/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Lubos Lunak SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "rules.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef KCMRULES #include "client_machine.h" #include "main.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "window.h" #include "workspace.h" #endif #include "rulebooksettings.h" #include "rulesettings.h" namespace KWin { Rules::Rules() : temporary_state(0) , wmclassmatch(UnimportantMatch) , wmclasscomplete(UnimportantMatch) , windowrolematch(UnimportantMatch) , titlematch(UnimportantMatch) , clientmachinematch(UnimportantMatch) , types(NET::AllTypesMask) , placementrule(UnusedForceRule) , positionrule(UnusedSetRule) , sizerule(UnusedSetRule) , minsizerule(UnusedForceRule) , maxsizerule(UnusedForceRule) , opacityactiverule(UnusedForceRule) , opacityinactiverule(UnusedForceRule) , ignoregeometryrule(UnusedSetRule) , desktopsrule(UnusedSetRule) , screenrule(UnusedSetRule) , activityrule(UnusedSetRule) , typerule(UnusedForceRule) , maximizevertrule(UnusedSetRule) , maximizehorizrule(UnusedSetRule) , minimizerule(UnusedSetRule) , shaderule(UnusedSetRule) , skiptaskbarrule(UnusedSetRule) , skippagerrule(UnusedSetRule) , skipswitcherrule(UnusedSetRule) , aboverule(UnusedSetRule) , belowrule(UnusedSetRule) , fullscreenrule(UnusedSetRule) , noborderrule(UnusedSetRule) , decocolorrule(UnusedForceRule) , blockcompositingrule(UnusedForceRule) , fsplevelrule(UnusedForceRule) , fpplevelrule(UnusedForceRule) , acceptfocusrule(UnusedForceRule) , closeablerule(UnusedForceRule) , autogrouprule(UnusedForceRule) , autogroupfgrule(UnusedForceRule) , autogroupidrule(UnusedForceRule) , strictgeometryrule(UnusedForceRule) , shortcutrule(UnusedSetRule) , disableglobalshortcutsrule(UnusedForceRule) , desktopfilerule(UnusedSetRule) { } Rules::Rules(const QString &str, bool temporary) : temporary_state(temporary ? 2 : 0) { QTemporaryFile file; if (file.open()) { QByteArray s = str.toUtf8(); file.write(s.data(), s.length()); } file.flush(); auto cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig(file.fileName(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); RuleSettings settings(cfg, QString()); readFromSettings(&settings); if (description.isEmpty()) { description = QStringLiteral("temporary"); } } #define READ_MATCH_STRING(var, func) \ var = settings->var() func; \ var##match = static_cast(settings->var##match()) #define READ_SET_RULE(var) \ var = settings->var(); \ var##rule = static_cast(settings->var##rule()) #define READ_FORCE_RULE(var, func) \ var = func(settings->var()); \ var##rule = convertForceRule(settings->var##rule()) Rules::Rules(const RuleSettings *settings) : temporary_state(0) { readFromSettings(settings); } void Rules::readFromSettings(const RuleSettings *settings) { description = settings->description(); if (description.isEmpty()) { description = settings->descriptionLegacy(); } READ_MATCH_STRING(wmclass, .toLower()); wmclasscomplete = settings->wmclasscomplete(); READ_MATCH_STRING(windowrole, .toLower()); READ_MATCH_STRING(title, ); READ_MATCH_STRING(clientmachine, .toLower()); types = NET::WindowTypeMask(settings->types()); READ_FORCE_RULE(placement, ); READ_SET_RULE(position); READ_SET_RULE(size); if (size.isEmpty() && sizerule != static_cast(Remember)) { sizerule = UnusedSetRule; } READ_FORCE_RULE(minsize, ); if (!minsize.isValid()) { minsize = QSize(1, 1); } READ_FORCE_RULE(maxsize, ); if (maxsize.isEmpty()) { maxsize = QSize(32767, 32767); } READ_FORCE_RULE(opacityactive, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(opacityinactive, ); READ_SET_RULE(ignoregeometry); READ_SET_RULE(desktops); READ_SET_RULE(screen); READ_SET_RULE(activity); READ_FORCE_RULE(type, static_cast); if (type == NET::Unknown) { typerule = UnusedForceRule; } READ_SET_RULE(maximizevert); READ_SET_RULE(maximizehoriz); READ_SET_RULE(minimize); READ_SET_RULE(shade); READ_SET_RULE(skiptaskbar); READ_SET_RULE(skippager); READ_SET_RULE(skipswitcher); READ_SET_RULE(above); READ_SET_RULE(below); READ_SET_RULE(fullscreen); READ_SET_RULE(noborder); READ_FORCE_RULE(decocolor, getDecoColor); if (decocolor.isEmpty()) { decocolorrule = UnusedForceRule; } READ_FORCE_RULE(blockcompositing, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(fsplevel, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(fpplevel, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(acceptfocus, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(closeable, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(autogroup, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(autogroupfg, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(autogroupid, ); READ_FORCE_RULE(strictgeometry, ); READ_SET_RULE(shortcut); READ_FORCE_RULE(disableglobalshortcuts, ); READ_SET_RULE(desktopfile); } #undef