/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Martin Gräßlin SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Vlad Zahorodnii SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "abstract_client.h" #include "abstract_output.h" #include "abstract_wayland_output.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES #include "activities.h" #endif #include "appmenu.h" #include "decorations/decoratedclient.h" #include "decorations/decorationpalette.h" #include "decorations/decorationbridge.h" #include "effects.h" #include "focuschain.h" #include "outline.h" #include "platform.h" #include "screens.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX #include "tabbox.h" #endif #include "screenedge.h" #include "useractions.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { static inline int sign(int v) { return (v > 0) - (v < 0); } QHash> AbstractClient::s_palettes; std::shared_ptr AbstractClient::s_defaultPalette; AbstractClient::AbstractClient() : Toplevel() #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX , m_tabBoxClient(QSharedPointer(new TabBox::TabBoxClientImpl(this))) #endif , m_colorScheme(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")) { connect(this, &AbstractClient::clientStartUserMovedResized, this, &AbstractClient::moveResizedChanged); connect(this, &AbstractClient::clientFinishUserMovedResized, this, &AbstractClient::moveResizedChanged); connect(this, &AbstractClient::clientStartUserMovedResized, this, &AbstractClient::removeCheckOutputConnection); connect(this, &AbstractClient::clientFinishUserMovedResized, this, &AbstractClient::setupCheckOutputConnection); connect(this, &AbstractClient::windowShown, this, &AbstractClient::hiddenChanged); connect(this, &AbstractClient::windowHidden, this, &AbstractClient::hiddenChanged); connect(this, &AbstractClient::paletteChanged, this, &AbstractClient::triggerDecorationRepaint); // If the user manually moved the window, don't restore it after the keyboard closes connect(this, &AbstractClient::clientFinishUserMovedResized, this, [this] () { m_keyboardGeometryRestore = QRect(); }); connect(this, qOverload(&AbstractClient::clientMaximizedStateChanged), this, [this] () { m_keyboardGeometryRestore = QRect(); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::fullScreenChanged, this, [this] () { m_keyboardGeometryRestore = QRect(); }); // replace on-screen-display on size changes connect(this, &AbstractClient::frameGeometryChanged, this, [this] (Toplevel *c, const QRect &old) { Q_UNUSED(c) if (isOnScreenDisplay() && !frameGeometry().isEmpty() && old.size() != frameGeometry().size() && isPlaceable()) { GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); Placement::self()->place(this, workspace()->clientArea(PlacementArea, this, workspace()->activeOutput())); } } ); connect(ApplicationMenu::self(), &ApplicationMenu::applicationMenuEnabledChanged, this, [this] { Q_EMIT hasApplicationMenuChanged(hasApplicationMenu()); }); } AbstractClient::~AbstractClient() { Q_ASSERT(m_blockGeometryUpdates == 0); Q_ASSERT(m_decoration.decoration == nullptr); } void AbstractClient::updateMouseGrab() { } bool AbstractClient::belongToSameApplication(const AbstractClient *c1, const AbstractClient *c2, SameApplicationChecks checks) { return c1->belongsToSameApplication(c2, checks); } bool AbstractClient::isTransient() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::setClientShown(bool shown) { Q_UNUSED(shown) } xcb_timestamp_t AbstractClient::userTime() const { return XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME; } void AbstractClient::setSkipSwitcher(bool set) { set = rules()->checkSkipSwitcher(set); if (set == skipSwitcher()) return; m_skipSwitcher = set; doSetSkipSwitcher(); updateWindowRules(Rules::SkipSwitcher); Q_EMIT skipSwitcherChanged(); } void AbstractClient::setSkipPager(bool b) { b = rules()->checkSkipPager(b); if (b == skipPager()) return; m_skipPager = b; doSetSkipPager(); updateWindowRules(Rules::SkipPager); Q_EMIT skipPagerChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doSetSkipPager() { } void AbstractClient::setSkipTaskbar(bool b) { int was_wants_tab_focus = wantsTabFocus(); if (b == skipTaskbar()) return; m_skipTaskbar = b; doSetSkipTaskbar(); updateWindowRules(Rules::SkipTaskbar); if (was_wants_tab_focus != wantsTabFocus()) { FocusChain::self()->update(this, isActive() ? FocusChain::MakeFirst : FocusChain::Update); } Q_EMIT skipTaskbarChanged(); } void AbstractClient::setOriginalSkipTaskbar(bool b) { m_originalSkipTaskbar = rules()->checkSkipTaskbar(b); setSkipTaskbar(m_originalSkipTaskbar); } void AbstractClient::doSetSkipTaskbar() { } void AbstractClient::doSetSkipSwitcher() { } void AbstractClient::setIcon(const QIcon &icon) { m_icon = icon; Q_EMIT iconChanged(); } void AbstractClient::setActive(bool act) { if (isZombie()) { return; } if (m_active == act) { return; } m_active = act; const int ruledOpacity = m_active ? rules()->checkOpacityActive(qRound(opacity() * 100.0)) : rules()->checkOpacityInactive(qRound(opacity() * 100.0)); setOpacity(ruledOpacity / 100.0); workspace()->setActiveClient(act ? this : nullptr); if (!m_active) cancelAutoRaise(); if (!m_active && shadeMode() == ShadeActivated) setShade(ShadeNormal); StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(workspace()); updateLayer(); // active windows may get different layer auto mainclients = mainClients(); for (auto it = mainclients.constBegin(); it != mainclients.constEnd(); ++it) if ((*it)->isFullScreen()) // fullscreens go high even if their transient is active (*it)->updateLayer(); doSetActive(); Q_EMIT activeChanged(); updateMouseGrab(); } void AbstractClient::doSetActive() { } bool AbstractClient::isZombie() const { return m_zombie; } void AbstractClient::markAsZombie() { Q_ASSERT(!m_zombie); m_zombie = true; } Layer AbstractClient::layer() const { if (m_layer == UnknownLayer) const_cast< AbstractClient* >(this)->m_layer = belongsToLayer(); return m_layer; } void AbstractClient::updateLayer() { if (layer() == belongsToLayer()) return; StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(workspace()); invalidateLayer(); // invalidate, will be updated when doing restacking for (auto it = transients().constBegin(), end = transients().constEnd(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->updateLayer(); } void AbstractClient::invalidateLayer() { m_layer = UnknownLayer; } Layer AbstractClient::belongsToLayer() const { // NOTICE while showingDesktop, desktops move to the AboveLayer // (interchangeable w/ eg. yakuake etc. which will at first remain visible) // and the docks move into the NotificationLayer (which is between Above- and // ActiveLayer, so that active fullscreen windows will still cover everything) // Since the desktop is also activated, nothing should be in the ActiveLayer, though if (isInternal()) return UnmanagedLayer; if (isLockScreen()) return UnmanagedLayer; if (isInputMethod()) return UnmanagedLayer; if (isDesktop()) return workspace()->showingDesktop() ? AboveLayer : DesktopLayer; if (isSplash()) // no damn annoying splashscreens return NormalLayer; // getting in the way of everything else if (isDock()) { if (workspace()->showingDesktop()) return NotificationLayer; return layerForDock(); } if (isPopupWindow()) return PopupLayer; if (isOnScreenDisplay()) return OnScreenDisplayLayer; if (isNotification()) return NotificationLayer; if (isCriticalNotification()) return CriticalNotificationLayer; if (workspace()->showingDesktop() && belongsToDesktop()) { return AboveLayer; } if (keepBelow()) return BelowLayer; if (isActiveFullScreen()) return ActiveLayer; if (keepAbove()) return AboveLayer; return NormalLayer; } bool AbstractClient::belongsToDesktop() const { return false; } Layer AbstractClient::layerForDock() const { // slight hack for the 'allow window to cover panel' Kicker setting // don't move keepbelow docks below normal window, but only to the same // layer, so that both may be raised to cover the other if (keepBelow()) return NormalLayer; if (keepAbove()) // slight hack for the autohiding panels return AboveLayer; return DockLayer; } void AbstractClient::setKeepAbove(bool b) { b = rules()->checkKeepAbove(b); if (b && !rules()->checkKeepBelow(false)) setKeepBelow(false); if (b == keepAbove()) { return; } m_keepAbove = b; doSetKeepAbove(); updateLayer(); updateWindowRules(Rules::Above); Q_EMIT keepAboveChanged(m_keepAbove); } void AbstractClient::doSetKeepAbove() { } void AbstractClient::setKeepBelow(bool b) { b = rules()->checkKeepBelow(b); if (b && !rules()->checkKeepAbove(false)) setKeepAbove(false); if (b == keepBelow()) { return; } m_keepBelow = b; doSetKeepBelow(); updateLayer(); updateWindowRules(Rules::Below); Q_EMIT keepBelowChanged(m_keepBelow); } void AbstractClient::doSetKeepBelow() { } void AbstractClient::startAutoRaise() { delete m_autoRaiseTimer; m_autoRaiseTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_autoRaiseTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &AbstractClient::autoRaise); m_autoRaiseTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_autoRaiseTimer->start(options->autoRaiseInterval()); } void AbstractClient::cancelAutoRaise() { delete m_autoRaiseTimer; m_autoRaiseTimer = nullptr; } void AbstractClient::autoRaise() { workspace()->raiseClient(this); cancelAutoRaise(); } bool AbstractClient::isMostRecentlyRaised() const { // The last toplevel in the unconstrained stacking order is the most recently raised one. return workspace()->topClientOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop(), nullptr, true, false) == this; } bool AbstractClient::wantsTabFocus() const { return (isNormalWindow() || isDialog()) && wantsInput(); } bool AbstractClient::isSpecialWindow() const { // TODO return isDesktop() || isDock() || isSplash() || isToolbar() || isNotification() || isOnScreenDisplay() || isCriticalNotification(); } void AbstractClient::demandAttention(bool set) { if (isActive()) set = false; if (m_demandsAttention == set) return; m_demandsAttention = set; doSetDemandsAttention(); workspace()->clientAttentionChanged(this, set); Q_EMIT demandsAttentionChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doSetDemandsAttention() { } void AbstractClient::setDesktop(int desktop) { const int numberOfDesktops = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count(); if (desktop != NET::OnAllDesktops) // Do range check desktop = qMax(1, qMin(numberOfDesktops, desktop)); QVector desktops; if (desktop != NET::OnAllDesktops) { desktops << VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktop); } setDesktops(desktops); } void AbstractClient::setDesktops(QVector desktops) { //on x11 we can have only one desktop at a time if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11 && desktops.size() > 1) { desktops = QVector({desktops.last()}); } desktops = rules()->checkDesktops(desktops); if (desktops == m_desktops) { return; } int was_desk = AbstractClient::desktop(); const bool wasOnCurrentDesktop = isOnCurrentDesktop() && was_desk >= 0; m_desktops = desktops; if (windowManagementInterface()) { if (m_desktops.isEmpty()) { windowManagementInterface()->setOnAllDesktops(true); } else { windowManagementInterface()->setOnAllDesktops(false); auto currentDesktops = windowManagementInterface()->plasmaVirtualDesktops(); for (auto desktop: qAsConst(m_desktops)) { if (!currentDesktops.contains(desktop->id())) { windowManagementInterface()->addPlasmaVirtualDesktop(desktop->id()); } else { currentDesktops.removeOne(desktop->id()); } } for (const auto &desktopId: qAsConst(currentDesktops)) { windowManagementInterface()->removePlasmaVirtualDesktop(desktopId); } } } if (info) { info->setDesktop(desktop()); } if ((was_desk == NET::OnAllDesktops) != (desktop() == NET::OnAllDesktops)) { // onAllDesktops changed workspace()->updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients(this); } auto transients_stacking_order = workspace()->ensureStackingOrder(transients()); for (auto it = transients_stacking_order.constBegin(); it != transients_stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) (*it)->setDesktops(desktops); if (isModal()) // if a modal dialog is moved, move the mainwindow with it as otherwise // the (just moved) modal dialog will confusingly return to the mainwindow with // the next desktop change { const auto clients = mainClients(); for (AbstractClient *c2 : clients) { c2->setDesktops(desktops); } } doSetDesktop(); FocusChain::self()->update(this, FocusChain::MakeFirst); updateWindowRules(Rules::Desktops); Q_EMIT desktopChanged(); if (wasOnCurrentDesktop != isOnCurrentDesktop()) Q_EMIT desktopPresenceChanged(this, was_desk); Q_EMIT x11DesktopIdsChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doSetDesktop() { } void AbstractClient::doSetOnActivities(const QStringList &activityList) { Q_UNUSED(activityList); } void AbstractClient::enterDesktop(VirtualDesktop *virtualDesktop) { if (m_desktops.contains(virtualDesktop)) { return; } auto desktops = m_desktops; desktops.append(virtualDesktop); setDesktops(desktops); } void AbstractClient::leaveDesktop(VirtualDesktop *virtualDesktop) { QVector currentDesktops; if (m_desktops.isEmpty()) { currentDesktops = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktops(); } else { currentDesktops = m_desktops; } if (!currentDesktops.contains(virtualDesktop)) { return; } auto desktops = currentDesktops; desktops.removeOne(virtualDesktop); setDesktops(desktops); } void AbstractClient::setOnAllDesktops(bool b) { if (b == isOnAllDesktops()) { return; } if (b) { setDesktops({}); } else { setDesktops({VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()}); } } int AbstractClient::desktop() const { return m_desktops.isEmpty() ? (int)NET::OnAllDesktops : m_desktops.last()->x11DesktopNumber(); } QVector AbstractClient::x11DesktopIds() const { const auto desks = desktops(); QVector x11Ids; x11Ids.reserve(desks.count()); std::transform(desks.constBegin(), desks.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(x11Ids), [] (const VirtualDesktop *vd) { return vd->x11DesktopNumber(); } ); return x11Ids; } QStringList AbstractClient::desktopIds() const { const auto desks = desktops(); QStringList ids; ids.reserve(desks.count()); std::transform(desks.constBegin(), desks.