/* RISC OS KWin client Copyright 2000 Rik Hemsley This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // for enable-final #ifdef Bool #undef Bool #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../options.h" #include "../../workspace.h" #include "Static.h" using namespace KWinInternal; namespace RiscOS { /* XPM */ static const char * const texture_xpm[] = { "64 12 3 1", " c None", "a c #000000", "b c #FFFFFF", " b b b b b b b a b ", " b aa b aaa aaa b a b aab bb a ", " b b a b b b b aa b b aa ", " b b b a a b b b b aa ab ab ", " b b b b b b b ba ", " aaa aaa aa b b b b b b ", " b b bb a b aa b a a aaa a b ", " b b b b b a b b b b b", " b b b b a a b b aa b baa ", " a b a bb aa bb aa aaa b aa a ", " a a aab b b aa aab a b ", " b a b b aaa a b bb b b b b"}; void Static::_drawBorder(QPixmap & pix, int w, int h) { // 0111111113 // 1022222235 // 12 46 // 12 46 // 12 46 // 1344444476 // 3566666667 painter_.begin(&pix); painter_.translate(transx, transy); QColor c0 = down_ ? palette_[7] : palette_[0]; QColor c1 = down_ ? palette_[6] : palette_[1]; QColor c2 = down_ ? palette_[5] : palette_[2]; QColor c3 = down_ ? palette_[4] : palette_[3]; QColor c4 = down_ ? palette_[3] : palette_[4]; QColor c5 = down_ ? palette_[2] : palette_[5]; QColor c6 = down_ ? palette_[2] : palette_[6]; QColor c7 = down_ ? palette_[1] : palette_[7]; painter_.setPen(c0); painter_.drawPoint(0, 0); painter_.setPen(c1); painter_.drawPoint(1, 1); painter_.drawLine(1, 0, w - 1, 0); painter_.drawLine(0, 1, 0, h - 1); painter_.setPen(c2); painter_.drawLine(2, 1, w - 2, 1); painter_.drawLine(1, 2, 1, h - 2); painter_.setPen(c3); painter_.drawPoint(0, h); painter_.drawPoint(1, h - 1); painter_.drawPoint(w, 0); painter_.drawPoint(w - 1, 1); painter_.fillRect(2, 2, w - 2, h - 2, c3); painter_.setPen(c4); painter_.drawLine(2, h - 1, w - 2, h - 1); painter_.drawLine(w - 1, 2, w - 1, h - 2); painter_.setPen(c5); painter_.drawPoint(w, 1); painter_.drawPoint(1, h); painter_.setPen(c6); painter_.drawLine(w, 2, w, h - 1); painter_.drawLine(2, h, w - 1, h); painter_.setPen(c7); painter_.drawPoint(w - 1, h - 1); painter_.drawPoint(w, h); painter_.end(); painter_.resetXForm(); } void setPalette(Palette & pal, QColor c) { pal[3] = c.rgb(); int h, s, v; c.hsv(&h, &s, &v); if (v < 72) c.setHsv(h, s, 72); pal[0] = c.light(200).rgb(); pal[1] = c.light(166).rgb(); pal[2] = c.light(125).rgb(); pal[4] = c.dark(133).rgb(); pal[5] = c.dark(166).rgb(); pal[6] = c.dark(200).rgb(); pal[7] = c.dark(300).rgb(); } Static * Static::instance_ = 0L; void Static::_init() { hicolour_ = QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8; animationStyle_ = 0; updatePixmaps(); } void Static::reset() { updatePixmaps(); Workspace::self()->slotResetAllClientsDelayed(); } void Static::updatePixmaps() { _initSizes(); _resizeAllPixmaps(); _blankAllPixmaps(); if (hicolour_) { _initPalettes(); _initTextures(); } _drawTitleTextAreaSides(); _drawResizeCentralAreaSides(); _drawTitleTextAreaBackground(); _drawResizeCentralAreaBackground(); _drawResizeHandles(); _drawButtonBackgrounds(); } void Static::_createTexture(QPixmap & px, int t, bool active) { const QImage texture(QPixmap((const char **)texture_xpm).convertToImage()); const QRgb w(qRgb(255, 255, 255)); const QRgb b(qRgb(0, 0, 0)); QColor c(options->color(Options::ColorType(t), active)); QRgb