/* RISC OS KWin client Copyright 2000 Rik Hemsley This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include // for usleep #include // for usleep on non-linux platforms #include // for sin and cos #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../options.h" #include "../../workspace.h" #include #include "Manager.h" #include "Static.h" #include "LowerButton.h" #include "CloseButton.h" #include "IconifyButton.h" #include "MaximiseButton.h" #include "StickyButton.h" #include "HelpButton.h" extern "C" { KWinInternal::Client * allocate(KWinInternal::Workspace * workSpace, WId winId, int tool) { if (tool) return new RiscOS::ToolManager(workSpace, winId, 0, "ToolManager"); else return new RiscOS::Manager(workSpace, winId, 0, "Manager"); } void init() { (void) RiscOS::Static::instance(); } void reset() { RiscOS::Static::instance()->reset(); } void deinit() { delete RiscOS::Static::instance(); } } using namespace KWinInternal; namespace RiscOS { Manager::Manager ( KWinInternal::Workspace * workSpace, WId id, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : KWinInternal::Client(workSpace, id, parent, name), topLayout_ (0L), titleLayout_ (0L), titleSpacer_ (0L) { setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); leftButtonList_.setAutoDelete(true); rightButtonList_.setAutoDelete(true); resetLayout(); connect(options, SIGNAL(resetClients()), this, SLOT(slotReset())); } Manager::~Manager() { } void Manager::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * e) { QPainter p(this); QRect r(e->rect()); bool intersectsLeft = r.intersects(QRect(0, 0, 1, height())); bool intersectsRight = r.intersects(QRect(width() - 1, 0, width(), height())); if (intersectsLeft || intersectsRight) { p.setPen(Qt::black); if (intersectsLeft) p.drawLine(0, r.top(), 0, r.bottom()); if (intersectsRight) p.drawLine(width() - 1, r.top(), width() - 1, r.bottom()); } Static * s = Static::instance(); bool active = isActive(); // Title bar. QRect tr = titleSpacer_->geometry(); bitBlt(this, tr.topLeft(), &titleBuf_); // Resize bar. if (isResizable()) { int rbt = height() - Static::instance()->resizeHeight(); // Resize bar top. bitBlt(this, 0, rbt, &(s->resize(active))); bitBlt(this, 30, rbt, &(s->resizeMidLeft(active))); p.drawTiledPixmap( 32, rbt, width() - 34, Static::instance()->resizeHeight(), s->resizeMidMid(active) ); bitBlt(this, width() - 32, rbt, &(s->resizeMidRight(active))); bitBlt(this, width() - 30, rbt, &(s->resize(active))); } else { p.drawLine(1, height() - 1, width() - 2, height() - 1); } } void Manager::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { KWinInternal::Client::resizeEvent(e); updateButtonVisibility(); updateTitleBuffer(); repaint(); } void Manager::updateButtonVisibility() { #if 0 int sizeProblem = 0; if (width() < 80) sizeProblem = 3; else if (width() < 100) sizeProblem = 2; else if (width() < 180) sizeProblem = 1; switch (sizeProblem) { case 1: lower_ ->hide(); sticky_ ->hide(); help_ ->hide(); iconify_ ->show(); maximise_ ->hide(); close_ ->show(); break; case 2: lower_ ->hide(); sticky_ ->hide(); help_ ->hide(); iconify_ ->hide(); maximise_ ->hide(); close_ ->show(); break; case 3: lower_ ->hide(); sticky_ ->hide(); help_ ->hide(); iconify_ ->hide(); maximise_ ->hide(); close_ ->hide(); break; case 0: default: lower_ ->show(); sticky_ ->show(); if (providesContextHelp()) help_->show(); iconify_ ->show(); maximise_ ->show(); close_ ->show(); break; } layout()->activate(); #endif } void Manager::updateTitleBuffer() { bool active = isActive(); Static * s = Static::instance(); QRect tr = titleSpacer_->geometry(); if (tr.width() == 0 || tr.height() == 0) titleBuf_.resize(8, 8); else titleBuf_.resize(tr.size()); QPainter p(&titleBuf_); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, s->titleTextLeft(active)); p.drawTiledPixmap( 3, 0, tr.width() - 6, Static::instance()->titleHeight(), s->titleTextMid(active) ); p.setPen(options->color(Options::Font, active)); p.setFont(options->font(true)); // XXX false doesn't work right at the moment p.drawText( 4, 2, tr.width() - 8, Static::instance()->titleHeight() - 4, AlignCenter, caption() ); p.drawPixmap(tr.width() - 3, 0, s->titleTextRight(active)); } KWinInternal::Client::MousePosition Manager::mousePosition(const QPoint & p) const { MousePosition m = Center; // Off-by-one here ? if (isResizable()) { if (p.y() > (height() - (Static::instance()->resizeHeight() + 1))) { // Keep order ! if (p.x() >= (width() - 30)) m = BottomRight; else if (p.x() <= 30) m = BottomLeft; else m = Bottom; } } return m; } void