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(ids), [] (const VirtualDesktop *vd) { return vd->id(); } ); return ids; }; ShadeMode AbstractClient::shadeMode() const { return m_shadeMode; } bool AbstractClient::isShadeable() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::setShade(bool set) { set ? setShade(ShadeNormal) : setShade(ShadeNone); } void AbstractClient::setShade(ShadeMode mode) { if (!isShadeable()) return; if (mode == ShadeHover && isInteractiveMove()) return; // causes geometry breaks and is probably nasty if (isSpecialWindow() || noBorder()) mode = ShadeNone; mode = rules()->checkShade(mode); if (m_shadeMode == mode) return; const bool wasShade = isShade(); const ShadeMode previousShadeMode = shadeMode(); m_shadeMode = mode; if (wasShade == isShade()) { // Decoration may want to update after e.g. hover-shade changes Q_EMIT shadeChanged(); return; // No real change in shaded state } Q_ASSERT(isDecorated()); GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); doSetShade(previousShadeMode); updateWindowRules(Rules::Shade); Q_EMIT shadeChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doSetShade(ShadeMode previousShadeMode) { Q_UNUSED(previousShadeMode) } void AbstractClient::shadeHover() { setShade(ShadeHover); cancelShadeHoverTimer(); } void AbstractClient::shadeUnhover() { setShade(ShadeNormal); cancelShadeHoverTimer(); } void AbstractClient::startShadeHoverTimer() { if (!isShade()) return; m_shadeHoverTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_shadeHoverTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &AbstractClient::shadeHover); m_shadeHoverTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_shadeHoverTimer->start(options->shadeHoverInterval()); } void AbstractClient::startShadeUnhoverTimer() { if (m_shadeMode == ShadeHover && !isInteractiveMoveResize() && !isInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown()) { m_shadeHoverTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_shadeHoverTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &AbstractClient::shadeUnhover); m_shadeHoverTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_shadeHoverTimer->start(options->shadeHoverInterval()); } } void AbstractClient::cancelShadeHoverTimer() { delete m_shadeHoverTimer; m_shadeHoverTimer = nullptr; } void AbstractClient::toggleShade() { // If the mode is ShadeHover or ShadeActive, cancel shade too. setShade(shadeMode() == ShadeNone ? ShadeNormal : ShadeNone); } AbstractClient::Position AbstractClient::titlebarPosition() const { // TODO: still needed, remove? return PositionTop; } bool AbstractClient::titlebarPositionUnderMouse() const { if (!isDecorated()) { return false; } const auto sectionUnderMouse = decoration()->sectionUnderMouse(); if (sectionUnderMouse == Qt::TitleBarArea) { return true; } // check other sections based on titlebarPosition switch (titlebarPosition()) { case AbstractClient::PositionTop: return (sectionUnderMouse == Qt::TopLeftSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::TopSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::TopRightSection); case AbstractClient::PositionLeft: return (sectionUnderMouse == Qt::TopLeftSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::LeftSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::BottomLeftSection); case AbstractClient::PositionRight: return (sectionUnderMouse == Qt::BottomRightSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::RightSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::TopRightSection); case AbstractClient::PositionBottom: return (sectionUnderMouse == Qt::BottomLeftSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::BottomSection || sectionUnderMouse == Qt::BottomRightSection); default: // nothing return false; } } void AbstractClient::setMinimized(bool set) { set ? minimize() : unminimize(); } void AbstractClient::minimize(bool avoid_animation) { if (!isMinimizable() || isMinimized()) return; m_minimized = true; doMinimize(); updateWindowRules(Rules::Minimize); if (options->moveMinimizedWindowsToEndOfTabBoxFocusChain()) { FocusChain::self()->update(this, FocusChain::MakeFirstMinimized); } // TODO: merge signal with s_minimized addWorkspaceRepaint(visibleGeometry()); Q_EMIT clientMinimized(this, !avoid_animation); Q_EMIT minimizedChanged(); } void AbstractClient::unminimize(bool avoid_animation) { if (!isMinimized()) return; if (rules()->checkMinimize(false)) { return; } m_minimized = false; doMinimize(); updateWindowRules(Rules::Minimize); Q_EMIT clientUnminimized(this, !avoid_animation); Q_EMIT minimizedChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doMinimize() { } QPalette AbstractClient::palette() const { if (!m_palette) { return QPalette(); } return m_palette->palette(); } const Decoration::DecorationPalette *AbstractClient::decorationPalette() const { return m_palette.get(); } QString AbstractClient::preferredColorScheme() const { return rules()->checkDecoColor(QString()); } QString AbstractClient::colorScheme() const { return m_colorScheme; } void AbstractClient::setColorScheme(const QString &colorScheme) { QString requestedColorScheme = colorScheme; if (requestedColorScheme.isEmpty()) { requestedColorScheme = QStringLiteral("kdeglobals"); } if (!m_palette || m_colorScheme != requestedColorScheme) { m_colorScheme = requestedColorScheme; if (m_palette) { disconnect(m_palette.get(), &Decoration::DecorationPalette::changed, this, &AbstractClient::handlePaletteChange); } auto it = s_palettes.find(m_colorScheme); if (it == s_palettes.end() || it->expired()) { m_palette = std::make_shared(m_colorScheme); if (m_palette->isValid()) { s_palettes[m_colorScheme] = m_palette; } else { if (!s_defaultPalette) { s_defaultPalette = std::make_shared(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")); s_palettes[QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")] = s_defaultPalette; } m_palette = s_defaultPalette; } if (m_colorScheme == QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")) { s_defaultPalette = m_palette; } } else { m_palette = it->lock(); } connect(m_palette.get(), &Decoration::DecorationPalette::changed, this, &AbstractClient::handlePaletteChange); Q_EMIT paletteChanged(palette()); Q_EMIT colorSchemeChanged(); } } void AbstractClient::updateColorScheme() { setColorScheme(preferredColorScheme()); } void AbstractClient::handlePaletteChange() { Q_EMIT paletteChanged(palette()); } void AbstractClient::keepInArea(QRect area, bool partial) { if (partial) { // increase the area so that can have only 100 pixels in the area const QRect geometry = moveResizeGeometry(); area.setLeft(std::min(area.left() - geometry.width() + 100, area.left())); area.setTop(std::min(area.top() - geometry.height() + 100, area.top())); area.setRight(std::max(area.right() + geometry.width() - 100, area.right())); area.setBottom(std::max(area.bottom() + geometry.height() - 100, area.bottom())); } if (!partial) { // resize to fit into area const QRect geometry = moveResizeGeometry(); if (area.width() < geometry.width() || area.height() < geometry.height()) { resizeWithChecks(geometry.size().boundedTo(area.size())); } } QRect geometry = moveResizeGeometry(); if (geometry.right() > area.right() && geometry.width() <= area.width()) { geometry.moveRight(area.right()); } if (geometry.bottom() > area.bottom() && geometry.height() <= area.height()) { geometry.moveBottom(area.bottom()); } if (!area.contains(geometry.topLeft())) { if (geometry.left() < area.left()) { geometry.moveLeft(area.left()); } if (geometry.top() < area.top()) { geometry.moveTop(area.top()); } } if (moveResizeGeometry().topLeft() != geometry.topLeft()) { move(geometry.topLeft()); } } /** * Returns the maximum client size, not the maximum frame size. */ QSize AbstractClient::maxSize() const { return rules()->checkMaxSize(QSize(INT_MAX, INT_MAX)); } /** * Returns the minimum client size, not the minimum frame size. */ QSize AbstractClient::minSize() const { return rules()->checkMinSize(QSize(0, 0)); } void AbstractClient::blockGeometryUpdates(bool block) { if (block) { if (m_blockGeometryUpdates == 0) { m_pendingMoveResizeMode = MoveResizeMode::None; } ++m_blockGeometryUpdates; } else { if (--m_blockGeometryUpdates == 0) { if (m_pendingMoveResizeMode != MoveResizeMode::None) { moveResizeInternal(moveResizeGeometry(), m_pendingMoveResizeMode); m_pendingMoveResizeMode = MoveResizeMode::None; } } } } void AbstractClient::maximize(MaximizeMode m) { setMaximize(m & MaximizeVertical, m & MaximizeHorizontal); } void AbstractClient::setMaximize(bool vertically, bool horizontally) { // changeMaximize() flips the state, so change from set->flip const MaximizeMode oldMode = requestedMaximizeMode(); changeMaximize( oldMode & MaximizeHorizontal ? !horizontally : horizontally, oldMode & MaximizeVertical ? !vertically : vertically, false); const MaximizeMode newMode = maximizeMode(); if (oldMode != newMode) { Q_EMIT clientMaximizedStateChanged(this, newMode); Q_EMIT clientMaximizedStateChanged(this, vertically, horizontally); } } bool AbstractClient::startInteractiveMoveResize() { Q_ASSERT(!isInteractiveMoveResize()); Q_ASSERT(QWidget::keyboardGrabber() == nullptr); Q_ASSERT(QWidget::mouseGrabber() == nullptr); stopDelayedInteractiveMoveResize(); if (QApplication::activePopupWidget() != nullptr) return false; // popups have grab if (isFullScreen() && (screens()->count() < 2 || !isMovableAcrossScreens())) return false; if (!doStartInteractiveMoveResize()) { return false; } invalidateDecorationDoubleClickTimer(); setInteractiveMoveResize(true); workspace()->setMoveResizeClient(this); if (maximizeMode() != MaximizeRestore) { switch (interactiveMoveResizePointerMode()) { case PositionLeft: case PositionRight: // Quit maximized horizontally state if the window is resized horizontally. if (maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal) { QRect originalGeometry = geometryRestore(); originalGeometry.setX(moveResizeGeometry().x()); originalGeometry.setWidth(moveResizeGeometry().width()); setGeometryRestore(originalGeometry); maximize(maximizeMode() ^ MaximizeHorizontal); } break; case PositionTop: case PositionBottom: // Quit maximized vertically state if the window is resized vertically. if (maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical) { QRect originalGeometry = geometryRestore(); originalGeometry.setY(moveResizeGeometry().y()); originalGeometry.setHeight(moveResizeGeometry().height()); setGeometryRestore(originalGeometry); maximize(maximizeMode() ^ MaximizeVertical); } break; case PositionTopLeft: case PositionBottomLeft: case PositionTopRight: case PositionBottomRight: // Quit the maximized mode if the window is resized by dragging one of its corners. setGeometryRestore(moveResizeGeometry()); maximize(MaximizeRestore); break; default: break; } } if (quickTileMode() != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { if (interactiveMoveResizePointerMode() != PositionCenter) { // Cannot use isResize() yet // Exit quick tile mode when the user attempts to resize a tiled window updateQuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None); // Do so without restoring original geometry setGeometryRestore(moveResizeGeometry()); doSetQuickTileMode(); Q_EMIT quickTileModeChanged(); } } updateHaveResizeEffect(); updateInitialMoveResizeGeometry(); checkUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(); Q_EMIT clientStartUserMovedResized(this); if (ScreenEdges::self()->isDesktopSwitchingMovingClients()) ScreenEdges::self()->reserveDesktopSwitching(true, Qt::Vertical|Qt::Horizontal); return true; } void AbstractClient::finishInteractiveMoveResize(bool cancel) { GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); leaveInteractiveMoveResize(); doFinishInteractiveMoveResize(); if (cancel) { moveResize(initialInteractiveMoveResizeGeometry()); } checkOutput(); // needs to be done because clientFinishUserMovedResized has not yet re-activated online alignment if (output() != interactiveMoveResizeStartOutput()) { if (isFullScreen() || isElectricBorderMaximizing()) { updateGeometryRestoresForFullscreen(output()); } workspace()->sendClientToOutput(this, output()); // checks rule validity if (maximizeMode() != MaximizeRestore) { checkWorkspacePosition(); } } if (isElectricBorderMaximizing()) { setQuickTileMode(electricBorderMode()); setElectricBorderMaximizing(false); } else if (!cancel && !isFullScreen()) { QRect geom_restore = geometryRestore(); if (!(maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal)) { geom_restore.setX(moveResizeGeometry().x()); geom_restore.setWidth(moveResizeGeometry().width()); } if (!(maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical)) { geom_restore.setY(moveResizeGeometry().y()); geom_restore.setHeight(moveResizeGeometry().height()); } setGeometryRestore(geom_restore); } // FRAME update(); Q_EMIT clientFinishUserMovedResized(this); } // This function checks if it actually makes sense to perform a restricted move/resize. // If e.g. the titlebar is already outside of the workarea, there's no point in performing // a restricted move resize, because then e.g. resize would also move the window (#74555). // NOTE: Most of it is duplicated from handleMoveResize(). void AbstractClient::checkUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize() { if (isUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize()) return; const QRect &moveResizeGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); QRect desktopArea = workspace()->clientArea(WorkArea, this, moveResizeGeom.center()); int left_marge, right_marge, top_marge, bottom_marge, titlebar_marge; // restricted move/resize - keep at least part of the titlebar always visible // how much must remain visible when moved away in that direction left_marge = qMin(100 + borderRight(), moveResizeGeom.width()); right_marge = qMin(100 + borderLeft(), moveResizeGeom.width()); // width/height change with opaque resizing, use the initial ones titlebar_marge = initialInteractiveMoveResizeGeometry().height(); top_marge = borderBottom(); bottom_marge = borderTop(); if (isInteractiveResize()) { if (moveResizeGeom.bottom() < desktopArea.top() + top_marge) setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); if (moveResizeGeom.top() > desktopArea.bottom() - bottom_marge) setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); if (moveResizeGeom.right() < desktopArea.left() + left_marge) setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); if (moveResizeGeom.left() > desktopArea.right() - right_marge) setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); if (!isUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize() && moveResizeGeom.top() < desktopArea.top()) // titlebar mustn't go out setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); } if (isInteractiveMove()) { if (moveResizeGeom.bottom() < desktopArea.top() + titlebar_marge - 1) setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); // no need to check top_marge, titlebar_marge already handles it if (moveResizeGeom.top() > desktopArea.bottom() - bottom_marge + 1) // titlebar mustn't go out setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); if (moveResizeGeom.right() < desktopArea.left() + left_marge) setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); if (moveResizeGeom.left() > desktopArea.right() - right_marge) setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(true); } } // When the user pressed mouse on the titlebar, don't activate move immediately, // since it may be just a click. Activate instead after a delay. Move used to be // activated only after moving by several pixels, but that looks bad. void AbstractClient::startDelayedInteractiveMoveResize() { Q_ASSERT(!m_interactiveMoveResize.delayedTimer); m_interactiveMoveResize.delayedTimer = new QTimer(this); m_interactiveMoveResize.delayedTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_interactiveMoveResize.delayedTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this]() { Q_ASSERT(isInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown()); if (!startInteractiveMoveResize()) { setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); } updateCursor(); stopDelayedInteractiveMoveResize(); } ); m_interactiveMoveResize.delayedTimer->start(QApplication::startDragTime()); } void AbstractClient::stopDelayedInteractiveMoveResize() { delete m_interactiveMoveResize.delayedTimer; m_interactiveMoveResize.delayedTimer = nullptr; } void AbstractClient::updateInteractiveMoveResize(const QPointF ¤tGlobalCursor) { handleInteractiveMoveResize(pos(), currentGlobalCursor.toPoint()); } void AbstractClient::handleInteractiveMoveResize(const QPoint &local, const QPoint &global) { const QRect oldGeo = moveResizeGeometry(); handleInteractiveMoveResize(local.x(), local.y(), global.x(), global.y()); if (!isFullScreen() && isInteractiveMove()) { if (quickTileMode() != