/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Lubos Lunak SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Vlad Zahorodnii SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Natalie Clarius SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ // own #include "workspace.h" // kwin libs #include "libkwineffects/glplatform.h" // kwin #include "core/output.h" #if KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES #include "activities.h" #endif #include "appmenu.h" #include "atoms.h" #include "core/outputbackend.h" #include "core/outputconfiguration.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "dbusinterface.h" #include "effects.h" #include "focuschain.h" #include "group.h" #include "input.h" #include "internalwindow.h" #include "killwindow.h" #include "moving_client_x11_filter.h" #include "netinfo.h" #include "outline.h" #include "placement.h" #include "pluginmanager.h" #include "rules.h" #include "screenedge.h" #include "scripting/scripting.h" #include "syncalarmx11filter.h" #include "tiles/tilemanager.h" #include "x11window.h" #if KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX #include "tabbox/tabbox.h" #endif #include "decorations/decorationbridge.h" #include "dpmsinputeventfilter.h" #include "lidswitchtracker.h" #include "main.h" #include "outputconfigurationstore.h" #include "placeholderinputeventfilter.h" #include "placeholderoutput.h" #include "placementtracker.h" #include "tabletmodemanager.h" #include "tiles/tilemanager.h" #include "useractions.h" #include "utils/kernel.h" #include "utils/orientationsensor.h" #include "utils/xcbutils.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "was_user_interaction_x11_filter.h" #include "wayland_server.h" // KDE #include #include #include #include // Qt #include #include #include #include // xcb #include namespace KWin { X11EventFilterContainer::X11EventFilterContainer(X11EventFilter *filter) : m_filter(filter) { } X11EventFilter *X11EventFilterContainer::filter() const { return m_filter; } Workspace *Workspace::_self = nullptr; Workspace::Workspace() : QObject(nullptr) // Unsorted , m_quickTileCombineTimer(nullptr) , active_popup(nullptr) , m_activePopupWindow(nullptr) , m_initialDesktop(1) , m_activeWindow(nullptr) , m_lastActiveWindow(nullptr) , m_moveResizeWindow(nullptr) , m_delayFocusWindow(nullptr) , force_restacking(false) , showing_desktop(false) , was_user_interaction(false) , block_focus(0) , m_userActionsMenu(new UserActionsMenu(this)) , m_sessionManager(new SessionManager(this)) , m_focusChain(std::make_unique()) , m_applicationMenu(std::make_unique()) , m_placementTracker(std::make_unique(this)) , m_outputConfigStore(std::make_unique()) , m_lidSwitchTracker(std::make_unique()) , m_orientationSensor(std::make_unique()) { _self = this; #if KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (kwinApp()->usesKActivities()) { m_activities = std::make_unique(); } if (m_activities) { connect(m_activities.get(), &Activities::currentChanged, this, &Workspace::updateCurrentActivity); } #endif delayFocusTimer = nullptr; m_quickTileCombineTimer = new QTimer(this); m_quickTileCombineTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_rulebook = std::make_unique(); m_rulebook->load(); m_screenEdges = std::make_unique(); // VirtualDesktopManager needs to be created prior to init shortcuts // and prior to TabBox, due to TabBox connecting to signals // actual initialization happens in init() VirtualDesktopManager::create(this); // dbus interface new VirtualDesktopManagerDBusInterface(VirtualDesktopManager::self()); #if KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX // need to create the tabbox before compositing scene is setup m_tabbox = std::make_unique(); #endif m_decorationBridge = std::make_unique(); m_decorationBridge->init(); connect(this, &Workspace::configChanged, m_decorationBridge.get(), &Decoration::DecorationBridge::reconfigure); new DBusInterface(this); m_outline = std::make_unique(); initShortcuts(); init(); } void Workspace::init() { KSharedConfigPtr config = kwinApp()->config(); m_screenEdges->setConfig(config); m_screenEdges->init(); connect(options, &Options::configChanged, m_screenEdges.get(), &ScreenEdges::reconfigure); connect(VirtualDesktopManager::self(), &VirtualDesktopManager::layoutChanged, m_screenEdges.get(), &ScreenEdges::updateLayout); connect(this, &Workspace::windowActivated, m_screenEdges.get(), &ScreenEdges::checkBlocking); connect(this, &Workspace::windowRemoved, m_focusChain.get(), &FocusChain::remove); connect(this, &Workspace::windowActivated, m_focusChain.get(), &FocusChain::setActiveWindow); connect(VirtualDesktopManager::self(), &VirtualDesktopManager::currentChanged, m_focusChain.get(), [this]() { m_focusChain->setCurrentDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); }); connect(options, &Options::separateScreenFocusChanged, m_focusChain.get(), &FocusChain::setSeparateScreenFocus); m_focusChain->setSeparateScreenFocus(options->isSeparateScreenFocus()); slotOutputBackendOutputsQueried(); connect(kwinApp()->outputBackend(), &OutputBackend::outputsQueried, this, &Workspace::slotOutputBackendOutputsQueried); // create VirtualDesktopManager and perform dependency injection VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); connect(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::desktopAdded, this, &Workspace::slotDesktopAdded); connect(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::desktopRemoved, this, &Workspace::slotDesktopRemoved); connect(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::currentChanged, this, &Workspace::slotCurrentDesktopChanged); connect(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::currentChanging, this, &Workspace::slotCurrentDesktopChanging); connect(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::currentChangingCancelled, this, &Workspace::slotCurrentDesktopChangingCancelled); vds->setNavigationWrappingAround(options->isRollOverDesktops()); connect(options, &Options::rollOverDesktopsChanged, vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::setNavigationWrappingAround); vds->setConfig(config); // Now we know how many desktops we'll have, thus we initialize the positioning object m_placement = std::make_unique(); // positioning object needs to be created before the virtual desktops are loaded. vds->load(); vds->updateLayout(); // makes sure any autogenerated id is saved, necessary as in case of xwayland, load will be called 2 times // load is needed to be called again when starting xwayalnd to sync to RootInfo, see BUG 385260 vds->save(); vds->setCurrent(m_initialDesktop); reconfigureTimer.setSingleShot(true); updateToolWindowsTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&reconfigureTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Workspace::slotReconfigure); connect(&updateToolWindowsTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Workspace::slotUpdateToolWindows); // TODO: do we really need to reconfigure everything when fonts change? // maybe just reconfigure the decorations? Move this into libkdecoration? QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect(QString(), QStringLiteral("/KDEPlatformTheme"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KDEPlatformTheme"), QStringLiteral("refreshFonts"), this, SLOT(reconfigure())); m_activeWindow = nullptr; // We want to have some xcb connection while tearing down X11 components. We don't really // care if the xcb connection is broken or has an error. connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionChanged, this, &Workspace::initializeX11); connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionAboutToBeDestroyed, this, &Workspace::cleanupX11); initializeX11(); Scripting::create(this); if (auto server = waylandServer()) { connect(server, &WaylandServer::windowAdded, this, &Workspace::addWaylandWindow); connect(server, &WaylandServer::windowRemoved, this, &Workspace::removeWaylandWindow); } // broadcast that Workspace is ready, but first process all events. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &Workspace::workspaceInitialized, Qt::QueuedConnection); // TODO: ungrabXServer() connect(this, &Workspace::windowAdded, m_placementTracker.get(), &PlacementTracker::add); connect(this, &Workspace::windowRemoved, m_placementTracker.get(), &PlacementTracker::remove); m_placementTracker->init(getPlacementTrackerHash()); const auto applySensorChanges = [this]() { m_orientationSensor->setEnabled(m_outputConfigStore->isAutoRotateActive(kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(), kwinApp()->tabletModeManager()->effectiveTabletMode())); const auto opt = m_outputConfigStore->queryConfig(kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(), m_lidSwitchTracker->isLidClosed(), m_orientationSensor->reading(), kwinApp()->tabletModeManager()->effectiveTabletMode()); if (opt) { const auto &[config, order, type] = *opt; applyOutputConfiguration(config, order); } }; connect(m_lidSwitchTracker.get(), &LidSwitchTracker::lidStateChanged, this, applySensorChanges); connect(m_orientationSensor.get(), &OrientationSensor::orientationChanged, this, applySensorChanges); connect(kwinApp()->tabletModeManager(), &TabletModeManager::tabletModeChanged, this, applySensorChanges); m_orientationSensor->setEnabled(m_outputConfigStore->isAutoRotateActive(kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(), kwinApp()->tabletModeManager()->effectiveTabletMode())); } QString Workspace::getPlacementTrackerHash() { QStringList hashes; for (const auto &output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Md5); if (output->edid().isValid()) { hash.addData(output->edid().raw()); } else { hash.addData(output->name().toLatin1()); } const auto geometry = output->geometry(); hash.addData(reinterpret_cast(&geometry), sizeof(geometry)); hashes.push_back(QString::fromLatin1(hash.result().toHex())); } std::sort(hashes.begin(), hashes.end()); const auto hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(hashes.join(QString()).toLatin1(), QCryptographicHash::Md5); return QString::fromLatin1(hash.toHex()); } void Workspace::initializeX11() { if (!kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { return; } atoms->retrieveHelpers(); // first initialize the extensions Xcb::Extensions::self(); // Call this before XSelectInput() on the root window m_startup = std::make_unique(KStartupInfo::DisableKWinModule | KStartupInfo::AnnounceSilenceChanges, this); // Select windowmanager privileges selectWmInputEventMask(); if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11) { m_wasUserInteractionFilter = std::make_unique(); m_movingClientFilter = std::make_unique(); } if (Xcb::Extensions::self()->isSyncAvailable()) { m_syncAlarmFilter = std::make_unique(); } kwinApp()->updateXTime(); // Needed for proper initialization of user_time in Client ctor const uint32_t nullFocusValues[] = {true}; m_nullFocus = std::make_unique(QRect(-1, -1, 1, 1), XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_ONLY, XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT, nullFocusValues); m_nullFocus->map(); RootInfo *rootInfo = RootInfo::create(); const auto vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); vds->setRootInfo(rootInfo); rootInfo->activate(); // TODO: only in X11 mode // Extra NETRootInfo instance in Client mode is needed to get the values of the properties NETRootInfo client_info(kwinApp()->x11Connection(), NET::ActiveWindow | NET::CurrentDesktop); bool sessionRestored = false; #ifndef QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER sessionRestored = qApp->isSessionRestored(); #endif if (!sessionRestored) { m_initialDesktop = client_info.currentDesktop(); vds->setCurrent(m_initialDesktop); } // TODO: better value rootInfo->setActiveWindow(XCB_WINDOW_NONE); focusToNull(); if (!sessionRestored) { ++block_focus; // Because it will be set below } { // Begin updates blocker block StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); Xcb::Tree tree(kwinApp()->x11RootWindow()); xcb_window_t *wins = xcb_query_tree_children(tree.data()); QList windowAttributes(tree->children_len); QList windowGeometries(tree->children_len); // Request the attributes and geometries of all toplevel windows for (int i = 0; i < tree->children_len; i++) { windowAttributes[i] = Xcb::WindowAttributes(wins[i]); windowGeometries[i] = Xcb::WindowGeometry(wins[i]); } // Get the replies for (int i = 0; i < tree->children_len; i++) { Xcb::WindowAttributes attr(windowAttributes.at(i)); if (attr.isNull()) { continue; } if (attr->override_redirect) { if (attr->map_state == XCB_MAP_STATE_VIEWABLE && attr->_class != XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_ONLY) { // ### This will request the attributes again createUnmanaged(wins[i]); } } else if (attr->map_state != XCB_MAP_STATE_UNMAPPED) { if (Application::wasCrash()) { fixPositionAfterCrash(wins[i], windowGeometries.at(i).data()); } // ### This will request the attributes again createX11Window(wins[i], true); } } // Propagate windows, will really happen at the end of the updates blocker block updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); // NETWM spec says we have to set it to (0,0) if we don't support it NETPoint *viewports = new NETPoint[VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count()]; rootInfo->setDesktopViewport(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count(), *viewports); delete[] viewports; NETSize desktop_geometry; desktop_geometry.width = m_geometry.width(); desktop_geometry.height = m_geometry.height(); rootInfo->setDesktopGeometry(desktop_geometry); } // End updates blocker block // TODO: only on X11? Window *newActiveWindow = nullptr; if (!sessionRestored) { --block_focus; newActiveWindow = findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, client_info.activeWindow()); } if (newActiveWindow == nullptr && activeWindow() == nullptr && should_get_focus.count() == 0) { // No client activated in manage() if (newActiveWindow == nullptr) { newActiveWindow = topWindowOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); } if (newActiveWindow == nullptr) { newActiveWindow = findDesktop(true, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); } } if (newActiveWindow != nullptr) { activateWindow(newActiveWindow); } } void Workspace::cleanupX11() { // We expect that other components will unregister their X11 event filters after the // connection to the X server has been lost. StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); // Use stacking_order, so that kwin --replace keeps stacking order. const auto stack = stacking_order; for (Window *window : stack) { if (auto x11 = qobject_cast(window)) { x11->releaseWindow(true); removeFromStack(window); } } manual_overlays.clear(); VirtualDesktopManager *desktopManager = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); desktopManager->setRootInfo(nullptr); X11Window::cleanupX11(); RootInfo::destroy(); Xcb::Extensions::destroy(); m_movingClientFilter.reset(); m_startup.reset(); m_nullFocus.reset(); m_syncAlarmFilter.reset(); m_wasUserInteractionFilter.reset(); } Workspace::~Workspace() { blockStackingUpdates(true); cleanupX11(); if (waylandServer()) { const QList waylandWindows = waylandServer()->windows(); for (Window *window : waylandWindows) { window->destroyWindow(); } } // We need a shadow copy because windows get removed as we go through them. const QList windows = m_windows; for (Window *window : windows) { window->destroyWindow(); } m_rulebook.reset(); kwinApp()->config()->sync(); m_placement.reset(); delete m_windowKeysDialog; if (m_placeholderOutput) { m_placeholderOutput->unref(); } m_tileManagers.clear(); for (Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { output->unref(); } _self = nullptr; } bool Workspace::applyOutputConfiguration(const OutputConfiguration &config, const QList &outputOrder) { if (!kwinApp()->outputBackend()->applyOutputChanges(config)) { return false; } updateOutputs(outputOrder); m_outputConfigStore->storeConfig(kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(), m_lidSwitchTracker->isLidClosed(), config, outputOrder); KConfig cfg(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")); KConfigGroup kscreenGroup = cfg.group("KScreen"); const bool xwaylandClientsScale = kscreenGroup.readEntry("XwaylandClientsScale", true); if (xwaylandClientsScale && !outputOrder.isEmpty()) { double maxScale = 0; for (Output *output : outputOrder) { const auto changeset = config.constChangeSet(output); maxScale = std::max(maxScale, changeset ? changeset->scale.value_or(output->scale()) : output->scale()); } kwinApp()->setXwaylandScale(maxScale); } else { kwinApp()->setXwaylandScale(1); } m_orientationSensor->setEnabled(m_outputConfigStore->isAutoRotateActive(kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(), kwinApp()->tabletModeManager()->effectiveTabletMode())); return true; } void Workspace::updateOutputConfiguration() { // There's conflict between this code and setVirtualOutputs(), need to adjust the tests. if (QStandardPaths::isTestModeEnabled()) { return; } const auto outputs = kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(); if (outputs.empty()) { // nothing to do setOutputOrder({}); return; } // Update the output order to a fallback list, to avoid dangling pointers const auto setFallbackOutputOrder = [this, &outputs]() { auto newOrder = outputs; newOrder.erase(std::remove_if(newOrder.begin(), newOrder.end(), [](Output *o) { return !o->isEnabled(); }), newOrder.end()); std::sort(newOrder.begin(), newOrder.end(), [](Output *left, Output *right) { return left->name() < right->name(); }); setOutputOrder(newOrder); }; const auto opt = m_outputConfigStore->queryConfig(outputs, m_lidSwitchTracker->isLidClosed(), m_orientationSensor->reading(), kwinApp()->tabletModeManager()->effectiveTabletMode()); if (!opt) { return; } const auto &[cfg, order, type] = *opt; if (!applyOutputConfiguration(cfg, order)) { qCWarning(KWIN_CORE) << "Applying output config failed!"; setFallbackOutputOrder(); return; } setOutputOrder(order); if (type == OutputConfigurationStore::ConfigType::Generated) { const bool hasInternal = std::any_of(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), [](Output *o) { return o->isInternal(); }); if (hasInternal && outputs.size() == 2) { // show the OSD with output configuration presets QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kscreen.osdService"), QStringLiteral("/org/kde/kscreen/osdService"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.kscreen.osdService"), QStringLiteral("showActionSelector")); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall(message); } } } void Workspace::setupWindowConnections(Window *window) { connect(window, &Window::minimizedChanged, this, std::bind(&Workspace::windowMinimizedChanged, this, window)); connect(window, &Window::fullScreenChanged, m_screenEdges.get(), &ScreenEdges::checkBlocking); } void Workspace::constrain(Window *below, Window *above) { if (below == above) { return; } QList parents; QList children; for (Constraint *constraint : std::as_const(m_constraints)) { if (constraint->below == below && constraint->above == above) { return; } if (constraint->below == above) { children << constraint; } else if (constraint->above == below) { parents << constraint; } } Constraint *constraint = new Constraint(); constraint->parents = parents; constraint->below = below; constraint->above = above; constraint->children = children; m_constraints << constraint; for (Constraint *parent : std::as_const(parents)) { parent->children << constraint; } for (Constraint *child : std::as_const(children)) { child->parents << constraint; } updateStackingOrder(); } void Workspace::unconstrain(Window *below, Window *above) { Constraint *constraint = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < m_constraints.count(); ++i) { if (m_constraints[i]->below == below && m_constraints[i]->above == above) { constraint = m_constraints.takeAt(i); break; } } if (!constraint) { return; } const QList parents = constraint->parents; for (Constraint *parent : parents) { parent->children.removeOne(constraint); } const QList children = constraint->children; for (Constraint *child : children) { child->parents.removeOne(constraint); } delete constraint; updateStackingOrder(); } void Workspace::addToStack(Window *window) { // If the stacking order of a window has been restored from the session, that // window will already be in the stack when Workspace::addX11Window() is called. if (!unconstrained_stacking_order.contains(window)) { unconstrained_stacking_order.append(window); } if (!stacking_order.contains(window)) { stacking_order.append(window); } } void Workspace::removeFromStack(Window *window) { unconstrained_stacking_order.removeAll(window); stacking_order.removeAll(window); for (int i = m_constraints.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Constraint *constraint = m_constraints[i]; const bool isBelow = (constraint->below == window); const bool isAbove = (constraint->above == window); if (!isBelow && !isAbove) { continue; } if (isBelow) { for (Constraint *child : std::as_const(constraint->children)) { child->parents.removeOne(constraint); } } else { for (Constraint *parent : std::as_const(constraint->parents)) { parent->children.removeOne(constraint); } } delete m_constraints.takeAt(i); } } X11Window *Workspace::createX11Window(xcb_window_t windowId, bool is_mapped) { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); X11Window *window = new X11Window(); setupWindowConnections(window); if (!window->manage(windowId, is_mapped)) { X11Window::deleteClient(window); return nullptr; } addX11Window(window); Q_EMIT windowAdded(window); return window; } X11Window *Workspace::createUnmanaged(xcb_window_t windowId) { if (kwinApp()->x11CompositeWindow() == windowId) { return nullptr; } X11Window *window = new X11Window(); if (!window->track(windowId)) { X11Window::deleteClient(window); return nullptr; } addUnmanaged(window); return window; } void Workspace::addX11Window(X11Window *window) { Group *grp = findGroup(window->window()); if (grp != nullptr) { grp->gotLeader(window); } if (window->isDesktop()) { if (m_activeWindow == nullptr && should_get_focus.isEmpty() && window->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { requestFocus(window); // TODO: Make sure desktop is active after startup if there's no other window active } } else { m_focusChain->update(window, FocusChain::Update); } Q_ASSERT(!m_windows.contains(window)); m_windows.append(window); addToStack(window); if (window->hasStrut()) { updateClientArea(); // This cannot be in manage(), because the window got added only now } window->updateLayer(); if (window->isDesktop()) { raiseWindow(window); // If there's no active window, make this desktop the active one if (activeWindow() == nullptr && should_get_focus.count() == 0) { activateWindow(findDesktop(true, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop())); } } window->checkActiveModal(); checkTransients(window->window()); // SELI TODO: Does this really belong here? updateStackingOrder(true); // Propagate new window if (window->isUtility() || window->isMenu() || window->isToolbar()) { updateToolWindows(true); } updateTabbox(); } void Workspace::addUnmanaged(X11Window *window) { Q_ASSERT(!m_windows.contains(window)); m_windows.append(window); addToStack(window); updateStackingOrder(true); Q_EMIT windowAdded(window); } /** * Destroys the window \a window */ void Workspace::removeX11Window(X11Window *window) { Q_ASSERT(m_windows.contains(window)); Group *group = findGroup(window->window()); if (group != nullptr) { group->lostLeader(); } removeWindow(window); } void Workspace::removeUnmanaged(X11Window *window) { Q_ASSERT(m_windows.contains(window)); m_windows.removeOne(window); removeFromStack(window); updateStackingOrder(); Q_EMIT windowRemoved(window); } void Workspace::addDeleted(Window *c) { Q_ASSERT(!deleted.contains(c)); deleted.append(c); } void Workspace::removeDeleted(Window *c) { Q_ASSERT(deleted.contains(c)); Q_EMIT deletedRemoved(c); deleted.removeAll(c); removeFromStack(c); } void Workspace::addWaylandWindow(Window *window) { setupWindowConnections(window); window->updateLayer(); if (window->isPlaceable()) { const QRectF area = clientArea(PlacementArea, window, activeOutput()); bool placementDone = false; if (window->isRequestedFullScreen()) { placementDone = true; } if (window->requestedMaximizeMode() == MaximizeMode::MaximizeFull) { placementDone = true; } if (window->rules()->checkPosition(invalidPoint, true) != invalidPoint) { placementDone = true; } if (!placementDone) { m_placement->place(window, area); } } Q_ASSERT(!m_windows.contains(window)); m_windows.append(window); addToStack(window); updateStackingOrder(true); if (window->hasStrut()) { updateClientArea(); } if (window->wantsInput() && !window->isMinimized()) { activateWindow(window); } updateTabbox(); Q_EMIT windowAdded(window); } void Workspace::removeWaylandWindow(Window *window) { windowHidden(window); removeWindow(window); } void Workspace::removeWindow(Window *window) { if (window == m_activePopupWindow) { closeActivePopup(); } if (m_userActionsMenu->isMenuWindow(window)) { m_userActionsMenu->close(); } m_windows.removeAll(window); if (window == m_delayFocusWindow) { cancelDelayFocus(); } attention_chain.removeAll(window); should_get_focus.removeAll(window); if (window == m_activeWindow) { m_activeWindow = nullptr; } if (window == m_lastActiveWindow) { m_lastActiveWindow = nullptr; } if (m_windowKeysWindow == window) { setupWindowShortcutDone(false); } if (!window->shortcut().isEmpty()) { window->setShortcut(QString()); // Remove from client_keys windowShortcutUpdated(window); // Needed, since this is otherwise delayed by setShortcut() and wouldn't run } if (window->hasStrut()) { updateClientArea(); } Q_EMIT windowRemoved(window); updateStackingOrder(true); updateTabbox(); } void Workspace::updateToolWindows(bool also_hide) { // TODO: What if Client's transiency/group changes? should this be called too? (I'm paranoid, am I not?) if (!options->isHideUtilityWindowsForInactive()) { for (auto it = m_windows.constBegin(); it != m_windows.constEnd(); ++it) { if (X11Window *x11Window = qobject_cast(*it)) { x11Window->setHidden(false); } } return; } const Group *group = nullptr; auto window = m_activeWindow; // Go up in transiency hiearchy, if the top is found, only tool transients for the top mainwindow // will be shown; if a group transient is group, all tools in the group will be shown while (window != nullptr) { if (!window->isTransient()) { break; } if (window->groupTransient()) { group = window->group(); break; } window = window->transientFor(); } // Use stacking order only to reduce flicker, it doesn't matter if block_stacking_updates == 0, // I.e. if it's not up to date // SELI TODO: But maybe it should - what if a new window has been added that's not in stacking order yet? QList to_show, to_hide; for (auto it = stacking_order.constBegin(); it != stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { auto c = *it; if (!c->isClient()) { continue; } if (c->isUtility() || c->isMenu() || c->isToolbar()) { bool show = true; if (!c->isTransient()) { if (!c->group() || c->group()->members().count() == 1) { // Has its own group, keep always visible show = true; } else if (window != nullptr && c->group() == window->group()) { show = true; } else { show = false; } } else { if (group != nullptr && c->group() == group) { show = true; } else if (window != nullptr && window->hasTransient(c, true)) { show = true; } else { show = false; } } if (!show && also_hide) { const auto mainwindows = c->mainWindows(); // Don't hide utility windows which are standalone(?) or // have e.g. kicker as mainwindow if (mainwindows.isEmpty()) { show = true; } for (auto it2 = mainwindows.constBegin(); it2 != mainwindows.constEnd(); ++it2) { if ((*it2)->isSpecialWindow()) { show = true; } } if (!show) { to_hide.append(c); } } if (show) { to_show.append(c); } } } // First show new ones, then hide for (int i = to_show.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // From topmost // TODO: Since this is in stacking order, the order of taskbar entries changes :( to_show.at(i)->setHidden(false); } if (also_hide) { for (auto it = to_hide.constBegin(); it != to_hide.constEnd(); ++it) { // From bottommost (*it)->setHidden(true); } updateToolWindowsTimer.stop(); } else { // setActiveWindow() is after called with NULL window, quickly followed // by setting a new window, which would result in flickering resetUpdateToolWindowsTimer(); } } void Workspace::resetUpdateToolWindowsTimer() { updateToolWindowsTimer.start(200); } void Workspace::slotUpdateToolWindows() { updateToolWindows(true); } void Workspace::slotReloadConfig() { reconfigure(); } void Workspace::reconfigure() { reconfigureTimer.start(200); } /** * Reread settings */ void Workspace::slotReconfigure() { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Workspace::slotReconfigure()"; reconfigureTimer.stop(); bool borderlessMaximizedWindows = options->borderlessMaximizedWindows(); kwinApp()->config()->reparseConfiguration(); options->updateSettings(); Q_EMIT configChanged(); m_userActionsMenu->discard(); updateToolWindows(true); m_rulebook->load(); for (Window *window : std::as_const(m_windows)) { if (window->supportsWindowRules()) { window->evaluateWindowRules(); m_rulebook->discardUsed(window, false); } } if (borderlessMaximizedWindows != options->borderlessMaximizedWindows() && !options->borderlessMaximizedWindows()) { // in case borderless maximized windows option changed and new option // is to have borders, we need to unset the borders for all maximized windows for (auto it = m_windows.cbegin(); it != m_windows.cend(); ++it) { if ((*it)->maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull) { (*it)->checkNoBorder(); } } } } void Workspace::slotCurrentDesktopChanged(VirtualDesktop *oldDesktop, VirtualDesktop *newDesktop) { closeActivePopup(); ++block_focus; StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); updateWindowVisibilityOnDesktopChange(newDesktop); // Restore the focus on this desktop --block_focus; activateWindowOnNewDesktop(newDesktop); Q_EMIT currentDesktopChanged(oldDesktop, m_moveResizeWindow); } void Workspace::slotCurrentDesktopChanging(VirtualDesktop *currentDesktop, QPointF offset) { closeActivePopup(); Q_EMIT currentDesktopChanging(currentDesktop, offset, m_moveResizeWindow); } void Workspace::slotCurrentDesktopChangingCancelled() { Q_EMIT currentDesktopChangingCancelled(); } void Workspace::updateWindowVisibilityOnDesktopChange(VirtualDesktop *newDesktop) { for (auto it = stacking_order.constBegin(); it != stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { X11Window *c = qobject_cast(*it); if (!c) { continue; } if (!c->isOnDesktop(newDesktop) && c != m_moveResizeWindow && c->isOnCurrentActivity()) { (c)->updateVisibility(); } } // Now propagate the change, after hiding, before showing if (rootInfo()) { rootInfo()->setCurrentDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } if (m_moveResizeWindow && !m_moveResizeWindow->isOnDesktop(newDesktop)) { m_moveResizeWindow->setDesktops({newDesktop}); } for (int i = stacking_order.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { X11Window *c = qobject_cast(stacking_order.at(i)); if (!c) { continue; } if (c->isOnDesktop(newDesktop) && c->isOnCurrentActivity()) { c->updateVisibility(); } } if (showingDesktop()) { // Do this only after desktop change to avoid flicker setShowingDesktop(false); } } void Workspace::activateWindowOnNewDesktop(VirtualDesktop *desktop) { Window *window = nullptr; if (options->focusPolicyIsReasonable()) { window = findWindowToActivateOnDesktop(desktop); } // If "unreasonable focus policy" and m_activeWindow is on_all_desktops and // under mouse (Hence == old_active_window), conserve focus. // (Thanks to Volker Schatz ) else if (m_activeWindow && m_activeWindow->isShown() && m_activeWindow->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { window = m_activeWindow; } if (!window) { window = findDesktop(true, desktop); } if (window != m_activeWindow) { setActiveWindow(nullptr); } if (window) { requestFocus(window); } else { focusToNull(); } } Window *Workspace::findWindowToActivateOnDesktop(VirtualDesktop *desktop) { if (m_moveResizeWindow != nullptr && m_activeWindow == m_moveResizeWindow && m_focusChain->contains(m_activeWindow, desktop) && m_activeWindow->isShown() && m_activeWindow->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { // A requestFocus call will fail, as the window is already active return m_activeWindow; } // from actiavtion.cpp if (options->isNextFocusPrefersMouse()) { auto it = stackingOrder().constEnd(); while (it != stackingOrder().constBegin()) { auto window = *(--it); if (!window->isClient()) { continue; } if (!(!window->isShade() && window->isShown() && window->isOnDesktop(desktop) && window->isOnCurrentActivity() && window->isOnActiveOutput())) { continue; } if (window->hitTest(Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos())) { if (!window->isDesktop()) { return window; } break; // unconditional break - we do not pass the focus to some window below an unusable one } } } return m_focusChain->getForActivation(desktop); } /** * Updates the current activity when it changes * do *not* call this directly; it does not set the activity. * * Shows/Hides windows according to the stacking order */ void Workspace::updateCurrentActivity(const QString &new_activity) { #if KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (!m_activities) { return; } // closeActivePopup(); ++block_focus; // TODO: Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 ); // Make sure stacking_order is up to date StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); // Optimized Desktop switching: unmapping done from back to front // mapping done from front to back => less exposure events // Notify::raise((Notify::Event) (Notify::DesktopChange+new_desktop)); for (auto it = stacking_order.constBegin(); it != stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { X11Window *window = qobject_cast(*it); if (!window) { continue; } if (!window->isOnActivity(new_activity) && window != m_moveResizeWindow && window->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { window->updateVisibility(); } } // Now propagate the change, after hiding, before showing // rootInfo->setCurrentDesktop( currentDesktop() ); /* TODO someday enable dragging windows to other activities if ( m_moveResizeWindow && !m_moveResizeWindow->isOnDesktop( new_desktop )) { m_moveResizeWindow->setDesktop( new_desktop ); */ for (int i = stacking_order.