/******************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.0 import org.kde.kwin.decoration 0.1 import org.kde.kwin.decorations.plastik 1.0 Decoration { function readBorderSize() { switch (borderSize) { case DecorationOptions.BorderTiny: borders.setBorders(3); extendedBorders.setAllBorders(0); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderLarge: borders.setBorders(8); extendedBorders.setAllBorders(0); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderVeryLarge: borders.setBorders(12); extendedBorders.setAllBorders(0); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderHuge: borders.setBorders(18); extendedBorders.setAllBorders(0); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderVeryHuge: borders.setBorders(27); extendedBorders.setAllBorders(0); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderOversized: borders.setBorders(40); extendedBorders.setAllBorders(0); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderNoSides: borders.setBorders(4); borders.setSideBorders(1); extendedBorders.setSideBorders(3); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderNone: borders.setBorders(1); extendedBorders.setBorders(3); break; case DecorationOptions.BorderNormal: // fall through to default default: borders.setBorders(4); extendedBorders.setAllBorders(0); break; } } function readConfig() { var titleAlignLeft = decoration.readConfig("titleAlignLeft", true); var titleAlignCenter = decoration.readConfig("titleAlignCenter", false); var titleAlignRight = decoration.readConfig("titleAlignRight", false); if (titleAlignRight) { root.titleAlignment = Text.AlignRight; } else if (titleAlignCenter) { root.titleAlignment = Text.AlignHCenter; } else { if (!titleAlignLeft) { console.log("Error reading title alignment: all alignment options are false"); } root.titleAlignment = Text.AlignLeft; } root.animateButtons = decoration.readConfig("animateButtons", true); root.titleShadow = decoration.readConfig("titleShadow", true); if (decoration.animationsSupported) { root.animationDuration = 150; root.animateButtons = false; } } ColorHelper { id: colorHelper } DecorationOptions { id: options deco: decoration } property int borderSize: decorationSettings.borderSize property alias buttonSize: titleRow.captionHeight property alias titleAlignment: caption.horizontalAlignment property color titleBarColor: options.titleBarColor // set by readConfig after Component completed, ensures that buttons do not flicker property int animationDuration: 0 property bool animateButtons: true property bool titleShadow: true Behavior on titleBarColor { ColorAnimation { duration: root.animationDuration } } id: root alpha: false Rectangle { color: root.titleBarColor anchors { fill: parent } border { width: decoration.client.maximized ? 0 : 2 color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.DarkShade) } Rectangle { id: borderLeft anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom leftMargin: 1 bottomMargin: 1 topMargin: 1 } visible: !decoration.client.maximized width: root.borders.left color: root.titleBarColor Rectangle { width: 1 anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.LightShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.client.active ? 0.4 : 0.8)) } } Rectangle { id: borderRight anchors { right: parent.right top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom rightMargin: 1 bottomMargin: 1 topMargin: 1 } visible: !decoration.client.maximzied width: root.borders.right -1 color: root.titleBarColor Rectangle { width: 1 anchors { bottom: parent.bottom top: parent.top } x: parent.x + parent.width - 1 color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.DarkShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.client.active ? 0.4 : 0.8)) } } Rectangle { id: borderBottom anchors { left: parent.right right: parent.left bottom: parent.bottom leftMargin: 1 rightMargin: 1 } height: root.borders.bottom visible: !decoration.client.maximzied color: root.titleBarColor Rectangle { height: 1 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } y: parent.y + parent.height - 1 color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.DarkShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.client.active ? 0.4 : 0.8)) } } Rectangle { id: top property int topMargin: 1 property real normalHeight: titleRow.normalHeight + topMargin + 1 property real maximizedHeight: titleRow.maximizedHeight + 1 height: decoration.client.maximized ? maximizedHeight : normalHeight anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: parent.top topMargin: decoration.client.maximized ? 0 : top.topMargin leftMargin: decoration.client.maximized ? 0 : 2 rightMargin: decoration.client.maximized ? 