config-kwin.h Nothing Meta Nothing Raise Nothing Operations menu Activate and raise Nothing Operations menu Activate, raise and pass click Activate and pass click Activate and pass click Scroll Move Toggle raise and lower Resize None None None None None None None None false Options::ClickToFocus false false true false 1 0 4 [] { #if KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS return PlacementCentered; #else return PlacementMaximizing; #endif }() KWin::Options::ActivationDesktopPolicy::SwitchToOtherDesktop false 750 300 false 250 true 10 10 0 false 0 150 350 1 true true 0.25 0.0 1.0 Maximize Maximize Maximize (vertical only) Maximize (horizontal only) 5000 true false false true false false OpenGL true 0 2 -1 2 true false 5 4 6 glx true KWin::RenderLoop::LatencyExtremelyHigh RenderTimeEstimatorMaximum true 90 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 true true true thumbnail_grid 1 0 true true XwaylandCrashPolicy::Restart 3 None