QString &) { positionButtons(); titleMoveAbs(bar_x_ofs); doShape(); //repaint(); titlebar->recalcBuffer(); titlebar->repaint(false); } void B2Client::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e) { QPainter p( this ); QRect t = titlebar->geometry(); // inner window rect p.drawRect(3, t.bottom(), width()-6, height()-t.height()-6); // outer frame rect p.drawRect(0, t.bottom()-3, width(), height()-t.height()); // frame shade panel qDrawShadePanel(&p, 1, t.bottom()-2, width()-2, height()-t.height()-2, options->colorGroup(Options::Frame, isActive()), false); //bottom handle rect int hx = width()-40; int hw = 40; //p.drawRect(hx, height()-8, hw, 8); p.drawLine(width()-1, height()-8, width()-1, height()-1); p.drawLine(hx, height()-1, width()-1, height()-1); p.drawLine(hx, height()-4, hx, height()-1); p.fillRect(hx+1, height()-7, hw-2, 6, options->colorGroup(Options::Frame, isActive()) .brush(QColorGroup::Button)); p.setPen(options->colorGroup(Options::Frame, isActive()).dark()); p.drawLine(width()-2, height()-8, width()-2, height()-2); p.drawLine(hx+1, height()-2, width()-2, height()-2); p.setPen(options->colorGroup(Options::Frame, isActive()).light()); p.drawLine(hx+1, height()-6, hx+1, height()-3); p.drawLine(hx+1, height()-7, width()-3, height()-7); /* OK, we got a paint event, which means parts of us are now visible which were not before. We try the titlebar if it is currently fully obscured, and if yes, try to unobscure it, in the hope that some of the parts which we just painted were in the titlebar area. It can happen, that the titlebar, as it got the FullyObscured event had no chance of becoming partly visible. The problem is, that we now might have the space available, but the titlebar gets no visibilitinotify events until its state changes, so we just try */ if (titlebar->isFullyObscured()) { /* We first see, if our repaint contained the titlebar area */ QRegion reg(QRect(0,0,width(),20)); reg = reg.intersect(e->region()); if (!reg.isEmpty()) unobscureTitlebar(); } } #define QCOORDARRLEN(x) sizeof(x)/(sizeof(QCOORD)*2) void B2Client::doShape() { QRect t = titlebar->geometry(); QRegion mask(rect()); // top to the tilebar right if (bar_x_ofs) { mask -= QRect(0, 0, bar_x_ofs, t.height()-4); //left from bar mask -= QRect(0, t.height()-4, 1, 1); //top left point } if (t.right() < width()-1) { mask -= QRect(width()-1, t.height()-4, 1, 1); // top right point mask -= QRect(t.right()+1, 0, width()-t.right()-1, t.height()-4); } mask -= QRect(width()-1, height()-1, 1, 1); // bottom right point mask -= QRect(0, height()-5, 1, 1); // bottom left point mask -= QRect(width()-1, height()-1, 1, 1); // bottom right point mask -= QRect(width()-40, height()-1, 1, 1); // handle left point mask -= QRect(0, height()-4, width()-40, 4); // bottom left setMask(mask); } void B2Client::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev) { Client::showEvent(ev); doShape(); repaint(); titlebar->repaint(); } void B2Client::windowWrapperShowEvent( QShowEvent* ) { doShape(); } Client::MousePosition B2Client::mousePosition( const QPoint& p ) const { const int range = 16; const int border = 4; /*QRect t = g->cellGeometry(0, 1); t.setRight(button[BtnClose]->x()+17); */ QRect t = titlebar->geometry(); t.setHeight(20-border); int ly = t.bottom(); int lx = t.right(); if ( p.x() > t.right() ) { if ( p.y() <= ly + range && p.x() >= width()-range) return TopRight; else if ( p.y() <= ly + border ) return Top; } else if ( p.x() < bar_x_ofs ) { if ( p.y() <= ly + range && p.x() <= range ) return TopLeft; else if ( p.y() <= ly+border ) return Top; } else if ( p.y() < ly ) { if ( p.x() > bar_x_ofs+border && p.x() < lx-border && p.y() > border ) return Client::mousePosition( p ); if ( p.x() > bar_x_ofs+range && p.x() < lx - range) return Top; if ( p.y() <= range ) { if ( p.x() <= bar_x_ofs+range ) return TopLeft; else return TopRight; } else { if ( p.x() <= bar_x_ofs+range ) return Left; else return Right; } } if (p.y() >= height() - 8) { /* the normal Client:: only wants border of 4 pixels */ if (p.x() <= range) return BottomLeft; if (p.x() >= width()-range) return BottomRight; return Bottom; } return Client::mousePosition( p ); } void B2Client::titleMoveAbs(int new_ofs) { if (new_ofs < 0) new_ofs = 0; if (new_ofs + titlebar->width() > width()) { new_ofs = width() - titlebar->width(); } if (bar_x_ofs != new_ofs) { bar_x_ofs = new_ofs; positionButtons(); doShape(); repaint( 0, 0, width(), 20, false ); titlebar->repaint(false); } } void B2Client::titleMoveRel(int xdiff) { titleMoveAbs(bar_x_ofs + xdiff); } void B2Client::stickyChange(bool on) { button[1]->setDown(on); } void B2Client::maximizeChange(bool m) { if(m){ button[BtnMax]->setPixmaps(aNormalizePix, aNormalizePixDown, iNormalizePix, iNormalizePixDown); } else{ button[BtnMax]->setPixmaps(aMaxPix, aMaxPixDown, iMaxPix, iMaxPixDown); } button[BtnMax]->repaint(); } void B2Client::activeChange(bool on) { int i; repaint(false); titlebar->repaint(false); QColor c = options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, on). color(QColorGroup::Button); for(i=0; i < 6; ++i){ button[i]->setBg(c); button[i]->repaint(); } } void B2Client::init() { // } void B2Client::menuButtonPressed() { workspace()->clientPopup(this)-> popup(button[BtnMenu]->mapToGlobal(button[BtnMenu]-> rect().bottomLeft())); } void B2Client::slotReset() { redraw_pixmaps(); QColor c = options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, isActive()). color(QColorGroup::Button); int i; for(i=0; i < 6; ++i){ button[i]->setBg(c); button[i]->repaint(false); } repaint(); titlebar->recalcBuffer(); titlebar->repaint(false); } void B2Client::unobscureTitlebar() { /* we just noticed, that we got obscured by other windows so we look at all windows above us (stacking_order) merging their masks, intersecting it with our titlebar area, and see if we can find a place not covered by any window */ if (in_unobs) { return; } in_unobs = 1; QRegion reg(QRect(0,0,width(),20)); ClientList::ConstIterator it = workspace()->stackingOrder().find(this); ++it; while (it != workspace()->stackingOrder().end()) { /* the clients all have their mask-regions in local coords so we have to translate them to a shared coord system we choose ours */ int dx = (*it)->x() - x(); int dy = (*it)->y() - y(); QRegion creg = (*it)->getMask(); creg.translate(dx, dy); reg -= creg; if (reg.isEmpty()) { // early out, we are completely obscured break; } ++it; } if (!reg.isEmpty()) { // there is at least _one_ pixel from our title area, which is not // obscured, we use the first rect we find // for a first test, we use boundingRect(), later we may refine // to rect(), and search for the nearest, or biggest, or smthg. titleMoveAbs(reg.boundingRect().x()); } in_unobs = 0; } static void redraw_pixmaps() { QColorGroup aGrp = options->colorGroup(Options::ButtonBg, true); QColorGroup iGrp = options->colorGroup(Options::ButtonBg, false); // close drawB2Rect(aClosePix, aGrp.button(), false); drawB2Rect(aClosePixDown, aGrp.button(), true); drawB2Rect(iClosePix, iGrp.button(), false); drawB2Rect(iClosePixDown, iGrp.button(), true); // maximize *aMaxPix = *aClosePix; aMaxPix->detach(); *aMaxPixDown = *aClosePixDown; aMaxPixDown->detach(); *iMaxPix = *iClosePix; iMaxPix->detach(); *iMaxPixDown = *iClosePixDown; iMaxPixDown->detach(); // normalize KPixmap smallBox; smallBox.resize(10, 10); KPixmap largeBox; largeBox.resize(12, 12); drawB2Rect(&smallBox, aGrp.button(), false); drawB2Rect(&largeBox, aGrp.button(), false); aNormalizePix->fill(options->color(Options::TitleBar, true)); bitBlt(aNormalizePix, 3, 3, &largeBox, 0, 0, 12, 12, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(aNormalizePix, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(aIconifyPix, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); drawB2Rect(&smallBox, aGrp.button(), true); drawB2Rect(&largeBox, aGrp.button(), true); aNormalizePixDown->fill(options->color(Options::TitleBar, true)); bitBlt(aNormalizePixDown, 3, 3, &largeBox, 0, 0, 12, 12, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(aNormalizePixDown, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(aIconifyPixDown, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); drawB2Rect(&smallBox, iGrp.button(), false); drawB2Rect(&largeBox, iGrp.button(), false); iNormalizePix->fill(options->color(Options::TitleBar, false)); bitBlt(iNormalizePix, 3, 3, &largeBox, 0, 0, 12, 12, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(iNormalizePix, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(iIconifyPix, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); drawB2Rect(&smallBox, iGrp.button(), true); drawB2Rect(&largeBox, iGrp.button(), true); iNormalizePixDown->fill(options->color(Options::TitleBar, false)); bitBlt(iNormalizePixDown, 3, 3, &largeBox, 0, 0, 12, 12, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(iNormalizePixDown, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); bitBlt(iIconifyPixDown, 0, 0, &smallBox, 0, 0, 10, 10, Qt::CopyROP, true); QPainter p; // x for close p.begin(aClosePix); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, close_white_bits, NULL, NULL, close_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(aClosePixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, close_white_bits, NULL, NULL, close_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iClosePix); kColorBitmaps(&p, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, close_white_bits, NULL, NULL, close_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iClosePixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, close_white_bits, NULL, NULL, close_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); // pin p.begin(aPinupPix); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pinup_white_bits, pinup_gray_bits, NULL, pinup_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(aPinupPixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pindown_white_bits, pindown_gray_bits, NULL, pindown_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iPinupPix); kColorBitmaps(&p, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pinup_white_bits, pinup_gray_bits, NULL, pinup_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iPinupPixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pindown_white_bits, pindown_gray_bits, NULL, pindown_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); // menu p.begin(aMenuPix); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, menu_white_bits, NULL, NULL, menu_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(aMenuPixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, menu_white_bits, NULL, NULL, menu_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iMenuPix); kColorBitmaps(&p, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, menu_white_bits, NULL, NULL, menu_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iMenuPixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, menu_white_bits, NULL, NULL, menu_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); // help p.begin(aHelpPix); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, help_light_bits, NULL, NULL, help_dark_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(aHelpPixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, help_light_bits, NULL, NULL, help_dark_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iHelpPix); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, help_light_bits, NULL, NULL, help_dark_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); p.begin(iHelpPixDown); kColorBitmaps(&p, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, help_light_bits, NULL, NULL, help_dark_bits, NULL, NULL); p.end(); } void B2Client::positionButtons() { QFontMetrics fm(options->font(isActive())); int textLen = fm.width(caption()); QLayoutIterator it=titlebar->layout()->iterator(); ++it; ++it; ++it; int titleWidth=titlebar->width()-(++it)->geometry().width()+textLen+2; if( titleWidth > width()) titleWidth=width(); titlebar->resize(titleWidth,20); titlebar->move(bar_x_ofs, 0); } extern "C" { Client *allocate(Workspace *ws, WId w, int) { return(new B2Client(ws, w)); } void init() { create_pixmaps(); } void reset() { redraw_pixmaps(); } void deinit() { delete_pixmaps(); } } #include "b2client.moc"