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None) && oldGeo != moveResizeGeometry()) { GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); setQuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None); const QRect &geom_restore = geometryRestore(); setInteractiveMoveOffset(QPoint(double(interactiveMoveOffset().x()) / double(oldGeo.width()) * double(geom_restore.width()), double(interactiveMoveOffset().y()) / double(oldGeo.height()) * double(geom_restore.height()))); if (rules()->checkMaximize(MaximizeRestore) == MaximizeRestore) setMoveResizeGeometry(geom_restore); handleInteractiveMoveResize(local.x(), local.y(), global.x(), global.y()); // fix position } else if (quickTileMode() == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None) && isResizable()) { checkQuickTilingMaximizationZones(global.x(), global.y()); } } } void AbstractClient::handleInteractiveMoveResize(int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root) { if (isWaitingForInteractiveMoveResizeSync()) return; // we're still waiting for the client or the timeout const Position mode = interactiveMoveResizePointerMode(); if ((mode == PositionCenter && !isMovableAcrossScreens()) || (mode != PositionCenter && (isShade() || !isResizable()))) return; if (!isInteractiveMoveResize()) { QPoint p(QPoint(x/* - padding_left*/, y/* - padding_top*/) - interactiveMoveOffset()); if (p.manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { if (!startInteractiveMoveResize()) { setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); updateCursor(); return; } updateCursor(); } else return; } // ShadeHover or ShadeActive, ShadeNormal was already avoided above if (mode != PositionCenter && shadeMode() != ShadeNone) setShade(ShadeNone); QPoint globalPos(x_root, y_root); // these two points limit the geometry rectangle, i.e. if bottomleft resizing is done, // the bottomleft corner should be at is at (topleft.x(), bottomright().y()) QPoint topleft = globalPos - interactiveMoveOffset(); QPoint bottomright = globalPos + invertedInteractiveMoveOffset(); QRect previousMoveResizeGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); // TODO move whole group when moving its leader or when the leader is not mapped? auto titleBarRect = [this](bool &transposed, int &requiredPixels) -> QRect { const QRect &moveResizeGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); QRect r(moveResizeGeom); r.moveTopLeft(QPoint(0,0)); switch (titlebarPosition()) { default: case PositionTop: r.setHeight(borderTop()); break; case PositionLeft: r.setWidth(borderLeft()); transposed = true; break; case PositionBottom: r.setTop(r.bottom() - borderBottom()); break; case PositionRight: r.setLeft(r.right() - borderRight()); transposed = true; break; } // When doing a restricted move we must always keep 100px of the titlebar // visible to allow the user to be able to move it again. requiredPixels = qMin(100 * (transposed ? r.width() : r.height()), moveResizeGeom.width() * moveResizeGeom.height()); return r; }; bool update = false; if (isInteractiveResize()) { QRect orig = initialInteractiveMoveResizeGeometry(); SizeMode sizeMode = SizeModeAny; auto calculateMoveResizeGeom = [this, &topleft, &bottomright, &orig, &sizeMode, &mode]() { switch(mode) { case PositionTopLeft: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(topleft, orig.bottomRight())); break; case PositionBottomRight: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(orig.topLeft(), bottomright)); break; case PositionBottomLeft: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(QPoint(topleft.x(), orig.y()), QPoint(orig.right(), bottomright.y()))); break; case PositionTopRight: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(QPoint(orig.x(), topleft.y()), QPoint(bottomright.x(), orig.bottom()))); break; case PositionTop: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(QPoint(orig.left(), topleft.y()), orig.bottomRight())); sizeMode = SizeModeFixedH; // try not to affect height break; case PositionBottom: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(orig.topLeft(), QPoint(orig.right(), bottomright.y()))); sizeMode = SizeModeFixedH; break; case PositionLeft: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(QPoint(topleft.x(), orig.top()), orig.bottomRight())); sizeMode = SizeModeFixedW; break; case PositionRight: setMoveResizeGeometry(QRect(orig.topLeft(), QPoint(bottomright.x(), orig.bottom()))); sizeMode = SizeModeFixedW; break; case PositionCenter: default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); break; } }; // first resize (without checking constrains), then snap, then check bounds, then check constrains calculateMoveResizeGeom(); // adjust new size to snap to other windows/borders setMoveResizeGeometry(workspace()->adjustClientSize(this, moveResizeGeometry(), mode)); if (!isUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize()) { // Make sure the titlebar isn't behind a restricted area. We don't need to restrict // the other directions. If not visible enough, move the window to the closest valid // point. We bruteforce this by slowly moving the window back to its previous position QRegion availableArea(workspace()->clientArea(FullArea, this, workspace()->activeOutput())); availableArea -= workspace()->restrictedMoveArea(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); bool transposed = false; int requiredPixels; QRect bTitleRect = titleBarRect(transposed, requiredPixels); int lastVisiblePixels = -1; QRect lastTry = moveResizeGeometry(); bool titleFailed = false; for (;;) { const QRect titleRect(bTitleRect.translated(moveResizeGeometry().topLeft())); int visiblePixels = 0; int realVisiblePixels = 0; for (const QRect &rect : availableArea) { const QRect r = rect & titleRect; realVisiblePixels += r.width() * r.height(); if ((transposed && r.width() == titleRect.width()) || // Only the full size regions... (!transposed && r.height() == titleRect.height())) // ...prevents long slim areas visiblePixels += r.width() * r.height(); } if (visiblePixels >= requiredPixels) break; // We have reached a valid position if (realVisiblePixels <= lastVisiblePixels) { if (titleFailed && realVisiblePixels < lastVisiblePixels) break; // we won't become better else { if (!titleFailed) setMoveResizeGeometry(lastTry); titleFailed = true; } } lastVisiblePixels = realVisiblePixels; QRect moveResizeGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); lastTry = moveResizeGeom; // Not visible enough, move the window to the closest valid point. We bruteforce // this by slowly moving the window back to its previous position. // The geometry changes at up to two edges, the one with the title (if) shall take // precedence. The opposing edge has no impact on visiblePixels and only one of // the adjacent can alter at a time, ie. it's enough to ignore adjacent edges // if the title edge altered bool leftChanged = previousMoveResizeGeom.left() != moveResizeGeom.left(); bool rightChanged = previousMoveResizeGeom.right() != moveResizeGeom.right(); bool topChanged = previousMoveResizeGeom.top() != moveResizeGeom.top(); bool btmChanged = previousMoveResizeGeom.bottom() != moveResizeGeom.bottom(); auto fixChangedState = [titleFailed](bool &major, bool &counter, bool &ad1, bool &ad2) { counter = false; if (titleFailed) major = false; if (major) ad1 = ad2 = false; }; switch (titlebarPosition()) { default: case PositionTop: fixChangedState(topChanged, btmChanged, leftChanged, rightChanged); break; case PositionLeft: fixChangedState(leftChanged, rightChanged, topChanged, btmChanged); break; case PositionBottom: fixChangedState(btmChanged, topChanged, leftChanged, rightChanged); break; case PositionRight: fixChangedState(rightChanged, leftChanged, topChanged, btmChanged); break; } if (topChanged) moveResizeGeom.setTop(moveResizeGeom.y() + sign(previousMoveResizeGeom.y() - moveResizeGeom.y())); else if (leftChanged) moveResizeGeom.setLeft(moveResizeGeom.x() + sign(previousMoveResizeGeom.x() - moveResizeGeom.x())); else if (btmChanged) moveResizeGeom.setBottom(moveResizeGeom.bottom() + sign(previousMoveResizeGeom.bottom() - moveResizeGeom.bottom())); else if (rightChanged) moveResizeGeom.setRight(moveResizeGeom.right() + sign(previousMoveResizeGeom.right() - moveResizeGeom.right())); else break; // no position changed - that's certainly not good setMoveResizeGeometry(moveResizeGeom); } } // Always obey size hints, even when in "unrestricted" mode QSize size = constrainFrameSize(moveResizeGeometry().size(), sizeMode); // the new topleft and bottomright corners (after checking size constrains), if they'll be needed topleft = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().right() - size.width() + 1, moveResizeGeometry().bottom() - size.height() + 1); bottomright = QPoint(moveResizeGeometry().left() + size.width() - 1, moveResizeGeometry().top() + size.height() - 1); orig = moveResizeGeometry(); // if aspect ratios are specified, both dimensions may change. // Therefore grow to the right/bottom if needed. // TODO it should probably obey gravity rather than always using right/bottom ? if (sizeMode == SizeModeFixedH) orig.setRight(bottomright.x()); else if (sizeMode == SizeModeFixedW) orig.setBottom(bottomright.y()); calculateMoveResizeGeom(); if (moveResizeGeometry().size() != previousMoveResizeGeom.size()) update = true; } else if (isInteractiveMove()) { Q_ASSERT(mode == PositionCenter); if (!isMovable()) { // isMovableAcrossScreens() must have been true to get here // Special moving of maximized windows on Xinerama screens AbstractOutput *output = kwinApp()->platform()->outputAt(globalPos); if (isFullScreen()) setMoveResizeGeometry(workspace()->clientArea(FullScreenArea, this, output)); else { QRect moveResizeGeom = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this, output); QSize adjSize = constrainFrameSize(moveResizeGeom.size(), SizeModeMax); if (adjSize != moveResizeGeom.size()) { QRect r(moveResizeGeom); moveResizeGeom.setSize(adjSize); moveResizeGeom.moveCenter(r.center()); } setMoveResizeGeometry(moveResizeGeom); } } else { // first move, then snap, then check bounds QRect moveResizeGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); moveResizeGeom.moveTopLeft(topleft); moveResizeGeom.moveTopLeft(workspace()->adjustClientPosition(this, moveResizeGeom.topLeft(), isUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize())); setMoveResizeGeometry(moveResizeGeom); if (!isUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize()) { const QRegion strut = workspace()->restrictedMoveArea(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); QRegion availableArea(workspace()->clientArea(FullArea, this, workspace()->activeOutput())); availableArea -= strut; // Strut areas bool transposed = false; int requiredPixels; QRect bTitleRect = titleBarRect(transposed, requiredPixels); for (;;) { QRect moveResizeGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); const QRect titleRect(bTitleRect.translated(moveResizeGeom.topLeft())); int visiblePixels = 0; for (const QRect &rect : availableArea) { const QRect r = rect & titleRect; if ((transposed && r.width() == titleRect.width()) || // Only the full size regions... (!transposed && r.height() == titleRect.height())) // ...prevents long slim areas visiblePixels += r.width() * r.height(); } if (visiblePixels >= requiredPixels) break; // We have reached a valid position // (esp.) if there're more screens with different struts (panels) it the titlebar // will be movable outside the movearea (covering one of the panels) until it // crosses the panel "too much" (not enough visiblePixels) and then stucks because // it's usually only pushed by 1px to either direction // so we first check whether we intersect suc strut and move the window below it // immediately (it's still possible to hit the visiblePixels >= titlebarArea break // by moving the window slightly downwards, but it won't stuck) // see bug #274466 // and bug #301805 for why we can't just match the titlearea against the screen if (screens()->count() > 1) { // optimization // TODO: could be useful on partial screen struts (half-width panels etc.) int newTitleTop = -1; for (const QRect &r : strut) { if (r.top() == 0 && r.width() > r.height() && // "top panel" r.intersects(moveResizeGeom) && moveResizeGeom.top() < r.bottom()) { newTitleTop = r.bottom() + 1; break; } } if (newTitleTop > -1) { moveResizeGeom.moveTop(newTitleTop); // invalid position, possibly on screen