/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Ismael Asensio SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 as QQC2 import QtQml.Models 2.14 import org.kde.kcm 1.2 import org.kde.kirigami 2.12 as Kirigami ScrollViewKCM { id: rulesListKCM // FIXME: ScrollViewKCM.qml:73:13: QML Control: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight" implicitWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 35 implicitHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 25 ConfigModule.columnWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 23 ConfigModule.buttons: ConfigModule.Apply property var selectedIndexes: [] // Manage KCM pages Connections { target: kcm function onEditIndexChanged() { if (kcm.editIndex < 0) { // If no rule is being edited, hide RulesEdidor page kcm.pop(); } else if (kcm.depth < 2) { // Add the RulesEditor page if it wasn't already kcm.push("RulesEditor.qml"); } } } view: ListView { id: ruleBookView clip: true model: kcm.ruleBookModel currentIndex: kcm.editIndex delegate: Kirigami.DelegateRecycler { width: ruleBookView.width sourceComponent: ruleBookDelegate } highlightMoveDuration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration displaced: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "y"; duration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration } } Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage { visible: ruleBookView.count === 0 anchors.centerIn: parent width: parent.width - (units.largeSpacing * 4) text: i18n("No rules for specific windows are currently set"); } } header: Kirigami.InlineMessage { id: exportInfo icon.source: "document-export" showCloseButton: true text: i18n("Select the rules to export") actions: [ Kirigami.Action { iconName: "object-select-symbolic" text: checked ? i18n("Unselect All") : i18n("Select All") checkable: true checked: selectedIndexes.length === ruleBookView.count onToggled: { if (checked) { selectedIndexes = [...Array(ruleBookView.count).keys()] } else { selectedIndexes = []; } } } , Kirigami.Action { iconName: "document-save" text: i18n("Save Rules") enabled: selectedIndexes.length > 0 onTriggered: { exportDialog.active = true; } } ] } footer: RowLayout { QQC2.Button { text: i18n("Add New...") icon.name: "list-add-symbolic" enabled: !exportInfo.visible onClicked: { kcm.createRule(); } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } QQC2.Button { text: i18n("Import...") icon.name: "document-import" enabled: !exportInfo.visible onClicked: { importDialog.active = true; } } QQC2.Button { text: checked ? i18n("Cancel Export") : i18n("Export...") icon.name: exportInfo.visible ? "dialog-cancel" : "document-export" enabled: ruleBookView.count > 0 checkable: true checked: exportInfo.visible onToggled: { selectedIndexes = [] exportInfo.visible = checked; } } } Component { id: ruleBookDelegate Kirigami.SwipeListItem { id: ruleBookItem RowLayout { //FIXME: If not used within DelegateRecycler, item goes on top of the first item when clicked Kirigami.ListItemDragHandle { visible: !exportInfo.visible listItem: ruleBookItem listView: ruleBookView onMoveRequested: { kcm.moveRule(oldIndex, newIndex); } } QQC2.TextField { id: descriptionField Layout.minimumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2 Layout.fillWidth: true background: Item {} horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft text: model && model.display onEditingFinished: { kcm.setRuleDescription(index, text); } Keys.onPressed: { switch (event.key) { case Qt.Key_Escape: // On key reset to model data before losing focus text = model.display; case Qt.Key_Enter: case Qt.Key_Return: case Qt.Key_Tab: ruleBookItem.forceActiveFocus(); event.accepted = true; break; } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: exportInfo.visible cursorShape: enabled ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.IBeamCursor onClicked: { itemSelectionCheck.toggle(); itemSelectionCheck.toggled(); } } } QQC2.CheckBox { id: itemSelectionCheck visible: exportInfo.visible checked: selectedIndexes.includes(index) onToggled: { var position = selectedIndexes.indexOf(index); if (checked) { if (position < 0) { selectedIndexes.push(index); } } else { if (position >= 0) { selectedIndexes.splice(position, 1); } } selectedIndexesChanged(); } } } actions: [ Kirigami.Action { text: i18n("Edit") iconName: "edit-entry" visible: !exportInfo.visible onTriggered: { kcm.editRule(index); } } , Kirigami.Action { text: i18n("Duplicate") iconName: "edit-duplicate" visible: !exportInfo.visible onTriggered: { kcm.duplicateRule(index); } } , Kirigami.Action { text: i18n("Delete") iconName: "entry-delete" visible: !exportInfo.visible onTriggered: { kcm.removeRule(index); } } ] } } FileDialogLoader { id: importDialog title: i18n("Import Rules") isSaveDialog: false onLastFolderChanged: { exportDialog.lastFolder = lastFolder; } onFileSelected: { kcm.importFromFile(path); } } FileDialogLoader { id: exportDialog title: i18n("Export Rules") isSaveDialog: true onLastFolderChanged: { importDialog.lastFolder = lastFolder; } onFileSelected: { selectedIndexes.sort(); kcm.exportToFile(path, selectedIndexes); exportInfo.visible = false; } } }