/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Lubos Lunak SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "composite.h" #include "dbusinterface.h" #include "x11client.h" #include "decorations/decoratedclient.h" #include "deleted.h" #include "effects.h" #include "internal_client.h" #include "overlaywindow.h" #include "platform.h" #include "scene.h" #include "screens.h" #include "shadow.h" #include "unmanaged.h" #include "useractions.h" #include "utils.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "xcbutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWin::X11Compositor::SuspendReason) namespace KWin { // See main.cpp: extern int screen_number; extern bool is_multihead; extern int currentRefreshRate(); Compositor *Compositor::s_compositor = nullptr; Compositor *Compositor::self() { return s_compositor; } WaylandCompositor *WaylandCompositor::create(QObject *parent) { Q_ASSERT(!s_compositor); auto *compositor = new WaylandCompositor(parent); s_compositor = compositor; return compositor; } X11Compositor *X11Compositor::create(QObject *parent) { Q_ASSERT(!s_compositor); auto *compositor = new X11Compositor(parent); s_compositor = compositor; return compositor; } class CompositorSelectionOwner : public KSelectionOwner { Q_OBJECT public: CompositorSelectionOwner(const char *selection) : KSelectionOwner(selection, connection(), rootWindow()) , m_owning(false) { connect (this, &CompositorSelectionOwner::lostOwnership, this, [this]() { m_owning = false; }); } bool owning() const { return m_owning; } void setOwning(bool own) { m_owning = own; } private: bool m_owning; }; static inline qint64 milliToNano(int milli) { return qint64(milli) * 1000 * 1000; } static inline qint64 nanoToMilli(int nano) { return nano / (1000*1000); } Compositor::Compositor(QObject* workspace) : QObject(workspace) , m_state(State::Off) , m_selectionOwner(nullptr) , vBlankInterval(0) , fpsInterval(0) , m_timeSinceLastVBlank(0) , m_scene(nullptr) , m_bufferSwapPending(false) , m_composeAtSwapCompletion(false) { connect(options, &Options::configChanged, this, &Compositor::configChanged); connect(options, &Options::animationSpeedChanged, this, &Compositor::configChanged); m_monotonicClock.start(); // 2 sec which should be enough to restart the compositor. static const int compositorLostMessageDelay = 2000; m_releaseSelectionTimer.setSingleShot(true); m_releaseSelectionTimer.setInterval(compositorLostMessageDelay); connect(&m_releaseSelectionTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Compositor::releaseCompositorSelection); m_unusedSupportPropertyTimer.setInterval(compositorLostMessageDelay); m_unusedSupportPropertyTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_unusedSupportPropertyTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Compositor::deleteUnusedSupportProperties); // Delay the call to start by one event cycle. // The ctor of this class is invoked from the Workspace ctor, that means before // Workspace is completely constructed, so calling Workspace::self() would result // in undefined behavior. This is fixed by using a delayed invocation. if (kwinApp()->platform()->isReady()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &Compositor::start); } connect(kwinApp()->platform(), &Platform::readyChanged, this, [this] (bool ready) { if (ready) { start(); } else { stop(); } }, Qt::QueuedConnection ); if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("KWIN_MAX_FRAMES_TESTED")) m_framesToTestForSafety = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("KWIN_MAX_FRAMES_TESTED"); // register DBus new CompositorDBusInterface(this); } Compositor::~Compositor() { emit aboutToDestroy(); stop(); deleteUnusedSupportProperties(); destroyCompositorSelection(); s_compositor = nullptr; } bool Compositor::setupStart() { if (kwinApp()->isTerminating()) { // Don't start while KWin is terminating. An event to restart might be lingering // in the event queue due to graphics reset. return false; } if (m_state != State::Off) { return false; } m_state = State::Starting; options->reloadCompositingSettings(true); initializeX11(); // There might still be a deleted around, needs to be cleared before // creating the scene (BUG 333275). if (Workspace::self()) { while (!Workspace::self()->deletedList().isEmpty()) { Workspace::self()->deletedList().first()->discard(); } } emit aboutToToggleCompositing(); auto supportedCompositors = kwinApp()->platform()->supportedCompositors(); const auto userConfigIt = std::find(supportedCompositors.begin(), supportedCompositors.end(), options->compositingMode()); if (userConfigIt != supportedCompositors.end()) { supportedCompositors.erase(userConfigIt); supportedCompositors.prepend(options->compositingMode()); } else { qCWarning(KWIN_CORE) << "Configured compositor not supported by Platform. Falling back to defaults"; } const auto availablePlugins = KPluginLoader::findPlugins(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kwin.scenes")); for (const KPluginMetaData &pluginMetaData : availablePlugins) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Available scene plugin:" << pluginMetaData.fileName(); } for (auto type : qAsConst(supportedCompositors)) { switch (type) { case XRenderCompositing: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Attempting to load the XRender scene"; break; case OpenGLCompositing: case OpenGL2Compositing: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Attempting to load the OpenGL scene"; break; case QPainterCompositing: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Attempting to load the QPainter scene"; break; case NoCompositing: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } const auto pluginIt = std::find_if(availablePlugins.begin(), availablePlugins.end(), [type] (const auto &plugin) { const auto &metaData = plugin.rawData(); auto it = metaData.find(QStringLiteral("CompositingType")); if (it != metaData.end()) { if ((*it).toInt() == int{type}) { return true; } } return false; }); if (pluginIt != availablePlugins.end()) { std::unique_ptr factory{ qobject_cast(pluginIt->instantiate()) }; if (factory) { m_scene = factory->create(this); if (m_scene) { if (!m_scene->initFailed()) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Instantiated compositing plugin:" << pluginIt->name(); break; } else { delete m_scene; m_scene = nullptr; } } } } } if (m_scene == nullptr || m_scene->initFailed()) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "Failed to initialize compositing, compositing disabled"; m_state = State::Off; delete m_scene; m_scene = nullptr; if (m_selectionOwner) { m_selectionOwner->setOwning(false); m_selectionOwner->release(); } if (!supportedCompositors.contains(NoCompositing)) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "The used windowing system requires compositing"; qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "We are going to quit KWin now as it is broken"; qApp->quit(); } return false; } CompositingType compositingType = m_scene->compositingType(); if (compositingType & OpenGLCompositing) { // Override for OpenGl sub-type OpenGL2Compositing. compositingType = OpenGLCompositing; } kwinApp()->platform()->setSelectedCompositor(compositingType); if (!Workspace::self() && m_scene && m_scene->compositingType() == QPainterCompositing) { // Force Software QtQuick on first startup with QPainter. QQuickWindow::setSceneGraphBackend(QSGRendererInterface::Software); } connect(m_scene, &Scene::resetCompositing, this, &Compositor::reinitialize); emit sceneCreated(); return true; } void Compositor::initializeX11() { xcb_connection_t *connection = kwinApp()->x11Connection(); if (!connection) { return; } if (!m_selectionOwner) { char selection_name[ 100 ]; sprintf(selection_name, "_NET_WM_CM_S%d", Application::x11ScreenNumber()); m_selectionOwner = new CompositorSelectionOwner(selection_name); connect(m_selectionOwner, &CompositorSelectionOwner::lostOwnership, this, &Compositor::stop); } if (!m_selectionOwner->owning()) { // Force claim ownership. m_selectionOwner->claim(true); m_selectionOwner->setOwning(true); } xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows(connection, kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), XCB_COMPOSITE_REDIRECT_MANUAL); } void Compositor::cleanupX11() { delete m_selectionOwner; m_selectionOwner = nullptr; } void Compositor::startupWithWorkspace() { connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionChanged, this, &Compositor::initializeX11, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionAboutToBeDestroyed, this, &Compositor::cleanupX11, Qt::UniqueConnection); initializeX11(); Workspace::self()->markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); Q_ASSERT(m_scene); connect(workspace(), &Workspace::destroyed, this, [this] { compositeTimer.stop(); }); fpsInterval = options->maxFpsInterval(); if (m_scene->syncsToVBlank()) { // If we do vsync, set the fps to the next multiple of the vblank rate. vBlankInterval = milliToNano(1000) / currentRefreshRate(); fpsInterval = qMax((fpsInterval / vBlankInterval) * vBlankInterval, vBlankInterval); } else { // No vsync - DO NOT set "0", would cause div-by-zero segfaults. vBlankInterval = milliToNano(1); } // Sets also the 'effects' pointer. kwinApp()->platform()->createEffectsHandler(this, m_scene); connect(Workspace::self(), &Workspace::deletedRemoved, m_scene, &Scene::removeToplevel); connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::screenGeometryChanged, this, &Compositor::addRepaintFull); for (X11Client *c : Workspace::self()->clientList()) { c->setupCompositing(); c->updateShadow(); } for (Unmanaged *c : Workspace::self()->unmanagedList()) { c->setupCompositing(); c->updateShadow(); } for (InternalClient *client : workspace()->internalClients()) { client->setupCompositing(); client->updateShadow(); } if (auto *server = waylandServer()) { const auto clients = server->clients(); for (AbstractClient *c : clients) { c->setupCompositing(); c->updateShadow(); } } m_state = State::On; emit compositingToggled(true); if (m_releaseSelectionTimer.isActive()) { m_releaseSelectionTimer.stop(); } // Render at least once. addRepaintFull(); performCompositing(); } void Compositor::scheduleRepaint() { if (!compositeTimer.isActive()) setCompositeTimer(); } void Compositor::stop() { if (m_state == State::Off || m_state == State::Stopping) { return; } m_state = State::Stopping; emit aboutToToggleCompositing(); m_releaseSelectionTimer.start(); // Some effects might need access to effect windows when they are about to // be destroyed, for example to unreference deleted windows, so we have to // make sure that effect windows outlive effects. delete effects; effects = nullptr; if (Workspace::self()) { for (X11Client *c : Workspace::self()->clientList()) { m_scene->removeToplevel(c); } for (Unmanaged *c : Workspace::self()->unmanagedList()) { m_scene->removeToplevel(c); } for (InternalClient *client : workspace()->internalClients()) { m_scene->removeToplevel(client); } for (X11Client *c : Workspace::self()->clientList()) { c->finishCompositing(); } for (Unmanaged *c : Workspace::self()->unmanagedList()) { c->finishCompositing(); } for (InternalClient *client : workspace()->internalClients()) { client->finishCompositing(); } if (auto *con = kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows(con, kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), XCB_COMPOSITE_REDIRECT_MANUAL); } while (!workspace()->deletedList().isEmpty()) { workspace()->deletedList().first()->discard(); } } if (waylandServer()) { for (AbstractClient *c : waylandServer()->clients()) { m_scene->removeToplevel(c); } for (AbstractClient *c : waylandServer()->clients()) { c->finishCompositing(); } } delete m_scene; m_scene = nullptr; compositeTimer.stop(); repaints_region = QRegion(); m_state = State::Off; emit compositingToggled(false); } void Compositor::destroyCompositorSelection() { delete m_selectionOwner; m_selectionOwner = nullptr; } void Compositor::releaseCompositorSelection() { switch (m_state) { case State::On: // We are compositing at the moment. Don't release. break; case State::Off: if (m_selectionOwner) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Releasing compositor selection"; m_selectionOwner->setOwning(false); m_selectionOwner->release(); } break; case State::Starting: case State::Stopping: // Still starting or shutting down the compositor. Starting might fail // or after stopping a restart might follow. So test again later on. m_releaseSelectionTimer.start(); break; } } void Compositor::keepSupportProperty(xcb_atom_t atom) { m_unusedSupportProperties.removeAll(atom); } void Compositor::removeSupportProperty(xcb_atom_t atom) { m_unusedSupportProperties << atom; m_unusedSupportPropertyTimer.start(); } void Compositor::deleteUnusedSupportProperties() { if (m_state == State::Starting || m_state == State::Stopping) { // Currently still maybe restarting the compositor. m_unusedSupportPropertyTimer.start(); return; } if (auto *con = kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { for (const xcb_atom_t &atom : qAsConst(m_unusedSupportProperties)) { // remove property from root window xcb_delete_property(con, kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), atom); } m_unusedSupportProperties.clear(); } } void Compositor::configChanged() { reinitialize(); addRepaintFull(); } void Compositor::reinitialize() { // Reparse config. Config options will be reloaded by start() kwinApp()->config()->reparseConfiguration(); // Restart