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { X11Window *window = qobject_cast(stacking_order.at(i)); if (!window) { continue; } if (window->isOnActivity(new_activity)) { window->updateVisibility(); } } // FIXME not sure if I should do this either if (showingDesktop()) { // Do this only after desktop change to avoid flicker setShowingDesktop(false); } // Restore the focus on this desktop --block_focus; Window *window = nullptr; // FIXME below here is a lot of focuschain stuff, probably all wrong now // Keep active window focused if it's on the new activity if (m_activeWindow && m_activeWindow->isShown() && m_activeWindow->isOnCurrentDesktop() && m_activeWindow->isOnCurrentActivity()) { window = m_activeWindow; } else if (options->focusPolicyIsReasonable()) { // Search in focus chain window = m_focusChain->getForActivation(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); } if (!window) { window = findDesktop(true, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); } if (window != m_activeWindow) { setActiveWindow(nullptr); } if (window) { requestFocus(window); } else { focusToNull(); } Q_EMIT currentActivityChanged(); #endif } Output *Workspace::outputAt(const QPointF &pos) const { Output *bestOutput = nullptr; qreal minDistance; for (Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { const QRectF geo = output->geometry(); const QPointF closestPoint(std::clamp(pos.x(), geo.x(), geo.x() + geo.width() - 1), std::clamp(pos.y(), geo.y(), geo.y() + geo.height() - 1)); const QPointF ray = closestPoint - pos; const qreal distance = ray.x() * ray.x() + ray.y() * ray.y(); if (!bestOutput || distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; bestOutput = output; } } return bestOutput; } Output *Workspace::findOutput(Output *reference, Direction direction, bool wrapAround) const { QList relevantOutputs; std::copy_if(m_outputs.begin(), m_outputs.end(), std::back_inserter(relevantOutputs), [reference, direction](Output *output) { switch (direction) { case DirectionEast: case DirectionWest: // filter for outputs on same horizontal line return output->geometry().top() <= reference->geometry().bottom() && output->geometry().bottom() >= reference->geometry().top(); case DirectionSouth: case DirectionNorth: // filter for outputs on same vertical line return output->geometry().left() <= reference->geometry().right() && output->geometry().right() >= reference->geometry().left(); default: // take all outputs return true; } }); std::sort(relevantOutputs.begin(), relevantOutputs.end(), [direction](const Output *o1, const Output *o2) { switch (direction) { case DirectionEast: case DirectionWest: // order outputs from left to right return o1->geometry().center().x() < o2->geometry().center().x(); case DirectionSouth: case DirectionNorth: // order outputs from top to bottom return o1->geometry().center().y() < o2->geometry().center().y(); default: // order outputs from top to bottom, then left to right // case 1: o1 is above o2 // case 2: o1 is not below o2, and o1 is left of o2 return o1->geometry().y() + o1->geometry().height() <= o2->geometry().top() || (o1->geometry().top() < o2->geometry().y() + o2->geometry().height() && o1->geometry().left() < o2->geometry().left()); } }); const int index = relevantOutputs.indexOf(reference); Q_ASSERT(index != -1); switch (direction) { case DirectionEast: case DirectionSouth: case DirectionNext: // go forward in the list return relevantOutputs[wrapAround ? (index + 1) % relevantOutputs.count() : std::min(index + 1, (int)relevantOutputs.count() - 1)]; case DirectionWest: case DirectionNorth: case DirectionPrev: // go backward in the list return relevantOutputs[wrapAround ? (index + relevantOutputs.count() - 1) % relevantOutputs.count() : std::max(index - 1, 0)]; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } void Workspace::slotOutputBackendOutputsQueried() { if (waylandServer()) { updateOutputConfiguration(); } updateOutputs(); } void Workspace::updateOutputs(const QList &outputOrder) { const auto availableOutputs = kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(); const auto oldOutputs = m_outputs; m_outputs.clear(); for (Output *output : availableOutputs) { if (!output->isNonDesktop() && output->isEnabled()) { m_outputs.append(output); } } // The workspace requires at least one output connected. if (m_outputs.isEmpty()) { if (!m_placeholderOutput) { m_placeholderOutput = new PlaceholderOutput(QSize(8192, 8192), 1); m_placeholderFilter = std::make_unique(); input()->prependInputEventFilter(m_placeholderFilter.get()); } m_outputs.append(m_placeholderOutput); } else { if (m_placeholderOutput) { m_placeholderOutput->unref(); m_placeholderOutput = nullptr; m_placeholderFilter.reset(); } } if (!m_activeOutput || !m_outputs.contains(m_activeOutput)) { setActiveOutput(m_outputs[0]); } if (!m_outputs.contains(m_activeCursorOutput)) { m_activeCursorOutput = nullptr; } if (!outputOrder.empty()) { setOutputOrder(outputOrder); } else { // ensure all enabled but no disabled outputs are in the output order for (Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { if (output->isEnabled() && !m_outputOrder.contains(output)) { m_outputOrder.push_back(output); } } m_outputOrder.erase(std::remove_if(m_outputOrder.begin(), m_outputOrder.end(), [this](Output *output) { return !m_outputs.contains(output); }), m_outputOrder.end()); } const QSet oldOutputsSet(oldOutputs.constBegin(), oldOutputs.constEnd()); const QSet outputsSet(m_outputs.constBegin(), m_outputs.constEnd()); const auto added = outputsSet - oldOutputsSet; for (Output *output : added) { output->ref(); m_tileManagers[output] = std::make_unique(output); connect(output, &Output::aboutToTurnOff, this, &Workspace::createDpmsFilter); connect(output, &Output::dpmsModeChanged, this, &Workspace::maybeDestroyDpmsFilter); if (output->dpmsMode() != Output::DpmsMode::On) { createDpmsFilter(); } Q_EMIT outputAdded(output); } maybeDestroyDpmsFilter(); const auto removed = oldOutputsSet - outputsSet; for (Output *output : removed) { Q_EMIT outputRemoved(output); auto tileManager = std::move(m_tileManagers[output]); m_tileManagers.erase(output); // Evacuate windows from the defunct custom tile tree. tileManager->rootTile()->visitDescendants([](const Tile *child) { const QList windows = child->windows(); for (Window *window : windows) { window->setTile(nullptr); } }); // Migrate windows from the defunct quick tile to a quick tile tree on another output. static constexpr QuickTileMode quickTileModes[] = { QuickTileFlag::Left, QuickTileFlag::Right, QuickTileFlag::Top, QuickTileFlag::Bottom, QuickTileFlag::Top | QuickTileFlag::Left, QuickTileFlag::Top | QuickTileFlag::Right, QuickTileFlag::Bottom | QuickTileFlag::Left, QuickTileFlag::Bottom | QuickTileFlag::Right, }; for (const QuickTileMode &quickTileMode : quickTileModes) { Tile *quickTile = tileManager->quickTile(quickTileMode); const QList windows = quickTile->windows(); if (windows.isEmpty()) { continue; } Output *bestOutput = outputAt(output->geometry().center()); Tile *bestTile = m_tileManagers[bestOutput]->quickTile(quickTileMode); for (Window *window : windows) { window->setTile(bestTile); } } } desktopResized(); for (Output *output : removed) { output->unref(); } Q_EMIT outputsChanged(); } void Workspace::createDpmsFilter() { if (!m_dpmsFilter) { m_dpmsFilter = std::make_unique(); input()->prependInputEventFilter(m_dpmsFilter.get()); } } void Workspace::maybeDestroyDpmsFilter() { const bool allOn = std::all_of(m_outputs.begin(), m_outputs.end(), [](Output *output) { return output->dpmsMode() == Output::DpmsMode::On; }); if (allOn) { m_dpmsFilter.reset(); } } void Workspace::slotDesktopAdded(VirtualDesktop *desktop) { m_focusChain->addDesktop(desktop); m_placement->reinitCascading(); updateClientArea(); } void Workspace::slotDesktopRemoved(VirtualDesktop *desktop) { for (auto it = m_windows.constBegin(); it != m_windows.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->desktops().contains(desktop)) { continue; } if ((*it)->desktops().count() > 1) { (*it)->leaveDesktop(desktop); } else { const uint desktopId = std::min(desktop->x11DesktopNumber(), VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count()); sendWindowToDesktops(*it, {VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktopId)}, true); } } for (auto it = deleted.constBegin(); it != deleted.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->desktops().contains(desktop)) { (*it)->leaveDesktop(desktop); } } updateClientArea(); m_placement->reinitCascading(); m_focusChain->removeDesktop(desktop); } void Workspace::selectWmInputEventMask() { uint32_t presentMask = 0; Xcb::WindowAttributes attr(kwinApp()->x11RootWindow()); if (!attr.isNull()) { presentMask = attr->your_event_mask; } const uint32_t wmMask = XCB_EVENT_MASK_KEY_PRESS | XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_COLOR_MAP_CHANGE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_NOTIFY | XCB_EVENT_MASK_FOCUS_CHANGE // For NotifyDetailNone | XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE; Xcb::selectInput(kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), presentMask | wmMask); } /** * Sends window \a window to desktop \a desk. * * Takes care of transients as well. */ void Workspace::sendWindowToDesktops(Window *window, const QList &desktops, bool dont_activate) { const QList oldDesktops = window->desktops(); const bool wasOnCurrent = window->isOnCurrentDesktop(); window->setDesktops(desktops); if (window->desktops() != desktops) { // No change or desktop forced return; } if (window->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { if (window->wantsTabFocus() && options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() && !wasOnCurrent && // for stickyness changes !dont_activate) { requestFocus(window); } else { restackWindowUnderActive(window); } } else { raiseWindow(window); } window->checkWorkspacePosition(QRect(), oldDesktops.isEmpty() ? nullptr : oldDesktops.last()); auto transients_stacking_order = ensureStackingOrder(window->transients()); for (auto it = transients_stacking_order.constBegin(); it != transients_stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { sendWindowToDesktops(*it, window->desktops(), dont_activate); } updateClientArea(); } void Workspace::sendWindowToOutput(Window *window, Output *output) { window->sendToOutput(output); } /** * Delayed focus functions */ void Workspace::delayFocus() { requestFocus(m_delayFocusWindow); cancelDelayFocus(); } void Workspace::requestDelayFocus(Window *window) { m_delayFocusWindow = window; delete delayFocusTimer; delayFocusTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(delayFocusTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Workspace::delayFocus); delayFocusTimer->setSingleShot(true); delayFocusTimer->start(options->delayFocusInterval()); } void Workspace::cancelDelayFocus() { delete delayFocusTimer; delayFocusTimer = nullptr; m_delayFocusWindow = nullptr; } bool Workspace::checkStartupNotification(xcb_window_t w, KStartupInfoId &id, KStartupInfoData &data) { return m_startup->checkStartup(w, id, data) == KStartupInfo::Match; } /** * Puts the focus on a dummy window * Just using XSetInputFocus() with None would block keyboard input */ void Workspace::focusToNull() { if (m_nullFocus) { should_get_focus.clear(); m_nullFocus->focus(); } } void Workspace::setShowingDesktop(bool showing, bool animated) { const bool changed = showing != showing_desktop; if (rootInfo() && changed) { rootInfo()->setShowingDesktop(showing); } showing_desktop = showing; for (int i = stacking_order.count() - 1; i > -1; --i) { auto window = stacking_order.at(i); if (window->isDeleted() || window->isUnmanaged()) { continue; } if (window->isDock() || window->isDesktop() || window->belongsToDesktop()) { continue; } window->setHiddenByShowDesktop(showing_desktop); } if (showing_desktop) { Window *desktop = findDesktop(true, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); if (desktop) { requestFocus(desktop); } } else if (!showing_desktop && changed) { const auto window = m_focusChain->getForActivation(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop()); if (window) { activateWindow(window); } } if (changed) { Q_EMIT showingDesktopChanged(showing, animated); } } void Workspace::disableGlobalShortcutsForClient(bool disable) { if (m_globalShortcutsDisabledForWindow == disable) { return; } QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kglobalaccel"), QStringLiteral("/kglobalaccel"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KGlobalAccel"), QStringLiteral("blockGlobalShortcuts")); message.setArguments(QList() << disable); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall(message); m_globalShortcutsDisabledForWindow = disable; // Update also Meta+LMB actions etc. for (auto it = m_windows.constBegin(); it != m_windows.constEnd(); ++it) { (*it)->updateMouseGrab(); } } QString Workspace::supportInformation() const { QString support; const QString yes = QStringLiteral("yes\n"); const QString no = QStringLiteral("no\n"); support.append(ki18nc("Introductory text shown in the support information.", "KWin Support Information:\n" "The following information should be used when requesting support on e.g. https://discuss.kde.org.