/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Rivo Laks <rivolaks@hot.ee> SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef KWIN_GLUTILS_FUNCS_H #define KWIN_GLUTILS_FUNCS_H #include <kwinglutils_export.h> #include <epoxy/gl.h> #include <functional> // qopengl.h declares GLdouble as a typedef of float when Qt is built // with GLES support. This conflicts with the epoxy/gl_generated.h // declaration, so we have to prevent the Qt header from being #included. #define QOPENGL_H #ifndef QOPENGLF_APIENTRY #define QOPENGLF_APIENTRY GLAPIENTRY #endif #ifndef QOPENGLF_APIENTRYP #define QOPENGLF_APIENTRYP GLAPIENTRYP #endif namespace KWin { typedef void (*resolveFuncPtr)(); void KWINGLUTILS_EXPORT glResolveFunctions(const std::function<resolveFuncPtr(const char*)> &resolveFunction); // GL_ARB_robustness / GL_EXT_robustness using glGetGraphicsResetStatus_func = GLenum (*)(); using glReadnPixels_func = void (*)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *data); using glGetnUniformfv_func = void (*)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *params); extern KWINGLUTILS_EXPORT glGetGraphicsResetStatus_func glGetGraphicsResetStatus; extern KWINGLUTILS_EXPORT glReadnPixels_func glReadnPixels; extern KWINGLUTILS_EXPORT glGetnUniformfv_func glGetnUniformfv; } // namespace #endif // KWIN_GLUTILS_FUNCS_H