 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 2008 Cédric Borgese <cedric.borgese@gmail.com>

You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.


// Include with base class for effects.
#include <kwineffects.h>

namespace KWin

struct ParameterSet;

 * Effect which wobble windows
class WobblyWindowsEffect : public Effect

        virtual ~WobblyWindowsEffect();

        virtual void reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags );
        virtual void prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time );
        virtual void prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time );
        virtual void paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data );
        virtual void postPaintScreen();
        virtual void windowUserMovedResized( EffectWindow* c, bool first, bool last );
        virtual void windowAdded( EffectWindow* w );
        virtual void windowClosed( EffectWindow* w );

        // Wobbly model parameters
        void setStiffness(qreal stiffness);
        void setDrag(qreal drag);
        void setVelocityThreshold(qreal velocityThreshold);
        void setMoveFactor(qreal factor);

        struct Pair
            qreal x;
            qreal y;

        enum WindowStatus

        static bool supported();


        void startMovedResized(EffectWindow* w);
        void stepMovedResized(EffectWindow* w);
        bool updateWindowWobblyDatas(EffectWindow* w, qreal time);

        struct WindowWobblyInfos
            Pair* origin;
            Pair* position;
            Pair* velocity;
            Pair* acceleration;
            Pair* buffer;

            // if true, the physics system moves this point based only on it "normal" destination
            // given by the window position, ignoring neighbour points.
            bool* constraint;

            unsigned int width;
            unsigned int height;
            unsigned int count;

            Pair* bezierSurface;
            unsigned int bezierWidth;
            unsigned int bezierHeight;
            unsigned int bezierCount;

            WindowStatus status;

            // for closing
            QRectF closeRect;

            // for resizing. Only sides that have moved will wobble
            bool can_wobble_top,can_wobble_left,can_wobble_right,can_wobble_bottom;
            QRect resize_original_rect;

        QHash< const EffectWindow*,  WindowWobblyInfos > windows;

        QRegion m_updateRegion;

        qreal m_stiffness;
        qreal m_drag;
        qreal m_move_factor;

        // the default tesselation for windows
        // use qreal instead of int as I really often need
        // these values as real to do divisions.
        qreal m_xTesselation;
        qreal m_yTesselation;

        qreal m_minVelocity;
        qreal m_maxVelocity;
        qreal m_stopVelocity;
        qreal m_minAcceleration;
        qreal m_maxAcceleration;
        qreal m_stopAcceleration;

        bool m_moveEffectEnabled;
        bool m_openEffectEnabled;
        bool m_closeEffectEnabled;

        bool m_moveWobble; // Expands m_moveEffectEnabled
        bool m_resizeWobble;

        void initWobblyInfo(WindowWobblyInfos& wwi, QRect geometry) const;
        void freeWobblyInfo(WindowWobblyInfos& wwi) const;
        void wobblyOpenInit(WindowWobblyInfos& wwi) const;
        void wobblyCloseInit(WindowWobblyInfos& wwi, EffectWindow* w) const;

        WobblyWindowsEffect::Pair computeBezierPoint(const WindowWobblyInfos& wwi, Pair point) const;

        static void heightRingLinearMean(Pair** data_pointer, WindowWobblyInfos& wwi);

        void setParameterSet(const ParameterSet& pset);

} // namespace KWin