KWinScreenEdgesConfigUI 0 0 500 525 500 525 You can trigger an action by pushing the mouse cursor against the corresponding screen edge or corner. true Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Minimum 20 20 200 200 Qt::StrongFocus Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignTop &Maximize: kcfg_ElectricBorderMaximize Windows dragged to top edge &Tile: quickTileBox Windows dragged to left or right edge Trigger &quarter tiling in: electricBorderCornerRatioSpin false % Outer 1 49 false of the screen Change desktop when the mouse cursor is pushed against the edge of the screen &Switch desktop on edge: kcfg_ElectricBorders Disabled Only When Moving Windows Always Enabled Amount of time required for the mouse cursor to be pushed against the edge of the screen before the action is triggered Activation &delay: kcfg_ElectricBorderDelay ms 1000 50 0 true Amount of time required after triggering an action until the next trigger can occur &Reactivation delay: kcfg_ElectricBorderCooldown true ms 1000 50 0 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 4 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding KComboBox QComboBox
KWin::Monitor QWidget
kcfg_ElectricBorderTiling toggled(bool) label_1 setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 kcfg_ElectricBorderTiling toggled(bool) electricBorderCornerRatioSpin setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 kcfg_ElectricBorderTiling toggled(bool) electricBorderCornerRatioLabel setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20