compositing stop(); start(); if (effects) { // start() may fail effects->reconfigure(); } } void Compositor::addRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (m_state != State::On) { return; } repaints_region += QRegion(x, y, w, h); scheduleRepaint(); } void Compositor::addRepaint(const QRect& r) { if (m_state != State::On) { return; } repaints_region += r; scheduleRepaint(); } void Compositor::addRepaint(const QRegion& r) { if (m_state != State::On) { return; } repaints_region += r; scheduleRepaint(); } void Compositor::addRepaintFull() { if (m_state != State::On) { return; } const QSize &s = screens()->size(); repaints_region = QRegion(0, 0, s.width(), s.height()); scheduleRepaint(); } void Compositor::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *te) { if (te->timerId() == compositeTimer.timerId()) { performCompositing(); } else QObject::timerEvent(te); } void Compositor::aboutToSwapBuffers() { m_bufferSwapPending = true; } void Compositor::bufferSwapComplete() { Q_ASSERT(m_bufferSwapPending); m_bufferSwapPending = false; emit bufferSwapCompleted(); if (m_composeAtSwapCompletion) { m_composeAtSwapCompletion = false; performCompositing(); } } void Compositor::performCompositing() { // If a buffer swap is still pending, we return to the event loop and // continue processing events until the swap has completed. if (m_bufferSwapPending) { m_composeAtSwapCompletion = true; compositeTimer.stop(); return; } // If outputs are disabled, we return to the event loop and // continue processing events until the outputs are enabled again if (!kwinApp()->platform()->areOutputsEnabled()) { compositeTimer.stop(); return; } // Create a list of all windows in the stacking order QList windows = Workspace::self()->xStackingOrder(); QList damaged; // Reset the damage state of each window and fetch the damage region // without waiting for a reply for (Toplevel *win : qAsConst(windows)) { if (win->resetAndFetchDamage()) { damaged << win; } } if (damaged.count() > 0) { m_scene->triggerFence(); if (auto c = kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { xcb_flush(c); } } // Move elevated windows to the top of the stacking order for (EffectWindow *c : static_cast(effects)->elevatedWindows()) { Toplevel *t = static_cast(c)->window(); windows.removeAll(t); windows.append(t); } // Get the replies for (Toplevel *win : qAsConst(damaged)) { // Discard the cached lanczos texture if (win->effectWindow()) { const QVariant texture = win->effectWindow()->data(LanczosCacheRole); if (texture.isValid()) { delete static_cast(texture.value()); win->effectWindow()->setData(LanczosCacheRole, QVariant()); } } win->getDamageRegionReply(); } if (repaints_region.isEmpty() && !windowRepaintsPending()) { m_scene->idle(); m_timeSinceLastVBlank = fpsInterval - (options->vBlankTime() + 1); // means "start now" // Note: It would seem here we should undo suspended unredirect, but when scenes need // it for some reason, e.g. transformations or translucency, the next pass that does not // need this anymore and paints normally will also reset the suspended unredirect. // Otherwise the window would not be painted normally anyway. compositeTimer.stop(); return; } // Skip windows that are not yet ready for being painted and if screen is locked skip windows // that are neither lockscreen nor inputmethod windows. // // TODO? This cannot be used so carelessly - needs protections against broken clients, the // window should not get focus before it's displayed, handle unredirected windows properly and // so on. for (Toplevel *win : windows) { if (!win->readyForPainting()) { windows.removeAll(win); } if (waylandServer() && waylandServer()->isScreenLocked()) { if(!win->isLockScreen() && !win->isInputMethod()) { windows.removeAll(win); } } } QRegion repaints = repaints_region; // clear all repaints, so that post-pass can add repaints for the next repaint repaints_region = QRegion(); const std::chrono::nanoseconds now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); const std::chrono::milliseconds presentTime = std::chrono::duration_cast(now); if (m_framesToTestForSafety > 0 && (m_scene->compositingType() & OpenGLCompositing)) { kwinApp()->platform()->createOpenGLSafePoint(Platform::OpenGLSafePoint::PreFrame); } m_renderTimer.start(); if (kwinApp()->platform()->isPerScreenRenderingEnabled()) { for (int screenId = 0; screenId < screens()->count(); ++screenId) { m_scene->paint(screenId, repaints, windows, presentTime); } } else { m_scene->paint(-1, repaints, windows, presentTime); } m_timeSinceLastVBlank = m_renderTimer.elapsed(); if (m_framesToTestForSafety > 0) { if (m_scene->compositingType() & OpenGLCompositing) { kwinApp()->platform()->createOpenGLSafePoint(Platform::OpenGLSafePoint::PostFrame); } m_framesToTestForSafety--; if (m_framesToTestForSafety == 0 && (m_scene->compositingType() & OpenGLCompositing)) { kwinApp()->platform()->createOpenGLSafePoint( Platform::OpenGLSafePoint::PostLastGuardedFrame); } } if (waylandServer()) { const auto currentTime = static_cast(m_monotonicClock.elapsed()); for (Toplevel *win : qAsConst(windows)) { if (auto surface = win->surface()) { surface->frameRendered(currentTime); } } if (!kwinApp()->platform()->isCursorHidden()) { Cursors::self()->currentCursor()->markAsRendered(); } } // Stop here to ensure *we* cause the next repaint schedule - not some effect // through m_scene->paint(). compositeTimer.stop(); // Trigger at least one more pass even if there would be nothing to paint, so that scene->idle() // is called the next time. If there would be nothing pending, it will not restart the timer and // scheduleRepaint() would restart it again somewhen later, called from functions that // would again add something pending. if (m_bufferSwapPending && m_scene->syncsToVBlank()) { m_composeAtSwapCompletion = true; } else { scheduleRepaint(); } } template static bool repaintsPending(const QList &windows) { return std::any_of(windows.begin(), windows.end(), [](const T *t) { return t->wantsRepaint(); }); } bool Compositor::windowRepaintsPending() const { if (repaintsPending(Workspace::self()->clientList())) { return true; } if (repaintsPending(Workspace::self()->unmanagedList())) { return true; } if (repaintsPending(Workspace::self()->deletedList())) { return true; } if (auto *server = waylandServer()) { const auto &clients = server->clients(); auto test = [](const AbstractClient *c) { return c->readyForPainting() && c->wantsRepaint(); }; if (std::any_of(clients.begin(), clients.end(), test)) { return true; } } const auto &internalClients = workspace()->internalClients(); auto internalTest = [] (const InternalClient *client) { return client->isShown(true) && client->wantsRepaint(); }; if (std::any_of(internalClients.begin(), internalClients.end(), internalTest)) { return true; } return false; } void Compositor::setCompositeTimer() { if (m_state != State::On) { return; } // Don't start the timer if we're waiting for a swap event if (m_bufferSwapPending && m_composeAtSwapCompletion) return; // Don't start the timer if all outputs are disabled if (!kwinApp()->platform()->areOutputsEnabled()) { return; } uint waitTime = 1; if (fpsInterval > m_timeSinceLastVBlank) { waitTime = nanoToMilli(fpsInterval - m_timeSinceLastVBlank); if (!waitTime) { // Will ensure we don't block out the eventloop - the system's just not faster ... waitTime = 1; } } /* else if (m_scene->syncsToVBlank() && m_timeSinceLastVBlank - fpsInterval < (vBlankInterval<<1)) { // NOTICE - "for later" ------------------------------------------------------------------ // It can happen that we push two frames within one refresh cycle. // Swapping will then block even with triple buffering when the GPU does not discard but // queues frames // now here's the mean part: if we take that as "OMG, we're late - next frame ASAP", // there'll immediately be 2 frames in the pipe, swapping will block, we think we're // late ... ewww // so instead we pad to the clock again and add 2ms safety to ensure the pipe is really // free // NOTICE: obviously m_timeSinceLastVBlank can be too big because we're too slow as well // So if this code was enabled, we'd needlessly half the framerate once more (15 instead of 30) waitTime = nanoToMilli(vBlankInterval - (m_timeSinceLastVBlank - fpsInterval)%vBlankInterval) + 2; }*/ else { // "0" would be sufficient here, but the compositor isn't the WMs only task. waitTime = 1; } // Force 4fps minimum: compositeTimer.start(qMin(waitTime, 250u), this); } bool Compositor::isActive() { return m_state == State::On; } WaylandCompositor::WaylandCompositor(QObject *parent) : Compositor(parent) { connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionAboutToBeDestroyed, this, &WaylandCompositor::destroyCompositorSelection); } void WaylandCompositor::toggleCompositing() { // For the shortcut. Not possible on Wayland because we always composite. } void WaylandCompositor::start() { if (!Compositor::setupStart()) { // Internal setup failed, abort. return; } if (Workspace::self()) { startupWithWorkspace(); } else { connect(kwinApp(), &Application::workspaceCreated, this, &WaylandCompositor::startupWithWorkspace); } } int WaylandCompositor::refreshRate() const { // TODO: This makes no sense on Wayland. First step would be to atleast // set the refresh rate to the highest available one. Second step // would be to not use a uniform value at all but per screen. return KWin::currentRefreshRate(); } X11Compositor::X11Compositor(QObject *parent) : Compositor(parent) , m_suspended(options->isUseCompositing() ? NoReasonSuspend : UserSuspend) , m_xrrRefreshRate(0) { } void X11Compositor::toggleCompositing() { if (m_suspended) { // Direct user call; clear all bits. resume(AllReasonSuspend); } else { // But only set the user one (sufficient to suspend). suspend(UserSuspend); } } void X11Compositor::reinitialize() { // Resume compositing if suspended. m_suspended = NoReasonSuspend; Compositor::reinitialize(); } void X11Compositor::configChanged() { if (m_suspended) { stop(); return; } Compositor::configChanged(); } void X11Compositor::suspend(X11Compositor::SuspendReason reason) { Q_ASSERT(reason != NoReasonSuspend); m_suspended |= reason; if (reason & ScriptSuspend) { // When disabled show a shortcut how the user can get back compositing. const auto shortcuts = KGlobalAccel::self()->shortcut( workspace()->findChild(QStringLiteral("Suspend Compositing"))); if (!shortcuts.isEmpty()) { // Display notification only if there is the shortcut. const QString message = i18n("Desktop effects have been suspended by another application.
" "You can resume using the '%1' shortcut.", shortcuts.first().toString(QKeySequence::NativeText)); KNotification::event(QStringLiteral("compositingsuspendeddbus"), message); } } stop(); } void X11Compositor::resume(X11Compositor::SuspendReason reason) { Q_ASSERT(reason != NoReasonSuspend); m_suspended &= ~reason; start(); } void X11Compositor::start() { if (m_suspended) { QStringList reasons; if (m_suspended & UserSuspend) { reasons << QStringLiteral("Disabled by User"); } if (m_suspended & BlockRuleSuspend) { reasons << QStringLiteral("Disabled by Window"); } if (m_suspended & ScriptSuspend) { reasons << QStringLiteral("Disabled by Script"); } qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Compositing is suspended, reason:" << reasons; return; } else if (!kwinApp()->platform()->compositingPossible()) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "Compositing is not possible"; return; } if (!Compositor::setupStart()) { // Internal setup failed, abort. return; } m_xrrRefreshRate = KWin::currentRefreshRate(); startupWithWorkspace(); } void X11Compositor::performCompositing() { if (scene()->usesOverlayWindow() && !isOverlayWindowVisible()) { // Return since nothing is visible. return; } Compositor::performCompositing(); } bool X11Compositor::checkForOverlayWindow(WId w) const { if (!scene()) { // No scene, so it cannot be the overlay window. return false; } if (!scene()->overlayWindow()) { // No overlay window, it cannot be the overlay. return false; } // Compare the window ID's. return w == scene()->overlayWindow()->window(); } bool X11Compositor::isOverlayWindowVisible() const { if (!scene()) { return false; } if (!scene()->overlayWindow()) { return false; } return scene()->overlayWindow()->isVisible(); } int X11Compositor::refreshRate() const { return m_xrrRefreshRate; } void X11Compositor::updateClientCompositeBlocking(X11Client *c) { if (c) { if (c->isBlockingCompositing()) { // Do NOT attempt to call suspend(true) from within the eventchain! if (!(m_suspended & BlockRuleSuspend)) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this]() { suspend(BlockRuleSuspend); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } else if (m_suspended & BlockRuleSuspend) { // If !c we just check if we can resume in case a blocking client was lost. bool shouldResume = true; for (auto it = Workspace::self()->clientList().constBegin(); it != Workspace::self()->clientList().constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isBlockingCompositing()) { shouldResume = false; break; } } if (shouldResume) { // Do NOT attempt to call suspend(false) from within the eventchain! QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this]() { resume(BlockRuleSuspend); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } } X11Compositor *X11Compositor::self() { return qobject_cast(Compositor::self()); } } // included for CompositorSelectionOwner #include "composite.moc"