\n" "It provides information about the currently running instance, which options are used,\n" "what OpenGL driver and which effects are running.\n" "Please post the information provided underneath this introductory text to a paste bin service\n" "like https://paste.kde.org instead of pasting into support threads.\n") .toString()); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n==========================\n\n")); // all following strings are intended for support. They need to be pasted to e.g forums.kde.org // it is expected that the support will happen in English language or that the people providing // help understand English. Because of that all texts are not translated support.append(QStringLiteral("Version\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("=======\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("KWin version: ")); support.append(QStringLiteral(KWIN_VERSION_STRING)); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Qt Version: ")); support.append(QString::fromUtf8(qVersion())); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Qt compile version: %1\n").arg(QStringLiteral(QT_VERSION_STR))); support.append(QStringLiteral("XCB compile version: %1\n\n").arg(QStringLiteral(XCB_VERSION_STRING))); support.append(QStringLiteral("Operation Mode: ")); switch (kwinApp()->operationMode()) { case Application::OperationModeX11: support.append(QStringLiteral("X11 only")); break; case Application::OperationModeWaylandOnly: support.append(QStringLiteral("Wayland Only")); break; case Application::OperationModeXwayland: support.append(QStringLiteral("Xwayland")); break; } support.append(QStringLiteral("\n\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Build Options\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("=============\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS: ")); support.append(KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS ? yes : no); support.append(QStringLiteral("KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX: ")); support.append(KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX ? yes : no); support.append(QStringLiteral("KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES: ")); support.append(KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES ? yes : no); support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_X11_XCB: ")); support.append(HAVE_X11_XCB ? yes : no); support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_GLX: ")); support.append(HAVE_GLX ? yes : no); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); if (auto c = kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("X11\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("===\n")); auto x11setup = xcb_get_setup(c); support.append(QStringLiteral("Vendor: %1\n").arg(QString::fromUtf8(QByteArray::fromRawData(xcb_setup_vendor(x11setup), xcb_setup_vendor_length(x11setup))))); support.append(QStringLiteral("Vendor Release: %1\n").arg(x11setup->release_number)); support.append(QStringLiteral("Protocol Version/Revision: %1/%2\n").arg(x11setup->protocol_major_version).arg(x11setup->protocol_minor_version)); const auto extensions = Xcb::Extensions::self()->extensions(); for (const auto &e : extensions) { support.append(QStringLiteral("%1: %2; Version: 0x%3\n") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(e.name), e.present ? yes.trimmed() : no.trimmed(), QString::number(e.version, 16))); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); } if (m_decorationBridge) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Decoration\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("==========\n")); support.append(m_decorationBridge->supportInformation()); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("Output backend\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("==============\n")); support.append(kwinApp()->outputBackend()->supportInformation()); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); const Cursor *cursor = Cursors::self()->mouse(); support.append(QLatin1String("Cursor\n")); support.append(QLatin1String("======\n")); support.append(QLatin1String("themeName: ") + cursor->themeName() + QLatin1Char('\n')); support.append(QLatin1String("themeSize: ") + QString::number(cursor->themeSize()) + QLatin1Char('\n')); support.append(QLatin1Char('\n')); support.append(QStringLiteral("Options\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("=======\n")); const QMetaObject *metaOptions = options->metaObject(); auto printProperty = [](const QVariant &variant) { if (variant.type() == QVariant::Size) { const QSize &s = variant.toSize(); return QStringLiteral("%1x%2").arg(s.width()).arg(s.height()); } if (QLatin1String(variant.typeName()) == QLatin1String("KWin::OpenGLPlatformInterface") || QLatin1String(variant.typeName()) == QLatin1String("KWin::Options::WindowOperation")) { return QString::number(variant.toInt()); } return variant.toString(); }; for (int i = 0; i < metaOptions->propertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty property = metaOptions->property(i); if (QLatin1String(property.name()) == QLatin1String("objectName")) { continue; } support.append(QStringLiteral("%1: %2\n").arg(property.name(), printProperty(options->property(property.name())))); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nScreen Edges\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("============\n")); const QMetaObject *metaScreenEdges = m_screenEdges->metaObject(); for (int i = 0; i < metaScreenEdges->propertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty property = metaScreenEdges->property(i); if (QLatin1String(property.name()) == QLatin1String("objectName")) { continue; } support.append(QStringLiteral("%1: %2\n").arg(property.name(), printProperty(m_screenEdges->property(property.name())))); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nScreens\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("=======\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Active screen follows mouse: ")); if (options->activeMouseScreen()) { support.append(QStringLiteral(" yes\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral(" no\n")); } const QList outputs = kwinApp()->outputBackend()->outputs(); support.append(QStringLiteral("Number of Screens: %1\n\n").arg(outputs.count())); for (int i = 0; i < outputs.count(); ++i) { const auto output = outputs[i]; const QRect geo = outputs[i]->geometry(); support.append(QStringLiteral("Screen %1:\n").arg(i)); support.append(QStringLiteral("---------\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Name: %1\n").arg(output->name())); support.append(QStringLiteral("Enabled: %1\n").arg(output->isEnabled())); if (output->isEnabled()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Geometry: %1,%2,%3x%4\n") .arg(geo.x()) .arg(geo.y()) .arg(geo.width()) .arg(geo.height())); support.append(QStringLiteral("Scale: %1\n").arg(output->scale())); support.append(QStringLiteral("Refresh Rate: %1\n").arg(output->refreshRate())); QString vrr = QStringLiteral("incapable"); if (output->capabilities() & Output::Capability::Vrr) { switch (output->vrrPolicy()) { case RenderLoop::VrrPolicy::Never: vrr = QStringLiteral("never"); break; case RenderLoop::VrrPolicy::Always: vrr = QStringLiteral("always"); break; case RenderLoop::VrrPolicy::Automatic: vrr = QStringLiteral("automatic"); break; } } support.append(QStringLiteral("Adaptive Sync: %1\n").arg(vrr)); } } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nCompositing\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("===========\n")); if (effects) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing is active\n")); switch (effects->compositingType()) { case OpenGLCompositing: { GLPlatform *platform = GLPlatform::instance(); if (platform->isGLES()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing Type: OpenGL ES 2.0\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing Type: OpenGL\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL vendor string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glVendorString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL renderer string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glRendererString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL version string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glVersionString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL platform interface: ")); switch (platform->platformInterface()) { case GlxPlatformInterface: support.append(QStringLiteral("GLX")); break; case EglPlatformInterface: support.append(QStringLiteral("EGL")); break; default: support.append(QStringLiteral("UNKNOWN")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL shading language version string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glShadingLanguageVersionString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Driver: ") + GLPlatform::driverToString(platform->driver()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); if (!platform->isMesaDriver()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Driver version: ") + platform->driverVersion().toString() + QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("GPU class: ") + GLPlatform::chipClassToString(platform->chipClass()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL version: ") + platform->glVersion().toString() + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("GLSL version: ") + platform->glslVersion().toString() + QStringLiteral("\n")); if (platform->isMesaDriver()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Mesa version: ") + platform->mesaVersion().toString() + QStringLiteral("\n")); } if (auto xVersion = Xcb::xServerVersion(); xVersion.isValid()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("X server version: ") + xVersion.toString() + QStringLiteral("\n")); } if (auto kernelVersion = linuxKernelVersion(); kernelVersion.isValid()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Linux kernel version: ") + kernelVersion.toString() + QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("Direct rendering: ")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Requires strict binding: ")); if (!platform->isLooseBinding()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("yes\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral("no\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("Virtual Machine: ")); if (platform->isVirtualMachine()) { support.append(QStringLiteral(" yes\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral(" no\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL 2 Shaders are used\n")); break; } case QPainterCompositing: support.append("Compositing Type: QPainter\n"); break; case NoCompositing: default: support.append(QStringLiteral("Something is really broken, neither OpenGL nor QPainter is used")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nLoaded Effects:\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("---------------\n")); const auto loadedEffects = static_cast(effects)->loadedEffects(); for (const QString &effect : loadedEffects) { support.append(effect + QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nCurrently Active Effects:\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("-------------------------\n")); const auto activeEffects = static_cast(effects)->activeEffects(); for (const QString &effect : activeEffects) { support.append(effect + QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nEffect Settings:\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("----------------\n")); for (const QString &effect : loadedEffects) { support.append(static_cast(effects)->supportInformation(effect)); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QLatin1String("\nLoaded Plugins:\n")); support.append(QLatin1String("---------------\n")); QStringList loadedPlugins = kwinApp()->pluginManager()->loadedPlugins(); loadedPlugins.sort(); for (const QString &plugin : std::as_const(loadedPlugins)) { support.append(plugin + QLatin1Char('\n')); } support.append(QLatin1String("\nAvailable Plugins:\n")); support.append(QLatin1String("------------------\n")); QStringList availablePlugins = kwinApp()->pluginManager()->availablePlugins(); availablePlugins.sort(); for (const QString &plugin : std::as_const(availablePlugins)) { support.append(plugin + QLatin1Char('\n')); } } else { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing is not active\n")); } return support; } void Workspace::forEachClient(std::function func) { for (Window *window : std::as_const(m_windows)) { X11Window *x11Window = qobject_cast(window); if (x11Window && !x11Window->isUnmanaged()) { func(x11Window); } } } X11Window *Workspace::findClient(std::function func) const { for (Window *window : std::as_const(m_windows)) { X11Window *x11Window = qobject_cast(window); if (x11Window && !x11Window->isUnmanaged() && func(x11Window)) { return x11Window; } } return nullptr; } X11Window *Workspace::findUnmanaged(std::function func) const { for (Window *window : m_windows) { X11Window *x11Window = qobject_cast(window); if (x11Window && x11Window->isUnmanaged() && func(x11Window)) { return x11Window; } } return nullptr; } X11Window *Workspace::findUnmanaged(xcb_window_t w) const { return findUnmanaged([w](const X11Window *u) { return u->window() == w; }); } X11Window *Workspace::findClient(Predicate predicate, xcb_window_t w) const { switch (predicate) { case Predicate::WindowMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Window *c) { return c->window() == w; }); case Predicate::WrapperIdMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Window *c) { return c->wrapperId() == w; }); case Predicate::FrameIdMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Window *c) { return c->frameId() == w; }); case Predicate::InputIdMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Window *c) { return c->inputId() == w; }); } return nullptr; } Window *Workspace::findWindow(std::function func) const { return Window::findInList(m_windows, func); } Window *Workspace::findWindow(const QUuid &internalId) const { return findWindow([internalId](const KWin::Window *l) -> bool { return internalId == l->internalId(); }); } void Workspace::forEachWindow(std::function func) { std::for_each(m_windows.constBegin(), m_windows.constEnd(), func); } bool Workspace::hasWindow(const Window *c) { return findWindow([&c](const Window *test) { return test == c; }) != nullptr; } Window *Workspace::findInternal(QWindow *w) const { if (!w) { return nullptr; } if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11) { return findUnmanaged(w->winId()); } for (Window *window : m_windows) { if (InternalWindow *internal = qobject_cast(window)) { if (internal->handle() == w) { return internal; } } } return nullptr; } void Workspace::setWasUserInteraction() { if (was_user_interaction) { return; } was_user_interaction = true; // might be called from within the filter, so delay till we now the filter returned QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this] { m_wasUserInteractionFilter.reset(); }); } void Workspace::updateTabbox() { #if KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX if (m_tabbox->isDisplayed()) { m_tabbox->reset(true); } #endif } void Workspace::addInternalWindow(InternalWindow *window) { Q_ASSERT(!m_windows.contains(window)); m_windows.append(window); addToStack(window); setupWindowConnections(window); window->updateLayer(); if (window->isPlaceable()) { const QRectF area = clientArea(PlacementArea, window, workspace()->activeOutput()); m_placement->place(window, area); } updateStackingOrder(true); Q_EMIT windowAdded(window); } void Workspace::removeInternalWindow(InternalWindow *window) { m_windows.removeOne(window); updateStackingOrder(); Q_EMIT windowRemoved(window); } void Workspace::setInitialDesktop(int desktop) { m_initialDesktop = desktop; } Group *Workspace::findGroup(xcb_window_t leader) const { Q_ASSERT(leader != XCB_WINDOW_NONE); for (auto it = groups.constBegin(); it != groups.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->leader() == leader) { return *it; } } return nullptr; } // Window is group transient, but has no group set. Try to find // group with windows with the same client leader. Group *Workspace::findClientLeaderGroup(const X11Window *window) const { Group *ret = nullptr; for (auto it = m_windows.constBegin(); it != m_windows.constEnd(); ++it) { X11Window *candidate = qobject_cast(*it); if (!candidate || candidate == window) { continue; } if (candidate->wmClientLeader() == window->wmClientLeader()) { if (ret == nullptr || ret == candidate->group()) { ret = candidate->group(); } else { // There are already two groups with the same client leader. // This most probably means the app uses group transients without // setting group for its windows. Merging the two groups is a bad // hack, but there's no really good solution for this case. QList old_group = candidate->group()->members(); // old_group autodeletes when being empty for (int pos = 0; pos < old_group.count(); ++pos) { X11Window *tmp = old_group[pos]; if (tmp != window) { tmp->changeClientLeaderGroup(ret); } } } } } return ret; } void Workspace::updateMinimizedOfTransients(Window *window) { // if mainwindow is minimized or shaded, minimize transients too if (window->isMinimized()) { for (auto it = window->transients().constBegin(); it != window->transients().constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isModal()) { continue; // there's no reason to hide modal dialogs with the main window } // but to keep them to eg. watch progress or whatever if (!(*it)->isMinimized()) { (*it)->setMinimized(true); updateMinimizedOfTransients((*it)); } } if (window->isModal()) { // if a modal dialog is minimized, minimize its mainwindow too const auto windows = window->mainWindows(); for (Window *main : std::as_const(windows)) { main->setMinimized(true); } } } else { // else unmiminize the transients for (auto it = window->transients().constBegin(); it != window->transients().constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isMinimized()) { (*it)->setMinimized(false); updateMinimizedOfTransients((*it)); } } if (window->isModal()) { const auto windows = window->mainWindows(); for (Window *main : std::as_const(windows)) { main->setMinimized(false); } } } } /** * Sets the \a window's transient windows' on_all_desktops property to \a on_all_desktops. */ void Workspace::updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients(Window *window) { for (auto it = window->transients().constBegin(); it != window->transients().constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isOnAllDesktops() != window->isOnAllDesktops()) { (*it)->setOnAllDesktops(window->isOnAllDesktops()); } } } // A new window has been mapped. Check if it's not a mainwindow for some already existing transient window. void Workspace::checkTransients(xcb_window_t w) { for (auto it = m_windows.constBegin(); it != m_windows.constEnd(); ++it) { if (X11Window *x11Window = qobject_cast(*it)) { x11Window->checkTransient(w); } } } /** * Resizes the workspace after an XRANDR screen size change */ void Workspace::desktopResized() { m_placementTracker->inhibit(); const QRect oldGeometry = m_geometry; m_geometry = QRect(); for (const Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { m_geometry = m_geometry.united(output->geometry()); } if (rootInfo()) { NETSize desktop_geometry; desktop_geometry.width = Xcb::toXNative(m_geometry.width()); desktop_geometry.height = Xcb::toXNative(m_geometry.height()); rootInfo()->setDesktopGeometry(desktop_geometry); } updateClientArea(); const auto stack = stackingOrder(); for (Window *window : stack) { window->setMoveResizeOutput(outputAt(window->moveResizeGeometry().center())); window->setOutput(outputAt(window->frameGeometry().center())); } // restore cursor position const auto oldCursorOutput = std::find_if(m_oldScreenGeometries.cbegin(), m_oldScreenGeometries.cend(), [](const auto &geometry) { return exclusiveContains(geometry, Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos()); }); if (oldCursorOutput != m_oldScreenGeometries.cend()) { const Output *cursorOutput = oldCursorOutput.key(); if (std::find(m_outputs.cbegin(), m_outputs.cend(), cursorOutput) != m_outputs.cend()) { const QRect oldGeometry = oldCursorOutput.value(); const QRect newGeometry = cursorOutput->geometry(); const QPointF relativePosition = Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos() - oldGeometry.topLeft(); const QPointF newRelativePosition(newGeometry.width() * relativePosition.x() / float(oldGeometry.width()), newGeometry.height() * relativePosition.y() / float(oldGeometry.height())); Cursors::self()->mouse()->setPos(newGeometry.topLeft() + newRelativePosition); } } saveOldScreenSizes(); // after updateClientArea(), so that one still uses the previous one // TODO: emit a signal instead and remove the deep function calls into edges and effects m_screenEdges->recreateEdges(); m_placementTracker->uninhibit(); m_placementTracker->restore(getPlacementTrackerHash()); if (m_geometry != oldGeometry) { Q_EMIT geometryChanged(); } } void Workspace::saveOldScreenSizes() { m_oldScreenGeometries.clear(); for (const Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { m_oldScreenGeometries.insert(output, output->geometry()); } } /** * Whether or not the window has a strut that expands through the invisible area of * an xinerama setup where the monitors are not the same resolution. */ static bool hasOffscreenXineramaStrut(Window *window) { if (qobject_cast(window)) { // Get strut as a QRegion QRegion region; region += window->strutRect(StrutAreaTop); region += window->strutRect(StrutAreaRight); region += window->strutRect(StrutAreaBottom); region += window->strutRect(StrutAreaLeft); // Remove all visible areas so that only the invisible remain const auto outputs = workspace()->outputs(); for (const Output *output : outputs) { region -= output->geometry(); } // If there's anything left then we have an offscreen strut return !region.isEmpty(); } return false; } QRectF Workspace::adjustClientArea(Window *window, const QRectF &area) const { QRectF adjustedArea = area; QRectF strutLeft = window->strutRect(StrutAreaLeft); QRectF strutRight = window->strutRect(StrutAreaRight); QRectF strutTop = window->strutRect(StrutAreaTop); QRectF strutBottom = window->strutRect(StrutAreaBottom); QRectF screenArea = clientArea(ScreenArea, window); if (qobject_cast(window)) { // HACK: workarea handling is not xinerama aware, so if this strut // reserves place at a xinerama edge that's inside the virtual screen, // ignore the strut for workspace setting. if (area == QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m_geometry.size())) { if (strutLeft.left() < screenArea.left()) { strutLeft = QRect(); } if (strutRight.right() > screenArea.right()) { strutRight = QRect(); } if (strutTop.top() < screenArea.top()) { strutTop = QRect(); } if (strutBottom.bottom() < screenArea.bottom()) { strutBottom = QRect(); } } } // Handle struts at xinerama edges that are inside the virtual screen. // They're given in virtual screen coordinates, make them affect only // their xinerama screen. strutLeft.setLeft(std::max(strutLeft.left(), screenArea.left())); strutRight.setRight(std::min(strutRight.right(), screenArea.right())); strutTop.setTop(std::max(strutTop.top(), screenArea.top())); strutBottom.setBottom(std::min(strutBottom.bottom(), screenArea.bottom())); if (strutLeft.intersects(area)) { adjustedArea.setLeft(strutLeft.right()); } if (strutRight.intersects(area)) { adjustedArea.setRight(strutRight.left()); } if (strutTop.intersects(area)) { adjustedArea.setTop(strutTop.bottom()); } if (strutBottom.intersects(area)) { adjustedArea.setBottom(strutBottom.top()); } return adjustedArea; } /** * Updates the current client areas according to the current windows. * * The client area is the area that is available for windows (that * which is not taken by windows like panels, the top-of-screen menu * etc). * * @see clientArea() */ void Workspace::updateClientArea() { const QList desktops = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktops(); QHash workAreas; QHash restrictedAreas; QHash> screenAreas; for (const VirtualDesktop *desktop : desktops) { workAreas[desktop] = m_geometry; for (const Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { screenAreas[desktop][output] = output->fractionalGeometry(); } } for (Window *window : std::as_const(m_windows)) { if (!window->hasStrut()) { continue; } QRectF r = adjustClientArea(window, m_geometry); // This happens sometimes when the workspace size changes and the // struted windows haven't repositioned yet if (!r.isValid()) { continue; } // sanity check that a strut doesn't exclude a complete screen geometry // this is a violation to EWMH, as KWin just ignores the strut for (const Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { if (!r.intersects(output->geometry())) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Adjusted client area would exclude a complete screen, ignore"; r = m_geometry; break; } } StrutRects strutRegion = window->strutRects(); const QRect clientsScreenRect = window->output()->geometry(); for (int i = strutRegion.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const StrutRect clipped = StrutRect(strutRegion[i].intersected(clientsScreenRect), strutRegion[i].area()); if (clipped.isEmpty()) { strutRegion.removeAt(i); } else { strutRegion[i] = clipped; } } // Ignore offscreen xinerama struts. These interfere with the larger monitors on the setup // and should be ignored so that applications that use the work area to work out where // windows can go can use the entire visible area of the larger monitors. // This goes against the EWMH description of the work area but it is a toss up between // having unusable sections of the screen (Which can be quite large with newer monitors) // or having some content appear offscreen (Relatively rare compared to other). bool hasOffscreenStrut = hasOffscreenXineramaStrut(window); const auto vds = window->isOnAllDesktops() ? desktops : window->desktops(); for (VirtualDesktop *vd : vds) { if (!hasOffscreenStrut) { workAreas[vd] &= r; } restrictedAreas[vd] += strutRegion; for (Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { const auto geo = screenAreas[vd][output].intersected(adjustClientArea(window, output->fractionalGeometry())); // ignore the geometry if it results in the screen getting removed completely if (!geo.isEmpty()) { screenAreas[vd][output] = geo; } } } } if (m_workAreas != workAreas || m_restrictedAreas != restrictedAreas || m_screenAreas != screenAreas) { m_workAreas = workAreas; m_screenAreas = screenAreas; m_inUpdateClientArea = true; m_oldRestrictedAreas = m_restrictedAreas; m_restrictedAreas = restrictedAreas; if (rootInfo()) { for (VirtualDesktop *desktop : desktops) { const QRectF &workArea = m_workAreas[desktop]; NETRect r(Xcb::toXNative(workArea)); rootInfo()->setWorkArea(desktop->x11DesktopNumber(), r); } } for (auto it = m_windows.constBegin(); it != m_windows.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isClient()) { (*it)->checkWorkspacePosition(); } } m_oldRestrictedAreas.clear(); // reset, no longer valid or needed m_inUpdateClientArea = false; } } /** * Returns the area available for windows. This is the desktop * geometry minus windows on the dock. Placement algorithms should * refer to this rather than Screens::geometry. */ QRectF Workspace::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const Output *output, const VirtualDesktop *desktop) const { switch (opt) { case MaximizeArea: case PlacementArea: if (auto desktopIt = m_screenAreas.constFind(desktop); desktopIt != m_screenAreas.constEnd()) { if (auto outputIt = desktopIt->constFind(output); outputIt != desktopIt->constEnd()) { return *outputIt; } } return output->fractionalGeometry(); case MaximizeFullArea: case FullScreenArea: case MovementArea: case ScreenArea: return output->fractionalGeometry(); case WorkArea: return m_workAreas.value(desktop, m_geometry); case FullArea: return m_geometry; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } QRectF Workspace::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const Window *window) const { return clientArea(opt, window, window->output()); } QRectF Workspace::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const Window *window, const Output *output) const { const VirtualDesktop *desktop; if (window->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { desktop = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->currentDesktop(); } else { desktop = window->desktops().constLast(); } return clientArea(opt, output, desktop); } QRectF Workspace::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const Window *window, const QPointF &pos) const { return clientArea(opt, window, outputAt(pos)); } QRect Workspace::geometry() const { return m_geometry; } StrutRects Workspace::restrictedMoveArea(const VirtualDesktop *desktop, StrutAreas areas) const { const StrutRects strut = m_restrictedAreas.value(desktop); if (areas == StrutAreaAll) { return strut; } StrutRects ret; ret.reserve(strut.size()); for (const StrutRect &rect : strut) { if (rect.area() & areas) { ret.append(rect); } } return ret; } bool Workspace::inUpdateClientArea() const { return m_inUpdateClientArea; } StrutRects Workspace::previousRestrictedMoveArea(const VirtualDesktop *desktop, StrutAreas areas) const { const StrutRects strut = m_oldRestrictedAreas.value(desktop); if (areas == StrutAreaAll) { return strut; } StrutRects ret; ret.reserve(strut.size()); for (const StrutRect &rect : strut) { if (rect.area() & areas) { ret.append(rect); } } return ret; } QHash Workspace::previousScreenSizes() const { return m_oldScreenGeometries; } Output *Workspace::xineramaIndexToOutput(int index) const { xcb_connection_t *connection = kwinApp()->x11Connection(); if (!connection) { return nullptr; } const UniqueCPtr active{xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply(connection, xcb_xinerama_is_active(connection), nullptr)}; if (!active || !active->state) { return nullptr; } const UniqueCPtr screens(xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply(connection, xcb_xinerama_query_screens(connection), nullptr)); if (!screens) { return nullptr; } const int infoCount = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info_length(screens.get()); if (index >= infoCount) { return nullptr; } const xcb_xinerama_screen_info_t *infos = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info(screens.get()); const QRect needle(infos[index].x_org, infos[index].y_org, infos[index].width, infos[index].height); for (Output *output : std::as_const(m_outputs)) { if (Xcb::toXNative(output->geometry()) == needle) { return output; } } return nullptr; } void Workspace::setOutputOrder(const QList &order) { if (m_outputOrder != order) { m_outputOrder = order; Q_EMIT outputOrderChanged(); } } QList Workspace::outputOrder() const { return m_outputOrder; } Output *Workspace::activeOutput() const { if (options->activeMouseScreen()) { if (m_activeCursorOutput) { return m_activeCursorOutput; } else { return outputAt(Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos()); } } if (m_activeWindow && !m_activeWindow->isOnOutput(m_activeOutput)) { return m_activeWindow->output(); } return m_activeOutput; } void Workspace::setActiveOutput(Output *output) { m_activeOutput = output; } void Workspace::setActiveOutput(const QPointF &pos) { setActiveOutput(outputAt(pos)); } void Workspace::setActiveCursorOutput(Output *output) { m_activeCursorOutput = output; } void Workspace::setActiveCursorOutput(const QPointF &pos) { setActiveCursorOutput(outputAt(pos)); } /** * \a window is moved around to position \a pos. This gives the * workspace the opportunity to interveniate and to implement * snap-to-windows functionality. * * The parameter \a snapAdjust is a multiplier used to calculate the * effective snap zones. When 1.0, it means that the snap zones will be * used without change. */ QPointF Workspace::adjustWindowPosition(Window *window, QPointF pos, bool unrestricted, double snapAdjust) { QSizeF borderSnapZone(options->borderSnapZone(), options->borderSnapZone()); QRectF maxRect; int guideMaximized = MaximizeRestore; if (window->maximizeMode() != MaximizeRestore) { maxRect = clientArea(MaximizeArea, window, pos + window->rect().center()); QRectF geo = window->frameGeometry(); if (window->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal && (geo.x() == maxRect.left() || geo.right() == maxRect.right())) { guideMaximized |= MaximizeHorizontal; borderSnapZone.setWidth(std::max(borderSnapZone.width() + 2, maxRect.width() / 16)); } if (window->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical && (geo.y() == maxRect.top() || geo.bottom() == maxRect.bottom())) { guideMaximized |= MaximizeVertical; borderSnapZone.setHeight(std::max(borderSnapZone.height() + 2, maxRect.height() / 16)); } } if (options->windowSnapZone() || !borderSnapZone.isNull() || options->centerSnapZone()) { const bool sOWO = options->isSnapOnlyWhenOverlapping(); const Output *output = outputAt(pos + window->rect().center()); if (maxRect.isNull()) { maxRect = clientArea(MaximizeArea, window, output); } const int xmin = maxRect.left(); const int xmax = maxRect.right(); // desk size const int ymin = maxRect.top(); const int ymax = maxRect.bottom(); const int cx(pos.x()); const int cy(pos.y()); const int cw(window->width()); const int ch(window->height()); const int rx(cx + cw); const int ry(cy + ch); // these don't change int nx(cx), ny(cy); // buffers int deltaX(xmax); int deltaY(ymax); // minimum distance to other windows int lx, ly, lrx, lry; // coords and size for the comparison window, l // border snap const int borderXSnapZone = borderSnapZone.width() * snapAdjust; // snap trigger const int borderYSnapZone = borderSnapZone.height() * snapAdjust; if (borderXSnapZone > 0 || borderYSnapZone > 0) { if ((sOWO ? (cx < xmin) : true) && (std::abs(xmin - cx) < borderXSnapZone)) { deltaX = xmin - cx; nx = xmin; } if ((sOWO ? (rx > xmax) : true) && (std::abs(rx - xmax) < borderXSnapZone) && (std::abs(xmax - rx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = rx - xmax; nx = xmax - cw; } if ((sOWO ? (cy < ymin) : true) && (std::abs(ymin - cy) < borderYSnapZone)) { deltaY = ymin - cy; ny = ymin; } if ((sOWO ? (ry > ymax) : true) && (std::abs(ry - ymax) < borderYSnapZone) && (std::abs(ymax - ry) < deltaY)) { deltaY = ry - ymax; ny = ymax - ch; } } // windows snap const int windowSnapZone = options->windowSnapZone() * snapAdjust; if (windowSnapZone > 0) { for (auto l = m_windows.constBegin(); l != m_windows.constEnd(); ++l) { if ((*l) == window) { continue; } if ((*l)->isMinimized()) { continue; } if (!