 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Gräßlin <kde@martin-graesslin.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#include <QString>

* @file
* This file defines the class TabBoxConfig.
* @author Martin Gräßlin <kde@martin-graesslin.com>
* @since 4.4

namespace KWin
namespace TabBox
class TabBoxConfigPrivate;

* The TabBoxConfig class holds all configuration options for the TabBox.
* The TabBoxHandler contains a pointer to an object of this class and is
* used by all classes of TabBox. The config defines what kind of data the
* TabBox is displaying and how the layout looks like. There can be different
* Config sets and by setting a new config in the TabBoxHandler the behaviour
* of the TabBox is changed immediately.
* @author Martin Gräßlin <kde@martin-graesslin.com>
* @since 4.4
class TabBoxConfig
        * LayoutMode defines how the items will be displayed in the
        * main TableView of the TabBox.
        enum LayoutMode
            VerticalLayout, ///< Items are laid out vertically
            HorizontalLayout, ///< Items are laid out horizontally
            HorizontalVerticalLayout ///< Items are laid out in a tabular. Number of columns might be greater by one than number of rows
        * ClientListMode defines the mode used to create the TabBoxClient List
        * in the TabBoxClientModel
        enum ClientListMode
            CurrentDesktopClientList, ///< Only TabBoxClients on current desktop are included
            AllDesktopsClientList, ///< TabBoxClients from all desktops are included.
            CurrentDesktopApplicationList, ///< Only one TabBoxClient for each application on current desktop is included
            AllDesktopsApplicationList ///< Only one TabBoxClient for each application is included
        * ClientSwitchingMode defines the sorting of the TabBoxClients in the
        * TabBoxClientModel.
        enum ClientSwitchingMode
            FocusChainSwitching, ///< Sort by recently used. Most recently used TabBoxClient is the first
            StackingOrderSwitching ///< Sort by current stacking order
        * DesktopSwitchingMode defines the sorting of the desktops in the
        * TabBoxDesktopModel.
        enum DesktopSwitchingMode
            MostRecentlyUsedDesktopSwitching,///< Sort by recently used. Most recently used desktop is the first
            StaticDesktopSwitching///< Static sorting in numerical ascending order
        * TabBoxMode defines what kind of items the TabBox is displaying and which
        * Model is used
        enum TabBoxMode
            ClientTabBox,///< TabBox uses TabBoxClientModel
            DesktopTabBox///< TabBox uses TabBoxDesktopModel
        * SelectedItemViewPosition defines where an additional view only showing the selected item is shown.
        * This second view is useful when using for example icon only layout and wanting to provide the
        * caption of selected item.
        enum SelectedItemViewPosition
            NonePosition,///< There is no additional view for selected item
            AbovePosition,///< Additional view is positioned above of the switching list
            BelowPosition,///< Additional view is positioned below of the switching list
            LeftPosition,///< Additional view is positioned left of the switching list
            RightPosition///< Additional view is positioned right of the switching list
        TabBoxConfig& operator=( const TabBoxConfig& object );