READ_MATCH_STRING #undef READ_SET_RULE #undef READ_FORCE_RULE #undef READ_FORCE_RULE2 #define WRITE_MATCH_STRING(var, capital, force) \ settings->set##capital##match(var##match); \ if (!var.isEmpty() || force) { \ settings->set##capital(var); \ } #define WRITE_SET_RULE(var, capital, func) \ settings->set##capital##rule(var##rule); \ if (var##rule != UnusedSetRule) { \ settings->set##capital(func(var)); \ } #define WRITE_FORCE_RULE(var, capital, func) \ settings->set##capital##rule(var##rule); \ if (var##rule != UnusedForceRule) { \ settings->set##capital(func(var)); \ } void Rules::write(RuleSettings *settings) const { settings->setDescription(description); // always write wmclass WRITE_MATCH_STRING(wmclass, Wmclass, true); settings->setWmclasscomplete(wmclasscomplete); WRITE_MATCH_STRING(windowrole, Windowrole, false); WRITE_MATCH_STRING(title, Title, false); WRITE_MATCH_STRING(clientmachine, Clientmachine, false); settings->setTypes(types); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(placement, Placement, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(position, Position, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(size, Size, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(minsize, Minsize, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(maxsize, Maxsize, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(opacityactive, Opacityactive, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(opacityinactive, Opacityinactive, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(ignoregeometry, Ignoregeometry, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(desktops, Desktops, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(screen, Screen, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(activity, Activity, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(type, Type, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(maximizevert, Maximizevert, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(maximizehoriz, Maximizehoriz, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(minimize, Minimize, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(shade, Shade, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(skiptaskbar, Skiptaskbar, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(skippager, Skippager, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(skipswitcher, Skipswitcher, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(above, Above, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(below, Below, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(fullscreen, Fullscreen, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(noborder, Noborder, ); auto colorToString = [](const QString &value) -> QString { if (value.endsWith(QLatin1String(".colors"))) { return QFileInfo(value).baseName(); } else { return value; } }; WRITE_FORCE_RULE(decocolor, Decocolor, colorToString); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(blockcompositing, Blockcompositing, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(fsplevel, Fsplevel, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(fpplevel, Fpplevel, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(acceptfocus, Acceptfocus, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(closeable, Closeable, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(autogroup, Autogroup, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(autogroupfg, Autogroupfg, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(autogroupid, Autogroupid, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(strictgeometry, Strictgeometry, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(shortcut, Shortcut, ); WRITE_FORCE_RULE(disableglobalshortcuts, Disableglobalshortcuts, ); WRITE_SET_RULE(desktopfile, Desktopfile, ); } #undef WRITE_MATCH_STRING #undef WRITE_SET_RULE #undef WRITE_FORCE_RULE // returns true if it doesn't affect anything bool Rules::isEmpty() const { return (placementrule == UnusedForceRule && positionrule == UnusedSetRule && sizerule == UnusedSetRule && minsizerule == UnusedForceRule && maxsizerule == UnusedForceRule && opacityactiverule == UnusedForceRule && opacityinactiverule == UnusedForceRule && ignoregeometryrule == UnusedSetRule && desktopsrule == UnusedSetRule && screenrule == UnusedSetRule && activityrule == UnusedSetRule && typerule == UnusedForceRule && maximizevertrule == UnusedSetRule && maximizehorizrule == UnusedSetRule && minimizerule == UnusedSetRule && shaderule == UnusedSetRule && skiptaskbarrule == UnusedSetRule && skippagerrule == UnusedSetRule && skipswitcherrule == UnusedSetRule && aboverule == UnusedSetRule && belowrule == UnusedSetRule && fullscreenrule == UnusedSetRule && noborderrule == UnusedSetRule && decocolorrule == UnusedForceRule && blockcompositingrule == UnusedForceRule && fsplevelrule == UnusedForceRule && fpplevelrule == UnusedForceRule && acceptfocusrule == UnusedForceRule && closeablerule == UnusedForceRule && autogrouprule == UnusedForceRule && autogroupfgrule == UnusedForceRule && autogroupidrule == UnusedForceRule && strictgeometryrule == UnusedForceRule && shortcutrule == UnusedSetRule && disableglobalshortcutsrule == UnusedForceRule && desktopfilerule == UnusedSetRule); } Rules::ForceRule Rules::convertForceRule(int v) { if (v == DontAffect || v == Force || v == ForceTemporarily) { return static_cast(v); } return UnusedForceRule; } QString Rules::getDecoColor(const QString &themeName) { if (themeName.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } // find the actual scheme file return QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String("color-schemes/") + themeName + QLatin1String(".colors")); } bool Rules::matchType(NET::WindowType match_type) const { if (types != NET::AllTypesMask) { if (match_type == NET::Unknown) { match_type = NET::Normal; // NET::Unknown->NET::Normal is only here for matching } if (!NET::typeMatchesMask(match_type, types)) { return false; } } return true; } bool Rules::matchWMClass(const QString &match_class, const QString &match_name) const { if (wmclassmatch != UnimportantMatch) { // TODO optimize? QString cwmclass = wmclasscomplete ? match_name + ' ' + match_class : match_class; if (wmclassmatch == RegExpMatch && !QRegularExpression(wmclass).match(cwmclass).hasMatch()) { return false; } if (wmclassmatch == ExactMatch && wmclass != cwmclass) { return false; } if (wmclassmatch == SubstringMatch && !cwmclass.contains(wmclass)) { return false; } } return true; } bool Rules::matchRole(const QString &match_role) const { if (windowrolematch != UnimportantMatch) { if (windowrolematch == RegExpMatch && !QRegularExpression(windowrole).match(match_role).hasMatch()) { return false; } if (windowrolematch == ExactMatch && windowrole != match_role) { return false; } if (windowrolematch == SubstringMatch && !match_role.contains(windowrole)) { return false; } } return true; } bool Rules::matchTitle(const QString &match_title) const { if (titlematch != UnimportantMatch) { if (titlematch == RegExpMatch && !QRegularExpression(title).match(match_title).hasMatch()) { return false; } if (titlematch == ExactMatch && title != match_title) { return false; } if (titlematch == SubstringMatch && !match_title.contains(title)) { return false; } } return true; } bool Rules::matchClientMachine(const QString &match_machine, bool local) const { if (clientmachinematch != UnimportantMatch) { // if it's localhost, check also "localhost" before checking hostname if (match_machine != "localhost" && local && matchClientMachine("localhost", true)) { return true; } if (clientmachinematch == RegExpMatch && !QRegularExpression(clientmachine).match(match_machine).hasMatch()) { return false; } if (clientmachinematch == ExactMatch && clientmachine != match_machine) { return false; } if (clientmachinematch == SubstringMatch && !match_machine.contains(clientmachine)) { return false; } } return true; } #ifndef KCMRULES bool Rules::match(const Window *c) const { if (!matchType(c->windowType(true))) { return false; } if (!matchWMClass(c->resourceClass(), c->resourceName())) { return false; } if (!matchRole(c->windowRole().toLower())) { return false; } if (!matchClientMachine(c->clientMachine()->hostName(), c->clientMachine()->isLocal())) { return false; } if (titlematch != UnimportantMatch) { // track title changes to rematch rules QObject::connect(c, &Window::captionChanged, c, &Window::evaluateWindowRules, // QueuedConnection, because title may change before // the client is ready (could segfault!) static_cast(Qt::QueuedConnection | Qt::UniqueConnection)); } if (!matchTitle(c->captionNormal())) { return false; } return true; } #define NOW_REMEMBER(_T_, _V_) ((selection & _T_) && (_V_##rule == (SetRule)Remember)) bool Rules::update(Window *c, int selection) { // TODO check this setting is for this client ? bool updated = false; if NOW_REMEMBER (Position, position) { if (!c->isFullScreen()) { QPoint new_pos = position; // don't use the position in the direction which is maximized if ((c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal) == 0) { new_pos.setX(c->pos().x()); } if ((c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical) == 0) { new_pos.setY(c->pos().y()); } updated = updated || position != new_pos; position = new_pos; } } if NOW_REMEMBER (Size, size) { if (!c->isFullScreen()) { QSize new_size = size; // don't use the position in the direction which is maximized if ((c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal) == 0) { new_size.setWidth(c->size().width()); } if ((c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical) == 0) { new_size.setHeight(c->size().height()); } updated = updated || size != new_size; size = new_size; } } if NOW_REMEMBER (Desktops, desktops) { updated = updated || desktops != c->desktopIds(); desktops = c->desktopIds(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (Screen, screen) { updated = updated || screen != c->screen(); screen = c->screen(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (Activity, activity) { updated = updated || activity != c->activities(); activity = c->activities(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (MaximizeVert, maximizevert) { updated = updated || maximizevert != bool(c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical); maximizevert = c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical; } if NOW_REMEMBER (MaximizeHoriz, maximizehoriz) { updated = updated || maximizehoriz != bool(c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal); maximizehoriz = c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal; } if NOW_REMEMBER (Minimize, minimize) { updated = updated || minimize != c->isMinimized(); minimize = c->isMinimized(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (Shade, shade) { updated = updated || (shade != (c->shadeMode() != ShadeNone)); shade = c->shadeMode() != ShadeNone; } if NOW_REMEMBER (SkipTaskbar, skiptaskbar) { updated = updated || skiptaskbar != c->skipTaskbar(); skiptaskbar = c->skipTaskbar(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (SkipPager, skippager) { updated = updated || skippager != c->skipPager(); skippager = c->skipPager(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (SkipSwitcher, skipswitcher) { updated = updated || skipswitcher != c->skipSwitcher(); skipswitcher = c->skipSwitcher(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (Above, above) { updated = updated || above != c->keepAbove(); above = c->keepAbove(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (Below, below) { updated = updated || below != c->keepBelow(); below = c->keepBelow(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (Fullscreen, fullscreen) { updated = updated || fullscreen != c->isFullScreen(); fullscreen = c->isFullScreen(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (NoBorder, noborder) { updated = updated || noborder != c->noBorder(); noborder = c->noBorder(); } if NOW_REMEMBER (DesktopFile, desktopfile) { updated = updated || desktopfile != c->desktopFileName(); desktopfile = c->desktopFileName(); } return updated; } #undef NOW_REMEMBER #define APPLY_RULE(var, name, type) \ bool Rules::apply##name(type &arg, bool init) const \ { \ if (checkSetRule(var##rule, init)) \ arg = this->var; \ return checkSetStop(var##rule); \ } #define APPLY_FORCE_RULE(var, name, type) \ bool Rules::apply##name(type &arg) const \ { \ if (checkForceRule(var##rule)) \ arg = this->var; \ return checkForceStop(var##rule); \ } APPLY_FORCE_RULE(placement, Placement, PlacementPolicy) bool Rules::applyGeometry(QRectF &rect, bool init) const { QPointF p = rect.topLeft(); QSizeF s = rect.size(); bool ret = false; // no short-circuiting if (applyPosition(p, init)) { rect.moveTopLeft(p); ret = true; } if (applySize(s, init)) { rect.setSize(s); ret = true; } return ret; } bool Rules::applyPosition(QPointF &pos, bool init) const { if (this->position != invalidPoint && checkSetRule(positionrule, init)) { pos = this->position; } return checkSetStop(positionrule); } bool Rules::applySize(QSizeF &s, bool init) const { if (this->size.isValid() && checkSetRule(sizerule, init)) { s = this->size; } return checkSetStop(sizerule); } APPLY_FORCE_RULE(minsize, MinSize, QSizeF) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(maxsize, MaxSize, QSizeF) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(opacityactive, OpacityActive, int) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(opacityinactive, OpacityInactive, int) APPLY_RULE(ignoregeometry, IgnoreGeometry, bool) APPLY_RULE(screen, Screen, int) APPLY_RULE(activity, Activity, QStringList) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(type, Type, NET::WindowType) bool Rules::applyDesktops(QVector &vds, bool init) const { if (checkSetRule(desktopsrule, init)) { vds.clear(); for (auto id : desktops) { if (auto vd = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForId(id)) { vds << vd; } } } return checkSetStop(desktopsrule); } bool Rules::applyMaximizeHoriz(MaximizeMode &mode, bool init) const { if (checkSetRule(maximizehorizrule, init)) { mode = static_cast((maximizehoriz ? MaximizeHorizontal : 0) | (mode & MaximizeVertical)); } return checkSetStop(maximizehorizrule); } bool Rules::applyMaximizeVert(MaximizeMode &mode, bool init) const { if (checkSetRule(maximizevertrule, init)) { mode = static_cast((maximizevert ? MaximizeVertical : 0) | (mode & MaximizeHorizontal)); } return checkSetStop(maximizevertrule); } APPLY_RULE(minimize, Minimize, bool) bool Rules::applyShade(ShadeMode &sh, bool init) const { if (checkSetRule(shaderule, init)) { if (!this->shade) { sh = ShadeNone; } if (this->shade && sh == ShadeNone) { sh = ShadeNormal; } } return checkSetStop(shaderule); } APPLY_RULE(skiptaskbar, SkipTaskbar, bool) APPLY_RULE(skippager, SkipPager, bool) APPLY_RULE(skipswitcher, SkipSwitcher, bool) APPLY_RULE(above, KeepAbove, bool) APPLY_RULE(below, KeepBelow, bool) APPLY_RULE(fullscreen, FullScreen, bool) APPLY_RULE(noborder, NoBorder, bool) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(decocolor, DecoColor, QString) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(blockcompositing, BlockCompositing, bool) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(fsplevel, FSP, int) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(fpplevel, FPP, int) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(acceptfocus, AcceptFocus, bool) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(closeable, Closeable, bool) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(autogroup, Autogrouping, bool) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(autogroupfg, AutogroupInForeground, bool) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(autogroupid, AutogroupById, QString) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(strictgeometry, StrictGeometry, bool) APPLY_RULE(shortcut, Shortcut, QString) APPLY_FORCE_RULE(disableglobalshortcuts, DisableGlobalShortcuts, bool) APPLY_RULE(desktopfile, DesktopFile, QString) #undef APPLY_RULE #undef APPLY_FORCE_RULE bool Rules::isTemporary() const { return temporary_state > 0; } bool Rules::discardTemporary(bool force) { if (temporary_state == 0) { // not temporary return false; } if (force || --temporary_state == 0) { // too old delete this; return true; } return false; } #define DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(var) \ do { \ if (var##rule == (SetRule)ApplyNow || (withdrawn && var##rule == (SetRule)ForceTemporarily)) { \ var##rule = UnusedSetRule; \ changed = true; \ } \ } while (false) #define DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(var) \ do { \ if (withdrawn && var##rule == (ForceRule)ForceTemporarily) { \ var##rule = UnusedForceRule; \ changed = true; \ } \ } while (false) bool Rules::discardUsed(bool withdrawn) { bool changed = false; DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(placement); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(position); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(size); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(minsize); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(maxsize); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(opacityactive); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(opacityinactive); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(ignoregeometry); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(desktops); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(screen); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(activity); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(type); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(maximizevert); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(maximizehoriz); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(minimize); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(shade); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(skiptaskbar); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(skippager); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(skipswitcher); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(above); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(below); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(fullscreen); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(noborder); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(decocolor); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(blockcompositing); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(fsplevel); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(fpplevel); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(acceptfocus); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(closeable); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(autogroup); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(autogroupfg); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(autogroupid); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(strictgeometry); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(shortcut); DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE(disableglobalshortcuts); DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE(desktopfile); return