/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ #include "effects.h" #include "toplevel.h" #include "client.h" #include "scene.h" #include "options.h" #include "effects/desktopchangeslide.h" #include "effects/dialogparent.h" #include "effects/fade.h" #include "effects/fadein.h" #include "effects/fadeout.h" #include "effects/howto.h" #include "effects/maketransparent.h" #include "effects/minimizeanimation.h" #include "effects/presentwindows.h" #include "effects/scalein.h" #include "effects/shakymove.h" #include "effects/shiftworkspaceup.h" #include "effects/showfps.h" #include "effects/wavywindows.h" #include "effects/zoom.h" #include "effects/test_input.h" namespace KWinInternal { //**************************************** // Effect //**************************************** Effect::~Effect() { } void Effect::windowUserMovedResized( EffectWindow* , bool, bool ) { } void Effect::windowOpacityChanged( EffectWindow*, double ) { } void Effect::windowAdded( EffectWindow* ) { } void Effect::windowClosed( EffectWindow* ) { } void Effect::windowDeleted( EffectWindow* ) { } void Effect::windowActivated( EffectWindow* ) { } void Effect::windowMinimized( EffectWindow* ) { } void Effect::windowUnminimized( EffectWindow* ) { } void Effect::windowInputMouseEvent( Window, QEvent* ) { } void Effect::desktopChanged( int ) { } void Effect::prePaintScreen( int* mask, QRegion* region, int time ) { effects->prePaintScreen( mask, region, time ); } void Effect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data ) { effects->paintScreen( mask, region, data ); } void Effect::postPaintScreen() { effects->postPaintScreen(); } void Effect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int* mask, QRegion* region, int time ) { effects->prePaintWindow( w, mask, region, time ); } void Effect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data ) { effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data ); } void Effect::postPaintWindow( EffectWindow* w ) { effects->postPaintWindow( w ); } //**************************************** // EffectsHandler //**************************************** EffectsHandler::EffectsHandler() : current_paint_window( 0 ) , current_paint_screen( 0 ) { if( !compositing()) return; KWinInternal::effects = this; registerEffect("ShowFps", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("Zoom", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("PresentWindows", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("WavyWindows", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("MinimizeAnimation", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("Howto", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("MakeTransparent", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("ShakyMove", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("ShiftWorkspaceUp", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("Fade", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("FadeIn", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("FadeOut", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("ScaleIn", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("DialogParent", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("DesktopChangeSlide", new GenericEffectFactory); registerEffect("TestInput", new GenericEffectFactory); QStringList::const_iterator effectsIterator; for( effectsIterator = options->defaultEffects.constBegin(); effectsIterator != options->defaultEffects.constEnd(); ++effectsIterator) { loadEffect(*effectsIterator); } } EffectsHandler::~EffectsHandler() { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) delete ep.second; foreach( EffectFactory* ef, effect_factories ) delete ef; foreach( InputWindowPair pos, input_windows ) XDestroyWindow( display(), pos.second ); } void EffectsHandler::windowUserMovedResized( EffectWindow* c, bool first, bool last ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowUserMovedResized( c, first, last ); } void EffectsHandler::windowOpacityChanged( EffectWindow* c, double old_opacity ) { if( c->window()->opacity() == old_opacity ) return; foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowOpacityChanged( c, old_opacity ); } void EffectsHandler::windowAdded( EffectWindow* c ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowAdded( c ); } void EffectsHandler::windowDeleted( EffectWindow* c ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowDeleted( c ); } void EffectsHandler::windowClosed( EffectWindow* c ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowClosed( c ); } void EffectsHandler::windowActivated( EffectWindow* c ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowActivated( c ); } void EffectsHandler::windowMinimized( EffectWindow* c ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowMinimized( c ); } void EffectsHandler::windowUnminimized( EffectWindow* c ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->windowUnminimized( c ); } void EffectsHandler::desktopChanged( int old ) { foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects ) ep.second->desktopChanged( old ); } // start another painting pass void EffectsHandler::startPaint() { assert( current_paint_screen == 0 ); assert( current_paint_window == 0 ); } // the idea is that effects call this function again which calls the next one void EffectsHandler::prePaintScreen( int* mask, QRegion* region, int time ) { if( current_paint_screen < loaded_effects.size()) { loaded_effects[current_paint_screen++].second->prePaintScreen( mask, region, time ); --current_paint_screen; } // no special final code } void EffectsHandler::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data ) { if( current_paint_screen < loaded_effects.size()) { loaded_effects[current_paint_screen++].second->paintScreen( mask, region, data ); --current_paint_screen; } else scene->finalPaintScreen( mask, region, data ); } void EffectsHandler::postPaintScreen() { if( current_paint_screen < loaded_effects.size()) { loaded_effects[current_paint_screen++].second->postPaintScreen(); --current_paint_screen; } // no special final code } void