/* This is the new kwindecoration kcontrol module Copyright (c) 2001 Karol Szwed http://gallium.n3.net/ Supports new kwin configuration plugins, and titlebar button position modification via dnd interface. Based on original "kwintheme" (Window Borders) Copyright (C) 2001 Rik Hemsley (rikkus) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kwindecoration.h" #include "preview.h" #include #include // KCModule plugin interface // ========================= typedef KGenericFactory KWinDecoFactory; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kcm_kwindecoration, KWinDecoFactory("kcmkwindecoration") ) KWinDecorationModule::KWinDecorationModule(QWidget* parent, const char* name, const QStringList &) : DCOPObject("KWinClientDecoration"), KCModule(KWinDecoFactory::instance(), parent, name), kwinConfig("kwinrc"), pluginObject(0) { kwinConfig.setGroup("Style"); plugins = new KDecorationPreviewPlugins( &kwinConfig ); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint()); // Save this for later... // cbUseMiniWindows = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Render mini &titlebars for all windows"), checkGroup ); // QWhatsThis::add( cbUseMiniWindows, i18n( "Note that this option is not available on all styles yet!" ) ); tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this ); layout->addWidget( tabWidget ); // Page 1 (General Options) QWidget *pluginPage = new QWidget( tabWidget ); QVBoxLayout* pluginLayout = new QVBoxLayout(pluginPage, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); // decoration chooser decorationList = new KComboBox( pluginPage ); QString whatsThis = i18n("Select the window decoration. This is the look and feel of both " "the window borders and the window handle."); QWhatsThis::add(decorationList, whatsThis); pluginLayout->addWidget(decorationList); QGroupBox *pluginSettingsGrp = new QGroupBox( i18n("Decoration Options"), pluginPage ); pluginSettingsGrp->setColumnLayout( 0, Vertical ); pluginSettingsGrp->setFlat( true ); pluginSettingsGrp->layout()->setMargin( 0 ); pluginSettingsGrp->layout()->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); pluginLayout->addWidget( pluginSettingsGrp ); pluginLayout->addStretch(); // Border size chooser lBorder = new QLabel( pluginSettingsGrp ); slBorder = new QSlider( Horizontal, pluginSettingsGrp ); slBorder->setPageStep(1); QWhatsThis::add( slBorder, i18n( "This slider shows all border sizes supported by this decoration." )); lBorder->setBuddy( slBorder ); lBorder->hide(); slBorder->hide(); pluginSettingsGrp->layout()->add(lBorder); QHBoxLayout *sliderIndentLayout = new QHBoxLayout(pluginSettingsGrp->layout() ); sliderIndentLayout->addSpacing(20); sliderIndentLayout->addWidget(slBorder); pluginConfigWidget = new QVBox(pluginSettingsGrp); pluginSettingsGrp->layout()->add( pluginConfigWidget ); // Page 2 (Button Selector) QWidget* buttonPage = new QWidget( tabWidget ); QVBoxLayout* buttonLayout = new QVBoxLayout(buttonPage, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); cbShowToolTips = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Show window button tooltips"), buttonPage ); QWhatsThis::add( cbShowToolTips, i18n( "Enabling this checkbox will show window button tooltips. " "If this checkbox is off, no window button tooltips will be shown.")); cbUseCustomButtonPositions = new QCheckBox( i18n("Use custom titlebar button &positions"), buttonPage ); QWhatsThis::add( cbUseCustomButtonPositions, i18n( "The appropriate settings can be found in the \"Buttons\" Tab; " "please note that this option is not available on all styles yet." ) ); buttonBox = new QVBox( buttonPage ); buttonBox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); buttonLayout->addWidget( cbShowToolTips ); buttonLayout->addWidget( cbUseCustomButtonPositions ); // Add nifty dnd button modification widgets QLabel* label = new QLabel( buttonBox ); dropSite = new ButtonDropSite( buttonBox ); label->setAlignment( int( QLabel::WordBreak ) ); label->setText( i18n( "To add or remove titlebar buttons, simply drag items " "between the available item list and the titlebar preview. Similarly, " "drag items within the titlebar preview to re-position them.") ); buttonSource = new ButtonSource( buttonBox ); QHBoxLayout* buttonControlLayout = new QHBoxLayout(buttonLayout); buttonControlLayout->addSpacing(20); buttonControlLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); // buttonLayout->addStretch(); // preview QVBoxLayout* previewLayout = new QVBoxLayout(layout, KDialog::spacingHint() ); previewLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); preview = new KDecorationPreview( this ); previewLayout->addWidget(preview); preview->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); tabWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Maximum); // Load