change setMoveResizeGeometry(moveResizeGeom); break; } } int dx = sign(previousMoveResizeGeom.x() - moveResizeGeom.x()), dy = sign(previousMoveResizeGeom.y() - moveResizeGeom.y()); if (visiblePixels && dx) // means there's no full width cap -> favor horizontally dy = 0; else if (dy) dx = 0; // Move it back moveResizeGeom.translate(dx, dy); setMoveResizeGeometry(moveResizeGeom); if (moveResizeGeom == previousMoveResizeGeom) { break; // Prevent lockup } } } } if (moveResizeGeometry().topLeft() != previousMoveResizeGeom.topLeft()) update = true; } else { Q_UNREACHABLE(); } if (!update) return; if (isInteractiveMove()) { move(moveResizeGeometry().topLeft()); } else { if (!haveResizeEffect()) { doInteractiveResizeSync(); } } Q_EMIT clientStepUserMovedResized(this, moveResizeGeometry()); } StrutRect AbstractClient::strutRect(StrutArea area) const { Q_UNUSED(area) return StrutRect(); } StrutRects AbstractClient::strutRects() const { StrutRects region; region += strutRect(StrutAreaTop); region += strutRect(StrutAreaRight); region += strutRect(StrutAreaBottom); region += strutRect(StrutAreaLeft); return region; } bool AbstractClient::hasStrut() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::setupWindowManagementInterface() { if (m_windowManagementInterface) { // already setup return; } if (!waylandServer() || !surface()) { return; } if (!waylandServer()->windowManagement()) { return; } using namespace KWaylandServer; auto w = waylandServer()->windowManagement()->createWindow(this, internalId()); w->setTitle(caption()); w->setActive(isActive()); w->setFullscreen(isFullScreen()); w->setKeepAbove(keepAbove()); w->setKeepBelow(keepBelow()); w->setMaximized(maximizeMode() == KWin::MaximizeFull); w->setMinimized(isMinimized()); w->setOnAllDesktops(isOnAllDesktops()); w->setDemandsAttention(isDemandingAttention()); w->setCloseable(isCloseable()); w->setMaximizeable(isMaximizable()); w->setMinimizeable(isMinimizable()); w->setFullscreenable(isFullScreenable()); w->setApplicationMenuPaths(applicationMenuServiceName(), applicationMenuObjectPath()); w->setIcon(icon()); auto updateAppId = [this, w] { w->setAppId(QString::fromUtf8(m_desktopFileName.isEmpty() ? resourceClass() : m_desktopFileName)); }; updateAppId(); w->setSkipTaskbar(skipTaskbar()); w->setSkipSwitcher(skipSwitcher()); w->setPid(pid()); w->setShadeable(isShadeable()); w->setShaded(isShade()); w->setResizable(isResizable()); w->setMovable(isMovable()); w->setVirtualDesktopChangeable(true); // FIXME Matches X11Client::actionSupported(), but both should be implemented. w->setParentWindow(transientFor() ? transientFor()->windowManagementInterface() : nullptr); w->setGeometry(frameGeometry()); connect(this, &AbstractClient::skipTaskbarChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setSkipTaskbar(skipTaskbar()); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::skipSwitcherChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setSkipSwitcher(skipSwitcher()); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::captionChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setTitle(caption()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::activeChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setActive(isActive()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::fullScreenChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setFullscreen(isFullScreen()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::keepAboveChanged, w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::setKeepAbove); connect(this, &AbstractClient::keepBelowChanged, w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::setKeepBelow); connect(this, &AbstractClient::minimizedChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setMinimized(isMinimized()); }); connect(this, static_cast(&AbstractClient::clientMaximizedStateChanged), w, [w] (KWin::AbstractClient *c, MaximizeMode mode) { Q_UNUSED(c); w->setMaximized(mode == KWin::MaximizeFull); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::demandsAttentionChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setDemandsAttention(isDemandingAttention()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::iconChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setIcon(icon()); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::windowClassChanged, w, updateAppId); connect(this, &AbstractClient::desktopFileNameChanged, w, updateAppId); connect(this, &AbstractClient::shadeChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setShaded(isShade()); }); connect(this, &AbstractClient::transientChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setParentWindow(transientFor() ? transientFor()->windowManagementInterface() : nullptr); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::frameGeometryChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setGeometry(frameGeometry()); } ); connect(this, &AbstractClient::applicationMenuChanged, w, [w, this] { w->setApplicationMenuPaths(applicationMenuServiceName(), applicationMenuObjectPath()); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::closeRequested, this, [this] { closeWindow(); }); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::moveRequested, this, [this] { Cursors::self()->mouse()->setPos(frameGeometry().center()); performMouseCommand(Options::MouseMove, Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos()); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::resizeRequested, this, [this] { Cursors::self()->mouse()->setPos(frameGeometry().bottomRight()); performMouseCommand(Options::MouseResize, Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos()); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::fullscreenRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { setFullScreen(set, false); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::minimizedRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { if (set) { minimize(); } else { unminimize(); } } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::maximizedRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { maximize(set ? MaximizeFull : MaximizeRestore); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::keepAboveRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { setKeepAbove(set); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::keepBelowRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { setKeepBelow(set); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::demandsAttentionRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { demandAttention(set); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::activeRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { if (set) { workspace()->activateClient(this, true); } } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::shadedRequested, this, [this] (bool set) { setShade(set); } ); for (const auto vd : qAsConst(m_desktops)) { w->addPlasmaVirtualDesktop(vd->id()); } //Plasma Virtual desktop management //show/hide when the window enters/exits from desktop connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::enterPlasmaVirtualDesktopRequested, this, [this] (const QString &desktopId) { VirtualDesktop *vd = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForId(desktopId); if (vd) { enterDesktop(vd); } } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::enterNewPlasmaVirtualDesktopRequested, this, [this] () { VirtualDesktopManager::self()->setCount(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count() + 1); enterDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktops().last()); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::leavePlasmaVirtualDesktopRequested, this, [this] (const QString &desktopId) { VirtualDesktop *vd = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForId(desktopId); if (vd) { leaveDesktop(vd); } } ); for (const auto &activity : qAsConst(m_activityList)) { w->addPlasmaActivity(activity); } // Notify clients on activities changes connect(this, &AbstractClient::activitiesChanged, w, [w, this] { const auto newActivities = m_activityList.toSet(); const auto oldActivities = w->plasmaActivities().toSet(); const auto activitiesToAdd = newActivities - oldActivities; for (const auto &activity : activitiesToAdd) { w->addPlasmaActivity(activity); } const auto activitiesToRemove = oldActivities - newActivities; for (const auto &activity : activitiesToRemove) { w->removePlasmaActivity(activity); } }); //Plasma Activities management //show/hide when the window enters/exits activity connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::enterPlasmaActivityRequested, this, [this] (const QString &activityId) { setOnActivity(activityId, true); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::leavePlasmaActivityRequested, this, [this] (const QString &activityId) { setOnActivity(activityId, false); } ); connect(w, &PlasmaWindowInterface::sendToOutput, this, [this] (KWaylandServer::OutputInterface *output) { sendToOutput(waylandServer()->findOutput(output)); } ); m_windowManagementInterface = w; } Options::MouseCommand AbstractClient::getMouseCommand(Qt::MouseButton button, bool *handled) const { *handled = false; if (button == Qt::NoButton) { return Options::MouseNothing; } if (isActive()) { if (options->isClickRaise() && !isMostRecentlyRaised()) { *handled = true; return Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick; } } else { *handled = true; switch (button) { case Qt::LeftButton: return options->commandWindow1(); case Qt::MiddleButton: return options->commandWindow2(); case Qt::RightButton: return options->commandWindow3(); default: // all other buttons pass Activate & Pass Client return Options::MouseActivateAndPassClick; } } return Options::MouseNothing; } Options::MouseCommand AbstractClient::getWheelCommand(Qt::Orientation orientation, bool *handled) const { *handled = false; if (orientation != Qt::Vertical) { return Options::MouseNothing; } if (!isActive()) { *handled = true; return options->commandWindowWheel(); } return Options::MouseNothing; } bool AbstractClient::performMouseCommand(Options::MouseCommand cmd, const QPoint &globalPos) { bool replay = false; switch(cmd) { case Options::MouseRaise: workspace()->raiseClient(this); break; case Options::MouseLower: { workspace()->lowerClient(this); // used to be activateNextClient(this), then topClientOnDesktop // since this is a mouseOp it's however safe to use the client under the mouse instead if (isActive() && options->focusPolicyIsReasonable()) { AbstractClient *next = workspace()->clientUnderMouse(output()); if (next && next != this) workspace()->requestFocus(next, false); } break; } case Options::MouseOperationsMenu: if (isActive() && options->isClickRaise()) autoRaise(); workspace()->showWindowMenu(QRect(globalPos, globalPos), this); break; case Options::MouseToggleRaiseAndLower: workspace()->raiseOrLowerClient(this); break; case Options::MouseActivateAndRaise: { replay = isActive(); // for clickraise mode bool mustReplay = !rules()->checkAcceptFocus(acceptsFocus()); if (mustReplay) { auto it = workspace()->stackingOrder().constEnd(), begin = workspace()->stackingOrder().constBegin(); while (mustReplay && --it != begin && *it != this) { AbstractClient *c = qobject_cast(*it); if (!c || (c->keepAbove() && !keepAbove()) || (keepBelow() && !c->keepBelow())) continue; // can never raise above "it" mustReplay = !(c->isOnCurrentDesktop() && c->isOnCurrentActivity() && c->frameGeometry().intersects(frameGeometry())); } } workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus | Workspace::ActivityRaise); workspace()->setActiveOutput(globalPos); replay = replay || mustReplay; break; } case Options::MouseActivateAndLower: workspace()->requestFocus(this); workspace()->lowerClient(this); workspace()->setActiveOutput(globalPos); replay = replay || !rules()->checkAcceptFocus(acceptsFocus()); break; case Options::MouseActivate: replay = isActive(); // for clickraise mode workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus); workspace()->setActiveOutput(globalPos); replay = replay || !rules()->checkAcceptFocus(acceptsFocus()); break; case Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick: workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus | Workspace::ActivityRaise); workspace()->setActiveOutput(globalPos); replay = true; break; case Options::MouseActivateAndPassClick: workspace()->takeActivity(this, Workspace::ActivityFocus); workspace()->setActiveOutput(globalPos); replay = true; break; case Options::MouseMaximize: maximize(MaximizeFull); break; case Options::MouseRestore: maximize(MaximizeRestore); break; case Options::MouseMinimize: minimize(); break; case Options::MouseAbove: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(workspace()); if (keepBelow()) setKeepBelow(false); else setKeepAbove(true); break; } case Options::MouseBelow: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(workspace()); if (keepAbove()) setKeepAbove(false); else setKeepBelow(true); break; } case Options::MousePreviousDesktop: workspace()->windowToPreviousDesktop(this); break; case Options::MouseNextDesktop: workspace()->windowToNextDesktop(this); break; case Options::MouseOpacityMore: if (!isDesktop()) // No point in changing the opacity of the desktop setOpacity(qMin(opacity() + 0.1, 1.0)); break; case Options::MouseOpacityLess: if (!isDesktop()) // No point in changing the opacity of the desktop setOpacity(qMax(opacity() - 0.1, 0.1)); break; case Options::MouseClose: closeWindow(); break; case Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndMove: case Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndUnrestrictedMove: workspace()->raiseClient(this); workspace()->requestFocus(this); workspace()->setActiveOutput(globalPos); // fallthrough case Options::MouseMove: case Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove: { if (!isMovableAcrossScreens()) break; if (isInteractiveMoveResize()) finishInteractiveMoveResize(false); setInteractiveMoveResizePointerMode(PositionCenter); setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(true); setInteractiveMoveOffset(QPoint(globalPos.x() - x(), globalPos.y() - y())); // map from global setInvertedInteractiveMoveOffset(rect().bottomRight() - interactiveMoveOffset()); setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize((cmd == Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndUnrestrictedMove || cmd == Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove)); if (!startInteractiveMoveResize()) setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); updateCursor(); break; } case