/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org> SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "focuschain.h" #include "window.h" #include "workspace.h" namespace KWin { void FocusChain::remove(Window *window) { for (auto it = m_desktopFocusChains.begin(); it != m_desktopFocusChains.end(); ++it) { it.value().removeAll(window); } m_mostRecentlyUsed.removeAll(window); } void FocusChain::addDesktop(VirtualDesktop *desktop) { m_desktopFocusChains.insert(desktop, Chain()); } void FocusChain::removeDesktop(VirtualDesktop *desktop) { if (m_currentDesktop == desktop) { m_currentDesktop = nullptr; } m_desktopFocusChains.remove(desktop); } Window *FocusChain::getForActivation(VirtualDesktop *desktop) const { return getForActivation(desktop, workspace()->activeOutput()); } Window *FocusChain::getForActivation(VirtualDesktop *desktop, Output *output) const { auto it = m_desktopFocusChains.constFind(desktop); if (it == m_desktopFocusChains.constEnd()) { return nullptr; } const auto &chain = it.value(); for (int i = chain.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { auto tmp = chain.at(i); // TODO: move the check into Window if (!tmp->isShade() && tmp->isShown() && tmp->isOnCurrentActivity() && (!m_separateScreenFocus || tmp->output() == output)) { return tmp; } } return nullptr; } void FocusChain::update(Window *window, FocusChain::Change change) { if (!window->wantsTabFocus()) { // Doesn't want tab focus, remove remove(window); return; } if (window->isOnAllDesktops()) { // Now on all desktops, add it to focus chains it is not already in for (auto it = m_desktopFocusChains.begin(); it != m_desktopFocusChains.end(); ++it) { auto &chain = it.value(); // Making first/last works only on current desktop, don't affect all desktops if (it.key() == m_currentDesktop && (change == MakeFirst || change == MakeLast)) { if (change == MakeFirst) { makeFirstInChain(window, chain); } else { makeLastInChain(window, chain); } } else { insertWindowIntoChain(window, chain); } } } else { // Now only on desktop, remove it anywhere else for (auto it = m_desktopFocusChains.begin(); it != m_desktopFocusChains.end(); ++it) { auto &chain = it.value(); if (window->isOnDesktop(it.key())) { updateWindowInChain(window, change, chain); } else { chain.removeAll(window); } } } // add for most recently used chain updateWindowInChain(window, change, m_mostRecentlyUsed); } void FocusChain::updateWindowInChain(Window *window, FocusChain::Change change, Chain &chain) { if (change == MakeFirst) { makeFirstInChain(window, chain); } else if (change == MakeLast) { makeLastInChain(window, chain); } else { insertWindowIntoChain(window, chain); } } void FocusChain::insertWindowIntoChain(Window *window, Chain &chain) { Q_ASSERT(!window->isDeleted()); if (chain.contains(window)) { return; } if (m_activeWindow && m_activeWindow != window && !chain.empty() && chain.last() == m_activeWindow) { // Add it after the active window chain.insert(chain.size() - 1, window); } else { // Otherwise add as the first one chain.append(window); } } void FocusChain::moveAfterWindow(Window *window, Window *reference) { Q_ASSERT(!window->isDeleted()); if (!window->wantsTabFocus()) { return; } for (auto it = m_desktopFocusChains.begin(); it != m_desktopFocusChains.end(); ++it) { if (!window->isOnDesktop(it.key())) { continue; } moveAfterWindowInChain(window, reference, it.value()); } moveAfterWindowInChain(window, reference, m_mostRecentlyUsed); } void FocusChain::moveAfterWindowInChain(Window *window, Window *reference, Chain &chain) { Q_ASSERT(!window->isDeleted()); if (!chain.contains(reference)) { return; } if (Window::belongToSameApplication(reference, window)) { chain.removeAll(window); chain.insert(chain.indexOf(reference), window); } else { chain.removeAll(window); for (int i = chain.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (Window::belongToSameApplication(reference, chain.at(i))) { chain.insert(i, window); break; } } } } Window *FocusChain::firstMostRecentlyUsed() const { if (m_mostRecentlyUsed.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } return m_mostRecentlyUsed.first(); } Window *FocusChain::nextMostRecentlyUsed(Window *reference) const { if (m_mostRecentlyUsed.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } const int index = m_mostRecentlyUsed.indexOf(reference); if (index == -1) { return m_mostRecentlyUsed.first(); } if (index == 0) { return m_mostRecentlyUsed.last(); } return m_mostRecentlyUsed.at(index - 1); } // copied from activation.cpp bool FocusChain::isUsableFocusCandidate(Window *c, Window *prev) const { return c != prev && !c->isShade() && c->isShown() && c->isOnCurrentDesktop() && c->isOnCurrentActivity() && (!m_separateScreenFocus || c->isOnOutput(prev ? prev->output() : workspace()->activeOutput())); } Window *FocusChain::nextForDesktop(Window *reference, VirtualDesktop *desktop) const { auto it = m_desktopFocusChains.constFind(desktop); if (it == m_desktopFocusChains.constEnd()) { return nullptr; } const auto &chain = it.value(); for (int i = chain.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { auto window = chain.at(i); if (isUsableFocusCandidate(window, reference)) { return window; } } return nullptr; } void FocusChain::makeFirstInChain(Window *window, Chain &chain) { Q_ASSERT(!window->isDeleted()); chain.removeAll(window); chain.append(window); } void FocusChain::makeLastInChain(Window *window, Chain &chain) { Q_ASSERT(!window->isDeleted()); chain.removeAll(window); chain.prepend(window); } bool FocusChain::contains(Window *window, VirtualDesktop *desktop) const { auto it = m_desktopFocusChains.constFind(desktop); if (it == m_desktopFocusChains.constEnd()) { return false; } return it.value().contains(window); } } // namespace #include "moc_focuschain.cpp"