light(c.light(110).rgb()); QRgb dark (c.dark(110).rgb()); QRgb * data(reinterpret_cast(texture.bits())); for (int x = 0; x < 64*12; x++) if (data[x] == w) data[x] = light; else if (data[x] == b) data[x] = dark; px.convertFromImage(texture); } const QPixmap & Static::buttonBase(bool active, bool down) const { if (active) if (down) return aButtonDown_; else return aButtonUp_; else if (down) return iButtonDown_; else return iButtonUp_; } void Static::_initSizes() { QFont f(options->font(true)); // XXX false doesn't work right at the moment QFontMetrics fm(f); int h = fm.height(); titleHeight_ = h + 6; if (titleHeight_ < 20) titleHeight_ = 20; buttonSize_ = titleHeight_ - 1; resizeHeight_ = 10; } void Static::_resizeAllPixmaps() { aResize_ .resize(30, resizeHeight_); iResize_ .resize(30, resizeHeight_); aTitleTextLeft_ .resize(3, titleHeight_); aTitleTextRight_ .resize(3, titleHeight_); iTitleTextLeft_ .resize(3, titleHeight_); iTitleTextRight_ .resize(3, titleHeight_); aTitleTextMid_ .resize(64, titleHeight_); iTitleTextMid_ .resize(64, titleHeight_); aResizeMidLeft_ .resize(3, resizeHeight_); aResizeMidRight_ .resize(3, resizeHeight_); iResizeMidLeft_ .resize(3, resizeHeight_); iResizeMidRight_ .resize(3, resizeHeight_); aResizeMid_ .resize(64, resizeHeight_); iResizeMid_ .resize(64, resizeHeight_); aButtonUp_ .resize(buttonSize_, buttonSize_); iButtonUp_ .resize(buttonSize_, buttonSize_); aButtonDown_ .resize(buttonSize_, buttonSize_); iButtonDown_ .resize(buttonSize_, buttonSize_); } void Static::_blankAllPixmaps() { aResize_ .fill(Qt::black); iResize_ .fill(Qt::black); aTitleTextLeft_ .fill(Qt::black); aTitleTextRight_ .fill(Qt::black); iTitleTextLeft_ .fill(Qt::black); iTitleTextRight_ .fill(Qt::black); aTitleTextMid_ .fill(Qt::black); iTitleTextMid_ .fill(Qt::black); aResizeMidLeft_ .fill(Qt::black); aResizeMidRight_ .fill(Qt::black); iResizeMidLeft_ .fill(Qt::black); iResizeMidRight_ .fill(Qt::black); aResizeMid_ .fill(Qt::black); iResizeMid_ .fill(Qt::black); aButtonUp_ .fill(Qt::black); iButtonUp_ .fill(Qt::black); aButtonDown_ .fill(Qt::black); iButtonDown_ .fill(Qt::black); } void Static::_initPalettes() { setPalette(aButPal_, options->color(Options::ButtonBg, true)); setPalette(iButPal_, options->color(Options::ButtonBg, false)); setPalette(aTitlePal_, options->color(Options::TitleBar, true)); setPalette(iTitlePal_, options->color(Options::TitleBar, false)); setPalette(aResizePal_, options->color(Options::TitleBar, true)); setPalette(iResizePal_, options->color(Options::TitleBar, false)); } void Static::_initTextures() { _createTexture(aTexture_, Options::TitleBar, true); _createTexture(iTexture_, Options::TitleBar, false); _createTexture(abTexture_, Options::ButtonBg, true); _createTexture(ibTexture_, Options::ButtonBg, false); } void Static::_drawTitleTextAreaSides() { QPixmap temp(4, titleHeight_); temp.fill(Qt::black); transx = transy = 0.0; palette_ = aTitlePal_; down_ = false; _drawBorder(temp, 4, titleHeight_ - 2); painter_.begin(&aTitleTextLeft_); painter_.drawPixmap(1, 1, temp, 0, 1); painter_.end(); painter_.begin(&aTitleTextRight_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 2, 1); painter_.end(); palette_ = iTitlePal_; _drawBorder(temp, 4, titleHeight_ - 2); painter_.begin(&iTitleTextLeft_); painter_.drawPixmap(1, 1, temp, 0, 