Options::MouseResize: case Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize: { if (!isResizable() || isShade()) break; if (isInteractiveMoveResize()) finishInteractiveMoveResize(false); setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(true); const QPoint moveOffset = QPoint(globalPos.x() - x(), globalPos.y() - y()); // map from global setInteractiveMoveOffset(moveOffset); int x = moveOffset.x(), y = moveOffset.y(); bool left = x < width() / 3; bool right = x >= 2 * width() / 3; bool top = y < height() / 3; bool bot = y >= 2 * height() / 3; Position mode; if (top) mode = left ? PositionTopLeft : (right ? PositionTopRight : PositionTop); else if (bot) mode = left ? PositionBottomLeft : (right ? PositionBottomRight : PositionBottom); else mode = (x < width() / 2) ? PositionLeft : PositionRight; setInteractiveMoveResizePointerMode(mode); setInvertedInteractiveMoveOffset(rect().bottomRight() - moveOffset); setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize((cmd == Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize)); if (!startInteractiveMoveResize()) setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); updateCursor(); break; } case Options::MouseShade: toggleShade(); cancelShadeHoverTimer(); break; case Options::MouseSetShade: setShade(ShadeNormal); cancelShadeHoverTimer(); break; case Options::MouseUnsetShade: setShade(ShadeNone); cancelShadeHoverTimer(); break; case Options::MouseNothing: default: replay = true; break; } return replay; } void AbstractClient::setTransientFor(AbstractClient *transientFor) { if (transientFor == this) { // cannot be transient for one self return; } if (m_transientFor == transientFor) { return; } m_transientFor = transientFor; Q_EMIT transientChanged(); } const AbstractClient *AbstractClient::transientFor() const { return m_transientFor; } AbstractClient *AbstractClient::transientFor() { return m_transientFor; } bool AbstractClient::hasTransientPlacementHint() const { return false; } QRect AbstractClient::transientPlacement(const QRect &bounds) const { Q_UNUSED(bounds); Q_UNREACHABLE(); return QRect(); } bool AbstractClient::hasTransient(const AbstractClient *c, bool indirect) const { Q_UNUSED(indirect); return c->transientFor() == this; } QList< AbstractClient* > AbstractClient::mainClients() const { if (const AbstractClient *t = transientFor()) { return QList{const_cast< AbstractClient* >(t)}; } return QList(); } QList AbstractClient::allMainClients() const { auto result = mainClients(); for (const auto *cl : result) { result += cl->allMainClients(); } return result; } void AbstractClient::setModal(bool m) { // Qt-3.2 can have even modal normal windows :( if (m_modal == m) return; m_modal = m; Q_EMIT modalChanged(); // Changing modality for a mapped window is weird (?) // _NET_WM_STATE_MODAL should possibly rather be _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MODAL_DIALOG } bool AbstractClient::isModal() const { return m_modal; } // check whether a transient should be actually kept above its mainwindow // there may be some special cases where this rule shouldn't be enfored static bool shouldKeepTransientAbove(const AbstractClient *parent, const AbstractClient *transient) { // #93832 - don't keep splashscreens above dialogs if (transient->isSplash() && parent->isDialog()) { return false; } // This is rather a hack for #76026. Don't keep non-modal dialogs above // the mainwindow, but only if they're group transient (since only such dialogs // have taskbar entry in Kicker). A proper way of doing this (both kwin and kicker) // needs to be found. if (transient->isDialog() && !transient->isModal() && transient->groupTransient()) { return false; } // #63223 - don't keep transients above docks, because the dock is kept high, // and e.g. dialogs for them would be too high too // ignore this if the transient has a placement hint which indicates it should go above it's parent if (parent->isDock() && !transient->hasTransientPlacementHint()) { return false; } return true; } void AbstractClient::addTransient(AbstractClient *cl) { Q_ASSERT(!m_transients.contains(cl)); Q_ASSERT(cl != this); m_transients.append(cl); if (shouldKeepTransientAbove(this, cl)) { workspace()->constrain(this, cl); } } void AbstractClient::removeTransient(AbstractClient *cl) { m_transients.removeAll(cl); if (cl->transientFor() == this) { cl->setTransientFor(nullptr); } workspace()->unconstrain(this, cl); } void AbstractClient::removeTransientFromList(AbstractClient *cl) { m_transients.removeAll(cl); } bool AbstractClient::isActiveFullScreen() const { if (!isFullScreen()) return false; const auto ac = workspace()->mostRecentlyActivatedClient(); // instead of activeClient() - avoids flicker // according to NETWM spec implementation notes suggests // "focused windows having state _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN" to be on the highest layer. // we'll also take the screen into account return ac && (ac == this || ac->output() != output()|| ac->allMainClients().contains(const_cast(this))); } #define BORDER(which) \ int AbstractClient::border##which() const \ { \ return isDecorated() ? decoration()->border##which() : 0; \ } BORDER(Bottom) BORDER(Left) BORDER(Right) BORDER(Top) #undef BORDER void AbstractClient::updateInitialMoveResizeGeometry() { m_interactiveMoveResize.initialGeometry = frameGeometry(); m_interactiveMoveResize.startOutput = output(); } void AbstractClient::updateCursor() { Position m = interactiveMoveResizePointerMode(); if (!isResizable() || isShade()) m = PositionCenter; CursorShape c = Qt::ArrowCursor; switch(m) { case PositionTopLeft: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeNorthWest; break; case PositionBottomRight: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeSouthEast; break; case PositionBottomLeft: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeSouthWest; break; case PositionTopRight: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeNorthEast; break; case PositionTop: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeNorth; break; case PositionBottom: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeSouth; break; case PositionLeft: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeWest; break; case PositionRight: c = KWin::ExtendedCursor::SizeEast; break; default: if (isInteractiveMoveResize()) c = Qt::SizeAllCursor; else c = Qt::ArrowCursor; break; } if (c == m_interactiveMoveResize.cursor) return; m_interactiveMoveResize.cursor = c; Q_EMIT moveResizeCursorChanged(c); } void AbstractClient::leaveInteractiveMoveResize() { workspace()->setMoveResizeClient(nullptr); setInteractiveMoveResize(false); if (ScreenEdges::self()->isDesktopSwitchingMovingClients()) ScreenEdges::self()->reserveDesktopSwitching(false, Qt::Vertical|Qt::Horizontal); if (isElectricBorderMaximizing()) { outline()->hide(); elevate(false); } } bool AbstractClient::s_haveResizeEffect = false; void AbstractClient::updateHaveResizeEffect() { s_haveResizeEffect = effects && static_cast(effects)->provides(Effect::Resize); } bool AbstractClient::doStartInteractiveMoveResize() { return true; } void AbstractClient::doFinishInteractiveMoveResize() { } bool AbstractClient::isWaitingForInteractiveMoveResizeSync() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::doInteractiveResizeSync() { } void AbstractClient::checkQuickTilingMaximizationZones(int xroot, int yroot) { QuickTileMode mode = QuickTileFlag::None; bool innerBorder = false; const auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->enabledOutputs(); for (const AbstractOutput *output : outputs) { if (!output->geometry().contains(QPoint(xroot, yroot))) { continue; } auto isInScreen = [&output, &outputs](const QPoint &pt) { for (const AbstractOutput *other : outputs) { if (other == output) { continue; } if (other->geometry().contains(pt)) { return true; } } return false; }; QRect area = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this, QPoint(xroot, yroot)); if (options->electricBorderTiling()) { if (xroot <= area.x() + 20) { mode |= QuickTileFlag::Left; innerBorder = isInScreen(QPoint(area.x() - 1, yroot)); } else if (xroot >= area.x() + area.width() - 20) { mode |= QuickTileFlag::Right; innerBorder = isInScreen(QPoint(area.right() + 1, yroot)); } } if (mode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { if (yroot <= area.y() + area.height() * options->electricBorderCornerRatio()) mode |= QuickTileFlag::Top; else if (yroot >= area.y() + area.height() - area.height() * options->electricBorderCornerRatio()) mode |= QuickTileFlag::Bottom; } else if (options->electricBorderMaximize() && yroot <= area.y() + 5 && isMaximizable()) { mode = QuickTileFlag::Maximize; innerBorder = isInScreen(QPoint(xroot, area.y() - 1)); } break; // no point in checking other screens to contain this... "point"... } if (mode != electricBorderMode()) { setElectricBorderMode(mode); if (innerBorder) { if (!m_electricMaximizingDelay) { m_electricMaximizingDelay = new QTimer(this); m_electricMaximizingDelay->setInterval(250); m_electricMaximizingDelay->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_electricMaximizingDelay, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this]() { if (isInteractiveMove()) setElectricBorderMaximizing(electricBorderMode() != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)); }); } m_electricMaximizingDelay->start(); } else { setElectricBorderMaximizing(mode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)); } } } void AbstractClient::keyPressEvent(uint key_code) { if (!isInteractiveMove() && !isInteractiveResize()) return; bool is_control = key_code & Qt::CTRL; bool is_alt = key_code & Qt::ALT; key_code = key_code & ~Qt::KeyboardModifierMask; int delta = is_control ? 1 : is_alt ? 32 : 8; QPoint pos = Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos(); switch(key_code) { case Qt::Key_Left: pos.rx() -= delta; break; case Qt::Key_Right: pos.rx() += delta; break; case Qt::Key_Up: pos.ry() -= delta; break; case Qt::Key_Down: pos.ry() += delta; break; case Qt::Key_Space: case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); finishInteractiveMoveResize(false); updateCursor(); break; case Qt::Key_Escape: setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); finishInteractiveMoveResize(true); updateCursor(); break; default: return; } Cursors::self()->mouse()->setPos(pos); } QSize AbstractClient::resizeIncrements() const { return QSize(1, 1); } void AbstractClient::dontInteractiveMoveResize() { setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); stopDelayedInteractiveMoveResize(); if (isInteractiveMoveResize()) finishInteractiveMoveResize(false); } AbstractClient::Position AbstractClient::mousePosition() const { if (isDecorated()) { switch (decoration()->sectionUnderMouse()) { case Qt::BottomLeftSection: return PositionBottomLeft; case Qt::BottomRightSection: return PositionBottomRight; case Qt::BottomSection: return PositionBottom; case Qt::LeftSection: return PositionLeft; case Qt::RightSection: return PositionRight; case Qt::TopSection: return PositionTop; case Qt::TopLeftSection: return PositionTopLeft; case Qt::TopRightSection: return PositionTopRight; default: return PositionCenter; } } return PositionCenter; } void AbstractClient::endInteractiveMoveResize() { setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); stopDelayedInteractiveMoveResize(); if (isInteractiveMoveResize()) { finishInteractiveMoveResize(false); setInteractiveMoveResizePointerMode(mousePosition()); } updateCursor(); } void AbstractClient::setDecoration(QSharedPointer decoration) { if (m_decoration.decoration.data() == decoration) { return; } if (decoration) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(decoration.data(), QOverload<>::of(&KDecoration2::Decoration::update), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(decoration.data(), &KDecoration2::Decoration::shadowChanged, this, &Toplevel::updateShadow); connect(decoration.data(), &KDecoration2::Decoration::bordersChanged, this, &AbstractClient::updateDecorationInputShape); connect(decoration.data(), &KDecoration2::Decoration::resizeOnlyBordersChanged, this, &AbstractClient::updateDecorationInputShape); connect(decoration.data(), &KDecoration2::Decoration::bordersChanged, this, [this]() { GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); const QRect oldGeometry = frameGeometry(); resize(implicitSize()); if (!isShade()) { checkWorkspacePosition(oldGeometry); } Q_EMIT geometryShapeChanged(this, oldGeometry); }); connect(decoratedClient()->decoratedClient(), &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::sizeChanged, this, &AbstractClient::updateDecorationInputShape); } m_decoration.decoration = decoration; updateDecorationInputShape(); Q_EMIT decorationChanged(); } void AbstractClient::updateDecorationInputShape() { if (!isDecorated()) { m_decoration.inputRegion = QRegion(); return; } const QMargins borders = decoration()->borders(); const QMargins resizeBorders = decoration()->resizeOnlyBorders(); const QRect innerRect = QRect(QPoint(borderLeft(), borderTop()), decoratedClient()->size()); const QRect outerRect = innerRect + borders + resizeBorders; m_decoration.inputRegion = QRegion(outerRect) - innerRect; } bool AbstractClient::decorationHasAlpha() const { if (!isDecorated() || decoration()->isOpaque()) { // either no decoration or decoration has alpha disabled return false; } return true; } void AbstractClient::triggerDecorationRepaint() { if (isDecorated()) { decoration()->update(); } } void AbstractClient::layoutDecorationRects(QRect &left, QRect &top, QRect &right, QRect &bottom) const { if (!isDecorated()) { return; } QRect r = decoration()->rect(); top = QRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), borderTop()); bottom = QRect(r.x(), r.y() + r.height() - borderBottom(), r.width(), borderBottom()); left = QRect(r.x(), r.y() + top.height(), borderLeft(), r.height() - top.height() - bottom.height()); right = QRect(r.x() + r.width() - borderRight(), r.y() + top.height(), borderRight(), r.height() - top.height() - bottom.height()); } void AbstractClient::processDecorationMove(const QPoint &localPos, const QPoint &globalPos) { if (isInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown()) { handleInteractiveMoveResize(localPos.x(), localPos.y(), globalPos.x(), globalPos.y()); return; } // TODO: handle modifiers Position newmode = mousePosition(); if (newmode != interactiveMoveResizePointerMode()) { setInteractiveMoveResizePointerMode(newmode); updateCursor(); } } bool