/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Martin Gräßlin SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #pragma once #include #include class QAbstractItemModel; namespace KWin { namespace TabBox { class SwitcherItem : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractItemModel *model READ model NOTIFY modelChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QRect screenGeometry READ screenGeometry NOTIFY screenGeometryChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool visible READ isVisible NOTIFY visibleChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool allDesktops READ isAllDesktops NOTIFY allDesktopsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int currentIndex READ currentIndex WRITE setCurrentIndex NOTIFY currentIndexChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool noModifierGrab READ noModifierGrab NOTIFY noModifierGrabChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool compositing READ compositing NOTIFY compositingChanged) /** * The main QML item that will be displayed in the Dialog */ Q_PROPERTY(QObject *item READ item WRITE setItem NOTIFY itemChanged) Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "item") public: SwitcherItem(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~SwitcherItem() override; QAbstractItemModel *model() const; QRect screenGeometry() const; bool isVisible() const; bool isAllDesktops() const; int currentIndex() const; void setCurrentIndex(int index); QObject *item() const; void setItem(QObject *item); bool noModifierGrab() const { return m_noModifierGrab; } bool compositing(); // for usage from outside void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model); void setAllDesktops(bool all); void setVisible(bool visible); void setNoModifierGrab(bool set); Q_SIGNALS: void visibleChanged(); void currentIndexChanged(int index); void modelChanged(); void allDesktopsChanged(); void screenGeometryChanged(); void itemChanged(); void noModifierGrabChanged(); void compositingChanged(); private: QAbstractItemModel *m_model; QObject *m_item; bool m_visible; bool m_allDesktops; int m_currentIndex; QMetaObject::Connection m_selectedIndexConnection; bool m_noModifierGrab = false; }; inline QAbstractItemModel *SwitcherItem::model() const { return m_model; } inline bool SwitcherItem::isVisible() const { return m_visible; } inline bool SwitcherItem::isAllDesktops() const { return m_allDesktops; } inline int SwitcherItem::currentIndex() const { return m_currentIndex; } inline QObject *SwitcherItem::item() const { return m_item; } } // TabBox } // KWin