/* 'Web' kwin client Copyright (C) 2001 Rik Hemsley (rikkus) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include // for usleep #include #include #include #include #include #undef Bool #include #include #include #include #include "Web.h" #include "WebButton.h" #include "WebButtonHelp.h" #include "WebButtonIconify.h" #include "WebButtonClose.h" #include "WebButtonSticky.h" #include "WebButtonMaximize.h" #include "WebButtonLower.h" using namespace KWinInternal; extern "C" { Client * allocate(Workspace * ws, WId w, int tool) { return new Web(ws, w, tool != 0); } void init() { // Empty. } void reset() { // Empty. } void deinit() { // Empty. } } Web::Web(Workspace * ws, WId w, bool tool, QWidget * parent, const char * name) : Client(ws, w, parent, name, WResizeNoErase), tool_(tool), mainLayout_(0), titleSpacer_(0) { setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); KConfig c(locate("config", "kwinwebrc")); c.setGroup("General"); shape_ = c.readBoolEntry("Shape", true); _resetLayout(); leftButtonList_ .setAutoDelete(true); rightButtonList_ .setAutoDelete(true); connect(options, SIGNAL(resetClients()), this, SLOT(slotReset())); } Web::~Web() { // Empty. } void Web::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { Client::resizeEvent(e); doShape(); repaint(); } void Web::captionChange(const QString &) { repaint(); } void Web::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pe) { QRect titleRect(titleSpacer_->geometry()); titleRect.setTop(1); QPainter p(this); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.setBrush(colorGroup().background()); p.setClipRegion(pe->region() - titleRect); p.drawRect(rect()); p.setClipRegion(pe->region()); p.fillRect(titleRect, options->color(Options::TitleBar, isActive())); if (shape_) { int r(width()); int b(height()); // Draw edge of top-left corner inside the area removed by the mask. p.drawPoint(3, 1); p.drawPoint(4, 1); p.drawPoint(2, 2); p.drawPoint(1, 3); p.drawPoint(1, 4); // Draw edge of top-right corner inside the area removed by the mask. p.drawPoint(r - 5, 1); p.drawPoint(r - 4, 1); p.drawPoint(r - 3, 2); p.drawPoint(r - 2, 3); p.drawPoint(r - 2, 4); // Draw edge of bottom-left corner inside the area removed by the mask. p.drawPoint(1, b - 5); p.drawPoint(1, b - 4); p.drawPoint(2, b - 3); p.drawPoint(3, b - 2); p.drawPoint(4, b - 2); // Draw edge of bottom-right corner inside the area removed by the mask. p.drawPoint(r - 2, b - 5); p.drawPoint(r - 2, b - 4); p.drawPoint(r - 3, b - 3); p.drawPoint(r - 4, b - 2); p.drawPoint(r - 5, b - 2); } p.setFont(options->font(isActive(), tool_)); p.setPen(options->color(Options::Font, isActive())); p.drawText(titleSpacer_->geometry(), AlignCenter, caption()); } void Web::doShape() { if (!shape_) return; QRegion mask(0, 0, width(), height()); int r(width()); int b(height()); // Remove top-left corner. mask -= QRegion(0, 0, 5, 1); mask -= QRegion(0, 1, 3, 1); mask -= QRegion(0, 2, 2, 1); mask -= QRegion(0, 3, 1, 2); // Remove top-right corner. mask -= QRegion(r - 5, 0, 5, 1); mask -= QRegion(r - 3, 1, 3, 1); mask -= QRegion(r - 2, 2, 2, 1); mask -= QRegion(r - 1, 3, 1, 2); // Remove bottom-left corner. mask -= QRegion(0, b - 5, 1, 3); mask -= QRegion(0, b - 3, 2, 1); mask -= QRegion(0, b - 2, 3, 1); mask -= QRegion(0, b - 1, 5, 1); // Remove bottom-right corner. mask -= QRegion(r - 5, b - 1, 5, 1); mask -= QRegion(r - 3, b - 2, 3, 1); mask -= QRegion(r - 2, b - 3, 2, 1); mask -= QRegion(r - 1, b - 5, 1, 2); setMask(mask); } void Web::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { doShape(); repaint(); } void Web::windowWrapperShowEvent(QShowEvent *) { doShape(); repaint(); } void Web::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (titleSpacer_->geometry().contains(e->pos())) { workspace() ->performWindowOperation(this, options->operationTitlebarDblClick()); } } void Web::stickyChange(bool b) { emit(stkyChange(b)); } void Web::maximizeChange(bool b) { emit(maxChange(b)); } void Web::activeChange(bool) { repaint(); } Client::MousePosition Web::mousePosition(const QPoint & p) const { int x = p.x(); int y = p.y(); if (y < titleSpacer_->geometry().height()) { return Client::Center; } else if (y < height() - 20) { if (x < 4) return Client::Left; else return Client::Right; } else { if (x < 20) return Client::BottomLeft; else if (x > width() - 20) return Client::BottomRight; else return Client::Bottom; } return Client::mousePosition(p); } void