AbstractClient::processDecorationButtonPress(QMouseEvent *event, bool ignoreMenu) { Options::MouseCommand com = Options::MouseNothing; bool active = isActive(); if (!wantsInput()) // we cannot be active, use it anyway active = true; // check whether it is a double click if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && titlebarPositionUnderMouse()) { if (m_decoration.doubleClickTimer.isValid()) { const qint64 interval = m_decoration.doubleClickTimer.elapsed(); m_decoration.doubleClickTimer.invalidate(); if (interval > QGuiApplication::styleHints()->mouseDoubleClickInterval()) { m_decoration.doubleClickTimer.start(); // expired -> new first click and pot. init } else { Workspace::self()->performWindowOperation(this, options->operationTitlebarDblClick()); dontInteractiveMoveResize(); return false; } } else { m_decoration.doubleClickTimer.start(); // new first click and pot. init, could be invalidated by release - see below } } if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) com = active ? options->commandActiveTitlebar1() : options->commandInactiveTitlebar1(); else if (event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton) com = active ? options->commandActiveTitlebar2() : options->commandInactiveTitlebar2(); else if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) com = active ? options->commandActiveTitlebar3() : options->commandInactiveTitlebar3(); if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && com != Options::MouseOperationsMenu // actions where it's not possible to get the matching && com != Options::MouseMinimize) // mouse release event { setInteractiveMoveResizePointerMode(mousePosition()); setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(true); setInteractiveMoveOffset(event->pos()); setInvertedInteractiveMoveOffset(rect().bottomRight() - interactiveMoveOffset()); setUnrestrictedInteractiveMoveResize(false); startDelayedInteractiveMoveResize(); updateCursor(); } // In the new API the decoration may process the menu action to display an inactive tab's menu. // If the event is unhandled then the core will create one for the active window in the group. if (!ignoreMenu || com != Options::MouseOperationsMenu) performMouseCommand(com, event->globalPos()); return !( // Return events that should be passed to the decoration in the new API com == Options::MouseRaise || com == Options::MouseOperationsMenu || com == Options::MouseActivateAndRaise || com == Options::MouseActivate || com == Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick || com == Options::MouseActivateAndPassClick || com == Options::MouseNothing); } void AbstractClient::processDecorationButtonRelease(QMouseEvent *event) { if (isDecorated()) { if (event->isAccepted() || !titlebarPositionUnderMouse()) { invalidateDecorationDoubleClickTimer(); // click was for the deco and shall not init a doubleclick } } if (event->buttons() == Qt::NoButton) { setInteractiveMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); stopDelayedInteractiveMoveResize(); if (isInteractiveMoveResize()) { finishInteractiveMoveResize(false); setInteractiveMoveResizePointerMode(mousePosition()); } updateCursor(); } } void AbstractClient::startDecorationDoubleClickTimer() { m_decoration.doubleClickTimer.start(); } void AbstractClient::invalidateDecorationDoubleClickTimer() { m_decoration.doubleClickTimer.invalidate(); } bool AbstractClient::providesContextHelp() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::showContextHelp() { } QPointer AbstractClient::decoratedClient() const { return m_decoration.client; } void AbstractClient::setDecoratedClient(QPointer< Decoration::DecoratedClientImpl > client) { m_decoration.client = client; } void AbstractClient::pointerEnterEvent(const QPoint &globalPos) { if (options->isShadeHover()) { cancelShadeHoverTimer(); startShadeHoverTimer(); } if (options->focusPolicy() == Options::ClickToFocus || workspace()->userActionsMenu()->isShown()) return; if (options->isAutoRaise() && !isDesktop() && !isDock() && workspace()->focusChangeEnabled() && globalPos != workspace()->focusMousePosition() && workspace()->topClientOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop(), options->isSeparateScreenFocus() ? output() : nullptr) != this) { startAutoRaise(); } if (isDesktop() || isDock()) return; // for FocusFollowsMouse, change focus only if the mouse has actually been moved, not if the focus // change came because of window changes (e.g. closing a window) - #92290 if (options->focusPolicy() != Options::FocusFollowsMouse || globalPos != workspace()->focusMousePosition()) { workspace()->requestDelayFocus(this); } } void AbstractClient::pointerLeaveEvent() { cancelAutoRaise(); workspace()->cancelDelayFocus(); cancelShadeHoverTimer(); startShadeUnhoverTimer(); // TODO: send hover leave to deco // TODO: handle Options::FocusStrictlyUnderMouse } QRect AbstractClient::iconGeometry() const { if (!windowManagementInterface() || !waylandServer()) { // window management interface is only available if the surface is mapped return QRect(); } int minDistance = INT_MAX; AbstractClient *candidatePanel = nullptr; QRect candidateGeom; const auto minGeometries = windowManagementInterface()->minimizedGeometries(); for (auto i = minGeometries.constBegin(), end = minGeometries.constEnd(); i != end; ++i) { AbstractClient *client = waylandServer()->findClient(i.key()); if (!client) { continue; } const int distance = QPoint(client->pos() - pos()).manhattanLength(); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; candidatePanel = client; candidateGeom = i.value(); } } if (!candidatePanel) { return QRect(); } return candidateGeom.translated(candidatePanel->pos()); } QRect AbstractClient::inputGeometry() const { if (isDecorated()) { return Toplevel::inputGeometry() + decoration()->resizeOnlyBorders(); } return Toplevel::inputGeometry(); } bool AbstractClient::hitTest(const QPoint &point) const { if (isDecorated()) { if (m_decoration.inputRegion.contains(mapToFrame(point))) { return true; } } return Toplevel::hitTest(point); } QRect AbstractClient::virtualKeyboardGeometry() const { return m_virtualKeyboardGeometry; } void AbstractClient::setVirtualKeyboardGeometry(const QRect &geo) { // No keyboard anymore if (geo.isEmpty() && !m_keyboardGeometryRestore.isEmpty()) { const QRect availableArea = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this); QRect newWindowGeometry = (maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal) ? availableArea : m_keyboardGeometryRestore; moveResize(newWindowGeometry); m_keyboardGeometryRestore = QRect(); } else if (geo.isEmpty()) { return; // The keyboard has just been opened (rather than resized) save client geometry for a restore } else if (m_keyboardGeometryRestore.isEmpty()) { m_keyboardGeometryRestore = moveResizeGeometry(); } m_virtualKeyboardGeometry = geo; // Don't resize Desktop and fullscreen windows if (isFullScreen() || isDesktop()) { return; } if (!geo.intersects(m_keyboardGeometryRestore)) { return; } const QRect availableArea = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this); QRect newWindowGeometry = (maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal) ? availableArea : m_keyboardGeometryRestore; newWindowGeometry.moveBottom(geo.top()); newWindowGeometry.setTop(qMax(newWindowGeometry.top(), availableArea.top())); moveResize(newWindowGeometry); } QRect AbstractClient::keyboardGeometryRestore() const { return m_keyboardGeometryRestore; } void AbstractClient::setKeyboardGeometryRestore(const QRect &geom) { m_keyboardGeometryRestore = geom; } bool AbstractClient::dockWantsInput() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::setDesktopFileName(QByteArray name) { name = rules()->checkDesktopFile(name).toUtf8(); if (name == m_desktopFileName) { return; } m_desktopFileName = name; updateWindowRules(Rules::DesktopFile); Q_EMIT desktopFileNameChanged(); } QString AbstractClient::iconFromDesktopFile() const { return iconFromDesktopFile(QFile::decodeName(m_desktopFileName)); } QString AbstractClient::iconFromDesktopFile(const QString &desktopFileName) { if (desktopFileName.isEmpty()) { return {}; } const QString desktopFileNameWithPrefix = desktopFileName + QLatin1String(".desktop"); QString desktopFilePath; if (QDir::isAbsolutePath(desktopFileName)) { if (QFile::exists(desktopFileNameWithPrefix)) { desktopFilePath = desktopFileNameWithPrefix; } else { desktopFilePath = desktopFileName; } } if (desktopFilePath.isEmpty()) { desktopFilePath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation, desktopFileNameWithPrefix); } if (desktopFilePath.isEmpty()) { desktopFilePath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation, desktopFileName); } if (desktopFilePath.isEmpty()) { return {}; } KDesktopFile df(desktopFilePath); return df.readIcon(); } bool AbstractClient::hasApplicationMenu() const { return ApplicationMenu::self()->applicationMenuEnabled() && !m_applicationMenuServiceName.isEmpty() && !m_applicationMenuObjectPath.isEmpty(); } void AbstractClient::updateApplicationMenuServiceName(const QString &serviceName) { const bool old_hasApplicationMenu = hasApplicationMenu(); m_applicationMenuServiceName = serviceName; const bool new_hasApplicationMenu = hasApplicationMenu(); Q_EMIT applicationMenuChanged(); if (old_hasApplicationMenu != new_hasApplicationMenu) { Q_EMIT hasApplicationMenuChanged(new_hasApplicationMenu); } } void AbstractClient::updateApplicationMenuObjectPath(const QString &objectPath) { const bool old_hasApplicationMenu = hasApplicationMenu(); m_applicationMenuObjectPath = objectPath; const bool new_hasApplicationMenu = hasApplicationMenu(); Q_EMIT applicationMenuChanged(); if (old_hasApplicationMenu != new_hasApplicationMenu) { Q_EMIT hasApplicationMenuChanged(new_hasApplicationMenu); } } void AbstractClient::setApplicationMenuActive(bool applicationMenuActive) { if (m_applicationMenuActive != applicationMenuActive) { m_applicationMenuActive = applicationMenuActive; Q_EMIT applicationMenuActiveChanged(applicationMenuActive); } } void AbstractClient::showApplicationMenu(int actionId) { if (isDecorated()) { decoration()->showApplicationMenu(actionId); } else { // we don't know where the application menu button will be, show it in the top left corner instead Workspace::self()->showApplicationMenu(QRect(), this, actionId); } } bool AbstractClient::unresponsive() const { return m_unresponsive; } void AbstractClient::setUnresponsive(bool unresponsive) { if (m_unresponsive != unresponsive) { m_unresponsive = unresponsive; Q_EMIT unresponsiveChanged(m_unresponsive); Q_EMIT captionChanged(); } } QString AbstractClient::shortcutCaptionSuffix() const { if (shortcut().isEmpty()) { return QString(); } return QLatin1String(" {") + shortcut().toString() + QLatin1Char('}'); } AbstractClient *AbstractClient::findClientWithSameCaption() const { auto fetchNameInternalPredicate = [this](const AbstractClient *cl) { return (!cl->isSpecialWindow() || cl->isToolbar()) && cl != this && cl->captionNormal() == captionNormal() && cl->captionSuffix() == captionSuffix(); }; return workspace()->findAbstractClient(fetchNameInternalPredicate); } QString AbstractClient::caption() const { QString cap = captionNormal() + captionSuffix(); if (unresponsive()) { cap += QLatin1String(" "); cap += i18nc("Application is not responding, appended to window title", "(Not Responding)"); } return cap; } void AbstractClient::removeRule(Rules* rule) { m_rules.remove(rule); } void AbstractClient::discardTemporaryRules() { m_rules.discardTemporary(); } void AbstractClient::evaluateWindowRules() { setupWindowRules(true); applyWindowRules(); } /** * Returns the list of activities the client window is on. * if it's on all activities, the list will be empty. * Don't use this, use isOnActivity() and friends (from class Toplevel) */ QStringList AbstractClient::activities() const { return m_activityList; } /** * Sets whether the client is on @p activity. * If you remove it from its last activity, then it's on all activities. * * Note: If it was on all activities and you try to remove it from one, nothing will happen; * I don't think that's an important enough use case to handle here. */ void AbstractClient::setOnActivity(const QString &activity, bool enable) { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (!Activities::self()) { return; } QStringList newActivitiesList = activities(); if (newActivitiesList.contains(activity) == enable) { //nothing to do return; } if (enable) { QStringList allActivities = Activities::self()->all(); if (!allActivities.contains(activity)) { //bogus ID return; } newActivitiesList.append(activity); } else { newActivitiesList.removeOne(activity); } setOnActivities(newActivitiesList); #else Q_UNUSED(activity) Q_UNUSED(enable) #endif } /** * set exactly which activities this client is on */ void AbstractClient::setOnActivities(const QStringList &newActivitiesList) { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (!Activities::self()) { return; } const auto allActivities = Activities::self()->all(); const auto activityList = [&] { auto result = rules()->checkActivity(newActivitiesList); const auto it = std::remove_if(result.begin(), result.end(), [=](const QString &activity) { return !allActivities.contains(activity); }); result.erase(it, result.end()); return result; }(); const auto allActivityExplicitlyRequested = activityList.isEmpty() || activityList.contains(Activities::nullUuid()); const auto allActivitiesCovered = activityList.size() > 1 && activityList.size() == allActivities.size(); if (allActivityExplicitlyRequested || allActivitiesCovered) { if (!m_activityList.isEmpty()) { m_activityList.clear(); doSetOnActivities(m_activityList); } } else { if (m_activityList != activityList) { m_activityList = activityList; doSetOnActivities(m_activityList); } } updateActivities(false); #else Q_UNUSED(newActivitiesList) #endif } /** * if @p all is true, sets on all activities. * if it's false, sets it to only be on the current activity */ void AbstractClient::setOnAllActivities(bool all) { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (all == isOnAllActivities()) { return; } if (all) { setOnActivities(QStringList()); } else { setOnActivity(Activities::self()->current(), true); } #else Q_UNUSED(all) #endif } /** * update after activities changed */ void AbstractClient::updateActivities(bool includeTransients) { if (m_activityUpdatesBlocked) { m_blockedActivityUpdatesRequireTransients |= includeTransients; return; } Q_EMIT