 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 2007 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.


 Testing of painting a window more than once. The active window is painted
 once more as a thumbnail in the bottom-right corner of the screen.


#include "test_thumbnail.h"

namespace KWin

KWIN_EFFECT( test_thumbnail, TestThumbnailEffect )

    : active_window( NULL )

void TestThumbnailEffect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data )
    effects->paintScreen( mask, region, data );
    if( active_window != NULL && region.contains( thumbnailRect()))
        WindowPaintData data( active_window );
        QRect region;
        setPositionTransformations( data, region, active_window, thumbnailRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
        effects->drawWindow( active_window,
            region, data );

void TestThumbnailEffect::windowActivated( EffectWindow* act )
    active_window = act;
    effects->addRepaint( thumbnailRect());

void TestThumbnailEffect::windowDamaged( EffectWindow* w, const QRect& )
    if( w == active_window )
        effects->addRepaint( thumbnailRect());
    // TODO maybe just the relevant part of the area should be repainted?

void TestThumbnailEffect::windowGeometryShapeChanged( EffectWindow* w, const QRect& old )
    if( w == active_window && w->size() != old.size())
        effects->addRepaint( thumbnailRect());

void TestThumbnailEffect::windowClosed( EffectWindow* w )
    if( w == active_window )
        active_window = NULL;
        effects->addRepaint( thumbnailRect());

QRect TestThumbnailEffect::thumbnailRect() const
    return QRect( displayWidth() - 100, displayHeight() - 100, 100, 100 );

} // namespace