1); painter_.end(); painter_.begin(&iTitleTextRight_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 2, 1); painter_.end(); } void Static::_drawResizeCentralAreaSides() { QPixmap temp(4, resizeHeight_); temp.fill(Qt::black); transy = 1.0; palette_ = aResizePal_; _drawBorder(temp, 4, resizeHeight_ - 3); painter_.begin(&aResizeMidLeft_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 0, 1); painter_.end(); painter_.begin(&aResizeMidRight_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 2, 1); painter_.end(); palette_ = iResizePal_; _drawBorder(temp, 4, resizeHeight_ - 3); painter_.begin(&iResizeMidLeft_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 0, 1); painter_.end(); painter_.begin(&iResizeMidRight_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 2, 1); painter_.end(); } void Static::_drawTitleTextAreaBackground() { QPixmap temp(70, titleHeight_); temp.fill(Qt::black); transx = transy = 0.0; palette_ = aTitlePal_; _drawBorder(temp, 70, titleHeight_ - 3); painter_.begin(&aTitleTextMid_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 2, 0); if (hicolour_) painter_.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, 64, titleHeight_ - 8, aTexture_); painter_.end(); palette_ = iTitlePal_; _drawBorder(temp, 70, titleHeight_ - 3); painter_.begin(&iTitleTextMid_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 1, temp, 2, 0); if (hicolour_) painter_.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, 64, titleHeight_ - 8, iTexture_); painter_.end(); } void Static::_drawResizeCentralAreaBackground() { QPixmap temp(70, titleHeight_); temp.fill(Qt::black); transy = 1.0; palette_ = aResizePal_; _drawBorder(temp, 70, resizeHeight_ - 3); painter_.begin(&aResizeMid_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 0, temp, 2, 0); if (hicolour_) painter_.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, 64, resizeHeight_ - 8, aTexture_); painter_.end(); palette_ = iResizePal_; _drawBorder(temp, 70, 7); painter_.begin(&iResizeMid_); painter_.drawPixmap(0, 0, temp, 2, 0); if (hicolour_) painter_.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, 64, resizeHeight_ - 8, iTexture_); painter_.end(); } void Static::_drawResizeHandles() { transx = transy = 1.0; down_ = false; palette_ = aResizePal_; _drawBorder(aResize_, 28, resizeHeight_ - 3); if (hicolour_) { painter_.begin(&aResize_); painter_.drawTiledPixmap(4, 4, 20, resizeHeight_ - 8, aTexture_); painter_.end(); } palette_ = iResizePal_; _drawBorder(iResize_, 28, resizeHeight_ - 3); if (hicolour_) { painter_.begin(&iResize_); painter_.drawTiledPixmap(4, 4, 20, resizeHeight_ - 8, iTexture_); painter_.end(); } } void Static::_drawButtonBackgrounds() { buttonSize_ -= 2; down_ = false; transx = 0.0; transy = 1.0; palette_ = aButPal_; _drawBorder(aButtonUp_, buttonSize_, buttonSize_); down_ = true; _drawBorder(aButtonDown_, buttonSize_, buttonSize_); palette_ = iButPal_; _drawBorder(iButtonDown_, buttonSize_, buttonSize_); down_ = false; _drawBorder(iButtonUp_, buttonSize_, buttonSize_); painter_.begin(&aButtonUp_); if (hicolour_) painter_.drawTiledPixmap (2, 4, buttonSize_ - 4, buttonSize_ - 5, abTexture_); painter_.end(); painter_.begin(&iButtonUp_); if (hicolour_) painter_.drawTiledPixmap (2, 4, buttonSize_ - 4, buttonSize_ - 5, ibTexture_); painter_.end(); } } // End namespace // vim:ts=2:sw=2:tw=78