/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2002 Hugo PEREIRA * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * *******************************************************************************/ /*! \file nitrogenconfiguration.cpp \brief encapsulated window decoration configuration \author Hugo Pereira \version $Revision: 1.20 $ \date $Date: 2009/07/05 20:50:42 $ */ #include #include #include #include #include "nitrogenconfiguration.h" namespace Nitrogen { //__________________________________________________ bool NitrogenConfiguration::useCompiz_; //__________________________________________________ NitrogenConfiguration::NitrogenConfiguration( void ): titleAlignment_( Qt::AlignLeft ), buttonSize_( ButtonDefault ), buttonType_( ButtonKde43 ), frameBorder_( BorderDefault ), blendColor_( RadialBlending ), showStripes_( false ), drawSeparator_( false ), overwriteColors_( true ), drawSizeGrip_( false ), useOxygenShadows_( true ) {} //__________________________________________________ NitrogenConfiguration::NitrogenConfiguration( KConfigGroup group ) { // used to set default values when entries are not found in kconfig NitrogenConfiguration defaultConfiguration; // title alignment setTitleAlignment( titleAlignment( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::TITLE_ALIGNMENT, defaultConfiguration.titleAlignmentName() ) ) ); // button size setButtonSize( buttonSize( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::BUTTON_SIZE, defaultConfiguration.buttonSizeName() ) ) ); // button type setButtonType( buttonType( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::BUTTON_TYPE, defaultConfiguration.buttonTypeName() ) ) ); // frame border setFrameBorder( frameBorder( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::FRAME_BORDER, defaultConfiguration.frameBorderName() ) ) ); // blend color setBlendColor( blendColor( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::BLEND_COLOR, defaultConfiguration.blendColorName() ) ) ); // show stripes setShowStripes( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::SHOW_STRIPES, defaultConfiguration.showStripes() ) ); // draw separator setDrawSeparator( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, defaultConfiguration.drawSeparator() ) ); // overwrite color setOverwriteColors( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::OVERWRITE_COLORS, defaultConfiguration.overwriteColors() ) ); // size grip setDrawSizeGrip( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::DRAW_SIZE_GRIP, defaultConfiguration.drawSizeGrip() ) ); // oxygen shadows setUseOxygenShadows( group.readEntry( NitrogenConfig::USE_OXYGEN_SHADOWS, defaultConfiguration.useOxygenShadows() ) ); } //__________________________________________________ bool NitrogenConfiguration::checkUseCompiz( void ) { #if KDE_IS_VERSION(4,2,92) // for some reason, org.kde.compiz does not appear // in dbus list with kde 4.3 QProcess p; p.start( "ps", QStringList() << "-A" ); p.waitForFinished(); QString output( p.readAll() ); return ( useCompiz_ = ( output.indexOf( QRegExp( "\\b(compiz)\\b" ) ) >= 0 ) ); #else QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( "org.freedesktop.compiz", "/org/freedesktop/compiz", "org.freedesktop.compiz", "getPlugins" ); QDBusMessage reply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call( message ); return ( useCompiz_ = ( reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && !reply.arguments().empty() ) ); #endif } //__________________________________________________ void NitrogenConfiguration::write( KConfigGroup& group ) const { group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::TITLE_ALIGNMENT, titleAlignmentName() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::BUTTON_SIZE, buttonSizeName() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::BUTTON_TYPE, buttonTypeName() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::BLEND_COLOR, blendColorName() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::FRAME_BORDER, frameBorderName() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::SHOW_STRIPES, showStripes() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::DRAW_SEPARATOR, drawSeparator() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::OVERWRITE_COLORS, overwriteColors() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::DRAW_SIZE_GRIP, drawSizeGrip() ); group.writeEntry( NitrogenConfig::USE_OXYGEN_SHADOWS, useOxygenShadows() ); } //__________________________________________________ QString NitrogenConfiguration::titleAlignmentName( Qt::Alignment value ) { switch( value ) { case Qt::AlignLeft: return "Left"; case Qt::AlignHCenter: return "Center"; case Qt::AlignRight: return "Right"; default: return NitrogenConfiguration().titleAlignmentName(); } return QString(); } //__________________________________________________ Qt::Alignment NitrogenConfiguration::titleAlignment( QString value ) { if (value == "Left") return Qt::AlignLeft; else if (value == "Center") return Qt::AlignHCenter; else if (value == "Right") return Qt::AlignRight; else return NitrogenConfiguration().titleAlignment(); } //__________________________________________________ QString NitrogenConfiguration::buttonSizeName( ButtonSize value ) { switch( value ) { case ButtonSmall: return "Small"; case ButtonDefault: return "Default"; case ButtonLarge: return "Large"; case ButtonHuge: return "Huge"; default: return NitrogenConfiguration().buttonSizeName(); } return QString(); } //__________________________________________________ NitrogenConfiguration::ButtonSize NitrogenConfiguration::buttonSize( QString value ) { if( value == "Small" ) return ButtonSmall; else if( value == "Default" ) return ButtonDefault; else if( value == "Large" ) return ButtonLarge; else if( value == "Huge" ) return ButtonHuge; else return NitrogenConfiguration().buttonSize(); } //__________________________________________________ QString NitrogenConfiguration::buttonTypeName( ButtonType value ) { switch( value ) { case ButtonKde42: return "KDE 4.2"; case ButtonKde43: return "KDE 4.3"; default: return NitrogenConfiguration().buttonTypeName(); } return QString(); } //__________________________________________________ NitrogenConfiguration::ButtonType NitrogenConfiguration::buttonType( QString value ) { if( value == "KDE 4.2" ) return ButtonKde42; else if( value == "KDE 4.3" ) return ButtonKde43; else return NitrogenConfiguration().buttonType(); } //__________________________________________________ QString NitrogenConfiguration::frameBorderName( FrameBorder value ) { switch( value ) { case BorderNone: return "No Border"; case BorderTiny: return "Tiny"; case BorderSmall: return "Small"; case BorderDefault: return "Default"; case BorderLarge: return "Large"; default: return NitrogenConfiguration().frameBorderName(); } return QString(); } //__________________________________________________ NitrogenConfiguration::FrameBorder NitrogenConfiguration::frameBorder( QString value ) { if( value == "No Border" ) return BorderNone; else if( value == "Tiny" ) return BorderTiny; else if( value == "Small" ) return BorderSmall; else if( value == "Default" ) return BorderDefault; else if( value == "Large" ) return BorderLarge; else return NitrogenConfiguration().frameBorder(); } //__________________________________________________ QString NitrogenConfiguration::blendColorName( BlendColorType value ) { switch( value ) { case NoBlending: return "No Blending"; case RadialBlending: return "Radial Blending"; default: return NitrogenConfiguration().blendColorName(); } return QString(); } //__________________________________________________ NitrogenConfiguration::BlendColorType NitrogenConfiguration::blendColor( QString value ) { if( value == "No Blending" ) return NoBlending; else if( value == "Radial Blending" ) return RadialBlending; else if( value == "Window Contents" ) return RadialBlending; else return NitrogenConfiguration().blendColor(); } //________________________________________________________ bool NitrogenConfiguration::operator == (const NitrogenConfiguration& other ) const { return titleAlignment() == other.titleAlignment() && buttonSize() == other.buttonSize() && buttonType() == other.buttonType() && frameBorder() == other.frameBorder() && blendColor() == other.blendColor() && showStripes() == other.showStripes() && drawSeparator() == other.drawSeparator() && overwriteColors() == other.overwriteColors() && drawSizeGrip() == other.drawSizeGrip() && useOxygenShadows() == other.useOxygenShadows(); } }