////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // oxygenbutton.cpp // ------------------- // // Copyright (c) 2009 Hugo Pereira Da Costa // Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Riccardo Iaconelli // Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Casper Boemann // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "oxygenbutton.h" #include "oxygenclient.h" #include "oxygen.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Oxygen { //_______________________________________________ OxygenButton::OxygenButton(OxygenClient &parent, const QString& tip, ButtonType type): KCommonDecorationButton((::ButtonType)type, &parent), client_(parent), helper_( parent.helper() ), type_(type), colorCacheInvalid_(true), timeLine_( 200, this ) { setAutoFillBackground(false); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); { unsigned int size( client_.configuration().buttonSize() ); setFixedSize( size, size ); } setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); setToolTip(tip); timeLine_.setFrameRange( 0, 1000 ); timeLine_.setCurveShape( QTimeLine::EaseInOutCurve ); connect( &timeLine_, SIGNAL( frameChanged( int ) ), SLOT( update() ) ); connect( &timeLine_, SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( update() ) ); } //_______________________________________________ OxygenButton::~OxygenButton() {} //declare function from Oxygenclient.cpp QColor reduceContrast(const QColor &c0, const QColor &c1, double t); //_______________________________________________ QColor OxygenButton::buttonDetailColor(const QPalette &palette) { if( client_.timeLineIsRunning() ) return KColorUtils::mix( buttonDetailColor( palette, false ), buttonDetailColor( palette, true ), client_.opacity() ); else return buttonDetailColor( palette, client_.isActive() ); } //_______________________________________________ QColor OxygenButton::buttonDetailColor(const QPalette &palette, bool active) { if( active ) return palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::ButtonText); else { if (colorCacheInvalid_) { QColor ab = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Button); QColor af = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::ButtonText); QColor nb = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Button); QColor nf = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::ButtonText); colorCacheInvalid_ = false; cachedButtonDetailColor_ = reduceContrast(nb, nf, qMax(qreal(2.5), KColorUtils::contrastRatio(ab, KColorUtils::mix(ab, af, 0.4)))); } return cachedButtonDetailColor_; } } //___________________________________________________ QSize OxygenButton::sizeHint() const { unsigned int size( client_.configuration().buttonSize() ); return QSize( size, size ); } //___________________________________________________ void OxygenButton::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { KCommonDecorationButton::enterEvent(e); if (status_ != Oxygen::Pressed) status_ = Oxygen::Hovered; timeLine_.setDirection( QTimeLine::Forward ); if( !timeLineIsRunning() ) timeLine_.start(); update(); } //___________________________________________________ void OxygenButton::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { KCommonDecorationButton::leaveEvent(e); if( status_ == Oxygen::Hovered ) { timeLine_.setDirection( QTimeLine::Backward ); if( !timeLineIsRunning() ) timeLine_.start(); } status_ = Oxygen::Normal; update(); } //___________________________________________________ void OxygenButton::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { status_ = Oxygen::Pressed; update(); KCommonDecorationButton::mousePressEvent(e); } //___________________________________________________ void OxygenButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { status_ = Oxygen::Normal; update(); KCommonDecorationButton::mouseReleaseEvent(e); } //___________________________________________________ void OxygenButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setClipRect(this->rect().intersected( event->rect() ) ); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); QPalette palette = OxygenButton::palette(); if( client_.isActive() ) palette.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Active); else palette.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Inactive); // window background client_.renderWindowBackground( &painter, rect(), this, palette ); // window border if( client_.drawTitleOutline() && !client_.isMaximized() ) { client_.renderWindowBorder( &painter, rect(), this, client_.backgroundPalette( this, palette ) ); } // colors QColor color = palette.window().color(); // separator if( client_.drawSeparator() ) { client_.renderSeparator( &painter, rect(), this, color ); } // translate button up for centering if( !client_.isMaximized() ) painter.translate( 0, -1 ); // for menu button the application icon is used if (type_ == ButtonMenu) { const QPixmap& pixmap( client_.icon().pixmap( client_.configuration().iconScale() ) ); double offset = 0.5*(width()-pixmap.width() ); painter.drawPixmap(offset, offset-1, pixmap ); return; } // calculate color depending on timeline state color = buttonDetailColor(palette); QColor glow = (type_ == ButtonClose) ? KColorScheme(palette.currentColorGroup()).foreground(KColorScheme::NegativeText).color(): KColorScheme(palette.currentColorGroup()).decoration(KColorScheme::HoverColor).color(); // make glow darker glow = helper_.calcDarkColor( glow ); if( timeLineIsRunning() ) color = KColorUtils::mix( color, glow, opacity() ); else if( status_ == Oxygen::Hovered ) color = glow; // button shape color QColor bt = palette.window().color(); // draw glow on hover if( timeLineIsRunning() ) { // mixed shadow and glow for smooth transition painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, helper_.windecoButtonGlow( KColorUtils::mix( Qt::black, glow, opacity() ), (21.0*client_.configuration().buttonSize())/22)); } else if( status_ == Oxygen::Hovered ) { // glow only painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, helper_.windecoButtonGlow(glow, (21.0*client_.configuration().buttonSize())/22)); } else { // shadow only painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, helper_.windecoButtonGlow(Qt::black, (21.0*client_.configuration().buttonSize())/22)); } // draw button shape bool pressed( (status_ == Oxygen::Pressed) || ( type_ == ButtonSticky && isChecked() ) ); painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, helper_.windecoButton(bt, pressed, (21.0*client_.configuration().buttonSize())/22.0 ) ); // draw button icon painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); qreal width( 1.2 ); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter.setPen(QPen( helper_.calcLightColor( bt ), width, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); drawIcon(&painter, palette, type_); painter.translate(0,-1.5); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter.setPen(QPen(color, width, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); drawIcon(&painter, palette, type_); } //___________________________________________________ void OxygenButton::drawIcon(QPainter *painter, QPalette &palette, ButtonType &type) { painter->save(); painter->setWindow( 0, 0, 22, 22 ); QPen newPen = painter->pen(); switch(type) { case ButtonSticky: painter->drawPoint(QPointF(10.5,10.5)); break; case ButtonHelp: painter->translate(1.5, 1.5); painter->drawArc(7,5,4,4,135*16, -180*16); painter->drawArc(9,8,4,4,135*16,45*16); painter->drawPoint(9,12); painter->translate(-1.5, -1.5); break; case ButtonMin: painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5, 9.5), QPointF(10.5,12.5)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5,12.5), QPointF(13.5, 9.5)); break; case ButtonMax: switch(client_.maximizeMode()) { case OxygenClient::MaximizeRestore: case OxygenClient::MaximizeVertical: case OxygenClient::MaximizeHorizontal: painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,11.5), QPointF(10.5, 8.5)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5, 8.5), QPointF(13.5,11.5)); break; case OxygenClient::MaximizeFull: { painter->translate(1.5, 1.5); QPoint points[4] = {QPoint(9, 6), QPoint(12, 9), QPoint(9, 12), QPoint(6, 9)}; painter->drawPolygon(points, 4); painter->translate(-1.5, -1.5); break; } } break; case ButtonClose: painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,7.5), QPointF(13.5,13.5)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(13.5,7.5), QPointF( 7.5,13.5)); break; case ButtonAbove: if(isChecked()) { QPen newPen = painter->pen(); newPen.setColor(KColorScheme(palette.currentColorGroup()).decoration(KColorScheme::HoverColor).color()); painter->setPen(newPen); } painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,14), QPointF(10.5,11)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5,11), QPointF(13.5,14)); painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,10), QPointF(10.5, 7)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5, 7), QPointF(13.5,10)); break; case ButtonBelow: if(isChecked()) { QPen newPen = painter->pen(); newPen.setColor(KColorScheme(palette.currentColorGroup()).decoration(KColorScheme::HoverColor).color()); painter->setPen(newPen); } painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,11), QPointF(10.5,14)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5,14), QPointF(13.5,11)); painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5, 7), QPointF(10.5,10)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5,10), QPointF(13.5, 7)); break; case ButtonShade: if (!isChecked()) { // shade button painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5, 7.5), QPointF(10.5,10.5)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5,10.5), QPointF(13.5, 7.5)); painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,13.0), QPointF(13.5,13.0)); } else { // unshade button painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,10.5), QPointF(10.5, 7.5)); painter->drawLine(QPointF(10.5, 7.5), QPointF(13.5,10.5)); painter->drawLine(QPointF( 7.5,13.0), QPointF(13.5,13.0)); } break; default: break; } painter->restore(); return; } }