Web::slotReset() { _resetLayout(); repaint(); } void Web::slotMaximize(int button) { switch (button) { case MidButton: maximize(MaximizeVertical); break; case RightButton: maximize(MaximizeHorizontal); break; case LeftButton: default: maximize(MaximizeFull); } } WebButton * Web::_createButton(const QString & s, QWidget * parent) { WebButton * b = 0; if (("Help" == s) && providesContextHelp()) { b = new WebButtonHelp(parent); connect(b, SIGNAL(help()), this, SLOT(contextHelp())); } else if ("Sticky" == s) { b = new WebButtonSticky(isSticky(), parent); connect(b, SIGNAL(toggleSticky()), this, SLOT(toggleSticky())); connect(this, SIGNAL(stkyChange(bool)), b, SLOT(slotStickyChange(bool))); } else if ("Iconify" == s && isMinimizable()) { b = new WebButtonIconify(parent); connect(b, SIGNAL(iconify()), this, SLOT(iconify())); } else if ("Maximize" == s && isMaximizable()) { b = new WebButtonMaximize(isMaximized(), parent); connect(b, SIGNAL(maximize(int)), this, SLOT(slotMaximize(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(maxChange(bool)), b, SLOT(slotMaximizeChange(bool))); } else if ("Close" == s) { b = new WebButtonClose(parent); connect(b, SIGNAL(closeWindow()), this, SLOT(closeWindow())); } else if ("Lower" == s) { b = new WebButtonLower(parent); connect(b, SIGNAL(lowerWindow()), this, SLOT(slotLowerWindow())); } if (0 != b) { b->setShape(shape_); } return b; } void Web::_createButtons() { leftButtonList_ .clear(); rightButtonList_ .clear(); QValueList buttonSetupLeft, buttonSetupRight; KConfig c("kwinwebrc"); QStringList buttonList; if (c.hasGroup("Buttons")) { c.setGroup("Buttons"); buttonList = c.readListEntry("Layout"); } else { buttonList << "Iconify" << "Sticky"; if (providesContextHelp()) buttonList << "Help"; buttonList << "Title"; buttonList << "Maximize" << "Close"; } QStringList::ConstIterator it(buttonList.begin()); for (; it != buttonList.end(); ++it) { QString s(*it); if ("Title" == s) break; // Move to right-side buttons. WebButton * tb = _createButton(*it, this); if (0 != tb) leftButtonList_.append(tb); } for (; it != buttonList.end(); ++it) { WebButton * tb = _createButton(*it, this); if (0 != tb) rightButtonList_.append(tb); } if (!leftButtonList_.isEmpty()) leftButtonList_.first()->setPosition(WebButton::Left); if (!rightButtonList_.isEmpty()) rightButtonList_.last()->setPosition(WebButton::Right); } void Web::_resetLayout() { // ____________________________________ // | | | | // |Xo| titleSpacer |v^| <--- topLayout // |__|______________________________|__| // | | | | // | | | | // | | windowWrapper | | // | | | | <--- midLayout // | | | | // | | | | // | |________________________________| | // |____________________________________| const uint sideMargin = 4; const uint bottomMargin = 4; const uint textVMargin = 2; QFontMetrics fm(options->font(isActive(), tool_)); uint titleHeight = QMAX(14, fm.height() + textVMargin * 2); if (0 != titleHeight % 2) titleHeight += 1; if (0 == titleSpacer_) { titleSpacer_ = new QSpacerItem ( 0, titleHeight, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); } delete mainLayout_; mainLayout_ = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- mainLayout_ = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, 0); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- QHBoxLayout * topLayout = new QHBoxLayout(mainLayout_, 0, 0); _createButtons(); // Add left-side buttons. for (QListIterator it(leftButtonList_); it.current(); ++it) { topLayout->addWidget(it.current(), Qt::AlignVCenter); topLayout->setStretchFactor(it.current(), 0); it.current()->setFixedSize(titleHeight, titleHeight); } topLayout->addItem(titleSpacer_); // Add right-side buttons. for (QListIterator it(rightButtonList_); it.current(); ++it) { topLayout->addWidget(it.current(), Qt::AlignVCenter); it.current()->setFixedSize(titleHeight, titleHeight); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- QHBoxLayout * midLayout = new QHBoxLayout(mainLayout_, 0, 0); midLayout->addSpacing(sideMargin); midLayout->addWidget(windowWrapper()); midLayout->addSpacing(sideMargin); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- mainLayout_->addSpacing(bottomMargin); // Make sure that topLayout doesn't stretch - midLayout should take // all spare space. mainLayout_->setStretchFactor(topLayout, 0); mainLayout_->setStretchFactor(midLayout, 1); } void Web::animateIconifyOrDeiconify(bool /* iconify */) { // Nice and simple ;) } #include "Web.moc" // vim:ts=2:sw=2:tw=78:set et: