 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// SELI zmenit doc


 This file contains things relevant to stacking order and layers.


 Normal unconstrained stacking order, as requested by the user (by clicking
 on windows to raise them, etc.), is in Workspace::unconstrained_stacking_order.
 That list shouldn't be used at all, except for building
 Workspace::stacking_order. The building is done
 in Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder(). Only Workspace::stackingOrder() should
 be used to get the stacking order, because it also checks the stacking order
 is up to date.
 All clients are also stored in Workspace::clients (except for isDesktop() clients,
 as those are very special, and are stored in Workspace::desktops), in the order
 the clients were created.

 Every window has one layer assigned in which it is. There are 7 layers,
 from bottom : DesktopLayer, BelowLayer, NormalLayer, DockLayer, AboveLayer, NotificationLayer,
 ActiveLayer and OnScreenDisplayLayer (see also NETWM sect.7.10.). The layer a window is in depends
 on the window type, and on other things like whether the window is active. We extend the layers
 provided in NETWM by the NotificationLayer and OnScreenDisplayLayer.
 The NoficationLayer contains notification windows which are kept above all windows except the active
 fullscreen window. The OnScreenDisplayLayer is used for eg. volume and brightness change feedback and
 is kept above all windows since it provides immediate response to a user action.

 NET::Splash clients belong to the Normal layer. NET::TopMenu clients
 belong to Dock layer. Clients that are both NET::Dock and NET::KeepBelow
 are in the Normal layer in order to keep the 'allow window to cover
 the panel' Kicker setting to work as intended (this may look like a slight
 spec violation, but a) I have no better idea, b) the spec allows adjusting
 the stacking order if the WM thinks it's a good idea . We put all
 NET::KeepAbove above all Docks too, even though the spec suggests putting
 them in the same layer.

 Most transients are in the same layer as their mainwindow,
 see Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder(), they may also be in higher layers, but
 they should never be below their mainwindow.

 When some client attribute changes (above/below flag, transiency...),
 Workspace::updateClientLayer() should be called in order to make
 sure it's moved to the appropriate layer ClientList if needed.

 Currently the things that affect client in which layer a client
 belongs: KeepAbove/Keep Below flags, window type, fullscreen
 state and whether the client is active, mainclient (transiency).

 Make sure updateStackingOrder() is called in order to make
 Workspace::stackingOrder() up to date and propagated to the world.
 Using Workspace::blockStackingUpdates() (or the StackingUpdatesBlocker
 helper class) it's possible to temporarily disable updates
 and the stacking order will be updated once after it's allowed again.


#include <assert.h>

#include "utils.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "focuschain.h"
#include "netinfo.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include "tabbox.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "rules.h"
#include "screens.h"
#include "unmanaged.h"
#include "deleted.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "composite.h"
#include "screenedge.h"
#include "shell_client.h"
#include "wayland_server.h"

#include <QDebug>

namespace KWin

// Workspace

void Workspace::updateClientLayer(AbstractClient* c)
    if (c)

void Workspace::updateStackingOrder(bool propagate_new_clients)
    if (block_stacking_updates > 0) {
        if (propagate_new_clients)
            blocked_propagating_new_clients = true;
    ToplevelList new_stacking_order = constrainedStackingOrder();
    bool changed = (force_restacking || new_stacking_order != stacking_order);
    force_restacking = false;
    stacking_order = new_stacking_order;
#if 0
    qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "stacking:" << changed;
    if (changed || propagate_new_clients) {
        for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.begin();
                it != stacking_order.end();
            qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << (void*)(*it) << *it << ":" << (*it)->layer();
    if (changed || propagate_new_clients) {
        emit stackingOrderChanged();
        if (m_compositor) {

        if (active_client)

 * Some fullscreen effects have to raise the screenedge on top of an input window, thus all windows
 * this function puts them back where they belong for regular use and is some cheap variant of
 * the regular propagateClients function in that it completely ignores managed clients and everything
 * else and also does not update the NETWM property.
 * Called from Effects::destroyInputWindow so far.
void Workspace::stackScreenEdgesUnderOverrideRedirect()
    Xcb::restackWindows(QVector<xcb_window_t>() << rootInfo()->supportWindow() << ScreenEdges::self()->windows());

  Propagates the managed clients to the world.
  Called ONLY from updateStackingOrder().
void Workspace::propagateClients(bool propagate_new_clients)
    // restack the windows according to the stacking order
    // supportWindow > electric borders > clients > hidden clients
    QVector<xcb_window_t> newWindowStack;

    // Stack all windows under the support window. The support window is
    // not used for anything (besides the NETWM property), and it's not shown,
    // but it was lowered after kwin startup. Stacking all clients below
    // it ensures that no client will be ever shown above override-redirect
    // windows (e.g. popups).
    newWindowStack << rootInfo()->supportWindow();

    newWindowStack << ScreenEdges::self()->windows();

    newWindowStack.reserve(newWindowStack.size() + 2*stacking_order.size()); // *2 for inputWindow

    for (int i = stacking_order.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        Client *client = qobject_cast<Client*>(stacking_order.at(i));
        if (!client || client->hiddenPreview()) {

        if (client->inputId())
            // Stack the input window above the frame
            newWindowStack << client->inputId();

        newWindowStack << client->frameId();

    // when having hidden previews, stack hidden windows below everything else
    // (as far as pure X stacking order is concerned), in order to avoid having
    // these windows that should be unmapped to interfere with other windows
    for (int i = stacking_order.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        Client *client = qobject_cast<Client*>(stacking_order.at(i));
        if (!client || !client->hiddenPreview())
        newWindowStack << client->frameId();
    // TODO isn't it too inefficient to restack always all clients?
    // TODO don't restack not visible windows?
    assert(newWindowStack.at(0) == rootInfo()->supportWindow());

    int pos = 0;
    xcb_window_t *cl(nullptr);
    if (propagate_new_clients) {
        cl = new xcb_window_t[ desktops.count() + clients.count()];
        // TODO this is still not completely in the map order
        for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = desktops.constBegin(); it != desktops.constEnd(); ++it)
            cl[pos++] = (*it)->window();
        for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it)
            cl[pos++] = (*it)->window();
        rootInfo()->setClientList(cl, pos);
        delete [] cl;

    cl = new xcb_window_t[ stacking_order.count()];
    pos = 0;
    for (ToplevelList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.constBegin(); it != stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) {
        if ((*it)->isClient())
            cl[pos++] = (*it)->window();
    rootInfo()->setClientListStacking(cl, pos);
    delete [] cl;

    // Make the cached stacking order invalid here, in case we need the new stacking order before we get
    // the matching event, due to X being asynchronous.
    x_stacking_dirty = true;

  Returns topmost visible client. Windows on the dock, the desktop
  or of any other special kind are excluded. Also if the window
  doesn't accept focus it's excluded.
// TODO misleading name for this method, too many slightly different ways to use it
Client* Workspace::topClientOnDesktop(int desktop, int screen, bool unconstrained, bool only_normal) const
// TODO    Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 );
    ToplevelList list;
    if (!unconstrained)
        list = stacking_order;
        list = unconstrained_stacking_order;
    for (int i = list.size() - 1;
            i >= 0;
            --i) {
        Client *c = qobject_cast<Client*>(list.at(i));
        if (!c) {
        if (c->isOnDesktop(desktop) && c->isShown(false) && c->isOnCurrentActivity()) {
            if (screen != -1 && c->screen() != screen)
            if (!only_normal)
                return c;
            if (c->wantsTabFocus() && !c->isSpecialWindow())
                return c;
    return 0;

Client* Workspace::findDesktop(bool topmost, int desktop) const
// TODO    Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 );
    if (topmost) {
        for (int i = stacking_order.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Client *c = qobject_cast<Client*>(stacking_order.at(i));
            if (c && c->isOnDesktop(desktop) && c->isDesktop()
                    && c->isShown(true))
                return c;
    } else { // bottom-most
        foreach (Toplevel * c, stacking_order) {
            Client *client = qobject_cast<Client*>(c);
            if (client && c->isOnDesktop(desktop) && c->isDesktop()
                    && client->isShown(true))
                return client;
    return NULL;

void Workspace::raiseOrLowerClient(AbstractClient *c)
    if (!c) return;
    AbstractClient* topmost = NULL;
// TODO    Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 );
    if (most_recently_raised && stacking_order.contains(most_recently_raised) &&
            most_recently_raised->isShown(true) && c->isOnCurrentDesktop())
        topmost = most_recently_raised;
        topmost = topClientOnDesktop(c->isOnAllDesktops() ? VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current() : c->desktop(),
                                     options->isSeparateScreenFocus() ? c->screen() : -1);

    if (c == topmost)

void Workspace::lowerClient(AbstractClient* c, bool nogroup)
    if (!c)


    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this);

    if (!nogroup && c->isTransient()) {
        // lower also all windows in the group, in their reversed stacking order
        ClientList wins = ensureStackingOrder(static_cast<Client*>(c)->group()->members());
        for (int i = wins.size() - 1;
                i >= 0;
                --i) {
            if (wins[ i ] != c)
                lowerClient(wins[ i ], true);

    if (c == most_recently_raised)
        most_recently_raised = 0;

void Workspace::lowerClientWithinApplication(Client* c)
    if (!c)


    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this);

    bool lowered = false;
    // first try to put it below the bottom-most window of the application
    for (ToplevelList::Iterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.begin();
            it != unconstrained_stacking_order.end();
            ++it) {
        Client *client = qobject_cast<Client*>(*it);
        if (!client) {
        if (Client::belongToSameApplication(client, c)) {
            unconstrained_stacking_order.insert(it, c);
            lowered = true;
    if (!lowered)
    // ignore mainwindows

void Workspace::raiseClient(AbstractClient* c, bool nogroup)
    if (!c)


    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this);

    if (!nogroup && c->isTransient()) {
        ClientList transients;
        Client *transient_parent = static_cast<Client*>(c);
        while ((transient_parent = transient_parent->transientFor()))
            transients << transient_parent;
        foreach (transient_parent, transients)
            raiseClient(transient_parent, true);


    if (!c->isSpecialWindow()) {
        most_recently_raised = c;

void Workspace::raiseClientWithinApplication(Client* c)
    if (!c)


    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this);
    // ignore mainwindows

    // first try to put it above the top-most window of the application
    for (int i = unconstrained_stacking_order.size() - 1; i > -1 ; --i) {
        Client *other = qobject_cast<Client*>(unconstrained_stacking_order.at(i));
        if (!other) {
        if (other == c)     // don't lower it just because it asked to be raised
        if (Client::belongToSameApplication(other, c)) {
            unconstrained_stacking_order.insert(unconstrained_stacking_order.indexOf(other) + 1, c);   // insert after the found one

void Workspace::raiseClientRequest(KWin::Client *c, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp)
    if (src == NET::FromTool || allowFullClientRaising(c, timestamp))
    else {

void Workspace::lowerClientRequest(KWin::Client *c, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t /*timestamp*/)
    // If the client has support for all this focus stealing prevention stuff,
    // do only lowering within the application, as that's the more logical
    // variant of lowering when application requests it.
    // No demanding of attention here of course.
    if (src == NET::FromTool || !c->hasUserTimeSupport())

void Workspace::restack(AbstractClient* c, AbstractClient* under, bool force)
    if (!force && !AbstractClient::belongToSameApplication(under, c)) {
         // put in the stacking order below _all_ windows belonging to the active application
        for (int i = 0; i < unconstrained_stacking_order.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractClient *other = qobject_cast<AbstractClient*>(unconstrained_stacking_order.at(i));
            if (other && other->layer() == c->layer() && AbstractClient::belongToSameApplication(under, other)) {
                under = (c == other) ? 0 : other;
    if (under) {
        unconstrained_stacking_order.insert(unconstrained_stacking_order.indexOf(under), c);

