/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Ismael Asensio * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ruleitem.h" namespace KWin { RuleItem::RuleItem(const QString &key, const RulePolicy::Type policyType, const RuleItem::Type type, const QString &name, const QString §ion, const QIcon &icon, const QString &description) : m_key(key) , m_type(type) , m_name(name) , m_section(section) , m_icon(icon) , m_description(description) , m_flags(NoFlags) , m_enabled(false) , m_policy(new RulePolicy(policyType)) , m_options(nullptr) , m_optionsMask(0U - 1) { reset(); } RuleItem::~RuleItem() { delete m_policy; delete m_options; } void RuleItem::reset() { m_enabled = hasFlag(AlwaysEnabled) | hasFlag(StartEnabled); m_value = typedValue(QVariant()); m_suggestedValue = QVariant(); m_policy->resetValue(); if (m_options) { m_options->resetValue(); } } QString RuleItem::key() const { return m_key; } QString RuleItem::name() const { return m_name; } QString RuleItem::section() const { return m_section; } QString RuleItem::iconName() const { return m_icon.name(); } QIcon RuleItem::icon() const { return m_icon; } QString RuleItem::description() const { return m_description; } bool RuleItem::isEnabled() const { return m_enabled; } void RuleItem::setEnabled(bool enabled) { m_enabled = enabled | hasFlag(AlwaysEnabled); } bool RuleItem::hasFlag(RuleItem::Flags flag) const { return m_flags.testFlag(flag); } void RuleItem::setFlag(RuleItem::Flags flag, bool active) { m_flags.setFlag(flag, active); } RuleItem::Type RuleItem::type() const { return m_type; } QVariant RuleItem::value() const { if (m_options && m_type == Option) { return m_options->value(); } return m_value; } void RuleItem::setValue(QVariant value) { if (m_options && m_type == Option) { m_options->setValue(value); } m_value = typedValue(value); } QVariant RuleItem::suggestedValue() const { return m_suggestedValue; } void RuleItem::setSuggestedValue(QVariant value, bool forceValue) { if (forceValue) { setValue(value); } m_suggestedValue = value.isNull() ? QVariant() : typedValue(value); } QVariant RuleItem::options() const { if (!m_options) { return QVariant(); } return QVariant::fromValue(m_options); } void RuleItem::setOptionsData(const QList &data) { if (!m_options) { if (m_type != Option && m_type != NetTypes) { return; } m_options = new OptionsModel(); } m_options->updateModelData(data); m_options->setValue(m_value); if (m_type == NetTypes) { m_optionsMask = 0; for (const OptionsModel::Data &dataItem : data) { m_optionsMask += 1 << dataItem.value.toUInt(); } } } uint RuleItem::optionsMask() const { return m_optionsMask; } int RuleItem::policy() const { return m_policy->value(); } void RuleItem::setPolicy(int policy) { m_policy->setValue(policy); } RulePolicy::Type RuleItem::policyType() const { return m_policy->type(); } QVariant RuleItem::policyModel() const { return QVariant::fromValue(m_policy); } QString RuleItem::policyKey() const { return m_policy->policyKey(m_key); } QVariant RuleItem::typedValue(const QVariant &value) const { switch (type()) { case Undefined: case Option: return value; case Boolean: return value.toBool(); case Integer: case Percentage: return value.toInt(); case NetTypes: { const uint typesMask = value.toUInt() & optionsMask(); // filter by the allowed mask in the model if (typesMask == 0 || typesMask == optionsMask()) { // if no types or all of them are selected return 0U - 1; // return an all active mask (NET:AllTypesMask) } return typesMask; } case Point: return value.toPoint(); case Size: return value.toSize(); case String: return value.toString().trimmed(); case Shortcut: return value.toString(); } return value; } } //namespace