/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include <QCommandLineParser> #include <QApplication> #include <kconfig.h> #include <KLocalizedString> #include <kwindowsystem.h> #include "rulebooksettings.h" #include "rulesdialog.h" #include "../../rules.h" #include <QByteArray> #include <QDBusConnection> #include <QDBusMessage> #include <QDBusPendingCallWatcher> #include <QDBusPendingReply> #include <QUuid> Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(NET::WindowType) namespace KWin { static Rules *findRule(const QVector<Rules *> &rules, const QVariantMap &data, bool whole_app) { QByteArray wmclass_class = data.value("resourceClass").toByteArray().toLower(); QByteArray wmclass_name = data.value("resourceName").toByteArray().toLower(); QByteArray role = data.value("role").toByteArray().toLower(); NET::WindowType type = data.value("type").value<NET::WindowType>(); QString title = data.value("caption").toString(); QByteArray machine = data.value("clientMachine").toByteArray(); Rules* best_match = nullptr; int match_quality = 0; for (const auto rule : rules) { // try to find an exact match, i.e. not a generic rule int quality = 0; bool generic = true; if (rule->wmclassmatch != Rules::ExactMatch) continue; // too generic if (!rule->matchWMClass(wmclass_class, wmclass_name)) continue; // from now on, it matches the app - now try to match for a specific window if (rule->wmclasscomplete) { quality += 1; generic = false; // this can be considered specific enough (old X apps) } if (!whole_app) { if (rule->windowrolematch != Rules::UnimportantMatch) { quality += rule->windowrolematch == Rules::ExactMatch ? 5 : 1; generic = false; } if (rule->titlematch != Rules::UnimportantMatch) { quality += rule->titlematch == Rules::ExactMatch ? 3 : 1; generic = false; } if (rule->types != NET::AllTypesMask) { int bits = 0; for (unsigned int bit = 1; bit < 1U << 31; bit <<= 1) if (rule->types & bit) ++bits; if (bits == 1) quality += 2; } if (generic) // ignore generic rules, use only the ones that are for this window continue; } else { if (rule->types == NET::AllTypesMask) quality += 2; } if (!rule->matchType(type) || !rule->matchRole(role) || !rule->matchTitle(title) || !rule->matchClientMachine(machine, data.value("localhost").toBool())) continue; if (quality > match_quality) { best_match = rule; match_quality = quality; } } if (best_match != nullptr) return best_match; Rules* ret = new Rules; if (whole_app) { ret->description = i18n("Application settings for %1", QString::fromLatin1(wmclass_class)); // TODO maybe exclude some types? If yes, then also exclude them above // when searching. ret->types = NET::AllTypesMask; ret->titlematch = Rules::UnimportantMatch; ret->clientmachine = machine; // set, but make unimportant ret->clientmachinematch = Rules::UnimportantMatch; ret->windowrolematch = Rules::UnimportantMatch; if (wmclass_name == wmclass_class) { ret->wmclasscomplete = false; ret->wmclass = wmclass_class; ret->wmclassmatch = Rules::ExactMatch; } else { // WM_CLASS components differ - perhaps the app got -name argument ret->wmclasscomplete = true; ret->wmclass = wmclass_name + ' ' + wmclass_class; ret->wmclassmatch = Rules::ExactMatch; } return ret; } ret->description = i18n("Window settings for %1", QString::fromLatin1(wmclass_class)); if (type == NET::Unknown) ret->types = NET::NormalMask; else ret->types = NET::WindowTypeMask( 1 << type); // convert type to its mask ret->title = title; // set, but make unimportant ret->titlematch = Rules::UnimportantMatch; ret->clientmachine = machine; // set, but make unimportant ret->clientmachinematch = Rules::UnimportantMatch; if (!role.isEmpty() && role != "unknown" && role != "unnamed") { // Qt sets this if not specified ret->windowrole = role; ret->windowrolematch = Rules::ExactMatch; if (wmclass_name == wmclass_class) { ret->wmclasscomplete = false; ret->wmclass = wmclass_class; ret->wmclassmatch = Rules::ExactMatch; } else { // WM_CLASS components differ - perhaps the app got -name argument ret->wmclasscomplete = true; ret->wmclass = wmclass_name + ' ' + wmclass_class; ret->wmclassmatch = Rules::ExactMatch; } } else { // no role set if (wmclass_name != wmclass_class) { ret->wmclasscomplete = true; ret->wmclass = wmclass_name + ' ' + wmclass_class; ret->wmclassmatch = Rules::ExactMatch; } else { // This is a window that has no role set, and both components of WM_CLASS // match (possibly only differing in case), which most likely means either // the application doesn't give a damn about distinguishing its various // windows, or it's an app that uses role for that, but this window // lacks it for some reason. Use non-complete WM_CLASS matching, also // include window title in the matching, and pray it causes many more positive // matches than negative matches. ret->titlematch = Rules::ExactMatch; ret->wmclasscomplete = false; ret->wmclass = wmclass_class; ret->wmclassmatch = Rules::ExactMatch; } } return ret; } static void edit(const QVariantMap &data, bool whole_app) { RuleBookSettings settings(KConfig::NoGlobals); QVector<Rules *> rules = settings.rules(); Rules *orig_rule = findRule(rules, data, whole_app); RulesDialog dlg; if (whole_app) dlg.setWindowTitle(i18nc("Window caption for the application wide rules dialog", "Edit Application-Specific Settings")); // dlg.edit() creates new Rules instance if edited Rules* edited_rule = dlg.edit(orig_rule, data, true); if (edited_rule == nullptr || edited_rule->isEmpty()) { rules.removeAll(orig_rule); delete orig_rule; if (orig_rule != edited_rule) delete edited_rule; } else if (edited_rule != orig_rule) { int pos = rules.indexOf(orig_rule); if (pos != -1) rules[ pos ] = edited_rule; else rules.prepend(edited_rule); delete orig_rule; } settings.setRules(rules); settings.save(); // Send signal to all kwin instances QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createSignal("/KWin", "org.kde.KWin", "reloadConfig"); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message); qApp->quit(); } } // namespace int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true); app.setApplicationDisplayName(i18n("KWin")); app.setApplicationName("kwin_rules_dialog"); app.setApplicationVersion("1.0"); bool whole_app = false; QUuid uuid; { QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription(i18n("KWin helper utility")); parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption("uuid", i18n("KWin id of the window for special window settings."), "uuid")); parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption("whole-app", i18n("Whether the settings should affect all windows of the application."))); parser.process(app); uuid = QUuid::fromString(parser.value("uuid")); whole_app = parser.isSet("whole-app"); } if (uuid.isNull()) { printf("%s\n", qPrintable(i18n("This helper utility is not supposed to be called directly."))); return 1; } QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QStringLiteral("org.kde.KWin"), QStringLiteral("/KWin"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KWin"), QStringLiteral("getWindowInfo")); message.setArguments({uuid.toString()}); QDBusPendingReply<QVariantMap> async = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall(message); QDBusPendingCallWatcher *callWatcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(async, &app); QObject::connect(callWatcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, &app, [&whole_app] (QDBusPendingCallWatcher *self) { QDBusPendingReply<QVariantMap> reply = *self; self->deleteLater(); if (!reply.isValid() || reply.value().isEmpty()) { qApp->quit(); return; } KWin::edit(reply.value(), whole_app); } ); return app.exec(); }