changed; } #undef DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE #undef DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE #endif QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &stream, const Rules *r) { return stream << "[" << r->description << ":" << r->wmclass << "]"; } #ifndef KCMRULES void WindowRules::discardTemporary() { QVector::Iterator it2 = rules.begin(); for (QVector::Iterator it = rules.begin(); it != rules.end();) { if ((*it)->discardTemporary(true)) { ++it; } else { *it2++ = *it++; } } rules.erase(it2, rules.end()); } void WindowRules::update(Window *c, int selection) { bool updated = false; for (QVector::ConstIterator it = rules.constBegin(); it != rules.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->update(c, selection)) { // no short-circuiting here updated = true; } } if (updated) { workspace()->rulebook()->requestDiskStorage(); } } #define CHECK_RULE(rule, type) \ type WindowRules::check##rule(type arg, bool init) const \ { \ if (rules.count() == 0) \ return arg; \ type ret = arg; \ for (QVector::ConstIterator it = rules.constBegin(); \ it != rules.constEnd(); \ ++it) { \ if ((*it)->apply##rule(ret, init)) \ break; \ } \ return ret; \ } #define CHECK_FORCE_RULE(rule, type) \ type WindowRules::check##rule(type arg) const \ { \ if (rules.count() == 0) \ return arg; \ type ret = arg; \ for (QVector::ConstIterator it = rules.begin(); \ it != rules.end(); \ ++it) { \ if ((*it)->apply##rule(ret)) \ break; \ } \ return ret; \ } CHECK_FORCE_RULE(Placement, PlacementPolicy) QRectF WindowRules::checkGeometry(QRectF rect, bool init) const { return QRectF(checkPosition(rect.topLeft(), init), checkSize(rect.size(), init)); } CHECK_RULE(Position, QPointF) CHECK_RULE(Size, QSizeF) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(MinSize, QSizeF) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(MaxSize, QSizeF) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(OpacityActive, int) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(OpacityInactive, int) CHECK_RULE(IgnoreGeometry, bool) CHECK_RULE(Desktops, QVector) CHECK_RULE(Activity, QStringList) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(Type, NET::WindowType) CHECK_RULE(MaximizeVert, MaximizeMode) CHECK_RULE(MaximizeHoriz, MaximizeMode) MaximizeMode WindowRules::checkMaximize(MaximizeMode mode, bool init) const { bool vert = checkMaximizeVert(mode, init) & MaximizeVertical; bool horiz = checkMaximizeHoriz(mode, init) & MaximizeHorizontal; return static_cast((vert ? MaximizeVertical : 0) | (horiz ? MaximizeHorizontal : 0)); } Output *WindowRules::checkOutput(Output *output, bool init) const { if (rules.isEmpty()) { return output; } int ret = workspace()->outputs().indexOf(output); for (Rules *rule : rules) { if (rule->applyScreen(ret, init)) { break; } } Output *ruleOutput = workspace()->outputs().value(ret); return ruleOutput ? ruleOutput : output; } CHECK_RULE(Minimize, bool) CHECK_RULE(Shade, ShadeMode) CHECK_RULE(SkipTaskbar, bool) CHECK_RULE(SkipPager, bool) CHECK_RULE(SkipSwitcher, bool) CHECK_RULE(KeepAbove, bool) CHECK_RULE(KeepBelow, bool) CHECK_RULE(FullScreen, bool) CHECK_RULE(NoBorder, bool) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(DecoColor, QString) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(BlockCompositing, bool) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(FSP, int) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(FPP, int) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(AcceptFocus, bool) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(Closeable, bool) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(Autogrouping, bool) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(AutogroupInForeground, bool) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(AutogroupById, QString) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(StrictGeometry, bool) CHECK_RULE(Shortcut, QString) CHECK_FORCE_RULE(DisableGlobalShortcuts, bool) CHECK_RULE(DesktopFile, QString) #undef