    FocusChain::self()->moveAfterClient(c, under);

void Workspace::restackClientUnderActive(AbstractClient* c)
    if (!active_client || active_client == c || active_client->layer() != c->layer()) {
    restack(c, active_client);

void Workspace::restoreSessionStackingOrder(Client* c)
    if (c->sessionStackingOrder() < 0)
    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this);
    for (ToplevelList::Iterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.begin();  // from bottom
            it != unconstrained_stacking_order.end();
            ++it) {
        Client *current = qobject_cast<Client*>(*it);
        if (!current) {
        if (current->sessionStackingOrder() > c->sessionStackingOrder()) {
            unconstrained_stacking_order.insert(it, c);

  Returns a stacking order based upon \a list that fulfills certain contained.
ToplevelList Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder()
    ToplevelList layer[ NumLayers ];

#if 0
    qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "stacking1:";
    for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.begin();
            it != unconstrained_stacking_order.end();
        qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << (void*)(*it) << *it << ":" << (*it)->layer();
    // build the order from layers
    QVector< QMap<Group*, Layer> > minimum_layer(screens()->count());
    for (ToplevelList::ConstIterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.constBegin(),
                                  end = unconstrained_stacking_order.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
        Layer l = (*it)->layer();

        const int screen = (*it)->screen();
        Client *c = qobject_cast<Client*>(*it);
        QMap< Group*, Layer >::iterator mLayer = minimum_layer[screen].find(c ? c->group() : NULL);
        if (mLayer != minimum_layer[screen].end()) {
            // If a window is raised above some other window in the same window group
            // which is in the ActiveLayer (i.e. it's fulscreened), make sure it stays
            // above that window (see #95731).
            if (*mLayer == ActiveLayer && (l > BelowLayer))
                l = ActiveLayer;
            *mLayer = l;
        } else if (c) {
            minimum_layer[screen].insertMulti(c->group(), l);
        layer[ l ].append(*it);
    ToplevelList stacking;
    for (Layer lay = FirstLayer;
            lay < NumLayers;
        stacking += layer[ lay ];
#if 0
    qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "stacking2:";
    for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking.begin();
            it != stacking.end();
        qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << (void*)(*it) << *it << ":" << (*it)->layer();
    // now keep transients above their mainwindows
    // TODO this could(?) use some optimization
    for (int i = stacking.size() - 1;
            i >= 0;
       ) {
        Client *current = qobject_cast<Client*>(stacking[i]);
        if (!current || !current->isTransient()) {
        int i2 = -1;
        if (current->groupTransient()) {
            if (current->group()->members().count() > 0) {
                // find topmost client this one is transient for
                for (i2 = stacking.size() - 1;
                        i2 >= 0;
                        --i2) {
                    if (stacking[ i2 ] == stacking[ i ]) {
                        i2 = -1; // don't reorder, already the topmost in the group
                    Client *c2 = qobject_cast<Client*>(stacking[ i2 ]);
                    if (!c2) {
                    if (c2->hasTransient(current, true)
                            && keepTransientAbove(c2, current))
            } // else i2 remains pointing at -1
        } else {
            for (i2 = stacking.size() - 1;
                    i2 >= 0;
                    --i2) {
                Client *c2 = qobject_cast<Client*>(stacking[ i2 ]);
                if (!c2) {
                if (c2 == current) {
                    i2 = -1; // don't reorder, already on top of its mainwindow
                if (c2 == current->transientFor()
                        && keepTransientAbove(c2, current))
        if (i2 == -1) {
        --i; // move onto the next item (for next for () iteration)
        --i2; // adjust index of the mainwindow after the remove above
        if (!current->transients().isEmpty())   // this one now can be possibly above its transients,
            i = i2; // so go again higher in the stack order and possibly move those transients again
        ++i2; // insert after (on top of) the mainwindow, it's ok if it2 is now stacking.end()
        stacking.insert(i2, current);
#if 0
    qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "stacking3:";
    for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking.begin();
            it != stacking.end();
        qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << (void*)(*it) << *it << ":" << (*it)->layer();
    qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "\n\n";
    return stacking;

void Workspace::blockStackingUpdates(bool block)
    if (block) {
        if (block_stacking_updates == 0)
            blocked_propagating_new_clients = false;
    } else // !block
        if (--block_stacking_updates == 0) {
            if (effects)

