/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2011 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "thumbnailitem.h" // KWin #include "client.h" #include "effects.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "composite.h" // Qt #include #include #include // KDE #include namespace KWin { ThumbnailItem::ThumbnailItem(QDeclarativeItem* parent) : QDeclarativeItem(parent) , m_wId(0) , m_client(NULL) , m_clip(true) , m_parent(QWeakPointer()) , m_parentWindow(0) , m_brightness(1.0) , m_saturation(1.0) { setFlags(flags() & ~QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents); Q_ASSERT(Compositor::isCreated()); connect(Compositor::self(), SIGNAL(compositingToggled(bool)), SLOT(compositingToggled())); compositingToggled(); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(init())); } ThumbnailItem::~ThumbnailItem() { } void ThumbnailItem::compositingToggled() { m_parent.clear(); if (effects) { connect(effects, SIGNAL(windowAdded(KWin::EffectWindow*)), SLOT(effectWindowAdded())); connect(effects, SIGNAL(windowDamaged(KWin::EffectWindow*,QRect)), SLOT(repaint(KWin::EffectWindow*))); effectWindowAdded(); } } void ThumbnailItem::init() { findParentEffectWindow(); if (!m_parent.isNull()) { m_parent.data()->registerThumbnail(this); } } void ThumbnailItem::setParentWindow(qulonglong parentWindow) { m_parentWindow = parentWindow; findParentEffectWindow(); if (!m_parent.isNull()) { m_parent.data()->registerThumbnail(this); } } void ThumbnailItem::findParentEffectWindow() { if (effects) { if (m_parentWindow) { if (EffectWindowImpl *w = static_cast(effects->findWindow(m_parentWindow))) { m_parent = QWeakPointer(w); return; } } QDeclarativeContext *ctx = QDeclarativeEngine::contextForObject(this); if (!ctx) { kDebug(1212) << "No Context"; return; } const QVariant variant = ctx->engine()->rootContext()->contextProperty("viewId"); if (!variant.isValid()) { kDebug(1212) << "Required context property 'viewId' not found"; return; } if (EffectWindowImpl *w = static_cast(effects->findWindow(variant.value()))) { m_parent = QWeakPointer(w); m_parentWindow = variant.value(); } } } void ThumbnailItem::setWId(qulonglong wId) { if (m_wId == wId) { return; } m_wId = wId; if (m_wId != 0) { setClient(Workspace::self()->findClient(WindowMatchPredicate(m_wId))); } else if (m_client) { m_client = NULL; emit clientChanged(); } emit wIdChanged(wId); } void ThumbnailItem::setClient(Client *client) { if (m_client == client) { return; } m_client = client; if (m_client) { setWId(m_client->window()); } else { setWId(0); } emit clientChanged(); } void ThumbnailItem::setClip(bool clip) { m_clip = clip; emit clipChanged(clip); } void ThumbnailItem::effectWindowAdded() { // the window might be added before the EffectWindow is created // by using this slot we can register the thumbnail when it is finally created if (m_parent.isNull()) { findParentEffectWindow(); if (!m_parent.isNull()) { m_parent.data()->registerThumbnail(this); } } } void ThumbnailItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { if (effects) { QDeclarativeItem::paint(painter, option, widget); return; } Client *client = Workspace::self()->findClient(WindowMatchPredicate(m_wId)); if (!client) { QDeclarativeItem::paint(painter, option, widget); return; } QPixmap pixmap = client->icon(boundingRect().size().toSize()); const QSize size(boundingRect().size().toSize() - pixmap.size()); painter->drawPixmap(boundingRect().adjusted(size.width()/2.0, size.height()/2.0, -size.width()/2.0, -size.height()/2.0).toRect(), pixmap); } void ThumbnailItem::repaint(KWin::EffectWindow *w) { if (static_cast(w)->window()->window() == m_wId) { update(); } } void ThumbnailItem::setBrightness(qreal brightness) { if (qFuzzyCompare(brightness, m_brightness)) { return; } m_brightness = brightness; update(); emit brightnessChanged(); } void ThumbnailItem::setSaturation(qreal saturation) { if (qFuzzyCompare(saturation, m_saturation)) { return; } m_saturation = saturation; update(); emit saturationChanged(); } } // namespace KWin