CHECK_RULE #undef CHECK_FORCE_RULE RuleBook::RuleBook() : m_updateTimer(new QTimer(this)) , m_updatesDisabled(false) , m_temporaryRulesMessages() { initializeX11(); connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionChanged, this, &RuleBook::initializeX11); connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionAboutToBeDestroyed, this, &RuleBook::cleanupX11); connect(m_updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &RuleBook::save); m_updateTimer->setInterval(1000); m_updateTimer->setSingleShot(true); } RuleBook::~RuleBook() { save(); deleteAll(); } void RuleBook::initializeX11() { auto c = kwinApp()->x11Connection(); if (!c) { return; } m_temporaryRulesMessages.reset(new KXMessages(c, kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), "_KDE_NET_WM_TEMPORARY_RULES", nullptr)); connect(m_temporaryRulesMessages.get(), &KXMessages::gotMessage, this, &RuleBook::temporaryRulesMessage); } void RuleBook::cleanupX11() { m_temporaryRulesMessages.reset(); } void RuleBook::deleteAll() { qDeleteAll(m_rules); m_rules.clear(); } WindowRules RuleBook::find(const Window *c, bool ignore_temporary) { QVector ret; for (QList::Iterator it = m_rules.begin(); it != m_rules.end();) { if (ignore_temporary && (*it)->isTemporary()) { ++it; continue; } if ((*it)->match(c)) { Rules *rule = *it; qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Rule found:" << rule << ":" << c; if (rule->isTemporary()) { it = m_rules.erase(it); } else { ++it; } ret.append(rule); continue; } ++it; } return WindowRules(ret); } void RuleBook::edit(Window *c, bool whole_app) { save(); QStringList args; args << QStringLiteral("--uuid") << c->internalId().toString(); if (whole_app) { args << QStringLiteral("--whole-app"); } QProcess *p = new QProcess(this); p->setArguments(args); p->setProcessEnvironment(kwinApp()->processStartupEnvironment()); const QFileInfo buildDirBinary{QDir{QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()}, QStringLiteral("kwin_rules_dialog")}; p->setProgram(buildDirBinary.exists() ? buildDirBinary.absoluteFilePath() : QStringLiteral(KWIN_RULES_DIALOG_BIN)); p->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); connect(p, static_cast(&QProcess::finished), p, &QProcess::deleteLater); connect(p, &QProcess::errorOccurred, this, [p](QProcess::ProcessError e) { if (e == QProcess::FailedToStart) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Failed to start" << p->program(); } }); p->start(); } void RuleBook::load() { deleteAll(); if (!m_config) { m_config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral(KWIN_NAME "rulesrc"), KConfig::NoGlobals); } else { m_config->reparseConfiguration(); } RuleBookSettings book(m_config); book.load(); m_rules = book.rules().toList(); } void RuleBook::save() { m_updateTimer->stop(); if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KWIN_CORE) << "RuleBook::save invoked without prior invocation of RuleBook::load"; return; } QVector filteredRules; for (const auto &rule : qAsConst(m_rules)) { if (!rule->isTemporary()) { filteredRules.append(rule); } } RuleBookSettings settings(m_config); settings.setRules(filteredRules); settings.save(); } void RuleBook::temporaryRulesMessage(const QString &message) { bool was_temporary = false; for (QList::ConstIterator it = m_rules.constBegin(); it != m_rules.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isTemporary()) { was_temporary = true; } } Rules *rule = new Rules(message, true); m_rules.prepend(rule); // highest priority first if (!was_temporary) { QTimer::singleShot(60000, this, &RuleBook::cleanupTemporaryRules); } } void RuleBook::cleanupTemporaryRules() { bool has_temporary = false; for (QList::Iterator it = m_rules.begin(); it != m_rules.end();) { if ((*it)->discardTemporary(false)) { // deletes (*it) it = m_rules.erase(it); } else { if ((*it)->isTemporary()) { has_temporary = true; } ++it; } } if (has_temporary) { QTimer::singleShot(60000, this, &RuleBook::cleanupTemporaryRules); } } void RuleBook::discardUsed(Window *c, bool withdrawn) { bool updated = false; for (QList::Iterator it = m_rules.begin(); it != m_rules.end();) { if (c->rules()->contains(*it)) { if ((*it)->discardUsed(withdrawn)) { updated = true; } if ((*it)->isEmpty()) { c->removeRule(*it); Rules *r = *it; it = m_rules.erase(it); delete r; continue; } } ++it; } if (updated) { requestDiskStorage(); } } void RuleBook::requestDiskStorage() { m_updateTimer->start(); } void RuleBook::setUpdatesDisabled(bool disable) { m_updatesDisabled = disable; if (!disable) { const auto clients = Workspace::self()->allClientList(); for (Window *c : clients) { c->updateWindowRules(Rules::All); } } } #endif } // namespace