all installed decorations into memory // Set up the decoration lists and other UI settings findDecorations(); createDecorationList(); readConfig( &kwinConfig ); resetPlugin( &kwinConfig ); tabWidget->insertTab( pluginPage, i18n("&Window Decoration") ); tabWidget->insertTab( buttonPage, i18n("&Buttons") ); connect( dropSite, SIGNAL(buttonAdded(char)), buttonSource, SLOT(hideButton(char)) ); connect( dropSite, SIGNAL(buttonRemoved(char)), buttonSource, SLOT(showButton(char)) ); connect( buttonSource, SIGNAL(buttonDropped()), dropSite, SLOT(removeClickedButton()) ); connect( dropSite, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); connect( dropSite, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotButtonsChanged()) ); connect( buttonSource, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); connect( decorationList, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); connect( decorationList, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), SLOT(slotChangeDecoration(const QString&)) ); connect( cbUseCustomButtonPositions, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); connect(cbUseCustomButtonPositions, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), buttonBox, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(cbUseCustomButtonPositions, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotButtonsChanged()) ); connect( cbShowToolTips, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); connect( slBorder, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int )), SLOT( slotBorderChanged( int ))); // connect( cbUseMiniWindows, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); // Allow kwin dcop signal to update our selection list connectDCOPSignal("kwin", 0, "dcopResetAllClients()", "dcopUpdateClientList()", false); KAboutData *about = new KAboutData(I18N_NOOP("kcmkwindecoration"), I18N_NOOP("Window Decoration Control Module"), 0, 0, KAboutData::License_GPL, I18N_NOOP("(c) 2001 Karol Szwed")); about->addAuthor("Karol Szwed", 0, "gallium@kde.org"); setAboutData(about); } KWinDecorationModule::~KWinDecorationModule() { delete preview; // needs to be destroyed before plugins delete plugins; } // Find all theme desktop files in all 'data' dirs owned by kwin. // And insert these into a DecorationInfo structure void KWinDecorationModule::findDecorations() { QStringList dirList = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kwin"); QStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = dirList.begin(); it != dirList.end(); it++) { QDir d(*it); if (d.exists()) for (QFileInfoListIterator it(*d.entryInfoList()); it.current(); ++it) { QString filename(it.current()->absFilePath()); if (KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(filename)) { KDesktopFile desktopFile(filename); QString libName = desktopFile.readEntry("X-KDE-Library"); if (!libName.isEmpty() && libName.startsWith( "kwin3_" )) { DecorationInfo di; di.name = desktopFile.readName(); di.libraryName = libName; decorations.append( di ); } } } } } // Fills the decorationList with a list of available kwin decorations void KWinDecorationModule::createDecorationList() { QValueList::ConstIterator it; // Sync with kwin hardcoded KDE2 style which has no desktop item QStringList decorationNames; decorationNames.append( i18n("KDE 2") ); for (it = decorations.begin(); it != decorations.end(); ++it) { decorationNames.append((*it).name); } decorationNames.sort(); decorationList->insertStringList(decorationNames); } // Reset the decoration plugin to what the user just selected void KWinDecorationModule::slotChangeDecoration( const QString & text) { KConfig kwinConfig("kwinrc"); kwinConfig.setGroup("Style"); // Let the user see config options for the currently selected decoration resetPlugin( &kwinConfig, text ); } // This is the selection handler setting void KWinDecorationModule::slotSelectionChanged() { emit KCModule::changed(true); } static const char* const border_names[ KDecorationDefines::BordersCount ] = { I18N_NOOP( "Border size: Tiny" ), I18N_NOOP( "Border size: Normal" ), I18N_NOOP( "Border size: Large" ), I18N_NOOP( "Border size: Very Large" ), I18N_NOOP( "Border size: Huge" ), I18N_NOOP( "Border size: Very Huge" ), I18N_NOOP( "Border size: Oversized" ) }; int KWinDecorationModule::borderSizeToIndex( BorderSize size, QValueList< BorderSize > sizes ) { int pos = 0; for( QValueList< BorderSize >::ConstIterator it = sizes.begin(); it != sizes.end(); ++it, ++pos ) if( size <= *it ) break; return pos; } KDecorationDefines::BorderSize KWinDecorationModule::indexToBorderSize( int index, QValueList< BorderSize > sizes ) { QValueList< BorderSize >::ConstIterator it = sizes.begin(); for(; it != sizes.end(); ++it, --index ) if( index == 0 ) break; return *it; } void KWinDecorationModule::slotBorderChanged( int size ) { if( lBorder->isHidden()) return; emit KCModule::changed( true ); QValueList< BorderSize > sizes; if( plugins->factory() != NULL ) sizes = plugins->factory()->borderSizes(); assert( sizes.count() >= 2 ); border_size = indexToBorderSize( size, sizes ); lBorder->setText( i18n( border_names[ border_size ] )); // update preview preview->setTempBorderSize(plugins, border_size); } void KWinDecorationModule::slotButtonsChanged() { // update preview preview->setTempButtons(plugins, cbUseCustomButtonPositions->isChecked(), dropSite->buttonsLeft, dropSite->buttonsRight ); } QString KWinDecorationModule::decorationName( QString& libName ) { QString decoName; QValueList::Iterator it; for( it = decorations.begin(); it != decorations.end(); ++it ) if ( (*it).libraryName == libName ) { decoName = (*it).name; break; } return decoName; } QString KWinDecorationModule::decorationLibName( const QString& name ) { QString libName; // Find the corresponding library name to that of // the current plugin name QValueList::Iterator it; for( it = decorations.begin(); it != decorations.end(); ++it ) if ( (*it).name == name ) { libName = (*it).libraryName; break; } if (libName.isEmpty()) libName = "kwin_default"; // KDE 2 return libName; } // Loads/unloads and inserts the decoration config plugin into the // pluginConfigWidget, allowing for dynamic configuration of decorations void KWinDecorationModule::resetPlugin( KConfig* conf, const QString& currentDecoName ) { // Config names are "kwin_icewm_config" // for "kwin3_icewm" kwin client QString oldName = styleToConfigLib( oldLibraryName ); QString currentName; if (!currentDecoName.isEmpty()) currentName = decorationLibName( currentDecoName ); // Use what the user selected else currentName = currentLibraryName; // Use what was read from readConfig() if( plugins->loadPlugin( currentName ) && preview->recreateDecoration( plugins )) preview->enablePreview(); else preview->disablePreview(); plugins->destroyPreviousPlugin(); checkSupportedBorderSizes(); currentName = styleToConfigLib( currentName ); // Delete old plugin widget if it exists delete pluginObject; pluginObject = 0; // Use klibloader for library manipulation KLibLoader* loader = KLibLoader::self(); // Free the old library if possible if (!oldLibraryName.isNull()) loader->unloadLibrary( QFile::encodeName(oldName) ); KLibrary* library = loader->library( QFile::encodeName(currentName) ); if (library != NULL) { void* alloc_ptr = library->symbol("allocate_config"); if (alloc_ptr != NULL) { allocatePlugin = (QObject* (*)(KConfig* conf, QWidget* parent))alloc_ptr; pluginObject = (QObject*)(allocatePlugin( conf, pluginConfigWidget )); // connect required signals and slots together... connect( pluginObject, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(pluginLoad(KConfig*)), pluginObject, SLOT(load(KConfig*)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(pluginSave(KConfig*)), pluginObject, SLOT(save(KConfig*)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(pluginDefaults()), pluginObject, SLOT(defaults()) ); pluginConfigWidget->show(); return; } } pluginConfigWidget->hide(); } // Reads the kwin config settings, and sets all UI controls to those settings // Updating the config plugin if required void KWinDecorationModule::readConfig( KConfig* conf ) { // General tab // ============ cbShowToolTips->setChecked( conf->readBoolEntry("ShowToolTips", true )); // cbUseMiniWindows->setChecked( conf->readBoolEntry("MiniWindowBorders", false)); // Find the corresponding decoration name to that of // the current plugin library name oldLibraryName = currentLibraryName; currentLibraryName = conf->readEntry("PluginLib", ((QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8) ? "kwin_plastik" : "kwin_quartz")); QString decoName = decorationName( currentLibraryName ); // If we are using the "default" kde client, use the "default" entry. if (decoName.isEmpty()) decoName = i18n("KDE 2"); int numDecos = decorationList->count(); for (int i = 0; i < numDecos; ++i) { if (decorationList->text(i) == decoName) { decorationList->setCurrentItem(i); break; } } // Buttons tab // ============ bool customPositions = conf->readBoolEntry("CustomButtonPositions", false); cbUseCustomButtonPositions->setChecked( customPositions ); buttonBox->setEnabled( customPositions ); // Menu and onAllDesktops buttons are default on LHS dropSite->buttonsLeft = conf->readEntry("ButtonsOnLeft", "MS"); // Help, Minimize, Maximize and Close are default on RHS dropSite->buttonsRight = conf->readEntry("ButtonsOnRight", "HIAX"); dropSite->repaint(false); buttonSource->showAllButtons(); // Step through