/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ #include "translucency.h" #include <kconfiggroup.h> namespace KWin { KWIN_EFFECT( translucency, TranslucencyEffect ) TranslucencyEffect::TranslucencyEffect() : fadeout( NULL ) , current( NULL ) , previous( NULL ) { reconfigure( ReconfigureAll ); active = effects->activeWindow(); } void TranslucencyEffect::reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags ) { KConfigGroup conf = effects->effectConfig("Translucency"); decoration = conf.readEntry( "Decoration", 1.0 ); moveresize = conf.readEntry( "MoveResize", 0.8 ); dialogs = conf.readEntry( "Dialogs", 1.0 ); inactive = conf.readEntry( "Inactive", 1.0 ); comboboxpopups = conf.readEntry( "ComboboxPopups", 1.0 ); menus = conf.readEntry( "Menus", 1.0 ); individualmenuconfig = conf.readEntry( "IndividualMenuConfig", false ); if( individualmenuconfig ) { dropdownmenus = conf.readEntry( "DropdownMenus", 1.0 ); popupmenus = conf.readEntry( "PopupMenus", 1.0 ); tornoffmenus = conf.readEntry( "TornOffMenus", 1.0 ); } else { dropdownmenus = menus; popupmenus = menus; tornoffmenus = menus; } moveresize_timeline.setCurveShape( TimeLine::EaseOutCurve ); moveresize_timeline.setDuration( animationTime( conf, "Duration", 800 ) ); activeinactive_timeline.setCurveShape( TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve ); activeinactive_timeline.setDuration( animationTime( conf, "Duration", 800 ) ); // Repaint the screen just in case the user changed the inactive opacity effects->addRepaintFull(); } void TranslucencyEffect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time ) { moveresize_timeline.addTime(time); activeinactive_timeline.addTime(time); if( decoration != 1.0 && w->hasDecoration()) { data.mask |= PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSLUCENT; // don't clear PAINT_WINDOW_OPAQUE, contents are not affected data.clip &= w->contentsRect().translated( w->pos()); // decoration cannot clip } if( inactive != 1.0 && isInactive( w )) data.setTranslucent(); if(( moveresize != 1.0 && ( w->isUserMove() || w->isUserResize())) || ( dialogs != 1.0 && w->isDialog())) { data.setTranslucent(); } if( ( dropdownmenus != 1.0 && w->isDropdownMenu() ) || ( popupmenus != 1.0 && w->isPopupMenu() ) || ( tornoffmenus != 1.0 && w->isMenu() ) || ( comboboxpopups != 1.0 && w->isComboBox() ) ) { data.setTranslucent(); } effects->prePaintWindow( w, data, time ); } void TranslucencyEffect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data ) { // We keep track of the windows that was last active so we know // which one to fade out and which ones to paint as fully inactive if ( w == active && w != current ) { previous = current; current = w; } if ( w->isDesktop() || w->isDock() ) { effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data ); return; } // Handling active and inactive windows if( inactive != 1.0 && isInactive(w) ) { data.opacity *= inactive; if ( w == previous ) { data.opacity *= (inactive + ((1.0 - inactive) * (1.0 - activeinactive_timeline.value()))); if ( activeinactive_timeline.value() < 1.0 ) w->addRepaintFull(); } } else { // Fading in if ( !isInactive(w) && !w->isDesktop() ) { data.opacity *= (inactive + ((1.0 - inactive) * activeinactive_timeline.value())); if ( activeinactive_timeline.value() < 1.0 ) w->addRepaintFull(); } // decoration and dialogs if( decoration != 1.0 && w->hasDecoration()) data.decoration_opacity *= decoration; if( dialogs != 1.0 && w->isDialog()) data.opacity *= dialogs; // Handling moving and resizing if( moveresize != 1.0 && !w->isDesktop() && !w->isDock()) { double progress = moveresize_timeline.value(); if ( w->isUserMove() || w->isUserResize() ) { // Fading to translucent data.opacity *= (moveresize + ((1.0 - moveresize) * ( 1.0 - progress ))); if (progress < 1.0 && progress > 0.0) { w->addRepaintFull(); if ( fadeout != w ) fadeout = w; } } else { // Fading back to more opaque if( w == fadeout && !w->isUserMove() && !w->isUserResize() ) { data.opacity *= (moveresize + ((1.0 - moveresize) * (progress))); if ( progress == 1.0 || progress == 0.0) fadeout = NULL; else w->addRepaintFull(); } } } // Menus and combos if( dropdownmenus != 1.0 && w->isDropdownMenu() ) data.opacity *= dropdownmenus; if( popupmenus != 1.0 && w->isPopupMenu() ) data.opacity *= popupmenus; if( tornoffmenus != 1.0 && w->isMenu() ) data.opacity *= tornoffmenus; if( comboboxpopups != 1.0 && w->isComboBox() ) data.opacity *= comboboxpopups; } effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data ); } bool TranslucencyEffect::isInactive( const EffectWindow* w ) const { if( active == w || w->isDock() || !w->isManaged() ) return false; if( NULL != active && NULL != active->group() ) if (active->group() == w->group() ) return false; if( !w->isNormalWindow() && !w->isDialog() && !w->isDock() ) return false; return true; } void TranslucencyEffect::windowUserMovedResized( EffectWindow* w, bool first, bool last ) { if( moveresize != 1.0 && ( first || last )) { moveresize_timeline.setProgress(0.0); w->addRepaintFull(); } } void TranslucencyEffect::windowActivated( EffectWindow* w ) { if( inactive != 1.0 ) { activeinactive_timeline.setProgress(0.0); if( NULL != active && active != w ) { if( ( NULL == w || w->group() != active->group() ) && NULL != active->group() ) { // Active group has changed. so repaint old group foreach( EffectWindow *tmp, active->group()->members() ) tmp->addRepaintFull(); } else active->addRepaintFull(); } if( NULL != w ) { if (NULL != w->group() ) { // Repaint windows in new group foreach( EffectWindow *tmp, w->group()->members() ) tmp->addRepaintFull(); } else w->addRepaintFull(); } } active = w; } } // namespace