/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Ismael Asensio SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ #include "optionsmodel.h" #include namespace KWin { QHash OptionsModel::roleNames() const { return { {Qt::DisplayRole, QByteArrayLiteral("display")}, {Qt::DecorationRole, QByteArrayLiteral("decoration")}, {Qt::ToolTipRole, QByteArrayLiteral("tooltip")}, {Qt::UserRole, QByteArrayLiteral("value")}, {Qt::UserRole + 1, QByteArrayLiteral("iconName")}, }; } int OptionsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) { return 0; } return m_data.size(); } QVariant OptionsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!checkIndex(index, CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid | CheckIndexOption::ParentIsInvalid)) { return QVariant(); } const Data data = m_data.at(index.row()); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return data.text; case Qt::UserRole: return data.value; case Qt::DecorationRole: return data.icon; case Qt::UserRole + 1: return data.icon.name(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: return data.description; } return QVariant(); } int OptionsModel::selectedIndex() const { return m_index; } int OptionsModel::indexOf(QVariant value) const { for (int index = 0; index < m_data.count(); index++) { if (m_data.at(index).value == value) { return index; } } return -1; } QVariant OptionsModel::value() const { if (m_data.isEmpty()) { return QVariant(); } return m_data.at(m_index).value; } void OptionsModel::setValue(QVariant value) { if (this->value() == value) { return; } int index = indexOf(value); if (index >= 0 && index != m_index) { m_index = index; emit selectedIndexChanged(index); } } void OptionsModel::resetValue() { m_index = 0; emit selectedIndexChanged(m_index); } void OptionsModel::updateModelData(const QList &data) { beginResetModel(); m_data = data; endResetModel(); } RulePolicy::Type RulePolicy::type() const { return m_type; } int RulePolicy::value() const { if (m_type == RulePolicy::NoPolicy) { return Rules::Apply; // To simplify external checks when rule has no policy } return OptionsModel::value().toInt(); } QString RulePolicy::policyKey(const QString &key) const { switch (m_type) { case NoPolicy: return QString(); case StringMatch: return QStringLiteral("%1match").arg(key); case SetRule: case ForceRule: return QStringLiteral("%1rule").arg(key); } return QString(); } QList RulePolicy::policyOptions(RulePolicy::Type type) { static const auto stringMatchOptions = QList { {Rules::UnimportantMatch, i18n("Unimportant")}, {Rules::ExactMatch, i18n("Exact Match")}, {Rules::SubstringMatch, i18n("Substring Match")}, {Rules::RegExpMatch, i18n("Regular Expression")} }; static const auto setRuleOptions = QList { {Rules::DontAffect, i18n("Do Not Affect"), i18n("The window property will not be affected and therefore the default handling for it will be used." "\nSpecifying this will block more generic window settings from taking effect.")}, {Rules::Apply, i18n("Apply Initially"), i18n("The window property will be only set to the given value after the window is created." "\nNo further changes will be affected.")}, {Rules::Remember, i18n("Remember"), i18n("The value of the window property will be remembered and, every time the window" " is created, the last remembered value will be applied.")}, {Rules::Force, i18n("Force"), i18n("The window property will be always forced to the given value.")}, {Rules::ApplyNow, i18n("Apply Now"), i18n("The window property will be set to the given value immediately and will not be affected later" "\n(this action will be deleted afterwards).")}, {Rules::ForceTemporarily, i18n("Force Temporarily"), i18n("The window property will be forced to the given value until it is hidden" "\n(this action will be deleted after the window is hidden).")} }; static auto forceRuleOptions = QList { setRuleOptions.at(0), // Rules::DontAffect setRuleOptions.at(3), // Rules::Force setRuleOptions.at(5), // Rules::ForceTemporarily }; switch (type) { case NoPolicy: return {}; case StringMatch: return stringMatchOptions; case SetRule: return setRuleOptions; case ForceRule: return forceRuleOptions; } return {}; } } //namespace