/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2011, 2014 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ #include "thumbnailitem.h" // Qt #include <QtCore/QStandardPaths> #include <QQuickWindow> #include <QSGSimpleTextureNode> namespace KWin { BrightnessSaturationShader::BrightnessSaturationShader() : QSGMaterialShader() , m_id_matrix(0) , m_id_opacity(0) , m_id_saturation(0) , m_id_brightness(0) { } const char *BrightnessSaturationShader::vertexShader() const { return "attribute highp vec4 vertex; \n" "attribute highp vec2 texCoord; \n" "uniform highp mat4 u_matrix; \n" "varying highp vec2 v_coord; \n" "void main() { \n" " v_coord = texCoord; \n" " gl_Position = u_matrix * vertex; \n" "}"; } const char *BrightnessSaturationShader::fragmentShader() const { return "uniform sampler2D qt_Texture; \n" "uniform lowp float u_opacity; \n" "uniform highp float u_saturation; \n" "uniform highp float u_brightness; \n" "varying highp vec2 v_coord; \n" "void main() { \n" " lowp vec4 tex = texture2D(qt_Texture, v_coord); \n" " if (u_saturation != 1.0) { \n" " tex.rgb = mix(vec3(dot( vec3( 0.30, 0.59, 0.11 ), tex.rgb )), tex.rgb, u_saturation); \n" " } \n" " tex.rgb = tex.rgb * u_brightness; \n" " gl_FragColor = tex * u_opacity; \n" "}"; } const char* const *BrightnessSaturationShader::attributeNames() const { static char const *const names[] = { "vertex", "texCoord", 0 }; return names; } void BrightnessSaturationShader::updateState(const QSGMaterialShader::RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newMaterial, QSGMaterial *oldMaterial) { Q_ASSERT(program()->isLinked()); if (state.isMatrixDirty()) program()->setUniformValue(m_id_matrix, state.combinedMatrix()); if (state.isOpacityDirty()) program()->setUniformValue(m_id_opacity, state.opacity()); auto *tx = static_cast<BrightnessSaturationMaterial *>(newMaterial); auto *oldTx = static_cast<BrightnessSaturationMaterial *>(oldMaterial); QSGTexture *t = tx->texture(); t->setFiltering(QSGTexture::Linear); if (!oldTx || oldTx->texture()->textureId() != t->textureId()) t->bind(); else t->updateBindOptions(); program()->setUniformValue(m_id_saturation, static_cast<float>(tx->saturation)); program()->setUniformValue(m_id_brightness, static_cast<float>(tx->brightness)); } void BrightnessSaturationShader::initialize() { QSGMaterialShader::initialize(); m_id_matrix = program()->uniformLocation("u_matrix"); m_id_opacity = program()->uniformLocation("u_opacity"); m_id_saturation = program()->uniformLocation("u_saturation"); m_id_brightness = program()->uniformLocation("u_brightness"); } WindowThumbnailItem::WindowThumbnailItem(QQuickItem* parent) : QQuickItem(parent) , m_wId(0) , m_image() , m_clipToItem(nullptr) , m_brightness(1.0) , m_saturation(1.0) { setFlag(ItemHasContents); } WindowThumbnailItem::~WindowThumbnailItem() { } void WindowThumbnailItem::setWId(qulonglong wId) { m_wId = wId; emit wIdChanged(wId); findImage(); } void WindowThumbnailItem::setClipTo(QQuickItem *clip) { if (m_clipToItem == clip) { return; } m_clipToItem = clip; emit clipToChanged(); } void WindowThumbnailItem::findImage() { QString imagePath; switch (m_wId) { case Konqueror: imagePath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "kwin/kcm_kwintabbox/konqueror.png"); break; case Systemsettings: imagePath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "kwin/kcm_kwintabbox/systemsettings.png"); break; case KMail: imagePath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "kwin/kcm_kwintabbox/kmail.png"); break; case Dolphin: imagePath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "kwin/kcm_kwintabbox/dolphin.png"); break; default: // ignore break; } if (imagePath.isNull()) { m_image = QImage(); } else { m_image = QImage(imagePath); } } QSGNode *WindowThumbnailItem::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *updatePaintNodeData) { Q_UNUSED(updatePaintNodeData) QSGGeometryNode *node = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode*>(oldNode); if (!node) { node = new QSGGeometryNode(); auto *material = new BrightnessSaturationMaterial; material->setFlag(QSGMaterial::Blending); material->setTexture(window()->createTextureFromImage(m_image)); node->setMaterial(material); QSGGeometry *geometry = new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D(), 4); node->setGeometry(geometry); } auto *material = static_cast<BrightnessSaturationMaterial*>(node->material()); const QSize size(material->texture()->textureSize().scaled(boundingRect().size().toSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); const qreal x = boundingRect().x() + (boundingRect().width() - size.width())/2; const qreal y = boundingRect().y() + (boundingRect().height() - size.height())/2; QSGGeometry::updateTexturedRectGeometry(node->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(x, y), size), QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)); material->brightness = m_brightness; material->saturation = m_saturation; node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry | QSGNode::DirtyMaterial); return node; } qreal WindowThumbnailItem::brightness() const { return m_brightness; } qreal WindowThumbnailItem::saturation() const { return m_saturation; } void WindowThumbnailItem::setBrightness(qreal brightness) { if (m_brightness == brightness) { return; } m_brightness = brightness; update(); emit brightnessChanged(); } void WindowThumbnailItem::setSaturation(qreal saturation) { if (m_saturation == saturation) { return; } m_saturation = saturation; update(); emit saturationChanged(); } } // namespace KWin