Manager::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (titleSpacer_->geometry().contains(e->pos())) workspace() ->performWindowOperation(this, options->operationTitlebarDblClick()); workspace()->requestFocus(this); } void Manager::slotReset() { resetLayout(); } void Manager::captionChange(const QString &) { updateTitleBuffer(); repaint(); } void Manager::paletteChange(const QPalette &) { slotReset(); } void Manager::activeChange(bool b) { emit(activeChanged(b)); updateTitleBuffer(); repaint(); } void Manager::maximizeChange(bool b) { emit(maximiseChanged(b)); } void Manager::stickyChange(bool b) { emit(stickyChanged(b)); } void Manager::slotLower() { workspace()->lowerClient(this); } void Manager::slotRaise() { workspace()->raiseClient(this); } void Manager::slotMax() { maximize(MaximizeFull); } void Manager::slotVMax() { maximize(MaximizeVertical); } void Manager::slotSetSticky(bool b) { setSticky(b); } void Manager::slotHelp() { contextHelp(); } void Manager::animateIconifyOrDeiconify(bool iconify) { animate(iconify, Static::instance()->animationStyle()); } void Manager::animate(bool iconify, int style) { switch (style) { case 1: { // Double twisting double back, with pike ;) if (!iconify) // No animation for restore. return; // Go away quick. hide(); qApp->syncX(); NETRect r = netWinInfo()->iconGeometry(); if (!QRect(r.pos.x, r.pos.y, r.size.width, r.size.height).isValid()) return; // Algorithm taken from Window Maker (http://www.windowmaker.org) int sx = x(); int sy = y(); int sw = width(); int sh = height(); int dx = r.pos.x; int dy = r.pos.y; int dw = r.size.width; int dh = r.size.height; double steps = 12; double xstep = double((dx-sx)/steps); double ystep = double((dy-sy)/steps); double wstep = double((dw-sw)/steps); double hstep = double((dh-sh)/steps); double cx = sx; double cy = sy; double cw = sw; double ch = sh; double finalAngle = 3.14159265358979323846; double delta = finalAngle / steps; QPainter p(workspace()->desktopWidget()); p.setRasterOp(Qt::NotROP); for (double angle = 0; ; angle += delta) { if (angle > finalAngle) angle = finalAngle; double dx = (cw / 10) - ((cw / 5) * sin(angle)); double dch = (ch / 2) * cos(angle); double midy = cy + (ch / 2); QPoint p1(int(cx + dx), int(midy - dch)); QPoint p2(int(cx + cw - dx), p1.y()); QPoint p3(int(cx + dw + dx), int(midy + dch)); QPoint p4(int(cx - dx), p3.y()); XGrabServer(qt_xdisplay()); p.drawLine(p1, p2); p.drawLine(p2, p3); p.drawLine(p3, p4); p.drawLine(p4, p1); p.flush(); usleep(500); p.drawLine(p1, p2); p.drawLine(p2, p3); p.drawLine(p3, p4); p.drawLine(p4, p1); XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay()); kapp->processEvents(); cx += xstep; cy += ystep; cw += wstep; ch += hstep; if (angle >= finalAngle) break; } } break; case 2: { // KVirc style ? Maybe. For qwertz. if (!iconify) // No animation for restore. return; // Go away quick. hide(); qApp->syncX(); int stepCount = 12; QRect r(geometry()); int dx = r.width() / (stepCount * 2); int dy = r.height() / (stepCount * 2); QPainter p(workspace()->desktopWidget()); p.setRasterOp(Qt::NotROP); for (int step = 0; step < stepCount; step++) { r.moveBy(dx, dy); r.setWidth(r.width() - 2 * dx); r.setHeight(r.height() - 2 * dy); XGrabServer(qt_xdisplay()); p.drawRect(r); p.flush(); usleep(200); p.drawRect(r); XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay()); kapp->processEvents(); } } break; default: { NETRect r = netWinInfo()->iconGeometry(); QRect icongeom(r.pos.x, r.pos.y, r.size.width, r.size.height); if (!icongeom.isValid()) return; QRect wingeom(x(), y(), width(), height()); QPainter p(workspace()->desktopWidget()); p.setRasterOp(Qt::NotROP); if (iconify) p.setClipRegion( QRegion(workspace()->desktopWidget()->rect()) - wingeom ); XGrabServer(qt_xdisplay()); p.drawLine(wingeom.bottomRight(), icongeom.bottomRight()); p.drawLine(wingeom.bottomLeft(), icongeom.bottomLeft()); p.drawLine(wingeom.topLeft(), icongeom.topLeft()); p.drawLine(wingeom.topRight(), icongeom.topRight()); p.flush(); qApp->syncX(); usleep(30000); p.drawLine(wingeom.bottomRight(), icongeom.bottomRight()); p.drawLine(wingeom.bottomLeft(), icongeom.bottomLeft()); p.drawLine(wingeom.topLeft(), icongeom.topLeft()); p.drawLine(wingeom.topRight(), icongeom.topRight()); XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay()); } break; } } void Manager::createTitle() { leftButtonList_.clear(); rightButtonList_.clear(); QString buttons; if (options->customButtonPositions()) buttons = options->titleButtonsLeft() + "|" + options->titleButtonsRight(); else buttons = "XSH|IA"; QPtrList