the button lists, and hide the dnd button source items unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < dropSite->buttonsLeft.length(); i++) buttonSource->hideButton( dropSite->buttonsLeft[i].latin1() ); for(i = 0; i < dropSite->buttonsRight.length(); i++) buttonSource->hideButton( dropSite->buttonsRight[i].latin1() ); int bsize = conf->readNumEntry( "BorderSize", BorderNormal ); if( bsize >= BorderTiny && bsize < BordersCount ) border_size = static_cast< BorderSize >( bsize ); else border_size = BorderNormal; checkSupportedBorderSizes(); emit KCModule::changed(false); } // Writes the selected user configuration to the kwin config file void KWinDecorationModule::writeConfig( KConfig* conf ) { QString name = decorationList->currentText(); QString libName = decorationLibName( name ); KConfig kwinConfig("kwinrc"); kwinConfig.setGroup("Style"); // General settings conf->writeEntry("PluginLib", libName); conf->writeEntry("CustomButtonPositions", cbUseCustomButtonPositions->isChecked()); conf->writeEntry("ShowToolTips", cbShowToolTips->isChecked()); // conf->writeEntry("MiniWindowBorders", cbUseMiniWindows->isChecked()); // Button settings conf->writeEntry("ButtonsOnLeft", dropSite->buttonsLeft ); conf->writeEntry("ButtonsOnRight", dropSite->buttonsRight ); conf->writeEntry("BorderSize", border_size ); oldLibraryName = currentLibraryName; currentLibraryName = libName; // We saved, so tell kcmodule that there have been no new user changes made. emit KCModule::changed(false); } void KWinDecorationModule::dcopUpdateClientList() { // Changes the current active ListBox item, and // Loads a new plugin configuration tab if required. KConfig kwinConfig("kwinrc"); kwinConfig.setGroup("Style"); readConfig( &kwinConfig ); resetPlugin( &kwinConfig ); } // Virutal functions required by KCModule void KWinDecorationModule::load() { KConfig kwinConfig("kwinrc"); kwinConfig.setGroup("Style"); // Reset by re-reading the config readConfig( &kwinConfig ); resetPlugin( &kwinConfig ); } void KWinDecorationModule::save() { KConfig kwinConfig("kwinrc"); kwinConfig.setGroup("Style"); writeConfig( &kwinConfig ); emit pluginSave( &kwinConfig ); kwinConfig.sync(); resetKWin(); // resetPlugin() will get called via the above DCOP function } void KWinDecorationModule::defaults() { // Set the KDE defaults cbUseCustomButtonPositions->setChecked( false ); buttonBox->setEnabled( false ); cbShowToolTips->setChecked( true ); // cbUseMiniWindows->setChecked( false); // Don't set default for now // decorationList->setSelected( // decorationList->findItem( i18n("KDE 2") ), true ); // KDE classic client dropSite->buttonsLeft = "MS"; dropSite->buttonsRight= "HIAX"; dropSite->repaint(false); buttonSource->showAllButtons(); buttonSource->hideButton('M'); buttonSource->hideButton('S'); buttonSource->hideButton('H'); buttonSource->hideButton('I'); buttonSource->hideButton('A'); buttonSource->hideButton('X'); border_size = BorderNormal; checkSupportedBorderSizes(); // Set plugin defaults emit pluginDefaults(); } void KWinDecorationModule::checkSupportedBorderSizes() { QValueList< BorderSize > sizes; slBorder->hide(); lBorder->hide(); if( plugins->factory() != NULL ) sizes = plugins->factory()->borderSizes(); if( sizes.count() < 2 ) return; slBorder->setRange( 0, sizes.count() - 1 ); int pos = borderSizeToIndex( border_size, sizes ); lBorder->show(); slBorder->show(); slBorder->setValue( pos ); slotBorderChanged( pos ); } QString KWinDecorationModule::styleToConfigLib( QString& styleLib ) { if( styleLib.startsWith( "kwin3_" )) return "kwin_" + styleLib.mid( 6 ) + "_config"; else return styleLib + "_config"; } QString KWinDecorationModule::quickHelp() const { return i18n( "

Window Manager Decoration

" "

This module allows you to choose the window border decorations, " "as well as titlebar button positions and custom decoration options.

" "To choose a theme for your window decoration click on its name and apply your choice by clicking the \"Apply\" button below." " If you do not want to apply your choice you can click the \"Reset\" button to discard your changes." "

You can configure each theme in the \"Configure [...]\" tab. There are different options specific for each theme.

" "

In \"General Options (if available)\" you can activate the \"Buttons\" tab by checking the \"Use custom titlebar button positions\" box." " In the \"Buttons\" tab you can change the positions of the buttons to your liking.

" ); } void KWinDecorationModule::resetKWin() { bool ok = kapp->dcopClient()->send("kwin", "KWinInterface", "reconfigure()", QByteArray()); if (!ok) kdDebug() << "kcmkwindecoration: Could not reconfigure kwin" << endl; } #include "kwindecoration.moc" // vim: ts=4 // kate: space-indent off; tab-width 4;