<ui version="4.0" > <class>EditShortcut</class> <widget class="QWidget" name="EditShortcut" > <property name="geometry" > <rect> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <width>1194</width> <height>447</height> </rect> </property> <layout class="QVBoxLayout" > <item> <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel2" > <property name="text" > <string>A single shortcut can be easily assigned or cleared using the two buttons. Only shortcuts with modifiers can be used.<p> It is possible to have several possible shortcuts, and the first available shortcut will be used. The shortcuts are specified using space-separated shortcut sets. One set is specified as <i>base</i>+(<i>list</i>), where base are modifiers and list is a list of keys.<br> For example "<b>Shift+Alt+(123) Shift+Ctrl+(ABC)</b>" will first try <b>Shift+Alt+1</b>, then others with <b>Shift+Ctrl+C</b> as the last one.</string> </property> <property name="textFormat" > <enum>Qt::RichText</enum> </property> <property name="wordWrap" > <bool>true</bool> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <widget class="Line" name="line1" > <property name="frameShape" > <enum>QFrame::HLine</enum> </property> <property name="frameShadow" > <enum>QFrame::Sunken</enum> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <widget class="KLineEdit" native="1" name="shortcut" /> </item> <item> <layout class="QHBoxLayout" > <item> <spacer> <property name="orientation" > <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> </property> <property name="sizeType" > <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum> </property> <property name="sizeHint" > <size> <width>40</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </item> <item> <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton1" > <property name="text" > <string>&Single Shortcut</string> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <spacer> <property name="orientation" > <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> </property> <property name="sizeType" > <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum> </property> <property name="sizeHint" > <size> <width>40</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </item> <item> <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton2" > <property name="text" > <string>C&lear</string> </property> </widget> </item> <item> <spacer> <property name="orientation" > <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> </property> <property name="sizeType" > <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum> </property> <property name="sizeHint" > <size> <width>40</width> <height>20</height> </size> </property> </spacer> </item> </layout> </item> <item> <widget class="Line" name="line2" > <property name="frameShape" > <enum>QFrame::HLine</enum> </property> <property name="frameShadow" > <enum>QFrame::Sunken</enum> </property> </widget> </item> </layout> </widget> <customwidgets> <customwidget> <class>KLineEdit</class> <extends>QWidget</extends> <header>klineedit.h</header> </customwidget> </customwidgets> <resources/> <connections> <connection> <sender>pushButton1</sender> <signal>clicked()</signal> <receiver>EditShortcut</receiver> <slot>editShortcut()</slot> <hints> <hint type="sourcelabel" > <x>20</x> <y>20</y> </hint> <hint type="destinationlabel" > <x>20</x> <y>20</y> </hint> </hints> </connection> <connection> <sender>pushButton2</sender> <signal>clicked()</signal> <receiver>EditShortcut</receiver> <slot>clearShortcut()</slot> <hints> <hint type="sourcelabel" > <x>20</x> <y>20</y> </hint> <hint type="destinationlabel" > <x>20</x> <y>20</y> </hint> </hints> </connection> </connections> </ui>