KWinAdvancedCompositingOptions 0 0 332 326 QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Compositing type: compositingType OpenGL XRender Keep window thumbnails: windowThumbnails Always Only for shown windows Never Enabling this option allows compositing to be activated even if some of the internal checks fail. Doing so may make the whole desktop unusable and its use is not recommened. Use only if KWin refuses to activate compositing on a system that should be capable of compositing. Disable functionality checks OpenGL Options Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter OpenGL mode: glMode Texture From Pixmap Shared Memory Fallback Texture filter: glTextureFilter Nearest (fastest) Bilinear Trilinear (best quality) Direct rendering Use VSync XRender Options Smooth scaling (slower) Qt::Vertical 20 0 glGroup xrenderGroup formLayoutWidget label_2 verticalSpacer disableChecks gridLayoutWidget disableChecks disableChecks compositingType windowThumbnails disableChecks glMode glTextureFilter glDirect glVSync xrenderSmoothScale