(*l)->isShown()) { continue; } if (!(*l)->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { continue; // wrong virtual desktop } if (!(*l)->isOnCurrentActivity()) { continue; // wrong activity } if ((*l)->isUnmanaged() || (*l)->isDesktop() || (*l)->isSplash() || (*l)->isNotification() || (*l)->isCriticalNotification() || (*l)->isOnScreenDisplay() || (*l)->isAppletPopup()) { continue; } lx = (*l)->x(); ly = (*l)->y(); lrx = lx + (*l)->width(); lry = ly + (*l)->height(); if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeHorizontal) && (((cy <= lry) && (cy >= ly)) || ((ry >= ly) && (ry <= lry)) || ((cy <= ly) && (ry >= lry)))) { if ((sOWO ? (cx < lrx) : true) && (std::abs(lrx - cx) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(lrx - cx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = std::abs(lrx - cx); nx = lrx; } if ((sOWO ? (rx > lx) : true) && (std::abs(rx - lx) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(rx - lx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = std::abs(rx - lx); nx = lx - cw; } } if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeVertical) && (((cx <= lrx) && (cx >= lx)) || ((rx >= lx) && (rx <= lrx)) || ((cx <= lx) && (rx >= lrx)))) { if ((sOWO ? (cy < lry) : true) && (std::abs(lry - cy) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(lry - cy) < deltaY)) { deltaY = std::abs(lry - cy); ny = lry; } // if ( (std::abs( ry-ly ) < snap) && (std::abs( ry - ly ) < deltaY )) if ((sOWO ? (ry > ly) : true) && (std::abs(ry - ly) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(ry - ly) < deltaY)) { deltaY = std::abs(ry - ly); ny = ly - ch; } } // Corner snapping if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeVertical) && (nx == lrx || nx + cw == lx)) { if ((sOWO ? (ry > lry) : true) && (std::abs(lry - ry) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(lry - ry) < deltaY)) { deltaY = std::abs(lry - ry); ny = lry - ch; } if ((sOWO ? (cy < ly) : true) && (std::abs(cy - ly) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(cy - ly) < deltaY)) { deltaY = std::abs(cy - ly); ny = ly; } } if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeHorizontal) && (ny == lry || ny + ch == ly)) { if ((sOWO ? (rx > lrx) : true) && (std::abs(lrx - rx) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(lrx - rx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = std::abs(lrx - rx); nx = lrx - cw; } if ((sOWO ? (cx < lx) : true) && (std::abs(cx - lx) < windowSnapZone) && (std::abs(cx - lx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = std::abs(cx - lx); nx = lx; } } } } // center snap const int centerSnapZone = options->centerSnapZone() * snapAdjust; if (centerSnapZone > 0) { int diffX = std::abs((xmin + xmax) / 2 - (cx + cw / 2)); int diffY = std::abs((ymin + ymax) / 2 - (cy + ch / 2)); if (diffX < centerSnapZone && diffY < centerSnapZone && diffX < deltaX && diffY < deltaY) { // Snap to center of screen nx = (xmin + xmax) / 2 - cw / 2; ny = (ymin + ymax) / 2 - ch / 2; } else if (options->borderSnapZone() > 0) { // Enhance border snap if ((nx == xmin || nx == xmax - cw) && diffY < centerSnapZone && diffY < deltaY) { // Snap to vertical center on screen edge ny = (ymin + ymax) / 2 - ch / 2; } else if (((unrestricted ? ny == ymin : ny <= ymin) || ny == ymax - ch) && diffX < centerSnapZone && diffX < deltaX) { // Snap to horizontal center on screen edge nx = (xmin + xmax) / 2 - cw / 2; } } } pos = QPoint(nx, ny); } return pos; } QRectF Workspace::adjustWindowSize(Window *window, QRectF moveResizeGeom, Gravity gravity) { // adapted from adjustWindowPosition on 29May2004 // this function is called when resizing a window and will modify // the new dimensions to snap to other windows/borders if appropriate if (options->windowSnapZone() || options->borderSnapZone()) { // || options->centerSnapZone ) const bool sOWO = options->isSnapOnlyWhenOverlapping(); const QRectF maxRect = clientArea(MovementArea, window, window->rect().center()); const qreal xmin = maxRect.left(); const qreal xmax = maxRect.right(); // desk size const qreal ymin = maxRect.top(); const qreal ymax = maxRect.bottom(); const qreal cx(moveResizeGeom.left()); const qreal cy(moveResizeGeom.top()); const qreal rx(moveResizeGeom.right()); const qreal ry(moveResizeGeom.bottom()); qreal newcx(cx), newcy(cy); // buffers qreal newrx(rx), newry(ry); qreal deltaX(xmax); qreal deltaY(ymax); // minimum distance to other windows qreal lx, ly, lrx, lry; // coords and size for the comparison window, l // border snap int snap = options->borderSnapZone(); // snap trigger if (snap) { deltaX = int(snap); deltaY = int(snap); #define SNAP_BORDER_TOP \ if ((sOWO ? (newcy < ymin) : true) && (std::abs(ymin - newcy) < deltaY)) { \ deltaY = std::abs(ymin - newcy); \ newcy = ymin; \ } #define SNAP_BORDER_BOTTOM \ if ((sOWO ? (newry > ymax) : true) && (std::abs(ymax - newry) < deltaY)) { \ deltaY = std::abs(ymax - newcy); \ newry = ymax; \ } #define SNAP_BORDER_LEFT \ if ((sOWO ? (newcx < xmin) : true) && (std::abs(xmin - newcx) < deltaX)) { \ deltaX = std::abs(xmin - newcx); \ newcx = xmin; \ } #define SNAP_BORDER_RIGHT \ if ((sOWO ? (newrx > xmax) : true) && (std::abs(xmax - newrx) < deltaX)) { \ deltaX = std::abs(xmax - newrx); \ newrx = xmax; \ } switch (gravity) { case Gravity::BottomRight: SNAP_BORDER_BOTTOM SNAP_BORDER_RIGHT break; case Gravity::Right: SNAP_BORDER_RIGHT break; case Gravity::Bottom: SNAP_BORDER_BOTTOM break; case Gravity::TopLeft: SNAP_BORDER_TOP SNAP_BORDER_LEFT break; case Gravity::Left: SNAP_BORDER_LEFT break; case Gravity::Top: SNAP_BORDER_TOP break; case Gravity::TopRight: SNAP_BORDER_TOP SNAP_BORDER_RIGHT break; case Gravity::BottomLeft: SNAP_BORDER_BOTTOM SNAP_BORDER_LEFT break; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); break; } } // windows snap snap = options->windowSnapZone(); if (snap) { deltaX = int(snap); deltaY = int(snap); for (auto l = m_windows.constBegin(); l != m_windows.constEnd(); ++l) { if ((*l)->isOnCurrentDesktop() && !(*l)->isMinimized() && !(*l)->isUnmanaged() && (*l) != window) { lx = (*l)->x(); ly = (*l)->y(); lrx = (*l)->x() + (*l)->width(); lry = (*l)->y() + (*l)->height(); #define WITHIN_HEIGHT (((newcy <= lry) && (newcy >= ly)) || ((newry >= ly) && (newry <= lry)) || ((newcy <= ly) && (newry >= lry))) #define WITHIN_WIDTH (((cx <= lrx) && (cx >= lx)) || ((rx >= lx) && (rx <= lrx)) || ((cx <= lx) && (rx >= lrx))) #define SNAP_WINDOW_TOP \ if ((sOWO ? (newcy < lry) : true) \ && WITHIN_WIDTH \ && (std::abs(lry - newcy) < deltaY)) { \ deltaY = std::abs(lry - newcy); \ newcy = lry; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_BOTTOM \ if ((sOWO ? (newry > ly) : true) \ && WITHIN_WIDTH \ && (std::abs(ly - newry) < deltaY)) { \ deltaY = std::abs(ly - newry); \ newry = ly; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT \ if ((sOWO ? (newcx < lrx) : true) \ && WITHIN_HEIGHT \ && (std::abs(lrx - newcx) < deltaX)) { \ deltaX = std::abs(lrx - newcx); \ newcx = lrx; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_RIGHT \ if ((sOWO ? (newrx > lx) : true) \ && WITHIN_HEIGHT \ && (std::abs(lx - newrx) < deltaX)) { \ deltaX = std::abs(lx - newrx); \ newrx = lx; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP \ if ((sOWO ? (newcy < ly) : true) \ && (newcx == lrx || newrx == lx) \ && std::abs(ly - newcy) < deltaY) { \ deltaY = std::abs(ly - newcy); \ newcy = ly; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_C_BOTTOM \ if ((sOWO ? (newry > lry) : true) \ && (newcx == lrx || newrx == lx) \ && std::abs(lry - newry) < deltaY) { \ deltaY = std::abs(lry - newry); \ newry = lry; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT \ if ((sOWO ? (newcx < lx) : true) \ && (newcy == lry || newry == ly) \ && std::abs(lx - newcx) < deltaX) { \ deltaX = std::abs(lx - newcx); \ newcx = lx; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_C_RIGHT \ if ((sOWO ? (newrx > lrx) : true) \ && (newcy == lry || newry == ly) \ && std::abs(lrx - newrx) < deltaX) { \ deltaX = std::abs(lrx - newrx); \ newrx = lrx; \ } switch (gravity) { case Gravity::BottomRight: SNAP_WINDOW_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_RIGHT SNAP_WINDOW_C_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_C_RIGHT break; case Gravity::Right: SNAP_WINDOW_RIGHT SNAP_WINDOW_C_RIGHT break; case Gravity::Bottom: SNAP_WINDOW_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_C_BOTTOM break; case Gravity::TopLeft: SNAP_WINDOW_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT break; case Gravity::Left: SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT break; case Gravity::Top: SNAP_WINDOW_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP break; case Gravity::TopRight: SNAP_WINDOW_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_RIGHT SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_C_RIGHT break; case Gravity::BottomLeft: SNAP_WINDOW_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT SNAP_WINDOW_C_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT break; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } } // center snap // snap = options->centerSnapZone; // if (snap) // { // // Don't resize snap to center as it interferes too much // // There are two ways of implementing this if wanted: // // 1) Snap only to the same points that the move snap does, and // // 2) Snap to the horizontal and vertical center lines of the screen // } moveResizeGeom = QRectF(QPointF(newcx, newcy), QPointF(newrx, newry)); } return moveResizeGeom; } /** * Marks the window as being moved or resized by the user. */ void Workspace::setMoveResizeWindow(Window *window) { Q_ASSERT(!window || !m_moveResizeWindow); // Catch attempts to move a second // window while still moving the first one. m_moveResizeWindow = window; if (m_moveResizeWindow) { ++block_focus; } else { --block_focus; } } // When kwin crashes, windows will not be gravitated back to their original position // and will remain offset by the size of the decoration. So when restarting, fix this // (the property with the size of the frame remains on the window after the crash). void Workspace::fixPositionAfterCrash(xcb_window_t w, const xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geometry) { NETWinInfo i(kwinApp()->x11Connection(), w, kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), NET::WMFrameExtents, NET::Properties2()); NETStrut frame = i.frameExtents(); if (frame.left != 0 || frame.top != 0) { // left and top needed due to narrowing conversations restrictions in C++11 const uint32_t left = frame.left; const uint32_t top = frame.top; const uint32_t values[] = {Xcb::toXNative(geometry->x - left), Xcb::toXNative(geometry->y - top)}; xcb_configure_window(kwinApp()->x11Connection(), w, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y, values); } } FocusChain *Workspace::focusChain() const { return m_focusChain.get(); } ApplicationMenu *Workspace::applicationMenu() const { return m_applicationMenu.get(); } Decoration::DecorationBridge *Workspace::decorationBridge() const { return m_decorationBridge.get(); } Outline *Workspace::outline() const { return m_outline.get(); } Placement *Workspace::placement() const { return m_placement.get(); } RuleBook *Workspace::rulebook() const { return m_rulebook.get(); } ScreenEdges *Workspace::screenEdges() const { return m_screenEdges.get(); } TileManager *Workspace::tileManager(Output *output) { return m_tileManagers.at(output).get(); } #if KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox *Workspace::tabbox() const { return m_tabbox.get(); } #endif #if KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES Activities *Workspace::activities() const { return m_activities.get(); } #endif } // namespace #include "moc_workspace.cpp"