// Ensure list is in stacking order
ClientList Workspace::ensureStackingOrder(const ClientList& list) const
// TODO    Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 );
    if (list.count() < 2)
        return list;
    // TODO is this worth optimizing?
    ClientList result = list;
    for (ToplevelList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.constBegin();
            it != stacking_order.constEnd();
            ++it) {
        Client *c = qobject_cast<Client*>(*it);
        if (!c) {
        if (result.removeAll(c) != 0)
    return result;

// check whether a transient should be actually kept above its mainwindow
// there may be some special cases where this rule shouldn't be enfored
bool Workspace::keepTransientAbove(const Client* mainwindow, const Client* transient)
    // #93832 - don't keep splashscreens above dialogs
    if (transient->isSplash() && mainwindow->isDialog())
        return false;
    // This is rather a hack for #76026. Don't keep non-modal dialogs above
    // the mainwindow, but only if they're group transient (since only such dialogs
    // have taskbar entry in Kicker). A proper way of doing this (both kwin and kicker)
    // needs to be found.
    if (transient->isDialog() && !transient->isModal() && transient->groupTransient())
        return false;
    // #63223 - don't keep transients above docks, because the dock is kept high,
    // and e.g. dialogs for them would be too high too
    if (mainwindow->isDock())
        return false;
    return true;

// Returns all windows in their stacking order on the root window.
ToplevelList Workspace::xStackingOrder() const
    if (!x_stacking_dirty)
        return x_stacking;
    x_stacking_dirty = false;
    Xcb::Tree tree(rootWindow());
    // use our own stacking order, not the X one, as they may differ
    foreach (Toplevel * c, stacking_order)

    if (!tree.isNull()) {
        xcb_window_t *windows = tree.children();
        const auto count = tree->children_len;
        int foundUnmanagedCount = unmanaged.count();
        for (unsigned int i = 0;
                i < count;
                ++i) {
            for (auto it = unmanaged.constBegin(); it != unmanaged.constEnd(); ++it) {
                Unmanaged *u = *it;
                if (u->window() == windows[i]) {
            if (foundUnmanagedCount == 0) {
    if (waylandServer()) {
        const auto clients = waylandServer()->internalClients();
        for (auto c: clients) {
            x_stacking << c;
    if (m_compositor) {
        const_cast< Workspace* >(this)->m_compositor->checkUnredirect();
    return x_stacking;

// Client

void Client::restackWindow(xcb_window_t above, int detail, NET::RequestSource src, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp, bool send_event)
    Client *other = 0;
    if (detail == XCB_STACK_MODE_OPPOSITE) {
        other = workspace()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, above);
        if (!other) {
        ToplevelList::const_iterator  it = workspace()->stackingOrder().constBegin(),
                                    end = workspace()->stackingOrder().constEnd();
        while (it != end) {
            if (*it == this) {
                detail = XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE;
            } else if (*it == other) {
                detail = XCB_STACK_MODE_BELOW;
    else if (detail == XCB_STACK_MODE_TOP_IF) {
        other = workspace()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, above);
        if (other && other->geometry().intersects(geometry()))
            workspace()->raiseClientRequest(this, src, timestamp);
    else if (detail == XCB_STACK_MODE_BOTTOM_IF) {
        other = workspace()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, above);
        if (other && other->geometry().intersects(geometry()))
            workspace()->lowerClientRequest(this, src, timestamp);

    if (!other)
        other = workspace()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, above);

