KWin::CylinderEffectConfigForm 0 0 561 595 0 0 0 545 553 Tab 1 Background Background Color: backgroundColorButton Wallpaper: wallpaperRequester Activation Screen edge: screenEdgeCombo 0 200 Appearance Display desktop name Reflection Rotation duration: rotationDurationSpin 100 0 msec 5000 500 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Opacity 200 0 100 1 100 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBelow 10 Transparent Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Opaque 75 0 % 100 100 0 0 545 553 Tab 2 Caps Show caps Cap Color: capColorButton Display image on caps Zoom Define how far away the object should appear 3000 10 100 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBelow 100 Near Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Far Additional options Cylinder is deactivated after rotating the cylinder with the mouse. Otherwise cylinder will stay in the position. Close after mouse dragging Use for walk through desktop list Qt::Vertical 20 40 KColorButton QPushButton
KUrlRequester QFrame
KWin::GlobalShortcutsEditor QWidget
tabWidget displayDesktopNameBox reflectionBox rotationDurationSpin cubeOpacitySlider cubeOpacitySpin backgroundColorButton wallpaperRequester screenEdgeCombo cubeCapsBox capColorButton capsImageBox zPositionSlider closeOnMouseReleaseBox cubeOpacitySpin valueChanged(int) cubeOpacitySlider setValue(int) 386 175 235 162 cubeOpacitySlider valueChanged(int) cubeOpacitySpin setValue(int) 133 162 386 175