0 : 2 } gradient: Gradient { id: topGradient GradientStop { position: 0.0 color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidlightShade, colorHelper.contrast - 0.4) } GradientStop { id: middleGradientStop position: 4.0/(decoration.client.maximized ? top.maximizedHeight : top.normalHeight) color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidShade, colorHelper.contrast - 0.4) } GradientStop { position: 1.0 color: root.titleBarColor } } Rectangle { height: 1 anchors { top: top.top left: top.left right: top.right } visible: !decoration.client.maximized color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.LightShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.client.active ? 0.4 : 0.8)) } Item { id: titleRow property real captionHeight: caption.implicitHeight + 4 property int topMargin: 3 property int bottomMargin: 1 property real normalHeight: captionHeight + bottomMargin + topMargin property real maximizedHeight: captionHeight + bottomMargin anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: parent.top topMargin: decoration.client.maximized ? 0 : titleRow.topMargin leftMargin: decoration.client.maximized ? 0 : 3 rightMargin: decoration.client.maximized ? 0 : 3 bottomMargin: titleRow.bottomMargin } ButtonGroup { id: leftButtonGroup spacing: 1 explicitSpacer: root.buttonSize menuButton: menuButtonComponent appMenuButton: appMenuButtonComponent minimizeButton: minimizeButtonComponent maximizeButton: maximizeButtonComponent keepBelowButton: keepBelowButtonComponent keepAboveButton: keepAboveButtonComponent helpButton: helpButtonComponent shadeButton: shadeButtonComponent allDesktopsButton: stickyButtonComponent closeButton: closeButtonComponent buttons: options.titleButtonsLeft anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left } } Text { id: caption textFormat: Text.PlainText anchors { top: parent.top left: leftButtonGroup.right right: rightButtonGroup.left rightMargin: 5 leftMargin: 5 topMargin: 3 } color: options.fontColor Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: root.animationDuration } } text: decoration.client.caption font: options.titleFont style: root.titleShadow ? Text.Raised : Text.Normal styleColor: colorHelper.shade(color, ColorHelper.ShadowShade) elide: Text.ElideMiddle renderType: Text.NativeRendering } ButtonGroup { id: rightButtonGroup spacing: 1 explicitSpacer: root.buttonSize menuButton: menuButtonComponent appMenuButton: appMenuButtonComponent minimizeButton: minimizeButtonComponent maximizeButton: maximizeButtonComponent keepBelowButton: keepBelowButtonComponent keepAboveButton: keepAboveButtonComponent helpButton: helpButtonComponent shadeButton: shadeButtonComponent allDesktopsButton: stickyButtonComponent closeButton: closeButtonComponent buttons: options.titleButtonsRight anchors { top: parent.top right: parent.right } } Component.onCompleted: { decoration.installTitleItem(titleRow); } } } Item { id: innerBorder anchors.fill: parent Rectangle { anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } height: 1 y: top.height - 1 visible: decoration.client.maximized color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidShade) } Rectangle { anchors { fill: parent leftMargin: root.borders.left - 1 rightMargin: root.borders.right topMargin: root.borders.top - 1 bottomMargin: root.borders.bottom } border { width: 1 color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidShade) } visible: !decoration.client.maximized color: root.titleBarColor } } } Component { id: maximizeButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonMaximizeRestore size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: keepBelowButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonKeepBelow size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: keepAboveButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonKeepAbove size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: helpButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonQuickHelp size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: minimizeButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonMinimize size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: shadeButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonShade size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: stickyButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonOnAllDesktops size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: closeButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonClose size: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: menuButtonComponent MenuButton { width: root.buttonSize height: root.buttonSize } } Component { id: appMenuButtonComponent PlastikButton { buttonType: DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonApplicationMenu size: root.buttonSize } } Component.onCompleted: { borders.setBorders(4); borders.setTitle(top.normalHeight); maximizedBorders.setTitle(top.maximizedHeight); readBorderSize(); readConfig(); } Connections { target: decoration onConfigChanged: root.readConfig() } Connections { target: decorationSettings onBorderSizeChanged: root.readBorderSize(); } }