/* * Copyright © 2010 Fredrik Höglund * Copyright © 2011 Philipp Knechtges * Copyright 2014 Marco Martin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. if not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "contrast.h" #include "contrastshader.h" // KConfigSkeleton #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { static const QByteArray s_contrastAtomName = QByteArrayLiteral("_KDE_NET_WM_BACKGROUND_CONTRAST_REGION"); ContrastEffect::ContrastEffect() { shader = ContrastShader::create(); reconfigure(ReconfigureAll); // ### Hackish way to announce support. // Should be included in _NET_SUPPORTED instead. if (shader && shader->isValid()) { net_wm_contrast_region = effects->announceSupportProperty(s_contrastAtomName, this); KWayland::Server::Display *display = effects->waylandDisplay(); if (display) { m_contrastManager = display->createContrastManager(this); m_contrastManager->create(); } } else { net_wm_contrast_region = 0; } connect(effects, SIGNAL(windowAdded(KWin::EffectWindow*)), this, SLOT(slotWindowAdded(KWin::EffectWindow*))); connect(effects, SIGNAL(windowDeleted(KWin::EffectWindow*)), this, SLOT(slotWindowDeleted(KWin::EffectWindow*))); connect(effects, SIGNAL(propertyNotify(KWin::EffectWindow*,long)), this, SLOT(slotPropertyNotify(KWin::EffectWindow*,long))); connect(effects, SIGNAL(screenGeometryChanged(QSize)), this, SLOT(slotScreenGeometryChanged())); connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::xcbConnectionChanged, this, [this] { if (shader && shader->isValid()) { net_wm_contrast_region = effects->announceSupportProperty(s_contrastAtomName, this); } } ); // Fetch the contrast regions for all windows foreach (EffectWindow *window, effects->stackingOrder()) updateContrastRegion(window); } ContrastEffect::~ContrastEffect() { delete shader; } void ContrastEffect::slotScreenGeometryChanged() { effects->reloadEffect(this); } void ContrastEffect::reconfigure(ReconfigureFlags flags) { Q_UNUSED(flags) if (shader) shader->init(); if (!shader || !shader->isValid()) { effects->removeSupportProperty(s_contrastAtomName, this); delete m_contrastManager; m_contrastManager = nullptr; } } void ContrastEffect::updateContrastRegion(EffectWindow *w) { QRegion region; float colorTransform[16]; QByteArray value; if (net_wm_contrast_region != XCB_ATOM_NONE) { value = w->readProperty(net_wm_contrast_region, net_wm_contrast_region, 32); if (value.size() > 0 && !((value.size() - (16 * sizeof(uint32_t))) % ((4 * sizeof(uint32_t))))) { const uint32_t *cardinals = reinterpret_cast(value.constData()); const float *floatCardinals = reinterpret_cast(value.constData()); unsigned int i = 0; for (; i < ((value.size() - (16 * sizeof(uint32_t)))) / sizeof(uint32_t);) { int x = cardinals[i++]; int y = cardinals[i++]; int w = cardinals[i++]; int h = cardinals[i++]; region += QRect(x, y, w, h); } for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { colorTransform[j] = floatCardinals[i + j]; } QMatrix4x4 colorMatrix(colorTransform); m_colorMatrices[w] = colorMatrix; } } KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surf = w->surface(); if (surf && surf->contrast()) { region = surf->contrast()->region(); m_colorMatrices[w] = colorMatrix(surf->contrast()->contrast(), surf->contrast()->intensity(), surf->contrast()->saturation()); } //!value.isNull() full window in X11 case, surf->contrast() //valid, full window in wayland case if (region.isEmpty() && (!value.isNull() || (surf && surf->contrast()))) { // Set the data to a dummy value. // This is needed to be able to distinguish between the value not // being set, and being set to an empty region. w->setData(WindowBackgroundContrastRole, 1); } else w->setData(WindowBackgroundContrastRole, region); } void ContrastEffect::slotWindowAdded(EffectWindow *w) { KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surf = w->surface(); if (surf) { m_contrastChangedConnections[w] = connect(surf, &KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface::contrastChanged, this, [this, w] () { if (w) { updateContrastRegion(w); } }); } updateContrastRegion(w); } void ContrastEffect::slotWindowDeleted(EffectWindow *w) { if (m_contrastChangedConnections.contains(w)) { disconnect(m_contrastChangedConnections[w]); m_contrastChangedConnections.remove(w); m_colorMatrices.remove(w); } } void ContrastEffect::slotPropertyNotify(EffectWindow *w, long atom) { if (w && atom == net_wm_contrast_region && net_wm_contrast_region != XCB_ATOM_NONE) { updateContrastRegion(w); } } QMatrix4x4 ContrastEffect::colorMatrix(qreal contrast, qreal intensity, qreal saturation) { QMatrix4x4 satMatrix; //saturation QMatrix4x4 intMatrix; //intensity QMatrix4x4 contMatrix; //contrast //Saturation matrix if (!qFuzzyCompare(saturation, 1.0)) { const qreal rval = (1.0 - saturation) * .2126; const qreal gval = (1.0 - saturation) * .7152; const qreal bval = (1.0 - saturation) * .0722; satMatrix = QMatrix4x4(rval + saturation, rval, rval, 0.0, gval, gval + saturation, gval, 0.0, bval, bval, bval + saturation, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); } //IntensityMatrix if (!qFuzzyCompare(intensity, 1.0)) { intMatrix.scale(intensity, intensity, intensity); } //Contrast Matrix if (!qFuzzyCompare(contrast, 1.0)) { const float transl = (1.0 - contrast) / 2.0; contMatrix = QMatrix4x4(contrast, 0, 0, 0.0, 0, contrast, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, contrast, 0.0, transl, transl, transl, 1.0); } QMatrix4x4 colorMatrix = contMatrix * satMatrix * intMatrix; //colorMatrix = colorMatrix.transposed(); return colorMatrix; } bool ContrastEffect::enabledByDefault() { GLPlatform *gl = GLPlatform::instance(); if (gl->isIntel() && gl->chipClass() < SandyBridge) return false; if (gl->isSoftwareEmulation()) { return false; } return true; } bool ContrastEffect::supported() { bool supported = effects->isOpenGLCompositing() && GLRenderTarget::supported(); if (supported) { int maxTexSize; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTexSize); const QSize screenSize = effects->virtualScreenSize(); if (screenSize.width() > maxTexSize || screenSize.height() > maxTexSize) supported = false; } return supported; } QRegion ContrastEffect::contrastRegion(const EffectWindow *w) const { QRegion region; const QVariant value = w->data(WindowBackgroundContrastRole); if (value.isValid()) { const QRegion appRegion = qvariant_cast(value); if (!appRegion.isEmpty()) { region |= appRegion.translated(w->contentsRect().topLeft()) & w->decorationInnerRect(); } else { // An empty region means that the blur effect should be enabled // for the whole window. region = w->decorationInnerRect(); } } return region; } void ContrastEffect::uploadRegion(QVector2D *&map, const QRegion ®ion) { foreach (const QRect &r, region.rects()) { const QVector2D topLeft(r.x(), r.y()); const QVector2D topRight(r.x() + r.width(), r.y()); const QVector2D bottomLeft(r.x(), r.y() + r.height()); const QVector2D bottomRight(r.x() + r.width(), r.y() + r.height()); // First triangle *(map++) = topRight; *(map++) = topLeft; *(map++) = bottomLeft; // Second triangle *(map++) = bottomLeft; *(map++) = bottomRight; *(map++) = topRight; } } void ContrastEffect::uploadGeometry(GLVertexBuffer *vbo, const QRegion ®ion) { const int vertexCount = region.rectCount() * 6; if (!vertexCount) return; QVector2D *map = (QVector2D *) vbo->map(vertexCount * sizeof(QVector2D)); uploadRegion(map, region); vbo->unmap(); const GLVertexAttrib layout[] = { { VA_Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0 }, { VA_TexCoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0 } }; vbo->setAttribLayout(layout, 2, sizeof(QVector2D)); } void ContrastEffect::prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData &data, int time) { m_paintedArea = QRegion(); m_currentContrast = QRegion(); effects->prePaintScreen(data, time); } void ContrastEffect::prePaintWindow(EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time) { // this effect relies on prePaintWindow being called in the bottom to top order effects->prePaintWindow(w, data, time); if (!w->isPaintingEnabled()) { return; } if (!shader || !shader->isValid()) { return; } const QRegion oldPaint = data.paint; // we don't have to blur a region we don't see m_currentContrast -= data.clip; // if we have to paint a non-opaque part of this window that intersects with the // currently blurred region (which is not cached) we have to redraw the whole region if ((data.paint-data.clip).intersects(m_currentContrast)) { data.paint |= m_currentContrast; } // in case this window has regions to be blurred const QRect screen = effects->virtualScreenGeometry(); const QRegion contrastArea = contrastRegion(w).translated(w->pos()) & screen; // we are not caching the window // if this window or an window underneath the modified area is painted again we have to // do everything if (m_paintedArea.intersects(contrastArea) || data.paint.intersects(contrastArea)) { data.paint |= contrastArea; // we have to check again whether we do not damage a blurred area // of a window we do not cache if (contrastArea.intersects(m_currentContrast)) { data.paint |= m_currentContrast; } } m_currentContrast |= contrastArea; // m_paintedArea keep track of all repainted areas m_paintedArea -= data.clip; m_paintedArea |= data.paint; } bool ContrastEffect::shouldContrast(const EffectWindow *w, int mask, const WindowPaintData &data) const { if (!shader || !shader->isValid()) return false; if (effects->activeFullScreenEffect() && !w->data(WindowForceBackgroundContrastRole).toBool()) return false; if (w->isDesktop()) return false; bool scaled = !qFuzzyCompare(data.xScale(), 1.0) && !qFuzzyCompare(data.yScale(), 1.0); bool translated = data.xTranslation() || data.yTranslation(); if ((scaled || (translated || (mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED))) && !w->data(WindowForceBackgroundContrastRole).toBool()) return false; if (!w->hasAlpha()) return false; return true; } void ContrastEffect::drawWindow(EffectWindow *w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData &data) { const QRect screen = GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenGeometry(); if (shouldContrast(w, mask, data)) { QRegion shape = region & contrastRegion(w).translated(w->pos()) & screen; // let's do the evil parts - someone wants to blur behind a transformed window const bool translated = data.xTranslation() || data.yTranslation(); const bool scaled = data.xScale() != 1 || data.yScale() != 1; if (scaled) { QPoint pt = shape.boundingRect().topLeft(); QVector shapeRects = shape.rects(); shape = QRegion(); // clear foreach (QRect r, shapeRects) { r.moveTo(pt.x() + (r.x() - pt.x()) * data.xScale() + data.xTranslation(), pt.y() + (r.y() - pt.y()) * data.yScale() + data.yTranslation()); r.setWidth(r.width() * data.xScale()); r.setHeight(r.height() * data.yScale()); shape |= r; } shape = shape & region; //Only translated, not scaled } else if (translated) { shape = shape.translated(data.xTranslation(), data.yTranslation()); shape = shape & region; } if (!shape.isEmpty()) { doContrast(w, shape, screen, data.opacity(), data.screenProjectionMatrix()); } } // Draw the window over the contrast area effects->drawWindow(w, mask, region, data); } void ContrastEffect::paintEffectFrame(EffectFrame *frame, QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) { //FIXME: this is a no-op for now, it should figure out the right contrast, intensity, saturation effects->paintEffectFrame(frame, region, opacity, frameOpacity); } void ContrastEffect::doContrast(EffectWindow *w, const QRegion& shape, const QRect& screen, const float opacity, const QMatrix4x4 &screenProjection) { const QRegion actualShape = shape & screen; const QRect r = actualShape.boundingRect(); qreal scale = GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenScale(); // Upload geometry for the horizontal and vertical passes GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); uploadGeometry(vbo, actualShape); vbo->bindArrays(); // Create a scratch texture and copy the area in the back buffer that we're // going to blur into it GLTexture scratch(GL_RGBA8, r.width() * scale, r.height() * scale); scratch.setFilter(GL_LINEAR); scratch.setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); scratch.bind(); const QRect sg = GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenGeometry(); glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, (r.x() - sg.x()) * scale, (sg.height() - sg.y() - r.y() - r.height()) * scale, scratch.width(), scratch.height()); // Draw the texture on the offscreen framebuffer object, while blurring it horizontally shader->setColorMatrix(m_colorMatrices.value(w)); shader->bind(); shader->setOpacity(opacity); // Set up the texture matrix to transform from screen coordinates // to texture coordinates. QMatrix4x4 textureMatrix; textureMatrix.scale(1.0 / r.width(), -1.0 / r.height(), 1); textureMatrix.translate(-r.x(), -r.height() - r.y(), 0); shader->setTextureMatrix(textureMatrix); shader->setModelViewProjectionMatrix(screenProjection); vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, actualShape.rectCount() * 6); scratch.unbind(); scratch.discard(); vbo->unbindArrays(); if (opacity < 1.0) { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } shader->unbind(); } } // namespace KWin