        // getters
        * @return If the TabBox should be shown or not
        * This option does not apply for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see setShowTabBox
        * @see defaultShowTabBox
        bool isShowTabBox() const;
        * @return If Highlight Window effect should be used.
        * This option does not apply for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see setHighlightWindows
        * @see defaultHighlightWindows
        bool isHighlightWindows() const;
        * @return If an outline of selected window should be shown
        * This option does not apply for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see setShowOutline
        * @see defaultShowOutline
        bool isShowOutline() const;
        * @return The current TabBoxMode
        * @see setTabBoxMode
        TabBoxMode tabBoxMode() const;
        * @return The currently used layout
        * @see setLayout
        * @see defaultLayoutMode
        LayoutMode layout() const;
        * @return The current ClientListMode
        * This option only applies for TabBoxMode ClientTabBox.
        * @see setClientListMode
        * @see defaultListMode
        ClientListMode clientListMode() const;
        * @return The current ClientSwitchingMode.
        * This option only applies for TabBoxMode ClientTabBox.
        * @see setClientSwitchingMode
        * @see defaultSwitchingMode
        ClientSwitchingMode clientSwitchingMode() const;
        * @return The current DesktopSwitchingMode
        * This option only applies for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see setDesktopSwitchingMode
        DesktopSwitchingMode desktopSwitchingMode() const;
        * @return The position of the selected item view.
        * @see setSelectedItemViewPosition
        * @see defaultSelectedItemViewPosition
        SelectedItemViewPosition selectedItemViewPosition() const;
        * @return The minimum width in percent of screen width the TabBox should use.
        * @see setMinWidth
        * @see minHeight
        * @see defaultMinWidth
        int minWidth() const;
        * @return The minimum height in percent of screen height the TabBox should use.
        * @see setMinHeight
        * @see minWidth
        * @see defaultMinHeight
        int minHeight() const;
        * @return Then name of the current ItemLayout
        * @see setlayoutName
        QString& layoutName() const;
        * @return Then name of the current ItemLayout for selected Item view
        * @see setlayoutName
        QString& selectedItemLayoutName() const;
        * @return If an item for minimizing all windows to the desktop should be included.
        * @see setShowDesktop
        bool isShowDesktop() const;

        // setters
        * @param show The tabbox should be shown or not.
        * This option does not apply for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see isShowTabBox
        void setShowTabBox( bool show );
        * @param highlight Highlight Windows effect should be used or not.
        * This option does not apply for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see isHighlightWindows
        void setHighlightWindows( bool highlight );
        * @param show Show outline for current selected client.
        * This option does not apply for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see isShowOutline
        void setShowOutline( bool show );
        * @param mode The new TabBoxMode to be used.
        * @see tabBoxMode
        void setTabBoxMode( TabBoxMode mode );
        * @param layout The new LayoutMode to be used.
        * @see layout
        void setLayout( LayoutMode layout );
        * @param listMode The new ClientListMode to be used.
        * This option only applies for TabBoxMode ClientTabBox.
        * @see clientListMode
        void setClientListMode( ClientListMode listMode );
        * @param switchingMode The new ClientSwitchingMode to be used.
        * This option only applies for TabBoxMode ClientTabBox.
        * @see clientSwitchingMode
        void setClientSwitchingMode( ClientSwitchingMode switchingMode );
        * @param switchingMode The new DesktopSwitchingMode to be used.
        * This option only applies for TabBoxMode DesktopTabBox.
        * @see desktopSwitchingMode
        void setDesktopSwitchingMode( DesktopSwitchingMode switchingMode );
        * @param viewPosition The new position of the selected item view
        * @see selectedItemViewPosition
        void setSelectedItemViewPosition( SelectedItemViewPosition viewPosition );
        * @param value The minimum width of TabBox in percent of screen width.
        * @see minWidth
        void setMinWidth( int value );
        * @param value The minimum height of TabBox in percent of screen height.
        * @see minHeight
        void setMinHeight( int value );
        * @param name The new ItemLayout config name
        * @see layoutName
        void setLayoutName( const QString& name );
        * @param name The new ItemLayout config name for the selected item view
        * @see selectedItemLayoutName
        void setSelectedItemLayoutName( const QString& name );
        * @param show Include item to minimize all windows to the desktop
        * @see isShowDesktop
        void setShowDesktop( bool show );

        // some static methods to access default values
        static ClientListMode defaultListMode() { return CurrentDesktopClientList; }
        static ClientSwitchingMode defaultSwitchingMode() { return FocusChainSwitching; }
        static LayoutMode defaultLayoutMode() { return VerticalLayout; }
        static SelectedItemViewPosition defaultSelectedItemViewPosition() { return NonePosition; }
        static bool defaultShowTabBox() { return true; }
        static bool defaultShowOutline() { return true; }
        static bool defaultHighlightWindow() { return true; }
        static int defaultMinWidth() { return 20; }
        static int defaultMinHeight() { return 20; }
        static QString defaultLayoutName() { return QString( "Default" ); }
        static QString defaultSelectedItemLayoutName() { return QString( "Text" ); }
        static bool defaultShowDesktop() { return false; }
        TabBoxConfigPrivate* d;

} // namespace TabBox
} // namespace KWin