activitiesChanged(this); m_blockedActivityUpdatesRequireTransients = false; // reset FocusChain::self()->update(this, FocusChain::MakeFirst); updateWindowRules(Rules::Activity); } void AbstractClient::blockActivityUpdates(bool b) { if (b) { ++m_activityUpdatesBlocked; } else { Q_ASSERT(m_activityUpdatesBlocked); --m_activityUpdatesBlocked; if (!m_activityUpdatesBlocked) { updateActivities(m_blockedActivityUpdatesRequireTransients); } } } void AbstractClient::checkNoBorder() { setNoBorder(false); } bool AbstractClient::groupTransient() const { return false; } const Group *AbstractClient::group() const { return nullptr; } Group *AbstractClient::group() { return nullptr; } bool AbstractClient::supportsWindowRules() const { return false; } QMargins AbstractClient::frameMargins() const { return QMargins(borderLeft(), borderTop(), borderRight(), borderBottom()); } QPoint AbstractClient::framePosToClientPos(const QPoint &point) const { return point + QPoint(borderLeft(), borderTop()); } QPoint AbstractClient::clientPosToFramePos(const QPoint &point) const { return point - QPoint(borderLeft(), borderTop()); } QSize AbstractClient::frameSizeToClientSize(const QSize &size) const { const int width = size.width() - borderLeft() - borderRight(); const int height = size.height() - borderTop() - borderBottom(); return QSize(width, height); } QSize AbstractClient::clientSizeToFrameSize(const QSize &size) const { const int width = size.width() + borderLeft() + borderRight(); const int height = size.height() + borderTop() + borderBottom(); return QSize(width, height); } QRect AbstractClient::frameRectToClientRect(const QRect &rect) const { const QPoint position = framePosToClientPos(rect.topLeft()); const QSize size = frameSizeToClientSize(rect.size()); return QRect(position, size); } QRect AbstractClient::clientRectToFrameRect(const QRect &rect) const { const QPoint position = clientPosToFramePos(rect.topLeft()); const QSize size = clientSizeToFrameSize(rect.size()); return QRect(position, size); } QRect AbstractClient::moveResizeGeometry() const { return m_moveResizeGeometry; } void AbstractClient::setMoveResizeGeometry(const QRect &geo) { m_moveResizeGeometry = geo; } void AbstractClient::move(const QPoint &point) { m_moveResizeGeometry.moveTopLeft(point); moveResizeInternal(m_moveResizeGeometry, MoveResizeMode::Move); } void AbstractClient::resize(const QSize &size) { m_moveResizeGeometry.setSize(size); moveResizeInternal(m_moveResizeGeometry, MoveResizeMode::Resize); } void AbstractClient::moveResize(const QRect &rect) { m_moveResizeGeometry = rect; moveResizeInternal(m_moveResizeGeometry, MoveResizeMode::MoveResize); } void AbstractClient::setElectricBorderMode(QuickTileMode mode) { if (mode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Maximize)) { // sanitize the mode, ie. simplify "invalid" combinations if ((mode & QuickTileFlag::Horizontal) == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Horizontal)) mode &= ~QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Horizontal); if ((mode & QuickTileFlag::Vertical) == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Vertical)) mode &= ~QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Vertical); } m_electricMode = mode; } void AbstractClient::setElectricBorderMaximizing(bool maximizing) { m_electricMaximizing = maximizing; if (maximizing) outline()->show(electricBorderMaximizeGeometry(Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos()), moveResizeGeometry()); else outline()->hide(); elevate(maximizing); } QRect AbstractClient::electricBorderMaximizeGeometry(const QPoint &pos) const { if (electricBorderMode() == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Maximize)) { if (maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull) return geometryRestore(); else return workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this, pos); } QRect ret = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this, pos); if (electricBorderMode() & QuickTileFlag::Left) ret.setRight(ret.left()+ret.width()/2 - 1); else if (electricBorderMode() & QuickTileFlag::Right) ret.setLeft(ret.right()-(ret.width()-ret.width()/2) + 1); if (electricBorderMode() & QuickTileFlag::Top) ret.setBottom(ret.top()+ret.height()/2 - 1); else if (electricBorderMode() & QuickTileFlag::Bottom) ret.setTop(ret.bottom()-(ret.height()-ret.height()/2) + 1); return ret; } void AbstractClient::setQuickTileMode(QuickTileMode mode, bool keyboard) { // Only allow quick tile on a regular window. if (!isResizable()) { return; } workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition(Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos()); // may cause leave event GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); if (mode == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Maximize)) { m_quickTileMode = int(QuickTileFlag::None); if (maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull) { setMaximize(false, false); } else { QRect prev_geom_restore = geometryRestore(); // setMaximize() would set moveResizeGeom as geom_restore m_quickTileMode = int(QuickTileFlag::Maximize); setMaximize(true, true); QRect clientArea = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this); if (moveResizeGeometry().top() != clientArea.top()) { QRect r(moveResizeGeometry()); r.moveTop(clientArea.top()); moveResize(r); } setGeometryRestore(prev_geom_restore); } doSetQuickTileMode(); Q_EMIT quickTileModeChanged(); return; } // sanitize the mode, ie. simplify "invalid" combinations if ((mode & QuickTileFlag::Horizontal) == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Horizontal)) mode &= ~QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Horizontal); if ((mode & QuickTileFlag::Vertical) == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Vertical)) mode &= ~QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Vertical); setElectricBorderMode(mode); // used by ::electricBorderMaximizeGeometry(.) // restore from maximized so that it is possible to tile maximized windows with one hit or by dragging if (maximizeMode() != MaximizeRestore) { if (mode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { m_quickTileMode = int(QuickTileFlag::None); // Temporary, so the maximize code doesn't get all confused setMaximize(false, false); moveResize(electricBorderMaximizeGeometry(keyboard ? moveResizeGeometry().center() : Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos())); // Store the mode change m_quickTileMode = mode; } else { m_quickTileMode = mode; setMaximize(false, false); } doSetQuickTileMode(); Q_EMIT quickTileModeChanged(); return; } if (mode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { QPoint whichScreen = keyboard ? moveResizeGeometry().center() : Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos(); // If trying to tile to the side that the window is already tiled to move the window to the next // screen if it exists, otherwise toggle the mode (set QuickTileFlag::None) if (quickTileMode() == mode) { const QVector outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->enabledOutputs(); const AbstractOutput *currentOutput = output(); const AbstractOutput *nextOutput = currentOutput; for (const AbstractOutput *output : outputs) { if (output == currentOutput) { continue; } if (output->geometry().bottom() <= currentOutput->geometry().top() || output->geometry().top() >= currentOutput->geometry().bottom()) { continue; // not in horizontal line } const int x = output->geometry().center().x(); if ((mode & QuickTileFlag::Horizontal) == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Left)) { if (x >= currentOutput->geometry().center().x() || (currentOutput != nextOutput && x <= nextOutput->geometry().center().x())) { continue; // not left of current or more left then found next } } else if ((mode & QuickTileFlag::Horizontal) == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::Right)) { if (x <= currentOutput->geometry().center().x() || (currentOutput != nextOutput && x >= nextOutput->geometry().center().x())) { continue; // not right of current or more right then found next } } nextOutput = output; } if (nextOutput == currentOutput) { mode = QuickTileFlag::None; // No other screens, toggle tiling } else { // Move to other screen moveResize(geometryRestore().translated(nextOutput->geometry().topLeft() - currentOutput->geometry().topLeft())); whichScreen = nextOutput->geometry().center(); // Swap sides if (mode & QuickTileFlag::Horizontal) { mode = (~mode & QuickTileFlag::Horizontal) | (mode & QuickTileFlag::Vertical); } } setElectricBorderMode(mode); // used by ::electricBorderMaximizeGeometry(.) } else if (quickTileMode() == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { // Not coming out of an existing tile, not shifting monitors, we're setting a brand new tile. // Store geometry first, so we can go out of this tile later. setGeometryRestore(moveResizeGeometry()); } if (mode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { m_quickTileMode = mode; // Temporary, so the maximize code doesn't get all confused m_quickTileMode = int(QuickTileFlag::None); moveResize(electricBorderMaximizeGeometry(whichScreen)); } // Store the mode change m_quickTileMode = mode; } if (mode == QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { m_quickTileMode = int(QuickTileFlag::None); // Untiling, so just restore geometry, and we're done. if (!geometryRestore().isValid()) // invalid if we started maximized and wait for placement setGeometryRestore(moveResizeGeometry()); moveResize(geometryRestore()); checkWorkspacePosition(); // Just in case it's a different screen } doSetQuickTileMode(); Q_EMIT quickTileModeChanged(); } void AbstractClient::doSetQuickTileMode() { } void AbstractClient::sendToOutput(AbstractOutput *newOutput) { newOutput = rules()->checkOutput(newOutput); if (isActive()) { workspace()->setActiveOutput(newOutput); // might impact the layer of a fullscreen window const auto clients = workspace()->allClientList(); for (AbstractClient *cc : clients) { if (cc->isFullScreen() && cc->output() == newOutput) { cc->updateLayer(); } } } if (output() == newOutput && !isFullScreen()) // Don't use isOnScreen(), that's true even when only partially return; GeometryUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); // operating on the maximized / quicktiled window would leave the old geom_restore behind, // so we clear the state first MaximizeMode maxMode = maximizeMode(); QuickTileMode qtMode = quickTileMode(); if (maxMode != MaximizeRestore) maximize(MaximizeRestore); if (qtMode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) setQuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None, true); QRect oldScreenArea = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this); QRect screenArea = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this, newOutput); // the window can have its center so that the position correction moves the new center onto // the old screen, what will tile it where it is. Ie. the screen is not changed // this happens esp. with electric border quicktiling if (qtMode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) keepInArea(oldScreenArea); QRect oldGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); QRect newGeom = oldGeom; // move the window to have the same relative position to the center of the screen // (i.e. one near the middle of the right edge will also end up near the middle of the right edge) QPoint center = newGeom.center() - oldScreenArea.center(); center.setX(center.x() * screenArea.width() / oldScreenArea.width()); center.setY(center.y() * screenArea.height() / oldScreenArea.height()); center += screenArea.center(); newGeom.moveCenter(center); moveResize(newGeom); // If the window was inside the old screen area, explicitly make sure its inside also the new screen area. // Calling checkWorkspacePosition() should ensure that, but when moving to a small screen the window could // be big enough to overlap outside of the new screen area, making struts from other screens come into effect, // which could alter the resulting geometry. if (oldScreenArea.contains(oldGeom)) { keepInArea(screenArea); } if (isFullScreen()) { updateGeometryRestoresForFullscreen(newOutput); checkWorkspacePosition(oldGeom); } else { // align geom_restore - checkWorkspacePosition operates on it setGeometryRestore(moveResizeGeometry()); checkWorkspacePosition(oldGeom); // re-align geom_restore to constrained geometry setGeometryRestore(moveResizeGeometry()); } // finally reset special states // NOTICE that MaximizeRestore/QuickTileFlag::None checks are required. // eg. setting QuickTileFlag::None would break maximization if (maxMode != MaximizeRestore) maximize(maxMode); if (qtMode != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None) && qtMode != quickTileMode()) setQuickTileMode(qtMode, true); auto tso = workspace()->ensureStackingOrder(transients()); for (auto it = tso.constBegin(), end = tso.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->sendToOutput(newOutput); } void AbstractClient::updateGeometryRestoresForFullscreen(AbstractOutput *output) { QRect screenArea = workspace()->clientArea(MaximizeArea, this, output); QRect newFullScreenGeometryRestore = screenArea; if (!(maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical)) { newFullScreenGeometryRestore.setHeight(geometryRestore().height()); } if (!(maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal)) { newFullScreenGeometryRestore.setWidth(geometryRestore().width()); } newFullScreenGeometryRestore.setSize(newFullScreenGeometryRestore.size().boundedTo(screenArea.size())); QSize move = (screenArea.size() - newFullScreenGeometryRestore.size()) / 2; newFullScreenGeometryRestore.translate(move.width(), move.height()); QRect newGeometryRestore = QRect(screenArea.topLeft(), geometryRestore().size().boundedTo(screenArea.size())); move = (screenArea.size() - newGeometryRestore.size()) / 2; newGeometryRestore.translate(move.width(), move.height()); setFullscreenGeometryRestore(newFullScreenGeometryRestore); setGeometryRestore(newGeometryRestore); } void AbstractClient::checkWorkspacePosition(QRect oldGeometry, QRect oldClientGeometry, const VirtualDesktop *oldDesktop) { if (isDock() || isDesktop() || !isPlaceable()) { return; } enum { Left = 0, Top, Right, Bottom }; const int border[4] = { borderLeft(), borderTop(), borderRight(), borderBottom() }; QRect newGeom = moveResizeGeometry(); if( !oldGeometry.isValid()) oldGeometry = newGeom; if (!oldClientGeometry.isValid()) oldClientGeometry = oldGeometry.adjusted(border[Left], border[Top], -border[Right], -border[Bottom]); if (isFullScreen()) { moveResize(workspace()->clientArea(FullScreenArea, this, fullscreenGeometryRestore().center())); updateGeometryRestoresForFullscreen(kwinApp()->platform()->outputAt(newGeom.center())); return; } if (maximizeMode() != MaximizeRestore) { changeMaximize(false, false, true); // adjust size QRect geom = moveResizeGeometry(); const QRect screenArea = workspace()->clientArea(ScreenArea, this, geom.center()); checkOffscreenPosition(&geom, screenArea); moveResize(geom); return; } if (quickTileMode() != QuickTileMode(QuickTileFlag::None)) { moveResize(electricBorderMaximizeGeometry(moveResizeGeometry().center())); return; } // this can be true only if this window was mapped before KWin // was started - in such case, don't adjust position to workarea, // because the window already had its position, and if a window // with a strut altering the workarea would be managed in initialization // after this one, this window would be moved if (!workspace() || workspace()->initializing()) return; VirtualDesktop *desktop = !isOnCurrentDesktop() ? desktops().constLast() : VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop(); if (!oldDesktop) { oldDesktop = desktop; } // If the window was touching an edge before but not now move it so it is again. // Old and new maximums have different starting values so windows on the screen // edge will move when a new strut is placed on the edge. QRect oldScreenArea; QRect screenArea; if (workspace()->inUpdateClientArea()) { // check if the window is on an about to be destroyed output AbstractOutput *newOutput = output(); if (!kwinApp()->platform()->enabledOutputs().contains(newOutput)) { newOutput = kwinApp()->platform()->outputAt(newGeom.center()); } // we need to find the screen area as it was before the change oldScreenArea = workspace()->previousScreenSizes().value(output()); if (oldScreenArea.isNull()) { oldScreenArea = newOutput->geometry(); } screenArea = newOutput->geometry(); newGeom.translate(screenArea.topLeft() - oldScreenArea.topLeft()); } else { oldScreenArea = workspace()->clientArea(ScreenArea, kwinApp()->platform()->outputAt(oldGeometry.center()), oldDesktop); screenArea = workspace()->clientArea(ScreenArea, this, newGeom.center()); } const QRect oldGeomTall = QRect(oldGeometry.x(), oldScreenArea.y(), oldGeometry.width(), oldScreenArea.height()); // Full screen height const QRect oldGeomWide = QRect(oldScreenArea.x(), oldGeometry.y(), oldScreenArea.width(), oldGeometry.height()); // Full screen width int oldTopMax = oldScreenArea.y(); int oldRightMax = oldScreenArea.x() + oldScreenArea.width(); int oldBottomMax = oldScreenArea.y() + oldScreenArea.height(); int oldLeftMax = oldScreenArea.x(); int topMax = screenArea.y(); int rightMax = screenArea.x() + screenArea.width(); int bottomMax = screenArea.y() + screenArea.height(); int leftMax = screenArea.x(); QRect newClientGeom = newGeom.adjusted(border[Left], border[Top], -border[Right], -border[Bottom]); const QRect newGeomTall = QRect(newGeom.x(), screenArea.y(), newGeom.width(), screenArea.height()); // Full screen height const QRect newGeomWide = QRect(screenArea.x(), newGeom.y(), screenArea.width(), newGeom.height()); // Full screen width // Get the max strut point for each side where the window is (E.g. Highest point for // the bottom struts bounded by the window's left and right sides). // These 4 compute old bounds ... auto moveAreaFunc = workspace()->inUpdateClientArea() ? &Workspace::previousRestrictedMoveArea : //... the restricted areas changed &Workspace::restrictedMoveArea; //... when e.g. active desktop or screen changes for (const QRect &r : (workspace()->*moveAreaFunc)(oldDesktop, StrutAreaTop)) { QRect rect = r & oldGeomTall; if (!rect.isEmpty()) oldTopMax = qMax(oldTopMax, rect.y() + rect.height()); } for (const QRect &r : (workspace()->*moveAreaFunc)(oldDesktop, StrutAreaRight)) { QRect rect = r & oldGeomWide; if (!rect.isEmpty()) oldRightMax = qMin(oldRightMax, rect.x()); } for (const QRect &r : (workspace()->*moveAreaFunc)(oldDesktop, StrutAreaBottom)) { QRect rect = r & oldGeomTall; if (!rect.isEmpty()) oldBottomMax = qMin(oldBottomMax, rect.y()); } for (const QRect &r : (workspace()->*moveAreaFunc)(oldDesktop, StrutAreaLeft)) { QRect rect = r & oldGeomWide; if (!rect.isEmpty()) oldLeftMax = qMax(oldLeftMax, rect.x() + rect.width()); } // These 4 compute new bounds for (const QRect &r : workspace()->restrictedMoveArea(desktop, StrutAreaTop)) { QRect rect = r & newGeomTall; if (!rect.isEmpty()) topMax = qMax(topMax, rect.y() + rect.height()); } for (const QRect &r : workspace()->restrictedMoveArea(desktop, StrutAreaRight)) { QRect rect = r & newGeomWide; if (!rect.isEmpty()) rightMax = qMin(rightMax, rect.x()); } for (const QRect &r : workspace()->restrictedMoveArea(desktop, StrutAreaBottom)) { QRect rect = r & newGeomTall; if (!rect.isEmpty()) bottomMax = qMin(bottomMax, rect.y()); } for (const QRect &r : workspace()->restrictedMoveArea(desktop, StrutAreaLeft)) { QRect rect = r & newGeomWide; if (!rect.isEmpty()) leftMax = qMax(leftMax, rect.x() + rect.width()); } // Check if the sides were inside or touching but are no longer bool keep[4] = {false, false, false, false}; bool save[4] = {false, false, false, false}; int padding[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; if (oldGeometry.x() >= oldLeftMax) save[Left] = newGeom.x() < leftMax; if (oldGeometry.x() == oldLeftMax) keep[Left] = newGeom.x() != leftMax; else if (oldClientGeometry.x() == oldLeftMax && newClientGeom.x() != leftMax) { padding[0] = border[Left]; keep[Left] = true; } if (oldGeometry.y() >= oldTopMax) save[Top] = newGeom.y() < topMax; if (oldGeometry.y() == oldTopMax) keep[Top] = newGeom.y() != topMax; else if (oldClientGeometry.y() == oldTopMax && newClientGeom.y() != topMax) { padding[1] = border[Left]; keep[Top] = true; } if (oldGeometry.right() <= oldRightMax - 1) save[Right] = newGeom.right() > rightMax - 1; if (oldGeometry.right() == oldRightMax - 1) keep[Right] = newGeom.right() != rightMax - 1; else if (oldClientGeometry.right() == oldRightMax - 1 && newClientGeom.right() != rightMax - 1) { padding[2] = border[Right]; keep[Right] = true; } if (oldGeometry.bottom() <= oldBottomMax - 1) save[Bottom] = newGeom.bottom() > bottomMax - 1; if (oldGeometry.bottom() == oldBottomMax - 1) keep[Bottom] = newGeom.bottom() != bottomMax - 1; else if (oldClientGeometry.bottom() == oldBottomMax - 1 && newClientGeom.bottom() != bottomMax - 1) { padding[3] = border[Bottom]; keep[Bottom] = true; } // if randomly touches opposing edges, do not favor either if (keep[Left] && keep[Right]) { keep[Left] = keep[Right] = false; padding[0] = padding[2] = 0; } if (keep[Top] && keep[Bottom]) { keep[Top] = keep[Bottom] = false; padding[1] = padding[3] = 0; } if (save[Left] || keep[Left]) newGeom.moveLeft(qMax(leftMax, screenArea.x()) - padding[0]); if (padding[0] && screens()->intersecting(newGeom) > 1) newGeom.moveLeft(newGeom.left() + padding[0]); if (save[Top] || keep[Top]) newGeom.moveTop(qMax(topMax, screenArea.y()) - padding[1]); if (padding[1] && screens()->intersecting(newGeom) > 1) newGeom.moveTop(newGeom.top() + padding[1]); if (save[Right] || keep[Right]) newGeom.moveRight(qMin(rightMax - 1, screenArea.right()) + padding[2]); if (padding[2] && screens()->intersecting(newGeom) > 1) newGeom.moveRight(newGeom.right() - padding[2]); if (oldGeometry.x() >= oldLeftMax && newGeom.x() < leftMax) newGeom.setLeft(qMax(leftMax, screenArea.x())); else if (oldClientGeometry.x() >= oldLeftMax && newGeom.x() + border[Left] < leftMax) { newGeom.setLeft(qMax(leftMax, screenArea.x()) - border[Left]); if (screens()->intersecting(newGeom) > 1) newGeom.setLeft(newGeom.left() + border[Left]); } if (save[Bottom] || keep[Bottom]) newGeom.moveBottom(qMin(bottomMax - 1, screenArea.bottom()) + padding[3]); if (padding[3] && screens()->intersecting(newGeom) > 1) newGeom.moveBottom(newGeom.bottom() - padding[3]); if (oldGeometry.y() >= oldTopMax && newGeom.y() < topMax) newGeom.setTop(qMax(topMax, screenArea.y())); else if (oldClientGeometry.y() >= oldTopMax && newGeom.y() + border[Top] < topMax) { newGeom.setTop(qMax(topMax, screenArea.y()) - border[Top]); if (screens()->intersecting(newGeom) > 1) newGeom.setTop(newGeom.top() + border[Top]); } checkOffscreenPosition(&newGeom, screenArea); // Obey size hints. TODO: We really should make sure it stays in the right place if (!isShade()) newGeom.setSize(constrainFrameSize(newGeom.size())); moveResize(newGeom); } void AbstractClient::checkOffscreenPosition(QRect* geom, const QRect& screenArea) { if (geom->left() > screenArea.right()) { geom->moveLeft(screenArea.right() - screenArea.width()/4); } else if (geom->right() < screenArea.left()) { geom->moveRight(screenArea.left() + screenArea.width()/4); } if (geom->top() > screenArea.bottom()) { geom->moveTop(screenArea.bottom() - screenArea.height()/4); } else if (geom->bottom() < screenArea.top()) { geom->moveBottom(screenArea.top() + screenArea.width()/4); } } /** * Returns the natural size of the window, if the window is not shaded it's the same * as size(). */ QSize AbstractClient::implicitSize() const { return clientSizeToFrameSize(clientSize()); } /** * Constrains the client size @p size according to a set of the window's size hints. * * Default implementation applies only minimum and maximum size constraints. */ QSize AbstractClient::constrainClientSize(const QSize &size, SizeMode mode) const { Q_UNUSED(mode) int width = size.width(); int height = size.height(); // When user is resizing the window, the move resize geometry may have negative width or // height. In which case, we need to set negative dimensions to reasonable values. if (width < 1) { width = 1; } if (height < 1) { height = 1; } const QSize minimumSize = minSize(); const QSize maximumSize = maxSize(); width = qBound(minimumSize.width(), width, maximumSize.width()); height = qBound(minimumSize.height(), height, maximumSize.height()); return QSize(width, height); } /** * Constrains the frame size @p size according to a set of the window's size hints. */ QSize AbstractClient::constrainFrameSize(const QSize &size, SizeMode mode) const { const QSize unconstrainedClientSize = frameSizeToClientSize(size); const QSize constrainedClientSize = constrainClientSize(unconstrainedClientSize, mode); return clientSizeToFrameSize(constrainedClientSize); } /** * Returns @c true if the AbstractClient can be shown in full screen mode; otherwise @c false. * * Default implementation returns @c false. */ bool AbstractClient::isFullScreenable() const { return false; } /** * Returns @c true if the AbstractClient is currently being shown in full screen mode; otherwise @c false. * * A client in full screen mode occupies the entire screen with no window frame around it. * * Default implementation returns @c false. */ bool AbstractClient::isFullScreen() const { return false; } bool AbstractClient::isRequestedFullScreen() const { return isFullScreen(); } /** * Returns whether requests initiated by the user to enter or leave full screen mode are honored. * * Default implementation returns @c false. */ bool AbstractClient::userCanSetFullScreen() const { return false; } /** * Asks the AbstractClient to enter or leave full screen mode. * * Default implementation does nothing. * * @param set @c true if the AbstractClient has to be shown in full screen mode, otherwise @c false * @param user @c true if the request is initiated by the user, otherwise @c false */ void AbstractClient::setFullScreen(bool set, bool user) { Q_UNUSED(set) Q_UNUSED(user) qCWarning(KWIN_CORE, "%s doesn't support setting fullscreen state", metaObject()->className()); } /** * Returns @c true if the AbstractClient can be minimized; otherwise @c false. * * Default implementation returns @c false. */ bool AbstractClient::isMinimizable() const { return false; } /** * Returns @c true if the AbstractClient can be maximized; otherwise @c false. * * Default implementation returns @c false. */ bool AbstractClient::isMaximizable() const { return false; } /** * Returns the currently applied maximize mode. * * Default implementation returns MaximizeRestore. */ MaximizeMode AbstractClient::maximizeMode() const { return MaximizeRestore; } /** * Returns the last requested maximize mode. * * On X11, this method always matches maximizeMode(). On Wayland, it is asynchronous. * * Default implementation matches maximizeMode(). */ MaximizeMode AbstractClient::requestedMaximizeMode() const { return maximizeMode(); } /** * Returns the geometry of the AbstractClient before it was maximized or quick tiled. */ QRect AbstractClient::geometryRestore() const { return m_maximizeGeometryRestore; } /** * Sets the geometry of the AbstractClient before it was maximized or quick tiled to @p rect. */ void AbstractClient::setGeometryRestore(const QRect &rect) { m_maximizeGeometryRestore = rect; } /** * Toggles the maximized state along specified dimensions @p horizontal and @p vertical. * * If @p adjust is @c true, only frame geometry will be updated to match requestedMaximizeMode(). * * Default implementation does nothing. */ void AbstractClient::changeMaximize(bool horizontal, bool vertical, bool adjust) { Q_UNUSED(horizontal) Q_UNUSED(vertical) Q_UNUSED(adjust) qCWarning(KWIN_CORE, "%s doesn't support setting maximized state", metaObject()->className()); } void AbstractClient::invalidateDecoration() { } bool AbstractClient::noBorder() const { return true; } bool AbstractClient::userCanSetNoBorder() const { return false; } void AbstractClient::setNoBorder(bool set) { Q_UNUSED(set) qCWarning(KWIN_CORE, "%s doesn't support setting decorations", metaObject()->className()); } void AbstractClient::showOnScreenEdge() { qCWarning(KWIN_CORE, "%s doesn't support screen edge activation", metaObject()->className()); } bool AbstractClient::isPlaceable() const { return true; } QRect AbstractClient::fullscreenGeometryRestore() const { return m_fullscreenGeometryRestore; } void AbstractClient::setFullscreenGeometryRestore(const QRect &geom) { m_fullscreenGeometryRestore = geom; } void AbstractClient::cleanTabBox() { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox *tabBox = TabBox::TabBox::self(); if (tabBox && tabBox->isDisplayed() && tabBox->currentClient() == this) { tabBox->nextPrev(true); } #endif } bool AbstractClient::wantsShadowToBeRendered() const { return !isFullScreen() && maximizeMode() != MaximizeFull; } }