    if (other && detail == XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE) {
        ToplevelList::const_iterator  it = workspace()->stackingOrder().constEnd(),
                                    begin = workspace()->stackingOrder().constBegin();
        while (--it != begin) {

            if (*it == other) { // the other one is top on stack
                it = begin; // invalidate
                src = NET::FromTool; // force
            Client *c = qobject_cast<Client*>(*it);

            if (!c || !(  (*it)->isNormalWindow() && c->isShown(true) &&
                    (*it)->isOnCurrentDesktop() && (*it)->isOnCurrentActivity() && (*it)->isOnScreen(screen()) ))
                continue; // irrelevant clients

            if (*(it - 1) == other)
                break; // "it" is the one above the target one, stack below "it"

        if (it != begin && (*(it - 1) == other))
            other = qobject_cast<Client*>(*it);
            other = 0;

    if (other)
        workspace()->restack(this, other);
    else if (detail == XCB_STACK_MODE_BELOW)
        workspace()->lowerClientRequest(this, src, timestamp);
    else if (detail == XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE)
        workspace()->raiseClientRequest(this, src, timestamp);

    if (send_event)

void Client::doSetKeepAbove()
    // Update states of all other windows in this group
    if (tabGroup())
        tabGroup()->updateStates(this, TabGroup::Layer);

void Client::doSetKeepBelow()
    // Update states of all other windows in this group
    if (tabGroup())
        tabGroup()->updateStates(this, TabGroup::Layer);

Layer Client::layer() const
    if (in_layer == UnknownLayer)
        const_cast< Client* >(this)->in_layer = belongsToLayer();
    return in_layer;

Layer Client::belongsToLayer() const
    // NOTICE while showingDesktop, desktops move to the AboveLayer
    // (interchangeable w/ eg. yakuake etc. which will at first remain visible)
    // and the docks move into the NotificationLayer (which is between Above- and
    // ActiveLayer, so that active fullscreen windows will still cover everything)
    // Since the desktop is also activated, nothing should be in the ActiveLayer, though
    if (isDesktop())
        return workspace()->showingDesktop() ? AboveLayer : DesktopLayer;
    if (isSplash())          // no damn annoying splashscreens
        return NormalLayer; // getting in the way of everything else
    if (isDock()) {
        if (workspace()->showingDesktop())
            return NotificationLayer;
        // slight hack for the 'allow window to cover panel' Kicker setting
        // don't move keepbelow docks below normal window, but only to the same
        // layer, so that both may be raised to cover the other
        if (keepBelow())
            return NormalLayer;
        if (keepAbove()) // slight hack for the autohiding panels
            return AboveLayer;
        return DockLayer;
    if (isOnScreenDisplay())
        return OnScreenDisplayLayer;
    if (isNotification())
        return NotificationLayer;
    if (workspace()->showingDesktop()) {
        foreach (const Client *c, group()->members()) {
            if (c->isDesktop())
                return AboveLayer;
    if (keepBelow())
        return BelowLayer;
    if (isActiveFullScreen())
        return ActiveLayer;
    if (keepAbove())
        return AboveLayer;

    return NormalLayer;

void Client::updateLayer()
    if (layer() == belongsToLayer())
    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(workspace());
    invalidateLayer(); // invalidate, will be updated when doing restacking
    for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = transients().constBegin(),
                                  end = transients().constEnd(); it != end; ++it)

bool rec_checkTransientOnTop(const ClientList &transients, const Client *topmost)
    foreach (const Client *transient, transients) {
        if (transient == topmost || rec_checkTransientOnTop(transient->transients(), topmost)) {
            return true;
    return false;

bool Client::isActiveFullScreen() const
    if (!isFullScreen())
        return false;

    const Client* ac = dynamic_cast<Client*>(workspace()->mostRecentlyActivatedClient()); // instead of activeClient() - avoids flicker
    // according to NETWM spec implementation notes suggests
    // "focused windows having state _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN" to be on the highest layer.
    // we'll also take the screen into account
    return ac && (ac == this || this->group() == ac->group() || ac->screen() != screen());

} // namespace