EffectsHandler::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int* mask, QRegion* region, int time ) { if( current_paint_window < loaded_effects.size()) { loaded_effects[current_paint_window++].second->prePaintWindow( w, mask, region, time ); --current_paint_window; } // no special final code } void EffectsHandler::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data ) { if( current_paint_window < loaded_effects.size()) { loaded_effects[current_paint_window++].second->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data ); --current_paint_window; } else scene->finalPaintWindow( w, mask, region, data ); } void EffectsHandler::postPaintWindow( EffectWindow* w ) { if( current_paint_window < loaded_effects.size()) { loaded_effects[current_paint_window++].second->postPaintWindow( w ); --current_paint_window; } // no special final code } Window EffectsHandler::createInputWindow( Effect* e, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QCursor& cursor ) { XSetWindowAttributes attrs; attrs.override_redirect = True; Window win = XCreateWindow( display(), rootWindow(), x, y, w, h, 0, 0, InputOnly, CopyFromParent, CWOverrideRedirect, &attrs ); // TODO keeping on top? // TODO enter/leave notify? XSelectInput( display(), win, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask ); XDefineCursor( display(), win, cursor.handle()); XMapWindow( display(), win ); input_windows.append( qMakePair( e, win )); return win; } Window EffectsHandler::createInputWindow( Effect* e, const QRect& r, const QCursor& cursor ) { return createInputWindow( e, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), cursor ); } void EffectsHandler::destroyInputWindow( Window w ) { foreach( InputWindowPair pos, input_windows ) { if( pos.second == w ) { input_windows.removeAll( pos ); XDestroyWindow( display(), w ); return; } } assert( false ); } bool EffectsHandler::checkInputWindowEvent( XEvent* e ) { if( e->type != ButtonPress && e->type != ButtonRelease && e->type != MotionNotify ) return false; foreach( InputWindowPair pos, input_windows ) { if( pos.second == e->xany.window ) { switch( e->type ) { case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: { XButtonEvent* e2 = &e->xbutton; QMouseEvent ev( e->type == ButtonPress ? QEvent::MouseButtonPress : QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, QPoint( e2->x, e2->y ), QPoint( e2->x_root, e2->y_root ), x11ToQtMouseButton( e2->button ), x11ToQtMouseButtons( e2->state ), x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers( e2->state )); pos.first->windowInputMouseEvent( pos.second, &ev ); break; // ---> } case MotionNotify: { XMotionEvent* e2 = &e->xmotion; QMouseEvent ev( QEvent::MouseMove, QPoint( e2->x, e2->y ), QPoint( e2->x_root, e2->y_root ), Qt::NoButton, x11ToQtMouseButtons( e2->state ), x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers( e2->state )); pos.first->windowInputMouseEvent( pos.second, &ev ); break; // ---> } } return true; // eat event } } return false; } void EffectsHandler::checkInputWindowStacking() { if( input_windows.count() == 0 ) return; Window* wins = new Window[ input_windows.count() ]; int pos = 0; foreach( InputWindowPair it, input_windows ) wins[ pos++ ] = it.second; XRaiseWindow( display(), wins[ 0 ] ); XRestackWindows( display(), wins, pos ); delete[] wins; } void EffectsHandler::activateWindow( EffectWindow* c ) { if( Client* cl = dynamic_cast< Client* >( c->window())) Workspace::self()->activateClient( cl, true ); } void EffectsHandler::registerEffect( const QString& name, EffectFactory* factory ) { QMap::const_iterator factories_iterator = effect_factories.find(name); if( factories_iterator != effect_factories.end() ) { kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::registerEffect : Effect name already registered : " << name << endl; } else { kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::registerEffect : Register effect : " << name << endl; effect_factories[name] = factory; } } void EffectsHandler::loadEffect( const QString& name ) { assert( current_paint_screen == 0 ); assert( current_paint_window == 0 ); for(QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); it++) { if( (*it).first == name ) { kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect already loaded : " << name << endl; return; } } QMap::const_iterator factories_iterator = effect_factories.find(name); if( factories_iterator != effect_factories.end() ) { kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Loading effect : " << name << endl; loaded_effects.append( EffectPair( name, factories_iterator.value()->create() ) ); } else { kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Unknown effect : " << name << endl; } } void EffectsHandler::unloadEffect( const QString& name ) { assert( current_paint_screen == 0 ); assert( current_paint_window == 0 ); for( QVector< EffectPair >::iterator it = loaded_effects.begin(); it != loaded_effects.end(); it++) { if ( (*it).first == name ) { kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::unloadEffect : Unloading Effect : " << name << endl; delete (*it).second; loaded_effects.erase(it); return; } } kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::unloadEffect : Effect not loaded : " << name << endl; } EffectFactory::~EffectFactory() { } int EffectsHandler::currentDesktop() const { return Workspace::self()->currentDesktop(); } EffectsHandler* effects; //**************************************** // EffectWindow //**************************************** EffectWindow::EffectWindow() : toplevel( NULL ) , sw( NULL ) { } void EffectWindow::enablePainting( int reason ) { sceneWindow()->enablePainting( reason ); } void EffectWindow::disablePainting( int reason ) { sceneWindow()->disablePainting( reason ); } int EffectWindow::desktop() const { return toplevel->desktop(); } bool EffectWindow::isOnCurrentDesktop() const { return isOnDesktop( effects->currentDesktop()); } bool EffectWindow::isOnAllDesktops() const { return desktop() == NET::OnAllDesktops; } bool EffectWindow::isOnDesktop( int d ) const { return desktop() == d || isOnAllDesktops(); } } // namespace