 * $Id$
 *	This file contains the quartz configuration widget
 *	Copyright (c) 2001
 *		Karol Szwed <gallium@kde.org>
 *		http://gallium.n3.net/

#include "config.h"
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <klocale.h>

extern "C"
	QObject* allocate_config( KConfig* conf, QWidget* parent )
		return(new QuartzConfig(conf, parent));

/* NOTE: 
 * 'conf' 	is a pointer to the kwindecoration modules open kwin config,
 *			and is by default set to the "Style" group.
 * 'parent'	is the parent of the QObject, which is a VBox inside the
 *			Configure tab in kwindecoration

QuartzConfig::QuartzConfig( KConfig* conf, QWidget* parent )
	: QObject( parent )
	quartzConfig = new KConfig("kwinquartzrc");
	gb = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, 
						i18n("Decoration Settings"), parent );
	cbColorBorder = new QCheckBox( 
						i18n("Draw window frames using &titlebar colors"), gb );
	QWhatsThis::add( cbColorBorder, 
						i18n("When selected, the window decoration borders "
						"are drawn using the titlebar colors. Otherwise, they are "
						"drawn using normal border colors instead.") );
	// Load configuration options
	load( conf );

	// Ensure we track user changes properly
	connect( cbColorBorder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) );

	// Make the widgets visible in kwindecoration

	delete cbColorBorder;
	delete gb;
	delete quartzConfig;

void QuartzConfig::slotSelectionChanged()
	emit changed();

// Loads the configurable options from the kwinrc config file
// It is passed the open config from kwindecoration to improve efficiency
void QuartzConfig::load( KConfig* conf )
	bool override = quartzConfig->readBoolEntry( "UseTitleBarBorderColors", true );
	cbColorBorder->setChecked( override );

// Saves the configurable options to the kwinrc config file
void QuartzConfig::save( KConfig* conf )
	quartzConfig->writeEntry( "UseTitleBarBorderColors", cbColorBorder->isChecked() );
	// Ensure others trying to read this config get updated

// Sets UI widget defaults which must correspond to style defaults
void QuartzConfig::defaults()
	cbColorBorder->setChecked( true );

#include "config.moc"
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